Zimo sat on the rooftop and smirked as he turned to Kivu. "I need you to hunt," he said firmly. You're strong, and I can't do much in my state. So… I'll stay here and let you handle it." Seeing Kivu look at him like some babysitter whose baby told her she could go out and have fun, he chuckled.
"Dont look at me like that. You think I haven't seen you look at me like that? Like you're bored out of your mind? Do you think I didn't understand what was going on? Kivu... this is something useful for you and for me too. I understand this now, and that is why I need you to go hunting. That way I can heal faster and we can start working together more quickly."
Zimo wanted to test two things. He wanted to see if he could increase his insanely odd healing rate through Kivu level-ups. At the same time, he wanted to see if he could make sure to heal up fully in the shortest amount of time possible to give himself more time to acclimate. Every second wasted was a second he could not get back. He needed to move. And quickly.
Kivu heard what he said and then she tilted her head, a low growl rumbling in her throat. It wasn't disapproval, but something closer to judgment and disdain. Zimo sighed.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Weak. You've made that clear. But this is teamwork, right? You hunt, and we get stronger together right now. That way, I heal up, and we go out to hunt together later. Think of me as an investment," He said gesticulating the entire time as he did. If Kivu had a common sense of humour it might have been comical because of his large body and baby arms.
Kivu still stared at him, seemingly intent on saying there to keep watch over this man-baby. He paused, sighing once again as he met her gaze. "Please, Kivu. I need to learn more about this Tamer System and how it works. And anyway, I will make sure to keep myself safe. You already taught me how to use Magic Skills right? I promise."
Her growl subsided, and with a huff, she rose to her full height. For a moment, Zimo marvelled at her elegance, her form melding with the darkness until she seemed like a moving shadow. Then, without a sound, she bounded off the rooftop, disappearing into the void below. But she still had her eyes on him the entire time, as if she was saying "Watch me."
It was so cool. The way her dark form blended with the shadows was incredibly fascinating, and Zimo knew it too. He couldn't help but wonder how her hunt would turn out. Zimo was still confused about her. Why was her species type unknown? Why was there so many unknowns in her system? So many questions… So few answers.
She was so far away, but somehow as Zimo sat there on the roof, he could feel her position out there. As she moved through the city, Zimo felt like he could feel her as if he was the one moving.
What was this feeling?! Was this Resonance? He had to explore this!
Zimo leaned back against a crumbling wall, closing his eyes. The connection between them pulsed faintly, and he could sense Kivu's movements as if they were his own. It was as if he was experiencing her point of view and he was the one out there, hunting the way she was.
It was way too terrifying. But at the same time, it was also enlightening.
He could feel how Kivu was using her instincts to find Deadspawn and slash at them, killing them one after another with every body part she could. WIth claws, tails, and maw, anything that could land a hit was used to destroy. He could see how they were moving, and how Kivu was leaping over them and then taking them down in everything and every way he was managing to do.
A hunger inside him, a hunger that was different from anything he had ever felt before. It was not a hunger for crystals or blood... But for entertainment?
She was a blur of speed and ferocity, tearing through the streets, her claws slicing through Deadspawn like paper, biting into their heads and ripping out their flesh, swallowing everything like the void of darkness she was.
Each kill and crunch of blue crystals sent a rush of energy back to Zimo, the connection between them feeding him like an invisible lifeline.
After Kivu took down ten Deadspawn and ate their crystals, A notification blinked in the corner of his vision:
|| Universal Tamer System || Stats | Skills | Beasts | Missions | Store |
Congratulations! You have Levelled up! You have received the following:
—> Level + 1 → 3
—> BC + (3) * 10BC → 160 BC
So it seemed he levelled up after getting some energy from 10 Deadspawn. That was much more than before... Interesting. There was something to learn here. After all, he was getting stronger even while sitting down. Even if it took more energy or EXP, then that was fine. If he had more Beasts would he not have more EXP?
So levelling up for Beasts involved crystals, while for the humans, it required engaging in various activities such as relying on the link between the Beasts and humans, as well as undertaking missions. That was another thing he learned.
Zimo leaned back as notification after notification came to him, as she killed Deadspawn one after another. It was either she was levelling up or he was levelling up. He felt her movements, feeling the movement of energy in her limbs as she manipulated the shadows to slash at the Deadspawn around her. He watched it all, looking at it all as it happened, and he smirked. He was beginning to understand how to use Mana... So this was all it took.
By the end of it, he saw the final message that made him gasp.
|| Universal Tamer System || Stats || Skills | Beasts | Missions | Store |
Congratulations! You have Levelled up! You have received the following:
—> Level + 1 → 6
—> BC + (6) * 10BC → 310 BC
Congratulations! Your Beast [Kivu] has Levelled up( to Level 7)! You have received the following:
—> Your Physical Stats have experienced a Boost due to your resonance with the Beast!
—> Your Magical Stats have experienced a Boost due to your Resonance with the Beast!
They levelled up at the same time this time. She had already levelled up a few times before then. But now they had levelled up at the same time. But it was pretty clear to see that there was a correlation. Zimo checked out his Stats, trying to see just how much he had grown.
| Universal Tamer System || Stats || Skills | Beasts | Missions | Store |
Name: Zimo Banks (Human)
BC (Beast Coins): 310 BC
Level: 6
States: {Hint: States for a peak human are at 100s for every category}
Health, Well-Being and Satiety: 89% ++
Energy, Stamina and Vitality: 96% ++
Mentality, Decision-Making and Focus: 73% ++
Mana, Casting and Magical Power: 80%
<—————< em>
Physical Stats:
Dexterity (Agility, Flexibility) → 15 (+1 +1 +1 +1) (+38) → 57
Strength (Speed, Power) → 11 (+1 +1 +1 +1) (+30) → 45
Constitution (Endurance, Health) → 9 (+1 +1 +1 +1) (+29) → 42
Intelligence (Memory, Reasoning) → 17 (+1 +1 +1 +1) (+22) → 43
Charisma (Charm, Persuasion) → 15 (+1 +1 +1 +1) (+39) → 58
Wisdom (Intuition, Adaptability) → 20 (+1 +1 +1 +1) (+23) → 47
Spirit (Mental State, Character) → 21 (+1 +1 +1 +1) (+25) → 50
<—————< em>
Magical Stats:
Mana (Magical Energy Pool) → 6 (3 * 6) + 35 → 53
Arcane Knowledge (Magical Talent) → Rank 2C
Mystic Control (Magical Energy Control) → Rank 2S
Elemental Affinity (Connection to Elements) → Darkness(S Rank), Evil(S Rank), Fire(B Rank)
<—————< p>————————————|
In total, he had levelled up by four levels and received the equivalent of 180 BC. And he had also gotten some massive Stat Changes. And all of this was mostly because of Kivu. But that was not all. His healing rate really had increased!
Zimo looked down at his limbs, seeing them getting faster at their regrowth process. It was already fast before because of the potion, but now it had been boosted. Zimo smirked. Well then, Kivu. I will have to thank you.
The warmth of the energy coursed through his body, knitting his flesh together faster than before. His arms lengthened, the fingers fully formed now, though still pale and frail. He clenched his fists experimentally, feeling the faint strength returning to his grip. He was much stronger than before funnily enough… even though his arms were the size of a 10-year-old child's. It was only going to be a little while until they got bigger and better. The fact that he was even regrowing his arm was impossible for humans... But that was not the time to consider things like that.
This system was way too amazing, it was impossible already. And Kivu was incredibly amazing too. Just how far had Kivu come, and how strong had she become?
|| Kivu || Skills |
Name: Kivu (Unknown)
Level: 7
Resonance: 99%
Health, Well-Being and Satiety: 78% ++
Energy, Stamina and Vitality: 41% ++
Mentality, Decision-Making and Focus: 52% -
Mana, Casting and Magical Power: 37% -
<—————< em>
Physical Stats:
Dexterity (Agility, Flexibility) → 59 (+5 +6 +7) → 77
Strength (Speed, Power) → 42 (+5 +6 +7) → 60
Constitution (Endurance, Health) → 41 (+5 +6 +7) → 59
Intelligence (Memory, Reasoning) → 27 (+5 +6 +7) → 45
Charisma (Charm, Persuasion) → 60 (+5 +6 +7) → 78
Wisdom (Intuition, Adaptability) → 28 (+5 +6 +7) → 46
Spirit (Mental State, Character) → 32 (+5 +6 +7) → 50
<—————< em>
Magical Stats:
Mana (Magical Energy Pool) → 70(10 * 7)
Arcane Knowledge (Magical Talent) → [Unknown]
Mystic Control (Magical Energy Control) → [Unknown]
Elemental Affinity (Connection to Elements) → Evil (S Rank), Darkness (S Rank)
<—————< p>————————————|
Zimo took in a deep breath of air. This was... pretty incredible. While he got single stat boosts, she got the actual value of the level she was in. Zimo shook his head. BEasts were incredibly OP.
Turning his attention to the Resonance, he frowned. He wanted to make sure to understand his relationship with Kivu the most since it was the most important thing in his life right now, related to his strength and ability. The stronger Kivu was the stronger he would become. The stronger their bond was the stronger they would become.
Well then... this system was starting to make total sense now. So Resonance was allowing him to connect to her, learn from her, understand her, and inherit her abilities to an extent. The higher the Resonance the Better the Stat inheritance and everything else.
In Zimo's case, A 99% Resonance was giving him half her Stat value... so if he had less would that mean he got less... Probably, right? Zimo couldn't help but think back to Maya and her Beast... the one that had ripped his legs and arms off. That Beast only had 77% Resonance with Maya. Did that not mean Maya was much weaker than Zimo?
Zimo did not allow himself to get happy because of this, though. After all there was still a lot he did not understand.
What was Resonance based on? Was it based on the happiness of the Beast? Or maybe it was something else, like their satiety, or their ability to express themselves? Was he supposed to have conversations with Kivu, or to spoil her? How would he know how to do things like these if he couldn't actually speak to her?
Zimo shook his head. He would have to find out in the future. For now, he would put all his time and attention into Kivu. She was the biggest priority after himself, his strength and his ability to protect himself.
Zimo recalled everything it had taken for him to make all this progress and he couldn't help but sigh. It had taken twenty Deadspawn to level up from 3 to 4 after the ten from the previous level, and it seemed to double every time for every level. It was very clear now. It would be better if they hunted together.
But at the same time, even while thinking this far, he narrowed his eyes. Maybe that was because those Deadspawn were weak. If hypothetically the Deadspawn could also level up, then everything maybe she was hunting the weaker ones and that was why her level-ups were so slow.
But still, he was looking to make sure of things. He was going to make sure to see what was happening, and in that time he was looking to see the time and the place. Zimo smirked. Well then, since his arms were coming back now, he would move soon, and the first thing he had to do was to learn how to hunt beside Kivu.
He knew this was not going to be simple. He would have to learn to cooperate, and to move with intention, maybe even creating strategies. For that, he might even need weapons and other things. Luckily he could find some in the Store.
Remembering back to the moments he had seen flashing by, he couldn't help but get serious for a moment. He had watched as she used her Skills and he could feel how her energy was moving. He could use those ideas to make himself stronger too. Waving his hand, Zimo sent a wave of darkness that sliced through the air before dissipating in the distance.
As the wind blew through his hair, ZImo had a smirk on his face. So cool. This new World was so cool!