
Chapter 13

Caitlin continued to see James, the tension in the air was palpable. Just then, Hopkins, the Morgan family's butler, approached and lightly tapped James on the shoulder. "It's time to greet the Tsubakis, young James," he said with a kind smile.

James took a deep breath and straightened up. With a formal gesture, he addressed the Tsubaki family. "Good evening, I am James Morgan. It's a pleasure to meet you." He paused to allow everyone to respond before continuing. "I hope you had a pleasant journey."

The Tsubakis smiled and returned the greeting, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Mrs. Tsubaki, with her characteristic kindness, replied, "Thank you, James. The trip was very enjoyable."

After the introductions, James's parents exchanged glances, and Mr. Morgan said, "James, please take Caitlin on a tour of the mansion. Hopkins and Kokuran can accompany you."

"Sure," James replied, feeling a bit relieved to have a task to do. Caitlin nodded enthusiastically as Arcanine approached her side and Gothitelle floated gracefully next to her.

As they walked through hallways adorned with family portraits and antiques, James began to ask casual questions to get to know Caitlin better. "So, Caitlin, how old are you?" he asked while admiring a painting on the wall.

"I just turned 14," she replied with a smile. "And you?"

"Me too," said James. "I really enjoy spending time with my Pokémon as well. What do you enjoy doing most?"

Caitlin's face lit up as she spoke about her interests. "I love being with my Pokémon and spending time with Sister Cynthia. She is my only close friend," she confessed, her tone reflecting both affection and nostalgia.

James took the opportunity to ask more subtle questions about her values. "It's great to have a friend like that. What do you think is the most important thing when taking care of your Pokémon?"

Caitlin thought for a moment before answering: "I think the most important thing is to give them love and attention. They feel what we feel."

"That makes sense," said James nodding. "Sometimes I wonder how one can show affection to a Pokémon... do you have any special way of doing it?"

"I always try to play with them and learn about their needs," Caitlin explained. "Cynthia taught me that every Pokémon is unique."

As they continued exploring the mansion, Caitlin remembered something Cynthia had told her: "the best way to get to know someone was through a Pokémon battle." With a spark of excitement in her eyes, she turned to James and said: "Would you like to have a Pokémon battle? I think it would be a good way for us to get to know each other better."

James smiled at the idea. "Sure! I would love that." The proposal made both feel more comfortable with each other, eager to showcase their skills and learn more about one another in the process.

As James and Caitlin prepared for battle, Kokuran and Hopkins were conversing in a corner of the garden. The Tsubaki family's butler commented seriously: "Caitlin has been improving her control over her psychic powers, but there are still times when she can lose control, especially if she feels overwhelmed."

Hopkins nodded attentively. "And what happens when she loses a battle? Is there no risk of that affecting her control?" he asked with concern.

Kokuran confidently replied: "Don't worry. Caitlin is strong and has learned to manage her emotions. I'm sure she won't lose control during the battle with James."

However, Hopkins frowned for a moment, feeling that Kokuran was underestimating James. Although he said nothing, his expression hinted at his concern that Caitlin might become overwhelmed.

Scene Change…

In an elegant room of the mansion, James's parents and Caitlin's parents were sitting around a table discussing business while enjoying a bottle of wine. The atmosphere was relaxed yet professional, with both couples exchanging ideas about potential collaborations between their families.

Mr. Morgan raised his glass and said: "I'm glad we can gather and discuss our opportunities. I believe there is much potential in working together."

Mrs. Tsubaki smiled as she poured more wine into their glasses. "Indeed. I think it's time we strengthen our ties."

"We would love to help the Tsubaki family expand their business in Indigo," said Mr. Morgan, pouring some more wine into his glass. "With our connections in the Indigo Alliance, we could facilitate starting your businesses here."

Mr. Tsubaki nodded gratefully. "And we can help you enter the Sinnoh market, especially in tourism and real estate sectors. There are many opportunities we can explore together."

"That sounds promising," replied Mr. Morgan, his face lighting up with enthusiasm. "The Indigo Alliance is constantly growing, and I believe there is great potential for both of us."

As they talked about the possibilities ahead, the conversation shifted towards their children. Mr. Tsubaki smiled while mentioning Caitlin: "We are really excited about our move to Unova. The Unova Alliance has offered Caitlin a position in the Elite Four when she fully grows up."

"That's incredible," said Mr. Morgan, impressed. "Caitlin has a great future ahead."

However, the conversation took a more serious turn when Mr. Tsubaki mentioned a recent concern: "I've heard rumors about an organization emerging in Indigo called Team Rocket that seems to be targeting prominent families in the Alliance."

Mr. Morgan fell silent for a moment, his expression turning grave. Finally, he spoke in a low and serious tone: "Team Rocket is nothing new. It was founded by Hayato Silph, president of Silph S.A., along with a woman who called herself 'Madame Boss.' Their goal was to eliminate competition for Silph and they have been attacking emerging companies that could pose a threat to them."

Mr. Tsubaki's eyes widened in surprise as he listened intently. "And what happened to Madame Boss?"

"After achieving some success, Hayato ambushed her and killed her to silence her," continued Mr. Morgan in an even lower voice. "I learned about this by chance when I bought 30% of Silph S.A.. It's likely that the current Team Rocket is related to some relative of the former Team Rocket leader."

Mr. Tsubaki frowned with concern: "Are they expanding into Sinnoh to escape attacks from the new Team Rocket? Do they want to move into Sinnoh?"

Just as Mr. Morgan was about to respond, a loud crash resonated from the garden followed by an explosion that shook the windows of the room, leaving both men tense and filled with unease at what was happening outside.

Moments Earlier…

The atmosphere in the garden was electrified as James and Caitlin prepared for their Pokémon battle. Both positioned themselves; James stood next to Goliath, his sturdy Tauros, while Caitlin stood beside her elegant Reuniclus.

"Ready!" shouted James as he raised his hand. "Tauros, let's go!"

"Reuniclus, it's your turn!" responded Caitlin determinedly.

The battle began with a strong exchange of moves.

"Tauros, use Tackle!" commanded James as Tauros charged towards Reuniclus with all its strength.

But Caitlin quickly responded: "Reuniclus, use Protect!" A green barrier formed around Reuniclus stopping Tauros's attack dead in its tracks.

"Don't give up Tauros! Use Horn Attack!" shouted James determinedly trying to break through Caitlin's defense.

Tauros charged again using its sharp horns just as Reuniclus's barrier faded just in time for the attack to hit... Reuniclus was pushed back but quickly recovered.

"Reuniclus counterattack with Psyshock!" ordered Caitlin as a beam of psychic energy shot towards Tauros.

James barely had time to react: "Dodge it Tauros!" But Tauros couldn't completely avoid the attack and was hit on its side stumbling slightly.

"Now it's your chance! Use Psybeam!" continued Caitlin as a multicolored beam shot from Reuniclus towards Tauros.

He managed to withstand the attack but it caused him to fall onto his knees.

"Tauros! Get up! Use Rage!" shouted James fervently.

Tauros rose again with renewed fury charging towards Reuniclus with impressive force.

The attack was effective; Reuniclus was hit again showing signs of weakness.

"Don't give up Reuniclus! Use Recover!" Caitlin quickly ordered as Reuniclus began glowing green regaining some energy.

But James wasn't going to let that happen without fighting back: "Tauros use Body Slam! Give it everything you've got!"

Tauros lunged forward with all its mass; the impact was strong causing Reuniclus to fall onto the ground significantly weakened.

"Come on Reuniclus! Don't give up!" Caitlin pleaded.

But Tauros's determination was overwhelming; it finally managed to knock down its opponent.

Reuniclus fell onto the ground unable to continue battling.

"Reuniclus has fainted! The winner is Tauros!" announced Hopkins from one side of the garden.

James took a deep breath feeling victorious but also aware of how much effort his Tauros had put forth; Tauros was on the verge of fainting panting heavily while still standing.

However, victory soon turned somber as Caitlin visibly affected by defeat and emotional pressure from battle began losing control over her psychic powers.

A brilliant aura began surrounding her while her eyes shone intensely; suddenly a psychic explosion erupted in the garden sending waves of energy shaking the ground and breaking branches from nearby trees.

Kokuran who had been watching from aside with concern quickly released Musharna: "Musharna! Use Hypnosis!" he urgently ordered as Musharna floated towards Caitlin releasing soft gas that began enveloping her.

As the gas filled the air Caitlin slowly started calming down; her eyes lost that intense glow and her body relaxed.
