
Choosing of the Champions

October 31, 1997

Hogwarts, Scotland

Harry hadn't seen Gabrielle since breakfast and he was thinking he wouldn't see her again until dinner, and that would only be from across the hall. Fridays were always insanely busy. There was a double DADA first thing. Professor Jones was an ex-Auror that he looked forward to every week.

Then there was Charms. The few NEWT students in seventh year all had projects and every other week they would go over them. Harry was working on how to bind more than five mirrors. After making one for Bill and Fleur, he found that once more than five were bound, the others don't really work, as though the magic suddenly reaches some unknown limit. Today was fifty minutes of hitting his head against the wall to try more advanced diagnostic spells and arithmancy to figure it out. Harry was still only in his third year of arithmancy and was going for his OWL this year, and some of what he was doing in Charms was more advanced than what he knew in Arithmancy.

At lunch, like most Fridays, he rushed to the kitchens, ate quickly as he rushed up to the potions classroom and spent an hour or so working on his DADA or Charms revision or other homework before Slughorn usually came in about fifteen minutes early and Harry found himself talking with the Potions professor. Potions was not his strongest class, but he had managed to maintain a low outstanding since start of last year.

After a double potions class, Harry would go off to the library. Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracy Davis and Kevin Entwhistle always joined him, and they would try to pound out the potions work before dinner. If they didn't finish, Harry would come back on a Friday evening so that he could have his weekends free. Well, free to do his other stuff. Like hit his head repeatedly against his desk because he couldn't get the other mirrors to work, getting the last of his homework done, or usually spending two or three hours on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon with Sirius, Remus or Moody getting 'extra' lessons. He had found himself falling into his chair a few times on a late Sunday afternoon totally exhausted, usually bruised, and falling asleep. He had lost count how many times Hermione had shaken him awake or he found a cold meal on the table next to him.

He was now motivated to get his work done every week so he could spend as much time with his girlfriend as he could.

Not seeing her since this morning and not spending more than two hours alone with her in the two days she had been here, he was finding himself a little cranky.

"Why do you use a counter-stir in this step again," Kevin asked the group. Kevin struggled some with the theory but was a crack in application and following the instructions.

"It breaks down the fiber mass that starts to build up going clock-wise for five turns," Daphne told him.

Harry huffed as he crossed out a whole line. "I totally forgot about that."

They all looked at him. "You were the one that told us about it on Monday," Hermione pointed out.

"Oh, yeah," he said, pushing his glasses up and leaning back in his seat. He jammed his palms into his eyes.

"You alright there, Harry," Tracy asked. In over a year in the group, all five of them used first names and had become a loose friend group.

"Yeah, just tired," he told Tracy.

She didn't say anything as Harry pressed his hands into his eyes. As he did, Harry felt the tingle and the scent, like exotic citric fruit, come to him. He was getting so tired he thought he was sensing Gabrielle when she wasn't around. He felt someone lean over him and when soft lips met his, he knew that cherry gloss anywhere. His mouth grew into a smile as they pulled up and he looked up to see the dark-blue eyes he had seen so many times in his dreams. "I 'ope you are not too tired for moi," she said softly.

"Never for you," he said without thinking.

Someone cleared their throat and he flushed, sitting up as Gabrielle stood. Everyone was looking at them. Hermione just smirked while the other three were shocked. "Uhm, Gabrielle, have you met everyone?"

"I am afraid not," Gabrielle stated.

The raised eyebrow from Daphne, the scandalous joy from Tracy and the shock from Kevin had him blush more. "Gabrielle Delacour, this is Daphne Greengrass, Tracy Davis and Kevin Entwhistle. You know Hermione. Uhm, this is my potions study group."

"Hey, Gabi. He was getting grumpy without you around," Hermione teased, stretching her hands over her head. "David, right?"

"Yes. David Renault," David said, giving a slight bow.

Daphne was first to catch herself. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Delacour and Mr. Renault. So, this is the one that has you so distracted this year?" The accusation that he had not warned them on her voice.

"Oh, wow!" Tracy started. "Like, this is real? This is the biggest news all year! I thought Padma was giving me a tall one. When you turned down Daphne this year, I had no idea... OW!"

They all heard how Daphne had stomped on Tracy's foot. Tracy kicked her chair back and grabbed her foot, tears in her eyes. "That really hurt, Daph."

Daphne was glaring at Tracey. Harry felt the grip Gabrielle had on his shoulder tighten, her nails starting to dig in through is vest and shirt. "He didn't turn me down," Daphne hissed.

Harry remembered that time she had invited him to join them in Hogsmeade in September. He had no clue it had been an invitation for a date. He had needed time to work on the mirror for Gabrielle. "Getting a little tight there," Harry whispered to Gabrielle.

Kevin was just looking apprehensive. His eyes kept darting up to Gabrielle and then him, as though he couldn't decide what to do.

"Gabi, he said no, and I don't think he's realized that others have asked him out this year. He has only thought of you," Hermione tried to appease his girl.

Daphne, for all her rumored 'Ice Queen' persona, flushed and didn't meet Gabrielle's eyes. Tracy just looked at them before her mouth formed an 'O'. She was a Slytherin but didn't always know when to keep her mouth shut or filter her thoughts. Her traits were more in the ambition and resourcefulness areas. "Oh, I thought Harry knew. Ms. Delacour, I didn't mean to offend you. Daph, I'm sorry."

Gabrielle lessened the grip on his shoulder. He rolled it once the pressure was off. She was a lot stronger than she looked. "Eet is no 'arm. I take it you 'ill not ask again?" Gabrielle warned in a cold voice.

Daphne looked up. "I will not, Ms. Delacour. I did not know Scion Potter had been claimed."

Gabrielle nodded. "Would you walk with me for a bit?" Gabrielle asked him not sounding happy.

He smiled and quickly packed his stuff. "David, would you like to join us?" Hermione offered.

When Harry got up, Gabrielle took his hand in hers and wove her fingers into his. He looked at her. Up until now they had been keeping this private. There was something in her eyes that was exciting, and a little scary. A stray thought of what Charlie had said, 'Veela can be possessive', came to him. Was this Gabrielle being possessive? Was it any better than what he had done last night?

She didn't say a word as they walked out of the library and instead of him leading, she pulled him off to the right. "If you are trying to head to the grounds and your carriage, it's the other way," Harry told her. She didn't stop, opening the first door with a window over it and pulling him into an unused classroom.

When she turned on him, her eyes had started to take on a lavender hue. "Harry, calm me down now, or I am going to go back and rip that Daphne Greengrass's head off," she told him.

He could sense the danger and took a step towards her. "Gabrielle, you are the only one I want to date and have been the only one since Fleur's wedding. I didn't know she was asking me out that one time. I turned her down so I could work on your mirror," he tried to sooth her.

She had been panting, as though trying to control something that was taking a great amount of will power to do so. "And the other hussies Hermione was talking about!"

It was probably very stupid of him, but he took another step forward. He could feel the magic and heat that was starting to radiate off her body. His own responded and he tried to wick her excess magic away to calm her down. "Gabi, I swear I don't know about anyone else. I didn't even know Daphne meant that the one, only one, time she asked me to go into Hogsmeade. I have been going mental the last few months not having you around and even more so that you have been here almost two full days and we have had less than two hours alone." He took her hands in his and her magic started to ebb.

"My little ballerina, I give you my word you are the only one I have thought about."

She took a stuttering breath before her eyes went back to the dark blue he loved, and she fell forward into him. He let her hands go and wrapped his arms around her. She wrapped her arms around him. "I have missed you so much. It has felt like there is a hole in me, and then I am around you and feel whole again. You promise it was no other girl?"

"I will swear on my magic if you want."

She hugged him tighter and shook her head. "Non. Don't do that. I believe you. I can feel it. I am... I am just..."

"Jealous?" Harry supplied.

She nodded into his chest. Harry hugged her as hard as he dared, afraid of breaking her. "Oui." She moved her arms so her hands were on his shoulder blades. "I am sorry. I should not be."

He kissed her on the top of her head. "Would it make you feel better I feel the same way when I see you with other boys or others trying to steal you from me?"

She giggled. "Steal me from you? This is ridiculous! I am yours and always will be, mon amour."

Harry felt like he should feel strange at that statement, especially with how long they had been together, but he didn't. Instead, he kissed her on the top of the head. "Then you have nothing to be concerned with me either, ma petit amie. mon amour."

Gabrielle pulled back and he loosened his hold enough so that she could look up into his face. "You do understand it is the veela in me as much as myself that is calling for you?"

"I understand you are veela-blood, Gabrielle. Your mother was quite clear what it would mean if I kept, uhm, courting you," he told her, unsure if he had gone too far. Merlin, he liked this girl.

A pleasant smile came over her face. "Courting me?"

Harry felt his face flush a little. "Uhm, yeah," he told her. "That is if you want?"

There was that shy smile she had given him that night of Fleur's wedding. "I would like that."

He let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been keeping in. Her deep-blue eyes pulled him in, like a magnet to a lodestone. He didn't fight the invite in her eyes and leaned down to kiss her. It was just a soft, little kiss to start. As his lips lingered on hers, she started to move her lips and like when they found the alcove yesterday, they were soon wrestling their tongues together and pulling each other's bodies as close as they would go. He let a groan of need when he felt her nails pull down his back through his vest and shirt. She moaned as he moved his hands to her hips and just grazed the top of her bottom.

The heat it sent through him was far more than anything Ginny had elicited when they were like this. It wasn't even the same. When Gabrielle kissed him, he swore he felt how much she liked him, and her body heated up in a way that made him want more.

There was a knock on the door and Gabrielle jumped back. Harry pulled away, running a hand through his hair. They were both heaving for air and his hormonal body couldn't help but stop to appreciate the effects it was having on her bosom through her Beauxbatons uniform. The knock came again, "Harry, Gabi, are you in there?" Hermione's voice asked through the door.

"Yeah, Hermione. Come in," Harry called, reaching out a hand. Gabrielle took it and allowed him to pull her into him as the door opened. Hermione wasn't looking directly at them.

"Are you two decent," she asked.

Gabrielle giggled. "For now," she replied.

Her face heated up as much as his. Hermione chortled and looked at them. "You may be decent, but you need to straighten out your clothes. The feast starts in about forty minutes, and I was going to go back up to Gryffindor Tower."

David poked his head in, a mischievous smile on his face. "Gabrielle, we should return so you can get yourself ready. Madam Maxime will not be impressed with her Champion looking like that," the boy teased. Gabrielle's face looked even redder. It was obvious that they had been snogging, even if his hands hadn't gone anywhere they shouldn't yet.

"Get out, you cad! I shall be presentable," she scoffed at her friend who only laughed. Gabrielle gave him a furtive look. "I shall see you later?"

"Oui, little ballerina," Harry said, pecking her before gently pushing her away towards David. She straightened out her uniform as she stepped away. David was still laughing as she glared at him. Gabrielle gave him one last longing look before she stepped out.

Hermione was still at the door. "You going to straighten up or should I just let you go looking like that, Head Boy?"

"I hate you," Harry muttered as he tried to straighten out his clothes.

Hermione just gave him a bright smile. "No, you don't. Come on, lover boy."

He was still trying to straighten his tie and vest as he followed her out. "Do I need to say something to Daphne?"

"No. I warned her before she tried to ask you out. You were just as oblivious as always," she told him.

Harry let out a breath. "Gabrielle and I originally wanted to just keep this quiet, but I don't think that will work."

Hermione snorted. "I kind of think Gabrielle just let everyone know, if Lav and Parv haven't already. It will be all over the school at dinner."

He let out a rushed breath. "I am surprised it is not already after what I did last night," he told her.

"And what did you do last night?"

He explained on the way and finished just before they got to the broom closet. "Oh, Harry. You need to control yourself. If you are going to be with Gabrielle, you know that may happen from time to time. She can't just shut off her allure, even if she is in love with someone."

Harry ran his hand over his neck. "I know, but I won't let others do that to her. She isn't some prize to be won or something to be ogled. Orion's Bow."

He motioned for her to enter first. Hermione stopped at his side. "I don't think Gabi will appreciate it if you get in trouble for her."

He snorted. "She said the same."

"One of these days you'll learn to listen to your girls," she told him, patting his face and then walked in.

"My girls?" he asked with a laugh.

"You think I'm going to toss you just because you have someone?"

He shook his head. "Just be careful. Gabrielle gets a little jealous."

Hermione laughed. "And you don't? I saw the look you gave that Slytherin boy earlier when he was talking about her. Besides, I'm family. She doesn't get jealous of family."

He laughed again. "Cheeky bint," he accused.

Usually, she would chastise him. Tonight, she just gave him a sweet smile. "I prefer sweet older sister. Now, get into your best uniform, try to find a comb and then I will meet you," she told him.

"We should take a swing through the Common room and make sure everyone gets to the feast," Harry told her before going into his room.

Ron met them in the Common room as they chased out the stragglers. "So, you think I have a chance of being picked?"

"We all have a chance. If we didn't, the cup would have spit out your entry last night," Harry told him matter of fact.

"That's comforting," Ron griped.

Hermione shook her head. "I still can't believe you both entered."

"Why not? To win a thousand galleons and have everyone looking and cheering you on," Ron said with a dreamy look.

"You get everyone cheering you on on the Quidditch pitch," Harry told him. Ron was getting good enough to go pro, especially after last season. Those few months with Lavender and him keeping three games under a hundred points for their competitors really changed his confidence in himself.

"Well, yeah. But to win something like the Triwizard Tournament against Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, that would be wicked," Ron enthused.

Hermione shook her head. "Fame isn't everything," she commented.

"It can be a lot though," Ron retorted.

"I'll give you all my fame if you want," Harry offered. They were getting close to the hall now.

"If you don't want it, why are you trying to be Champion," Ron questioned.

Harry shrugged. "It would look good on my application to the ICW once I get my NEWTS. I get to see if I am as good as Remus and Sirius say I am." Hermione poked him knowing it wasn't the only reason now. "I also get to stand up there with Gabrielle if she gets to be champion."

Ron got a slightly dreamy look. "How did you manage to get the hottest girl here this year?"

"He didn't gawk at her, or make Lisa jealous because of it," Hermione hotly reprimanded Ron.

Ron took on a little colour. "I would never leave Lisa and she knows how much I like her. Merlin, Hermione, she's a bigger Cannon's fan than I am."

Harry snorted. "Is that possible?"

"Well, she's been to more games than I have. She also has a snitch with their Seekers signature," he said in a dreamy voice. This time they could hear the adoration in his voice.

"Ron, if you really like Lisa that much and you are my friend, please stop looking at Gabrielle that way," Harry asked, a little steel to his voice.

Ron nodded. "I try. I swear I try, Harry. You think I like having Bill talk with me when I do it to Fleur at times? It's getting better, but sometimes they just seem to sneak up on you, especially if I am trying to look at Lisa across the hall."

Harry frowned, but he knew he could trust Ron's word.

"Are you starting to fall in love with Lisa?" Hermione asked.

Ron shrugged. "I don't know. I like her a lot."

Hermione nodded. "It is said that the more you care for someone else in a romantic way, the easier it is to resist."

"Then who am I in love with?" Harry asked.

Hermione hit him. "Gabrielle."

He laughed. "I mean before that."

She rolled her eyes. "Being in love is not the only way to resist them. You can be an occulumens or have no sexual feelings that way or some people just naturally resist any type of power like that. The way you can resist the imperious curse, I am not surprised you don't feel affected."

"Except with Gabrielle," he added.

Ron chuckled. "I could think of worse things than to be taken with Gabrielle."


"Boys," Hermione muttered as Ron and him abused each other until they entered the Great Hall. They were some of the last there, but he had a good excuse. He was doing his duty as Head Boy.

They sat towards the center of the table with the other seventh years. He noticed many eyes passing towards him and Gabrielle. He sighed as he put food on his plate. "Do I want to know?" he asked the expectant faces of Lavender and Parvati.

"Did you snog Gabrielle Delacour in the middle of the library?" Parvati put to him.

"She kissed Harry," Hermione responded. "It was actually really cute. Harry was all stressed, leaning back in his chair and she just snuck up behind him, leaned over him and pecked him on the lips."

The look on both girls' faces was kind of funny with how sappy they looked. "Oh, that is even better. Did he try to snog her then?"

Harry laughed. "Have you ever known me to just snog anyone out in the open like that?"

"Only when Ginny wanted to make sure everyone knew you were her boyfriend last year," Lavender pointed out.

He made a face. Ron's face looked even more sour. "Yeah, that was not something I wanted to see."

"Like when you and Lavender acted like octopuses at some of the parties?" Hermione questioned.

Lavender just shrugged while Ron's neck heated up. "It's no worse than I have seen others do," Lavender replied.

"And I made sure Ginny and I left the Common Room as soon as I could," Harry put in. He didn't want to be as public as Ginny wanted to be. Now, if Gabrielle had started something like that... he wasn't sure what he would do yet.

"And what about Greengrass?" Parvati asked. "Did she go after Delacour?"

"This happened just over an hour ago, how the bloody hell is it all over the school?" Harry griped.

"We told you, Harry. Anyone you date will be huge gossip," Lavender told him. "So, did Delacour go after Greengrass?"

"Merlin, no. Will you just drop this!"

Parvati didn't drop her smile. "Harry, you know Lavender and I can correct a lot of these rumors? It doesn't take much to drop a good counter rumor or tell a few people what actually happened," she said sweetly.

Ron snorted. "If it was that easy, why didn't you do that the first three years?"

"We weren't the top of the information ring back then," Lavender told him as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Hermione shook her head. "And what do you want in return?"

Both girls looked offended. "Like we would want anything? Haven't we been good enough friends the last few years?" Lavender put to them.

Harry looked up and saw Gabrielle looking at him. "Friends, yes. Gossip mongers, more so. What do you want?"

"To know everything before anyone else. The real story, and we will help you," Parvati shot out quickly.

"Oh, is that all?" Harry replied.

Lavender gave him a sweet smile. "My dad has recently been placed on the board at the Daily Prophet. If I give him a scoop or two to give to the editor, I can make sure it's presented in a good light."

And there it was.

Hermione didn't look pleased. "Tell me it will not be that hag Rita Skeeter."

Lavender shrugged. "No clue. I really don't know if he has that much say, but I do know he can make sure the proper facts are used and keep any negative press from you."

"And why do you want to help Harry like that?" Hermione pushed.

"Do you really think Harry won't be the Champion? I want Hogwarts to win and I am sure Harry doesn't want to have any negative press while he competes. I would also like to send in an article or two and see if they get published."

Harry pursed his lips. "You promise that Gabrielle will not get any negative press? Also, it is only you or Luna that will write any story I give you."

Lavender's and Parvati's face brightened. "You mean you will tell us everything?"

He shook his head. "No, but enough to keep you happy when I have news to report."

"Why Luna," Parvati asked.

"She is a good reporter for her father's magazine, and I trust her," Harry told them.

"And you don't trust us," Lavender asked, feigning offense.

Most of them all laughed. Harry looked back towards Gabrielle. Harry knew he had been signing himself up for the long run that day at the Louvre. Sirius had told him if he was serious about Gabrielle, he would need to be more cognizant of the papers and magazines. "I am trusting you with some details I would usually not tell anyone. If you betray that trust, I doubt my girlfriend will be as forgiving as I will be."

The mirth in Lavender's and Parvati's face vanished. "Merlin, she really did go after Greengrass?"

He put a hand on Hermione's arm to keep her quiet as everyone looked at them. "She may have given Daphne a warning."

He didn't say anything else, and the conversation turned to the tournament. Hermione leaned in. "What did Gabi say about Greengrass?"

He made sure he was leaning over so his mouth was next to her ear. "I am not sure I should keep our study group. If you know anyone else that was interested in me, warn them to stay away. I think she meant it when she told me she wanted to rip Daphne's head off."

Hermione paled a little and looked towards Gabrielle, who was talking with David. "You two are going to make a scary couple," Hermione whispered.


Gabrielle stood, her head up and working hard to make sure she portrayed the woman of high society and to have the air of someone cool under pressure. Her name had just come out of the cup first. Many were cheering and clapping. David gave her a nod of approval. She caught sight of Harry before turning to the front of the hall. He was giving her a huge smile and clapping loudly.

"This way, Miss Delacour," Headmaster Dumbledore indicated. Before she started to walk and under the din of the noise in the room, a blonde boy at the Slytherin table said just loud enough, "I didn't think the creatures could compete."

She would not give the idiot the satisfaction of getting to her.

A girl replied, "Apparently even the Goblet of Fire can be fooled by a pretty set of eyes." The tone was condescending and held a hint of something else that had her blood boiling. Her eyes stared straight ahead as she walked towards the door indicated.

When she walked into the room, Madam Delacour followed her. "You do not seem happy?" Madam Delacour asked, looking at her.

Gabrielle let a smile flash on her face. "Non. I am very happy."

"Then what is bothering you?"

"Nothing, Madam Maxime," she said, letting the joy of getting what she wanted wash over her. She had heard worse in the past. She would not let it dull the fact that she was the Beauxbatons Champion.

Her Headmistress eyed her but nodded when it was apparent Gabrielle was quite proud of her achievement. She had worked tirelessly the last three years to get here.

A moment later, the pounding feet of the Durmstrang Champion and their Headmaster Leotrim Gjoka came down the small hall between the Great Hall and the antechamber they were in. The shorter, muscular blonde that David had said was very skilled walked in next to Headmaster Gjoka. Julian Sorenson. That was his name. Both of them had hard faces and took up a spot opposite them. Madame Maxime stood to her tallest and Gabrielle followed. Neither the Headmaster nor the Durmstrang Champion would meet their eyes. She was sure it had to do either with her allure or what they were.

Gabrielle held her head up.

It wasn't long before the much softer steps of someone she could feel approached. His footsteps were accompanied by the swift clack of heels. Harry and his Head-of-House came into the room. Unlike the Durmstrang lot, both of them met her eyes. Professor McGonagall nodding, acknowledging her as a worthy opponent to her own Champion. Harry gave her a sly smirk as he moved close to her. He looked so handsome, with his messy black hair, intense green eyes and strong chin. She was going to have to find a place to kiss him later.

"Congratulations, Ms. Delacour," Harry offered to her, holding his hand out.

"Thank you. I look forward to competing against you." She offered her hand and he kissed it. His eyes held hers for a moment and she found she had been holding her breath as he turned to the Durmstrang Champion.

"Congratulations. Julian Sorenson, is it? Harry Potter."

The boy looked at Harry's hand before nodding. "Durmstrang shall vin this year," the boy remarked, not taking Harry's hand or even moving.

After a moment, Harry nodded and came to stand near her again. His professor nodded her approval at him. Soon Headmaster Dumbledore, Ludo Bagman, Percy Weasley, Head Ross, Representative Rosendel and Representative Sorenson came into the antechamber. A reporter with a camera followed them in.

"Marvelous," Ludo Bagman began, clapping his hands together and looking very excited. "Simply marvelous."

"Yes, very," Head Ross interrupted. "We would all like to say congratulations and may the best Champion win."

"Yes. Yes. From what I understand our three Champions this year are even more skilled than in France three years ago. Mr. Sorenson, son of our esteemed ICW Representative and Junior Dueling Champion, European league, two years ago. Ms. Delacour, the first-place finisher in the annual Beauxbatons Dueling Championships the last two years and recently prima ballerina for the Trousseaux Ballet company."

Sorenson snorted and she narrowed her eyes at him. If the boy only knew the hours if took to get there, and how it had given her those two Dueling championships, he may not find her a laughing matter. Harry tensed as well.

"And finally, our own Boy-Who-Lived, Head Boy, recently offered a position on the English Quidditch team and from what I understand, Captain of the Quidditch team for Gryffindor."

She looked to Harry, who looked uncomfortable. "Mr. Bagman, I turned down the captaincy this year, and to be the English Seeker," Harry replied.

She raised an eyebrow at him. He, nor Hermione, had mentioned that.

Mr. Bagman gave him a huge smile. "We all know you are just waiting to graduate and then the spot is yours. So, some high achievements for our three Champions before we even start."

"If you are done posturing, can we get on with this?" Head Ross did not look impressed with Bagman.

"Of course. In the morning, you each will receive an official package with the updated rule books, a questionnaire we ask you to finish by Monday and some basic information on the tournament. As for your first challenge, it is to take place December sixth, starting at ten in the morning. It will be a quest of sorts: a challenge of your wit, survival skills and the ability to find something of importance. Be prepared for the unexpected. It may be the tundras of the north, or the sands of the Sahara, but all wizards and witches must seek a treasure."

Gabrielle looked at the man. Those were two extremes that took very different approaches in preparation. She had a feeling that may not be the only environment.

"Yes, ve are looking forvard to this. The International Confederation of Vizards has put their complete support into this and vould invite the Champions to a New Year's Ball in their honor," Representative Sorenson told them.

Gabrielle raised an eyebrow. That had not happened last time, but again, the ICW hadn't been involved last time.

"Thank you, sir," Harry spoke first.

"I look forward to attending," Gabrielle agreed.

"Yes, father," the Durmstrang Champion responded.

"Now, any questions?" Bagman asked, rubbing his hands together.

When there were none, Gabrielle was going to ask Harry to accompany her when Bagman swooped in. "Now, my boy, what is this you said that you are not going to be on the English team this year? From what I hear, you may be the one only able to counter Krum of Bulgaria."

Harry brushed the man's arm off his shoulders. "I would appreciate it, Mr. Bagman, if you keep your distance. I have told Mrs. Gregor that I am not interested and have other plans once I leave Hogwarts."

Bagman scrunched his brow. "You can't though. Why would you waist such a talent as that? You have to join the English team."

"I do not. Now, if you excuse me, I would like to escort Ms. Delacour around for a few and then get to bed. I think I will have a very busy weekend as I start preparing for the first event," Harry told Bagman. Harry turned to her and offered his arm. "Mademoiselle Delacour, if you would, I would like a walk and will escort you back by your curfew."

She smiled. "That would be most agreeable, Seigneur Potter."

"Gabrielle, are you sure you do not want to come back with moi?" Madam Maxime asked.

"I shall be escorted around by my boyfriend," she whispered back to her Headmistress. Gabrielle was not going to hide that. She would not take the risk of another girl trying to claim her Harry.

Madam Maxime looked to Harry. He was standing tall, which she liked at his one-hundred- and eighty-five-centimeters height. She was close to One-hundred and seventy-seven centimeters, which put her at the same height as many boys and men around her. She was taller than maman and Fleur. After a moment, the woman looked back to her. "We shall discuss this later."

"Mon papa and ma maman already know and agree, Madam Maxime," she told the half-giant woman, knowing she would understand.

After a moment, Madam Maxime nodded her head. "Seigneur Potter, I trust you to have Mademoiselle Delacour back by ten tonight. Starting next week, they can have more lenient curfew of eleven on Friday."

"Yes, ma'am. I shall ensure she is back," Harry gave his word.

She nodded and then moved towards Professor Dumbledore.

"Potter, if you would come by my office tomorrow morning about nine, I would like a word with you for a bit," Professor McGonagall informed him.

"Yes, Professor. I will be there," Harry told her.

Sorenson was talking with his father and most of the other dignitaries and judges were talking amongst themselves as she took Harry's arm and they slipped out of the antechamber. "Where are you escorting me to? I do hope it rather private," she told him.

Harry smirked at her. "It can be as private as you like, but I would like to show you something."

She looked around as Harry pulled her up the stairs. There were still a few students milling outside the great hall talking with each other. She noticed two girls and a boy give her a jealous look. She put her head up and focused on Harry. They could be jealous if they wanted.

There was a small voice in her head telling her she was being petty at the moment. The veela in her was telling her she was not being overt enough. Until late August, she had never had those two sides of her at odds like this. She moved closer. "Private enough to kiss you like earlier?"

His eyes shown with a desire that called to the fire in her. "As private as you want," he repeated to her.

It was a quiet walk across the bridge to the other building and then up more stairs. Beauxbatons was probably as large as Hogwarts, but it was only three stories and a layout like a palace, with long or square wings. Hogwarts was a maze of corridors, stairs, secret passages and paintings. Without Harry, she could easily get lost. She moved her hand to take is hand in hers. She preferred to hold his hand. They were not in an official setting, and he was her boyfriend.

That was something that she was very happy with.

When he stopped before a painting with trolls in tutu's and trying to dance, she looked at it oddly. "Here. This is what I wanted to show you," he told her, very straight faced and with a gleam in his eyes.

She looked at him, and then the painting. "Eef t'is is joke, I am not impressed."

"I don't know, I thought you would appreciate it," he said with a shrug.

She was not. There was nothing private about this except it was an empty corridor at the top of his school and the insult of the trolls were doing to her art was something that made her upset. "I do not appreciate it. If this wasn't your school, I would burn it right now."

He snapped his fingers. "Guess I need to do better to impress you then. Where is your favorite place to be?"

She looked around and then at him. "Not here," she said rather unimpressed.

"Can I show you one of my favorite places?"

Her eyes narrowed. He had been making fun of her and now he was up to something else. "Only if it is better than that atrocity and you make up for this very bad joke."

He winked at her and took her hand. "I think you will like this. You see, as much as I know this painting probably galls you, it actually marks one of the most unique things about Hogwarts."

She let him pull her along. She was feeling a little irked at him, but curious too. He took only a few paces and then turned. "Is this another secret you are about to show me? If it something like that painting, I am going to rethink you being my boyfriend."

Harry laughed and then turned again after a few paces. He shook his head. "I think you will like this one."

"Why are we walking back and forth. I really do not want to look at that... I wouldn't even call it art."

When they turned again, Harry had a huge smile on his face. "Have you ever read Alice in Wonderland?"

She pursed her lips. "A muggle book, is it not? Renee told me she was reading something like that once."

Harry nodded. "Yes. She slipped down a rabbit hole and entered another world. Many say it was a world of her dreams. At the bottom of the hole was a door," he told her, motioning his hand towards the wall across from the offensive painting. With an unimpressed look, she turned and found a set of ornate doors inlaid with gold and the blue of her House. She blinked a few times. "I don't know about your dreams, but this one is one of my favorites."

She looked at the door a few second before turning to him. "That was not there before."

His smirk was mischievous and held a hint of uncertainty. "Open the doors."

She eyed him before letting go of his hands and pushing them open. They felt just like the doors back at the town house. She knew how they felt because she had spent years going in and out of them. The small formal ballroom on the first floor was the best space they had to practice ballet and dancing.

When she opened the doors, her breath caught.

It was her ballroom.

Turning back to Harry, she looked at him with wonder. "How did you do this?"

Harry took her hand and led her in, closing the doors behind her. "This is the Room of Requirement. As far as I know, it can make any physical place or item. This room has become one of my favorites," he told her.

She felt a flush go through her. How was it possible that after spending maybe two hours in this room, he would have picked the same room she had spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours in. "Why would it be your favorite place?"

He looked at her. "It is the first time I got to see you really dance. You look so carefree and happy when you dance."

Her smile was shy. He really did think about her and already understand stuff about her that almost no one else did. "Are you asking for another private recital?"

"I was actually hoping you wouldn't mind dancing with a peasant," he told her.

She giggled. "You are far from a peasant."

A slow waltz started in the background. Harry extended his hand and bowed. "Compared to you, I dance like a peasant. Would you teach me to be better?"

She curtsied and loved how easily she slipped into her place in his arms, his hand going to her waist and her hand held just right. He pulled her hand slightly and started to guide her around the room. Harry was a very good dancer and she soon lost herself in their dance. She would be lying if she said she had never thought about something like this. But dreaming of it and living it was to very separate things.

When the dance stopped, she found herself against Harry. His green eyes were orbs of joy and desire. A desire she wholeheartedly endorsed and eagerly met his lips. Her hand that had been holding his went to his shoulder and soon to his hair as he met her tongue with his. Their tongues did a dance of their own as she drifted a hand to be between them. She needed to feel his chest as his hand drifted up and down her sides, leaving searing trails through her clothes.

When is mouth left hers, she was about to protest until his lips found her jawline and with a gentle nudge from him, she lifted her head to the side and felt as much as heard the deep moan she let out. She had never been kissed or touched like this. His lips left a feeling as though her insides were melting and only the one arm he had slipped around her was keeping her up.

As he kissed, she let her hands roam more over his clothes. His chest was firm and muscular. His abs felt just as firm and as her chest rubbed against his, she moaned. His hand slid inside the jacket of her uniform. Gabrielle gasped at the same time as he sucked on a spot at the base of her neck that had her starting to feel damp.

Gabrielle had never felt anything like this before and she took his head and smashed her mouth into his as his hand touched her side. It was only her thin shirt separating his hand from her skin and she found she didn't want it on. Gabrielle claimed his mouth and gave out a frustrated groan when he pulled away. They were both breathing hard and the look in his eyes were more lust filled than she had ever seen them. It wasn't the lust that most gave her though. This lust was filled with something deeper.

Harry wanted her, and she wanted him, but he wanted her for more than just her body and passion of what she was.

She went to pull him in, but he pulled back, looking very reluctant. "Kiss me," she demanded.

His smirk was infuriating. "Non, mon petit amie. I do not think Madam Maxime would like it if I brought you back late."

She growled at him. "Kiss me more and then we go."

He complied and way too soon pulled back. "We really must go, love."

She leaned into him at the joy of him calling her that. It had made her legs very week. "I don't want to. I want dance again and then kiss you senseless."

He laughed. "Who kissed who senseless?"

"You are the gentleman. The lady is always right," she snarked with a smirk.

"Yes, Gabrielle," he said in a soft tone, kissing her on the head and then started to walk her towards the doors.

"I don't want to go," she whined to him. The last thing she wanted was to let him go right now.

"I shall take you on a date into Hogsmeade tomorrow. Will you prefer lunch or dinner?"

"Dinner," she told him. "And then I want to dance again."

He opened the doors and they left. "How about we meet about two, spend some time in Hogsmeade, and then if you have permission, I have a nice place in London we can go to," Harry told her.

"Madam Maxime does not want us to go that far yet," she told him.

"Alright, then we will do something local."

She clung to him as he led her back down to the entry hall and then towards the carriage. Gabrielle did not want to let him go. Her maman had warned her she might get these tendencies, and they were natural to have, but she should not give in to them. When they made it to the carriage, she moved and wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and kissed him. It wasn't as 'wild' as it had been not long ago, but it was needy, and she wanted it to last forever.

When he pulled back, Harry rested his forehead on hers. "Congratulations, mon petit amie. May the best man win."

She glared at him and hit the back of his head. "And she will."

He chuckled and the door to the carriage opened. She was starting to get annoyed with her protective Headmistress. Gabrielle was seventeen now, she could apparate where she wanted and use her wand. She could kiss this wonderful man too, when she wanted. When Madame Maxine cleared her throat, Gabrielle gave a small growl and then pecked Harry before finally pulling away.

"I shall be by around two tomorrow," Harry told her.

"I will be ready."

Harry kissed her hand, made a few pleasant words to Madam Maxime and made sure she was in the coach before leaving. Madam Maxime was giving her a hard look. "You are sure he is not using you to get ahead?"

Gabrielle felt a rush of anger at her Headmistress. She put her chin up, met the eyes of the large woman and huffed. "Harry is a gentleman. He would never do that. As I told you, my parents approve of him, Madam Maxime."

The woman's hard eyes softened after a few. "I just worry for you and your cousins, Mademoiselle Delacour. I know how men can take advantage of your veela-blood."

"Thank you for your concern, but I do not think it is founded. Besides, my veela-blood calls to him," she said in a little more than a whisper. She was pretty sure that everyone was in their rooms of other places and would not overhear her.

Madam Maxime nodded. "I had suspected. I just wish you to be careful. You are our champion and I do not want to see any of my students hurt if I can prevent it."

"Thank you, Madam Maxime."

Her Headmistress nodded and then indicated towards the hall to their rooms. "I would recommend you get some rest. I would like to review your package in the morning and there has been a request to interview the Champions tomorrow. A reporter shall be here at nine-thirty."

Gabrielle finally loosened up and nodded. "Oui, madam."


November 1, 1997

London, England

Sirius smiled to see the Daily Prophet and a letter from Harry.

All three champions were on the cover with their Headmasters standing behind them. Harry looked stoic and as though he was putting up with the attention. His godson did not like the attention, but when he chose it, he would act the man James and Lily would have liked him to be.

The beautiful girl next to him looked prim and slightly smug. From what Renee had told him, Gabrielle had worked tirelessly to get to the top of her class the last few years and had decided to enter the tournament even before Fleur had won three years ago. Sirius had a feeling Harry would have more competition than he thought in her.

At the far right was the Durmstrang champion. The barrel-chested young man had a hard look that mirrored the headmaster with him. Sorenson was the son of one of the judges and had an impressive record on the International Youth Dueling League. Harry could probably match or beat the boy, but Harry had been taught to fight, without rules. This boy knew every trick one could to stay inside the rules.

He smiled at the paper as Renee wrapped her arms around his neck. "They are going to make beautiful children someday," Renee told him.

Sirius chuckled. "Are you asking me to give you children?"

"You could try right now, if you like," Renee offered before kissing his cheek.

"I thought you had to get to work today?"

She shrugged. "Being the boss has its perks. I am not opening the shop for two more weeks and there are no deliveries due today," she told him. When she had shown up on the bench across from his front door about a month ago, it had been a surprise. A surprise that he found he liked and was happy he could learn more of what veela-blood meant to help his godson once the questions came.

He moved and kissed Renee on her cheek. She pulled away slightly. "You need to shave."

"In a few. Did you see the Republican today?" Sirius asked, taking the other paper out.

Renee sucked in a breath. On the cover of the paper was the headline Rampage by Fridwulfa and three other giants stopped after five ICW Aurors killed.

Renee grabbed the paper and held it up before him. "There is a chair," he told her as she read over his shoulder.

"Be silent," she admonished him.

He reread some of the paper. Fridwulfa, one of the most dangerous giants around, had attacked several muggle villages in the Alps of Switzerland. Last anyone knew, the last of the giants were up in the mountains of Sweden. It was troubling that they could move so far south without warning.

What was more troubling was that Fridwulfa and two of the others escaped and couldn't be found. Forty-three muggles and six magicals were confirmed dead, with more than two-hundred others injured. Muggle authorities were blaming landslides from recent heavy rains, but the magical world knew differently.

More concerning were the rumors of black robed wizards in silver masks. It would appear the remaining Death Eaters were on the move, and the giants were with them.

"Mon Dieu," Renee whispered next to his ear. "What does Uncle Alain say about this? Those men that are mentioned, they sound like the ones you told me about. Death Eaters, non?"

"Oui. From our records and questioning, it was speculated at least thirty of them escaped the round up two years back. Eight have been caught or killed, but they have been trouble across the Continent and in the America's." Sirius rubbed his face. He had lived through one war that had almost cost him his entire family. He wasn't looking forward to the prospect of another. Especially with this beautiful witch next to him. One he found he wanted to start a family with. Having Harry here the last three years had done much to help Sirius deal with other things. He also found having his own children had a certain appeal. Though he had never entertained that thought until Renee had come to his bed that first night.

"I need to contact Alain and the others. I don't think we should let this go," he told Renee.

She kissed him on the cheek. "Come try to make a baby, then go off and do what you need."

He smirked. "Aren't you hungry?"

"I can eat afterwards. Maybe you can just take me here so we don't have to go any further," she said in a husky voice, kissing his neck.

Sirius gave out a growl. "You are going to be the death of me, woman. You already had me twice last night."

She giggled. "Are there better ways to go?"

He turned to capture her mouth. He really couldn't think of a better way to go than to be with Renee. Sirius was going to have to talk with her father soon. A betrothal and marriage were going to be needed sooner, rather than later. Sirius had every intention of trying to get her pregnant. He would probably never deny her any wish she wanted.

He was also going to have to finally accept that invitation to sit and talk with Alain and Apolline. He had avoided it since Harry had given them a mirror. There was little doubt that Harry was in it for the long run with Gabrielle. He saw the furtive looks they had given each other in the paper.
