
Chapter 28- Disneyland!

After Laurent's desperate scream, there was no sound outside the door.

Laurent didn't have the energy to deal with him anymore. She returned to her bed, closed her eyes, and forced herself to sleep, trying to stop herself from thinking about the humiliating encounter that had just happened.

Dave stood outside her door for a while, his body tense and his expression dark.

He had rushed over to check on her, afraid that she might... do something drastic. But he hadn't expected her to accuse him of driving her to suicide, or the casual remark she had made on the plane about death being a way to escape.

All of it made him inexplicably uneasy.

Although she didn't react as violently as she had in previous arguments, Dave knew that their relationship, due to the forceful way he had initiated their intimate moment earlier, had sunk to an all-time low.
