
Chapter 10

Arthur saw Alice Cullen turn her head towards him almost as soon as she came into the cafeteria and then a moment later start walking toward him.

'What does she want from me now?' Arthur thought almost immediately.

He made sure to keep his thoughts clean, thankfully he had the ability to not think about certain things when he wanted to.

That was a lifesaver when there was a vampire telepath around.

*Step* *step* *step*

It didn't take more than a few seconds for Alice to arrive in front of him.

"Hello, Arthur!" Alice said with an excited tone as she waved her hand at Arthur.

"Hello," Arthur replied, his tone much more dull as he looked at her for a brief moment.

And then it was silence as Alice just stared at Arthur, clearly expecting him to ask her a question.

'She wants me to ask her why she's talking to me isn't she.' Arthur thought before releasing a sigh inwardly.

"So why are you here Alice?" Arthur questioned, deciding to get this over with as Alice clearly wasn't going to talk until he asked her.

"I'm glad you asked, so I wanted to invite you to our table," Alice said as she motioned toward a table at the end of the cafeteria where the Cullens were sitting.

Turning his head to gaze at them, Arthur saw Emmet, the large vampire give him a huge wave whilst he had a shit-eating grin on his face.

Turning his head to face Alice once more, he shook his head.

"No thanks, I like being alone."

"Great! Uh, wait what!" Alice fumbled over her words as her eyes grew wide.

"Yeah, bye-bye Alice," Arthur said before turning his head towards his book and continuing where he left off before the Cullens came into the cafeteria.

"Okay, see you later than Arthur," Alice said after a few moments of simply staring at the boy in front of her.

Turning around, she walked to the Cullen table where Emmet was waiting for her.

This was the perfect time to joke about how she got rejected after all.

"Emmet if you say a word, I'm ripping your head off," Alice said before the boy could even open his mouth.

Emmet simply raised his hand to his mouth and made a zipping motion as if he was closing his mouth.


Alice released a long-winded sigh as she turned her head to glance at Arthur.

Minutes passed by and soon enough the lunch break ended and the school bells rang, signaling the start of the classes once more.

Getting up from his seat in the cafeteria, Arthur grabbed his book and headed outside of the hall and toward his next class.

'English' Arthur thought as he walked back toward his classroom.

In the middle of the hall, just before he could arrive, Arthur had to stop as his eyes widened.

'I forgot my backpack' Arthur thought as he quickly turned around and speed walked towards his Physics classroom.

Arriving there after around two minutes, Arthur found that classes had already started.

*Knock* *Knock*

Knocking on the door, he quickly heard the professor calling him inside.

"Hello Professor, I forgot my backpack where could I get it please?" Arthur asked before receiving a quick yes.

Nodding his head, Arthur gave a thanks politely before turning his head to look for his backpack.

He quickly found it, it was in his next to where he had sat during the hour.

In his seat, however, was Alice Cullen.

'Is my luck trying to fuck with me today?' Arthur thought as he gave her a glance before lowering his eyes and simply walking to grab his backpack.

Deciding to simply ignore her and get out of the classroom.

"I didn't let anyone touch it." 

Hearing her words, Arthur felt the need to release another sigh.

Lifting his head, Arthur gave a quick nod.

"Thanks, Alice." He said before grabbing the backpack and turning around before heading out of the classroom after giving the professor another thank you.

Closing the door behind him, Arthur turned toward the other direction from where he had come from and started walking.

'I probably won't even be allowed in the classroom since I'm late, might just use this time to wash my clothes.' Arthur thought as he headed towards the Janitor cleaning room.

Inside of it was a clothes washing machine which rarely anyone used besides the janitor and he only did once a month to clean his own uniform.

Arriving in front of the room, Arthur quickly looked left and right to see if anyone was around before placing his ear on the door and checking to see if he could hear if anyone was inside.

Hearing nothing and seeing no one around him, he quickly headed into the room and placed his clothes into the washing machine.

'Thirty minutes, they will be done before the class hour is over.' Arthur thought with a slight nod of his head as he pressed the button and the washing machine started its process immediately.

It caused a loud noise however considering that everyone was in the class or in the professor's staff room, no one would hear it.

As for the janitor? He usually just hung around in the staff room as well considering he could drink free tea in there.

Lowering himself down, Arthur sat on the floor as he waited.

As his thoughts wandered he was interrupted by a voice.

"Skipping class?"

Arthur's eyes widened as he quickly raised his head to look at who it had been that had talked.

It was Alice once more.

'Now I know for sure that she's stalking me.' Arthur thought as he nodded his head.

"Yeah, I don't like English class and I already learned everything that was in the textbook, it's just a waste of time to head in there," Arthur said causing the girl to release a giggle as she looked at him.

"Right and so you decided it was more productive to wash your clothes?"

'Ah fuck.'


Here's the chapter, thanks a lot for reading and I hope you are enjoying the story.

If you want to read chapters ahead of public release then check out my Patreon at: Patreon.com/WhiteAuthor

As always Lots of Love

