
A Reunion in the Park

At 'Head to Traid' he found a wide selection of clothes, and some Army-style jackets. He bought a jacket. With dyed hair, billed cap and jacket it was hard to recognize him as Harry Potter. He also found a pair of cheap sunglasses. He then paid for the items and made his way back to the warehouse.

Early the next morning, Harry, in his Evan persona, walked into the park near Hermione's home. He saw her there, sitting on the swing, gently pushing the swing with her legs firmly planted onto the ground, looking around surreptitiously. He walked up to her and hesitantly said "Hey there. You OK?". Hermione's head snapped sharply around looking into his eyes – she knew that voice! Then she leapt up and grabbed him into a bear of a hug.

"You're here! You're here!" she whispered, shedding tears onto his shoulder. "I've really missed you Hermione. After escaping the Ministry I holed up in some warehouse. I was soooo angry. Hedwig reminded me there were a few people I could rely on. One of the most important ones was you." Harry said. Hermione hugged him tighter and said "I missed you too! I was so scared when the Headmaster told us you had been obliviated and dropped off somewhere in England. I couldn't breathe and just wanted to go home. Did you know Ron couldn't wait to ask for your broom? Ginny wanted your jersey." She said.

They spent the next two hours talking. "You know, Harry. If you want to really throw everybody off, you should get some brown contact lenses." Harry described to Hermione how the .... went, the research of his "new" name, and bonding with Dobby. Harry wanted to remain in contact with Hermione when she went back to Hogwarts, but wanted to make sure no one would suspect he was actually Harry. They also discussed a backstory to how they met. Hermione's spin was that she was in the park moping about her friend Harry, when Evan Fenix saw her and asked her if she was OK. Their "story" pretty much mimicked real life. Hermione also suggested Harry try hiding his identity using the Fidelius charm, reminding him to limit the number of people who would need to know.

Although he had no wand, Harry would begin practicing the Fidelius charm that very evening – they had read up on the theory back at Grimmauld Place. His plan was to begin with a painted pebble and work his way up.


August 14, 1995. It was later that day that Harry's alter ego, Evan Fenix was sitting inside a fish-and-chips store eating a late lunch and contemplating what his next steps were going to be. Sporting his newly purchased brown contact lenses, and some of the "new" second-hand clothes (that actually fit him), he felt like a new person. While he knew it was unlikely people from the wizarding world would send him letters (as he was banished), he was concerned Death Eaters might use that method to find him. He needed to ensure nobody from the wizarding world (except Hermione) could contact him or find him.

He understood that the Fidelius would accomplish a lot of that, but until then, he needed an alternative. Harry remembered the owl-ward he and Hermione found at Sirius' house. He asked Dobby if he could ward him against owls, and to get some books on basic warding including security warding, owl-mail warding (in case he had to reapply a ward), anti-muggle warding, and some books on evasion and disguise.

He also recognized magical medicine, aka potions and healing magic were quicker than non-magical methods; so, Harry asked Dobby to also find books on making basic potions for the household, potion-making techniques and reactions. He also asked Dobby to secretly talk to Hermione to ask her for any recommendations of books she might think were helpful. Lastly, Harry asked Dobby to canvass books stores for books on defense of any nature (light or dark) and buy any other helpful books he could think of and find.

On his way back to the warehouse, Harry passed by a recruitment office and went in. The recruitment officer described the main branches of the military with Harry, to see where he might fit in. Harry ultimately chose to go into the Royal Marines. The recruitment officer took one look at "Evan's" scrawny body and told him he would need to get into shape for the Royal Marines Commando Pre-joining Fitness Test (better known as the PJFT).

He recommended "Evan" watch any of the movies Rocky I through IV and start training. The recruiter told Evan he would need to be tireless running 5km in 20 minutes, be able to do 100 sit-ups in two minutes, 100 push-ups in 2 minutes and then swim 500 meters in under 10 minutes. The trick was that the Marine instructors allow only 2 minutes rest between each exercise. Then they allow a 15 minute rest and repeat twice more. If at the end of six weeks intensive training Evan still wanted to go into the RMCs, he should come back in and the recruiter would sign him up.


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