

A knock echo'd against the door of the room where the fallen Goddess holed herself up in, crying and howling in sorrow for decades on end now.

"Lady Goddess," Asherah heard a woman say as she opened the door and entered it, gazing upon the former Queen of the Heavens curled up in on herself against the wall of the bed at having been forsaken by her children and Husband.

"Lilith," The Goddess spoke out in surprise, her cries stopping for the first time in decades as she looked up and saw the Queen of Hell before her.

"What are you doing here, child?" Asherah questioned.

"Is it not the right of a Mother to be visited by her children In Her time of need? Am I not your daughter?" Lilith questioned gently, no judgment, only curiousity in her tone as she sat on the chair Lucifer sat on decades ago.

"Of course you are!" The Goddess stated as she slowly wiped her eyes, "I may have not have agreed with your decisions daughter, nor did I disagree with your punishment, but I still would never disown you Lilith, you will always be a beloved daughter of mine."

Lilith smiled at this, she expected no different from Asherah, she knew She'd still disagree with her choices, but that Her love was still there, was good enough for her.

"Well, to answer your question Mother is that I came to check on you. I believe it is time you left this room and that you stop wallowing in your misery,"

"What is there else for me to do then daughter? I am weakened, so weak in fact that I am useless, a rebellious Wife in your Father's eyes and an even more useless weight for your husband, my dear Light Bringer." Asherah countered.

"You still care about that?" Lilith questioned curiously.

"Of course, why wouldn't I? My Husband is still my Husband and my son is still my son. Why would I not care for them?" Questioned Asherah, confused.

"Well, God did banish you from Heaven and Lucifer did force his Will upon you, I honestly thought you'd hold a grudge." Lilith explained.

"This situation is not permanent, My Husband and I always get into arguments and we always stow away a great distance from one another till We make up, this is just another one of His tantrums at me destroying his favorite toys." Asherah stated without any worry in her tone.

"Are you truly sure about that Mother? I don't think Father really is the forgiving type against those who directly disobeyed Him. I believe I am quite the living proof of that," Lilith countered in a tone expressing her doubt in The Goddess's words.

"I am His Wife! The Mother of His children! He can not have possibly banished me for eternity because of some- some stupid ungrateful toys!" The Goddess snapped, anger in Her tone, though it was merely a facade, an attempt to outrun the gnawing feeling of fear being born within Her heart.

"Who did He love more, you? Or Lucifer?" Lilith retorted, and that question was all she needed to ask for it to become clear to the Goddess.

She sat there agape for a couple of seconds, "He- He really abandoned Me..." She murmered in disbelief.

Lilith stood up and went to the door, "Once you're ready, come find us, I'm sure my husband has an idea what to do by now." She stated as she left the fallen Goddess to stew over what She learned.



"Uaaaaagh!" The fallen angel howled in agony as wings were ripped off.

"Brother please, what have I done to you to warrent such cruelty?" Satan, the First of the Fallen, formerly known as the angel Prime, God's conscious questioned in a tone of pleading for mercy.

"It is not what you have done my little Satan, it is what you will do if you forget your place," The Morning Star stated, his boot upon the First's chest.

"You see little brother, I have been very, very frustrated lately. With me constantly being within Father's palm no matter where I run or hide, it has simply become too tiring. And so-" Lucifer pressed his foot earning a scream of agony from Satan,

"I thought, I'm due to a vacation. It has been a long time after all since I've seen my beloved lights, they must miss their father too, but then I realized that if I truly wanted to do so, my kingdom would have to temporarily function without my continued presence." Lucifer explained.

"What does that have to do with me!?" Satan questioned through his continued howls of pain.

"Well, my dear little brother," Lucifer began as he stepped his foot away and picked Satan up by his long hair, "See, all this-" Lucifer gestures to their surroundings, "It can't function without a Ruler and well, the ruler can only be an angel.

You probably missed this since you were rotting in darkness for eons, but that's the rules dear old Dad set for this place.

That brings us to my current predicament. If you're well, in Hell when I'm absent I fear that you'll get authority as my Regent which I do not desire for I already have someone in mind, so the only conclusion left is, for you to not be in Hell when I'm gone." Lucifer finished and as he did, Satan's eyes blue even wider than they did before in fear.

He was overcome with terror and akin to a wild beast was scratching and tearing at Lucifer's arm to let him go to no avail.

"Please elder brother, please don't destroy me! Please- please- please, I beg you!" He continued to plead with tears of terror streaming down his eyes.

"Now who said I'm going to destroy you?" Lucifer questioned in a bewildered tone.

"You- you're not going to destroy me?" Satan questioned confused, but also immensely relieved.

"No, no I am not, you still have uses. For now though you are only a nuisance, so-" Lucifer tightened his grip on Satan's hair as he flung him aside, and as he did a crack in Hell appeared from the sheer force of it, Satan gone inside it.

"Dad knows where that leads to, but without your wings you're guaranteed to not be an inconvenience towards my dear Mazikeen." Lucifer stated with a whistle as he Willed the crack shut.

"Now time to pick up Lilith for our extended vacation!" Lucifer said to himself as he spread his wings and took flight, 'As well as time to implement my new approach.'


-Two weeks ago

Lucifer was frustrated.

Since his partial remembrance he's been researching and contemplating how he'd possibly escape this reality, but has come up with nothing.

The more he thinks, the thicker the fog becomes and the tighter the chains binding him.

'There is no end to this! No matter how hard I attempt to remember the thought just escapes me! Damn it all, what should I even do?' Lucifer mused to himself, frustrated as he remained seated on his Throne within the great empty room.

Though as If struck by lightning he for the first time in months gained an idea of a new approach,

'Wait a second, a big reason why my rebellion was even possible, that it was possible for me to not become like a puppet with its strings cut at a single command from Dad is because of my past life as a human...

Yet, all these years I have been trying attempting to escape as an archangel, giving into my angelic nature and neglecting thereby my human one.

I have practically forgotten what it is like to be human, lost near all connection to that part of me, having drowned it in eons of angelic existence.

To escape the Plan I may need to not search for the answer in the nature and capability of the angel Lucifer, but the human that was Samael, for the human was the free one, while the angel has always been the slave...' Lucifer contemplated to himself as he finally rose from his throne after months of remaining seated upon it.

He, spreading his wings took flight for if he was truly going to attempt this then he needed to take care of a few loose ends first.


-Present Day

"Mazikeen," Lucifer called out as he descended at his daughter's training grounds.

"Father? What are you doing here? If you required my presence you should have simply called upon me. It is unbefitting for the King of Hell to seek his subjects himself." She stated at his approach, stabbing her sword into the ground, earning an endeared chuckle from Lucifer.

"My dear Mazikeen, always the faithful daughter, worried about her father's reputation " Lucifer stated as he ruffled her head earning a slash from her sword towards his hand.

"As feisty as ever as well I see," Lucifer continued as he easily dodged his daughter's blade.

"You know how much I despise you doing that," She hissed, though deep down, Lucifer knew she enjoyed it but was too embarrassed to admit it.

"Sure you do my dear Maze," He retorted playfully.

Though before she could give a retort of her own his expression turned serious, "Mazikeen," he addressed seriously, causing her immediately to stand straight, ready for whatever order her king as for her. She has always been his most faithful child as well as subject.

"I'm here to tell you that I'm leaving,"

"Leaving? What do you mean by leaving father?" She questioned, confusion evident in her tone.

"I'm taking a vacation to clear my head ---- 'In more ways than one' he thought to himself ---- your mother is coming with me. It is something that can be beneficial to the both of us." Lucifer explained.

"Alright, so you'll stay within the Palace longer? Do I have to take care of the directing of the torturing of the damned till you are back?"

"No Mazikeen, by leaving I mean leaving Hell. Your mother and I are going to be visiting earth, and until we are back you will be my appointed Regent of Hell." Lucifer clarified.

"You- You and mother will leave to earth? But for how long!?" She questioned shocked.

"I do not know, the time is currently indefinite. I... I am searching for something and I hope to find it up there."

"Then send Dromos and a couple demons instead, they should be able to find what you are looking for, you don't need to leave!" She yelled, her voice becoming desperate.

Mazikeen has grown very close to her father, more than she ever was with her mother. Because of this she's often been called a 'daddy's girl' though always behind her back. The last one who stated it to her face lost their tongue, unable to heal it for decades.

"I'm sorry my dear, but I have to do this one myself," Lucifer told her as he brought her into a hug, one that she hesitantly repricorated.

Still not used to gentle touches after constantly battling for survival in these dark lands.

"Trust yourself my daughter, for know this, in all of creation, there is none who I'd trust with my back more than you." Lucifer told her as he gently kissed her head.

They remained like that for a little while until Mazikeen herself broke the hug and kissed her father's cheek.

Lucifer gave her a warm smile, "Fare well my dear Maze, I hope to see you once more soon, and when I do, I know you'll have become a Queen in your own right, one deserving of a kingdom within these lands." Lucifer stated, earning a wide-eyed look from Mazikeen, for none before have been given any kind of land before in Hell, all of it only under the Daystar's guidance.

It was a symbol of great trust and honor to receive such a reward.

The archangel then spread his wings and took flight towards the Palace and there he saw something unexpected, for it was not only his wife that was waiting there for him but his Mother as well.

"Have you finished all that you must?" Lilith questioned as he landed.

"I have, though it seems you have been busy as well when I was away." He responded as his gaze turned towards his Mother.


"Mother," Lucifer responded, "What is the meaning of this? Why are you here?" He questioned.

"I... I have realized that I may have not known My Husband as I thought I did..."

Lucifer waited patiently for a moment for her to continue as she remained silent, but couldn't take it anymore as she remained so, "Go on, speak, what are you trying to say,"

Asherah took a deep breath and sighed, "It means that I may have misjudged my actions and may have been in the wrong for choosing Yahweh's side before.

I still do not truly know so I wish to accompany you in this journey you have chosen for yourself to understand you better and be a better Mother towards you, one that isn't always observing and commanding from afar.

Will you bestow upon me such a chance, my son?" She requested, her tone even, though Lucifer could sense her desperation and genuine desire to know whether she was wrong or not, to make amends or not.

"Very well, I'll allow it, but Mother, there are no third chances. Make sure you do not fail me again for if you do, then I can not know if I will ever have it in me to grant you another chance." The Morning Star warned, earning a bright and warm smile from his Mother as she nodded, tears of happiness streaming down her eyes.

"Ready?" Lucifer questioned his wife who stood on the sidelines a smile on her face.

As she nodded, Lucifer spread his wings as wide as he could and enveloped with his Will his Mother and wife and took flight to the cosmos, his eyes filled with determination.


(Author note: Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed the new chapter! Do please comment and review if you did!

So yeah, Lucifer is finally going to journey on earth which Will give us plenty of opportunity to explore the times.

The opportunity to meet various characters, pantheons, etc.

Though Lucifer will attempt to for the most part to not use his angelic abilities as much as he can. He wishes to attempt to reconnect with his human self, but worry not, he will not be nerfed.

This is a simple matter of choice that if the situation warrants it, will become different in which case he'll use his angelic capabilities.

So yeah, hope you all enjoyed and see you all later,

