
Part - 4

(Tae's Thought)

("I know that so many things happened in this year i just dont know what hehe i dont listen"

"wait hold the fuck up"

"If I really travelled back in time, then who am I here?"


"ok hold up my mom just told me that dad is gonna have a dinner meeting here and we need to attend too? seriously?"

"ohl forgot that its all formal here"

"God I cant believe Im in 1894")


"You have a nice home, General Kim." The visitors greeted. There we're lots of them, but enough to fit in the long elegant table. They're still not complete tho.

Tae was looking down from his room upstairs. His mother told him to dress up since they're also attending the meeting. The house was elegant and you can really tell that the family is a bit fortunate in life just by looking at the interiors.

Its a mansion but it looks more of like a palace. Tae hasn't explored it yet, because he thought that he might get lost at the size of it.


(Tae's Thought)

("My family here is indeed rich huh, and my dad here is a general. Wow"

"Wait oh god"

"Captain jeon is also attending??? he's here"

"ahahahahahahahawhydoifeelsonerv oushahahahahahahaha."

"oh my god")

Sorry for the short chapter :((

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