

-6 Millennia Later in Hell time (20 years on earth)

"Someone's enjoying themselves," Samael said with a teasing voice as Lilith just woke up. They were both in bed, naked with him stroking her hair, "Mhm, I had a good dream," She stated as she turned around towards him.

"The noises you were making love, am I that irresistible. Not having enough even when asleep?" Samael purred.

At this Lilith gently slapped him in the chest with a laugh as she shifted herself, straddling him.

"I have to say, the view is very nice from down here," He told her as he was checking her out, his eyes roaming, taking every inch of her in, claiming it as his , making her shiver with lust.

Though as they were going to continue indulging in their desires, a hard knock came against the door of their chamber.

"Father, mother," Mazikeen began behind the door, "Apologies for disturbing you, but something urgent has happened. A soul has descended into Hell."

Hearing this Samael's and Lilith's eyes immediately became serious.

Not wishing to waste time on manually putting clothing on Samael simply Willed a suit on- one that is in modern times would be called a Prada - and Lilith into a black dress, though not showing any skin save for her neck, face and hands- which she has white gloves on for.

"Still as possessive as ever," She murmers to herself, "Of course, you are mine, my Queen, my woman whom I love very dearly, your beauty belongs only to me. Only for my eyes to behold, no one else." Samael explained, looking in the mirror to see if he made any mistakes, his face long since healed, causing Lilith to huff.

"And I'm sure that applies the same for me to you," She stated in a sarcastic tone.

"Sorry darling," Samael began with a smirk, "You yourself chose to stick to Desire incarnated. But you should know, my heart will most likely only ever belong to you."

"Well, I suppose I knew what I was getting myself into when I decided to marry you that day in the garden." She huffed to herself as she straightened his collar.

"It's really something about you men isn't it," Lilith began, "As long as you see a woman that you believe is worthy to have as yours, you want them. Not only that you're all very insatiable-"

"I recall you yourself being very insatiable as well last night," Samael interrupted as he wiggled his eyebrows at her with a shit-eating grin on his face, causing her to snort a laugh and gently slap his shoulder.

"Be that as it may, I have actually come to terms with it, since I came into being really. God and Goddess simply made you men this way. I wasn't supposed to be Adam's only wife either, I already knew eventually Eve would come into the picture." She explained.

Samael hearing this gaze softened, concerned, "Love, if me having other women will hurt you then for you I'll simply leave all of them be, I don't want to hurt you. That is never my intention." He told her as he gently stroked a strand of hair on her face away.

"No, I don't want to be like your father Sam. I don't want to limit you and hurt you by making you go against your own nature." Lilith told him as she gently entwined her hand with his.

"For you ,I would, forever. Even though there were many reasons to it, the breaking point was that led to my rebellion against dad was that you were hurt, that you were taken from me. You are the most important thing in Creation to me, never doubt that." Samael told her with every bit of love and sincerity he could muster as he gently cupped her.

"I know, after all you never lie. But I still don't, want you to. And again, you are insatiable. You know how long I was birthing children because of sleeping with you only once?

I felt like a baby making machine, pumping one out every 9 months for near on a millenia.

I think having a sister wife would lessen the load on me, besides I know you are fair and that you'd never make me feel loved less. I know how far you're willing to go for me, that you would move Heaven and Earth for me, and that is enough." She told him with a gentle smile on her face, no hint of dissatisfaction within her soul or on her face.

"My dear wife, I would not only move it, I would burn it all to the ground if doing so made you happy. I would lead another rebellion and another, and another million more for your sake. I would fall a million more times, burn for a billion more years in that accursed Lake so long as you are mine, so long as your joy lays at my side." He told her earnestly, causing a tear of happiness to fall from her eyes, which he gently swiped away with his thumb.

"I know, and I will always be yours, always." She promised, her soul singing her love towards him.

"Okay, enough about that, Hell needs its King. Let's not keep our children and that soul waiting." She told him as she opened the door and walked away.

Samael lost in thought, thinking to himself what he should do. How he should go against everything he stands for as the Honored One, he who's pleasure and displeasure matter above all else...


As they both arrived, Samael having flown them both here, they saw their children with Mazikeen leading them they saw a door standing in the middle of nowhere.

"How long has it been here?" Samael questioned as they both approached.

"A single cycle Lord Father," One of his children answered, the one named Dromos.

"We did not wish to disturb you and Mother when you were..." Squee began, but was interrupted by cough from the side from Dromos.

All the Nephilim were delighted to have their father around. They in Hell were able to observe the war their father waged for them and did not blame him for their siblings deaths.

Many though angry at first at his failure lost that anger after seeing the state he was in when he flew for the first time into the Palace by Mazikeen, for all were able to sense his arrival and were aware of the guilt and anguish he felt at their states.

Their dead siblings having made it into Paradise aiding in this.

"Has anything significantly changed about it since then?" Lilith questioned.

"Not that we were able to be aware of mother." Answered Mazikeen.

Samael himself already had an idea what this was, a hell loop. He also had an idea on who it was inside, but hoped he was wrong.

He without any more words stepped towards the door and opened it, Lilith behind him as they both stepped through, and as they did all they heard was a roar of rage and a howl of pain as a young man with a rock smashed another's head in, breaking his skull, causing him to fall onto the ground and die.

'I wished I was wrong, that Adam being so different from what I knew, that this would also be different... But it isn't.

This is Abel's hell loop...'


(Author note: Hello everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Please do comment and review, we almost have 10 reviews, only four more for a rating!

I would really appreciate it, will allow me to know if you guys like it and want me to continue.

Well, again hope you enjoyed. See you all later,

