
How will this story go forward?

Hello everyone! Just wanted to ask you guys a couple questions.

You see, the whole point of this fic is me actually wishing to explore what would happen if someone actually became Samael for you see, like everyone, in so many fictitious tales desires the power of the archangel, but well, practically never do they get the shackles that come with it.

I wanted to explore what it truly would be like for anyone else to be put in Samael's position, if there is actually anything else he could have done with him being well, him.

A lot is the same, but a lot is different too. Lilith was the one who originally inspired Samael to rebel, here it is the opposite.

Samael was defeated by Michael, here he destroyed the entire Host, losing only by the most unexpected variable possible.

So, moving forward. I have heard a lot of dissatisfaction again at the story being to much like the original, which is fair. Also, I only meant to say that to the ones who showed the dissatisfaction, for the ones who have showed their love for the story, well, I am very, very happy that this brought you happiness.

Hope you continue to enjoy it.

Well, onto my point, I wish to receive some ideas, some plot points Samael can be put into that he won't breeze through. I have my own ideas, but wish to hear yours.

Samael here in this fic is the second most powerful creature in existence, he can Will basically near anything, but because of his code, his own respect for Free Will, coming with it not having your thoughts and privacy invaded

Samael does not use it to just Will knowledge into his head, but for the most part, he can do anything besides creating from nothing or permanently killing an archangel.

This is basically the basis of what I and you guys have to work with, so do please tell me if you have any ideas.

Any criticism is welcome, even telling me something sucks, because that can give me feedback over what someone finds wrong to contemplate, so just saying, "The whole fic sucks" is kind of useless to me and a waste of both of our times so please do avoid that.

So yeah, I hope to hear from you guys and see you all later,

