

"Excuse me, young lady?" He had suddenly flared up," Could you repeat what you just said? "

" All I'm saying, sir is that I deserve to be in Alan Brailsford's class than she does. "

" Under whose authority! "The principal suddenly sprang up on his feet and banged the table so loud that they all flinched back in fear.

" Please excuse her, Sir, "Her father tried to plead on her behalf ."Please forgive her."

"To think about it, Mr Spencer, I think you should learn to show your kids better manners before you bring them to such a school. Do you really expect me to condone such in the future?"

" No, sir. "

" Then tell her to mind her boundaries next time. Otherwise she'll know why I am called Principal Sternwood. "

" Certainly, sir. I will surely do just that . "

" You better, "Said Principal Sternwood as he reached out for his phone. He made two phone calls, each summoning two different people into the office.

As soon as he was done with the calls, the door opened and two ladies walked in.

" You called, sir, "One of them said. Susanna recognized her. It was Enid.

" Yes, I need you two to escort these girls to their classes respectively. Also give them a copy of school rules and the map of the school. "

" Okay, sir. "

" Enid? Please escort Susanna to her class, "He said," And you Sinclair, take Georgina. "

Then he turned to their father," Nice meeting with you, Mr Spencer. "

His voice was cold.

" It has been my pleasure, Mr Sternwood. "

As Susanna was being escorted to her class, her mind was carried away. Why did Georgina pull out the scuffle at the principal's office? Why did she not deserve to be in Alan Brailsford's class? Deserve? Was that really the word she deserved? But who the hell was he? A god or something?

But then, she thought, who was Georgina but a lousy and jealous witch?

"Hey, are you okay?" Enid asked her.

"Yeah," Susanna replied, "Why?"

"You don't look like it," Enid said.

"I don't?"

"Indeed. You don't seem to be in good terms with your sister, do you?"

"Stepsister," Susanna clarified, "And yes, we've always been in bad terms."

"What did she do this time?"

"She says I'm not 'worthy' to be in Alan Brailsford's class. I mean, who the hell is he?"

Enid chuckled, "No way, you haven't heard of him?"

"She actually made me know of him, through her constant talks."

"You surprise me the more, Susanna," Enid said smiling, "Alan is the hottest guy in school. He's rich and handsome, really handsome. His father is the owner of Accenture . "

" I think someone told me something like that. But Is that why he's so famous? "

" Yeah, he's famous than most celebrities in the whole of America. "

" Oh, no wonder girls are so worked up over him. "

Enid chuckled," Oh yes they're but you Susanna, are one of a kind. You are the first of your type I'm seeing in this school. Where are you from anyway, Mars? "

"What'd you mean?"

"Your strain to be yourself. It's amazing. And I'll support it, always be yourself."

"Thanks," Susanna smiled, though she didn't understand completely what she meant.

"I'll leave you here," Enid said as they arrived at a long hallway, "Your class is at the end. Have fun, Susanna."

"You too, Enid," Susanna said as she smiled at Enid who was already leaving.

As soon as she had left, Susanna turned and faced the long hallway, horror written on her face. She was about to do one of the things she adorably hated.

It was clear on her diary that this was on the top ten list of the things she hated; reporting to a new school mid semester.

But this one was worse. This was a school full of rich kids. How would she really cope up? She sighed as she already missed her old school in Baltimore.

Slowly but carefully, she began to make her way to her class, careful enough not to make noise with her shoes. She felt as though they were suddenly louder and much clumsier.

Nothing to worry about, she comforted herself as she slowly approached her designated class.

Grade 12a stood proudly on top of the huge mahogany door.

Then fear overwhelmed her as she spotted a teacher inside the open class.

Damn, she thought, how will I even start?

She was really bad at knocking doors. She had once been taken in for detention for banging her old Principal's office. He'd been a jerk, anyway.

Was this bound to happen again? She wondered silently as she forced her right arm to the glass door for a knock.

Her knock was received with a smuggled look from the teacher inside. She seemed displeased at her interruption;the sneer on her face told it all.

"From whence does thee cometh from, young lady?"

Came the shrubby voice of the old woman who seemed to be in her late sixties.

Oh, God, she thought, don't tell me I joined King James high school.

"I am.... New here, miss," she said meekly, trying as much as possible to hide the reaction spewing and churning inside her mind .

"Well in that case," She said, " I will have to let you in."

Susanna slowly walked inside the class, head down to avoid the glares from the students. Glares were on the top three things she hated on her diary. She just couldn't stand them.

She stood suddenly and allowed her eyes to skim for a seat. All seemed occupied except for five of them. Next to one of the empty seats on the Left column, she spotted someone she knew.

Della. Her heart gladdened.

At least there was someone she knew. She wasn't a total stranger to everyone after all.

She began to make her way towards it when a voice stopped her. "Look for another seat, young lady. That one belongs to Someone else."

It was the teacher. Susanna immediately felt instant hate for her.

The seat looked completely uninhabited by anybody.

Who the hell was sitting on it? She thought as she again skimmed across for the other remaining seats. There were two seats in the middle column which were empty. She opted for one of them and sat down.

She heaved a sigh of relief as she felt all attention turned from her to the teacher.

That wasn't so bad, she told herself laughing inwardly.

The moment of celebration didn't however take long as she heard the cold voice of the teacher say again, "Would you mind to introduce yourself?"

Of course I would mind, she said this inwardly as she hesitantly stood.

She gulped hard as she struggled to find her bearing of words.

"I'm Susanna Dewell."

Wait, just that? She asked herself.

"Is that all, New girl?" A voice rang out from the students.

" She strikes me as someone on schorlaship, anyway,"

Another student said with a chuckle.

" Give us the name of your company, bitch! "

" George, "Growled the teacher," Mind thy language. "

Then Susanna heard someone step in for her. It was Della.

" I know her, "She said," Susanna is strikingly rich, it's just that she is a shy one not used to many people but used to exorbitant homeschooling. It's her first time actually in a school and you know what? She's just about to make a difference in this school. "

Was all that necessary? Susanna wondered happily as she sat down. She arched her face towards Della with a thank you smile.

" Well, Thank you, Prophetess Della. She will indeed make a difference, "The teacher's voice rang out before she turned to Susanna," Call me Miss Jessica. Best french teacher in the school. Any questions? "

Just one, do you always frown? Susanna felt like asking this question but rather held it in and slowly shook her head.

" As I expected, "Miss Jessica said as she started to pack her books, "See you next lesson, students."

Then she left the class.

As soon as she left, the students began to talk among themselves while Susanna quietly focused herself on an open book in front of her . However, her mind was completely far away and not just in the book.

Then her eyes were attracted to the door after some murmurs were directed towards it.

"It's Alan," She heard the girl seated in front of her say excitedly.

She turned to the door.

At the door stood three guys who were walking in majestically.

In the middle was one who Susanna assumed to be Alan.

She couldn't deny it, the guy was completely handsome.

His eyes were royal blue and his curly hair was brown in color. His pink lips instantly made Susanna to imagine kissing them. She shook herself .What the hell are you thinking, she scolded herself.

Then suddenly, almost unintentionally and coincidentally, their eyes met.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

James_Kenolycreators' thoughts