
Chapter 1

Poland, 2005

She is powerless. With disappointment in her eyes, she stares at her father, who throws her things out of the closet without restraint. Clothes fly all over the room, and in the middle lies the red suitcase he brought moments earlier so she could pack. He's not going to do it, so he ends up going into a rage — trying to get her ready to leave on her own. The teenager is hurt that her dad doesn't believe her, even though she tries to explain to him that she had nothing to do with stealing the money. He is stubbornly blinded by his fiancée and her daughter, Victoria, who plays the angel, while in fact the devil slumbers inside her. Only Sara knows the true face of the girl, and since she moved in, she has tried to make her life miserable. Every time, she blames everything she overdoes on her, and her father believes her. Victoria pretends to be a sweet and innocent girl in front of adults, which is why everyone adores her.

The truth is that it is Sara who is a good child, but a mistake from the past made her dad lose trust in her. She was never assertive, so it was hard for her to deal with the environment. People took advantage of this, especially certain girls made her a scapegoat. She was unable to defend herself. She was young and naive. Furthermore, she was afraid, so she obeyed their commands, and when they started to intimidate her, then she had no choice. They knew her father was rich, so they tried to take advantage of that. Every day, when she came to school, she gave them money. At first, there was no indication that it was her doing, so the blame was put on the housekeeper. In time, it all came out anyway, however, she didn't admit to her dad why she was doing it. She was so stupid that she was afraid to expose them, so she took all the blame. It was the worst time in her life, and from then on, her father began to look at her as a criminal. She was ashamed, exactly like now.

- Stop staring at me with that pitiful gaze, I have already made up my mind. I've had enough of your behavior. You promised never to do it again, but I knew it was a matter of time. Thievery cannot be cured, especially when money is still at hand. I've had enough, Sara," he claims, looking at her angrier than ever. When she did it the first time he was more disappointed than angry, but now he looks like he feels like hitting his daughter, even though the girl is innocent. - I found the perfect place for you. It's a center for troubled youth. I've heard many favorable reviews about it, and I know that kids who leave this place change dramatically. It is a center connected to a school, so don't think to yourself that I am kicking you out. I'm investing a lot of money in you. You will still be grateful to me," he adds as the girl wipes tears from her cheeks. - Pack your bags, in half an hour I want to see you ready.

- Dad, I beg you, after all, I have done nothing wrong," she whispers in a broken voice.

- If you think that stealing from your father is nothing wrong, then it's worse with you than I thought," he says, measuring her with his eyes. - End of discussion. I've decided Sara, I'm sending you to this center so that you can finally come to your senses. I would rather not have a criminal in my house. This is where it starts.

- But... - She is unable to defend herself because her father leaves the room. She crouches on the floor and pulls his nose. She begins to collect the scattered clothes. Furthermore, she arranges them in a suitcase, and when everything is ready, she closes it and sits down by the bed. She has nothing to say. She has to respect her father's decision, even though he is clearly trying to get rid of her from the house. Now that she has a new family, she is an unnecessary burden to him.

Here's the thing.

The door opens wide and Victoria stands in the threshold. She enters the room and smiles under her breath.

Sara has an irresistible urge to punch her in the face, but she is not one of those people who solve things with aggression.

- Our poor, innocent Sara. Even her father doesn't believe her. It must hurt, right? To live with the thought that he wants to get rid of you from home to start over with a new family. It's so cruel and unfair," she says, and a mischievous smile appears on her face. - But true," she finishes. She walks over to the window and leans against the sill. With her fingers, she plucks a flower that stands in a vase. - I have always liked this room. I will be happy to take care of it in your absence, sister.

Sara tightens her lips and closes her eyelids, trying to ignore her words.

- I found out that it was your mother who chose the decor, that's why it's still so childish. It's ridiculous to be seventeen years old and have pink elephant wallpaper. Grow up girl, this is no souvenir. Life goes on," she claims with derision in her voice. He proudly strolls around the room and looks down at Sarah.

- Stop playing the lady, because before your mother met my father, you were nothing," she whispers, and the dyed blonde stops mid-step and angrily squints her eyes. She looks at the girl carefully for a moment, then kicks her in the leg.

She curves her lips in a mischievous smile.

- In life you have to be canny. This is what I learned from my mother. - She remains silent for a moment, then continues her statement. - And what did you learn from yours? Oh dear, I forgot. After all, you didn't have time, because she died before you finished kindergarten. It's so sad," she giggles cheekily, and then Sara can't stand it. Although she has never raised her hand against a man, now she can't let this idiot make fun of her mother. This is too much already.

She gets up from the floor and walks over to her, then tugs her by the hair. The blonde is surprised by this sudden attack, as she starts screaming. Sara can't fight back, so he tries to pull her hair.

This is the first time she doesn't regret her decision. Victoria deserved much worse treatment.

The girls' parents enter the room. The father pulls his daughter away from Victoria and tries to calm her down, but seeing that it doesn't work, he slaps her. For the first time in her life, he raises his hand against her.

The stunned teenager paws at the burning spot, and Victoria hugs her mother, pretending to cry. Sara realizes just then that any place would be better than this. This is no longer her home — not the one she knew and grew up in.

- Get your things, and I'll see you in the car in a minute," the man declares. He leads Victoria and her mother out of the room.

The 17-year-old looks at him with tears in her eyes, then takes her suitcase and obediently leaves the room. Before closing the door, she takes one last look around the room to remember it as it is now. He knows that when he returns here, he will find an entirely different place.


She stares blankly at the window, feeling tears coming to her eyes. She is pained by how she was treated by her father. He believed a foreign girl, not her. Even if she stole the money, she was his only daughter and he should forgive her. Why did he immediately decide to send her to the center? She got the impression that he had been planning to get rid of her from home for a long time.

She is an unnecessary burden to him. Apparently, he doesn't care about her anymore....

- Stop sulking, it's for your own good," he speaks up after a long silence that reigned in the car. The teenager ignores his words and with a quick flick of her hand wipes away a solitary tear, running down her cheek. - Sara...

She removes headphones from her purse and puts them in her ears. She plays a favorite song on her phone. Furthermore, she leans back comfortably on the seat and closes her eyelids, listening to the pleasant melody. He wants them to get to their destination as soon as possible. She has no desire to stay in the same room with him. He has hurt her. She feels great resentment toward him.

She opens her eyes and sees her father driving onto the forest road. Furthermore, she feels unpleasant chills on her body. Likewise, she hates this kind of place. When she was a child, she got lost in the forest, so now she feels fear being among the trees.

Her eyes widen when she sees that there is a huge, massive gate at the end of this road. It looks like a prison for dangerous criminals.

Shocked, she looks at her father as he stops the car and gets outside. She walks up to the gate. He presses a button and talks to someone for a while. He goes back inside without honoring his daughter with a glance.

The gate opens, and they drive into the courtyard, which is surrounded by trees. The place is so dark and gloomy that it gives her the creeps.

She pokes her head out the window and swallows her saliva harder. She observes an old building that looks gloomy and cold. It is huge and definitely instills fear in her. It is perfect for playing out scenes from a horror movie. At first glance, it looks like an old castle, as it is two stories high, with small towers on the sides.

- I think it's a joke. Dad, do you really want to leave me here? - she asks terrified, but her father glances in the mirror and doesn't say a word.

She understands that this is a confirmation of her words.

They get out of the car, and an old man emerges from the building. Despite her reluctance, she greets him, and he sends her a slight smile.

The teenager turns her head, feigning interest in the surroundings. Her father gets into a discussion with him about her, and she slowly backs away to look at the building more closely. Suddenly, she hits something with her back and, frightened, she looks over her shoulder, realizing it's a man. A tall and handsome boy who looks at her with obvious curiosity in his eyes. Confused, she apologizes to him for her inattention. However, the stranger smiles and points to her hair with his finger.

- It's beautiful. Being here you won't have so much spare time to take care of them anymore," he says, and the surprised girl blinks her eyelids, 'nor the desire,' he adds. - This place not only looks like a prison, but also the first days here are nightmarish. Looking at your frightened eyes, I'm sure you won't cope. People are unkind here, so be careful," he warns the girl. He corrects his baseball cap, and she shyly glances at him. - I'm Matthew, if you need anything from me in the future.


She follows the director down a long corridor, which he leads her to his office. She feels the curious stares of the people she passes. They scowl at her, while making malicious remarks about her. For that moment, the girl manages to notice what kind of people are staying here. At first glance, they all seem rude and spiteful.

The boy there was right. Her character definitely does not fit into this environment.

They enter the principal's office, which is certainly sizable. She looks around the room with curiosity, and her gaze is caught by a black and white photo hanging above his desk. It depicts a young man. Probably it was him decades ago, looking at his current age. One can guess that he is already in his eighties.

I wonder why he hasn't retired yet? Does he have the strength in him to deal with rebellious teenagers? Admirable, thinks the girl.

- Here is the layout of the building. On this plan, all places are included, including your room. I advise you to familiarize yourself with it," the director says, and the girl nods. He hands her a piece of paper, and she carefully looks at the drawing. - Independence is a must, so you must manage to find your room," he adds, to which the brown-haired girl nods. - And here is the timetable. Monday through Friday there are school activities, weekends are for mandatory talks with the psychologist. So much for my part.

She thanks the director, then leaves his office, looking at the drawing. She tries to figure out which direction she should go to find her room. After deliberating for a while, she heads to the second floor. She drags a heavy suitcase behind her, but tries to be independent. At one point, she lets it out of her hand. With horror in her eyes, she watches as it slides down, opens and dumps all the contents inside. Passing people burst out laughing, and Sara turns red with embarrassment.

Before she runs downstairs, someone crouches down by the suitcase and starts to hide the clothes. She notices that it's a boy about her age. A tall brunet with a dark complexion and black eyes. In the blink of an eye, she is beside him, and he looks at her with a stony expression. In his hand is a lacy undergarment. The teenager is so embarrassed that she opens her mouth. The boy raises one eyebrow, but leaves it without comment. She snatches the panties from his hand, stuffing them at the very bottom of the suitcase.

- Oliver, I've been looking for you everywhere. - She hears a familiar voice behind her. She looks over her shoulder, and Matthew appears to her eyes. The boy who earlier warned her about the people from the center. At the sight of the girl, he smiles cheerfully and points his finger at her. - Oh, we meet again. - His gaze wanders to the clothes scattered all over the stairs. - Oliver, what did you do to her?

- She did it herself. I just wanted to help her," he says, straightening his legs, 'but I don't think it was a good idea,' he adds, probably having underwear in mind.

- How can you leave her with this mess? Don't be a pig, pig," replies Matthew, picking up the clothes from the stairs.

- Do what you want, I'm out of here," he mutters under his breath, then goes upstairs. He avoids the dresses lying on the stairs.

Matthew shakes his head and hands the collected close to the brown-haired girl.

- Thank you," the girl says shyly. She closes the suitcase and wants to take it in her hand, but the boy warns her.

- You would rather not collect these clothes once again, do you? Let me help you," he offers, so she nods uncertainly.

The girls, standing by the column, don't spare any unpleasant words. Sara senses that they are not happy because this handsome boy helped her on her first day.

- Matthew, may I know what you are doing just now? - asks one of them, but the boy does not look in her direction.

- I'm helping a new colleague. If you have a problem with your eyes, see an ophthalmologist. It's terrible with you, especially since you mistook another guy for me last time," he says bitingly, and the confused girl smoother her hair. She glances at her friends, who have the same puzzled look on their faces as she does.

Sara follows Matthew, and thanks, him for his help. The boy smiles cheerfully, then walks away. And that's when she realizes that not everyone at the center is as horrible as she assumed.
