
Chapter 9: Part 4

- Silas -

I controlled my mana and shaped the magic and watched in fascination as the flowers on the tree all froze, leaving everything else unharmed.

It had been two weeks since we had started learning magic and soon after, I discovered that I was apparently extremely talented with Ice and Water Magic. August, Irene and Zeref's words, not mine.

I guess my Skills from Rimuru's world had something to do with it.

Since then, I have started to focus more on control.

The lessons provided by Irene and August certainly helped with it.

"No matter how many times I see this, I am amazed. Your control over the element is really amazing." Irene sighed. "Next, defrost the flowers and freeze the leaves." She commanded.

I nodded and concentrated once more.

This was harder as if I directly removed the ice, the flowers would crumble and her order was to defrost the ice, not break it.

Sage ran as things slowed in front of me and my magic flowed to my command, slipping from the Ice as I changed the element to water and with another thought, covered the leaves with my power. It was much harder as there were too many of the leaves and I had to keep the branches from freezing.

Finally, after a minute or so later, the leaves were covered and I used my Ice Magic to freeze them.

She went ahead and checked the leaves, plucking some of them out and checked if they were frozen completely or not. After several minutes, she nodded.

"Good. Now defrost this. I like the flowers in my garden and I don't want the plants to die so be careful."


I controlled the corner of my lips from twitching.

In these two weeks, I had come to know them better.

Miss Irene….she was not a bad person. She just behaved like one more often than not to keep up a charade. She was more of someone playing the bad cop than an actual bad person.

It would not be obvious to people who didn't know her closely and sometimes not even them but I had observed that her actions were contradictory. That said, I wouldn't doubt it for a moment that she was dangerous.

The longer we stayed here, the more we learned about the whole Empire and the people whom I have been treating so casually till now.

Zeref was the Emperor of the Alvarez Empire….which was the only empire on the entire continent.

This guy had single handedly made an empire from scratch and ruled it with an iron fist. That was not to say he was disliked by the people.

On the contrary, the public here loved him and his subordinates, the Spriggan 12.

They were a group of top mages who assisted Zeref's rule over the Empire. August and Irene were a part of this group.

Each of them had the power to bring down countries.

That meant that Irene could literally bring down a country by herself. Not that it was that much of a surprise.

From Tohru's words, I knew that she was a dragon too. This much….was understandable.

Not only her, August, that old man was an utter hax.

His Copy Magic was one of the most broken things I had ever seen and I was someone who could cut through fate.

After my training, I was given a break so I went back to the library.

I was trying to learn the language of this world.

Yes, apparently I could speak all languages but couldn't read or write them and I didn't want to let go of so many books. This led to me taking lessons on the language of this world along with Brandish and Dimaria by August.

"And so she turned it tiny. His face was so funny when he looked at the cart hahahaha." I heard the giggles of Dimaria.

"He was making fun of me." The other voice complained, trying to justify herself. This was Brandish.

"That's no good, Brandish-chan. You shouldn't do that to other people." A third voice, the one I recognised as Lavinia's, reprimanded the girl.

I entered the room to see the two younger girls sitting on either side of Lavinia and talking to her. Sakura was sitting beside them and watching them with a smile.

Brandish and Dimaria were both young, around ten or eleven and there were no other kids that age in this place.

Actually, that wouldn't be true. There was Invel but he was still sixteen and mostly outside. The only reason I even knew about him was because he was also an ice mage and came to see me when he heard about me.

This led the two girls to latch on to Lavinia who had a very friendly, albeit airheaded personality and this made her a hit with others.

In just two weeks, they were like sisters. 

In fact, it was not just these two, even Sakura was getting close to Lavinia and they got along quite well.

I was very happy about this as Sakura didn't easily open up with others. Normally, she only talked with me and Tohru in the Restaurant and sometimes with Miu when she came but. This was not good for her as she was literally shutting herself up.

But Lavinia's personality had won her over in this time. Maybe it was due to their pasts or just the chemistry between the two, they were becoming the best of friends in a very short time. And it was not just Sakura who was improving, even Lavinia was far more cheerful than she was that day. She always smiled and played or chatted with them when she had free time.

August had offered her an apprenticeship and she had accepted it under the persistent begging of Brandish and Dimaria.

They noticed me and turned towards me.

"Silas!" The two kids looked at me and cheered up.

They got to know me better when they visited my Restaurant with Lavinia and ate my cooking. They have been my fan since then and have constantly pestered me to cook for them.

Only August's strict words stopped them but that didn't reduce their enthusiasm.

I walked and sat beside Sakura.

"Did you finish your training?" Sakura asked as she summoned a towel and handed it to me which I took with a smile.

Requip Magic.

It was the Space Type ability Sakura had started with. She didn't want to learn it for fighting purposes but rather to work as a waitress in the Restaurant.

According to her, with this, she could carry many orders easily.

I smiled at the girl's reply and nodded. 

According to August, this magic was very good for someone to start with Space Magic as it helped them sense space properly. As she progresses more, she can learn other types of space magic too.

In fact, I wanted to learn Space Magic as well, as I too had an affinity for it and Requip was quite convenient, I could get more or less an inventory of sorts if I learned it.

As for learning Advanced Magic, I was going to go forward with Ice Magic while Sakura wanted to try some non elemental ones to see if she could learn something new.

Irene told me that there was a Magic called the God Slayer Magic in their archives and that it could be suitable for Lavinia. They had both Ice and Fire Elements and they would be a perfect fit for her since she now had two Sacred Gears capable of killing Gods attached to her soul.

Yeah. Apparently, when I defeated that woman, her Sacred Gear was left inside her body and attached itself to her soul.

That's the reason for her unusual dual affinities and why she could use both to a high degree without suffering any disadvantages.

I won't lie, I wanted to learn Ice God Slayer Magic too but as it turns out, the Demon Seed which Zeref had planted inside me made me more compatible with the Ice Devil Slayer Magic.

A Devil Slayer Devil….as odd that sounded, it was the truth.

Perhaps that was due to the unusual name of the magic. While the Devil Slayer Magic was highly effective against Devils and Demonic Beings, it was in essence the magic used by Demons.

Humans had copied the magic and used it against them.

This however was not easy to do as the more someone uses the Devil Slayer Magic, the more they are affected by it. With prolonged use, a Devil Seed is born inside them and keeps getting empowered until it blooms.

When that happens, the human turns into a demon themselves. This more often than not leads to personality changes.

So in essence, you become the being you hunt.

The same was the case with Dragon Slayer Magic.

In fact, Irene-san was once a human too and was actually the person who invented Dragon Slayer Magic and was the first user of that magic.

She unfortunately didn't know the effects of this power and by the time she realised it, it was too late. She had become a dragon.

That was however not the case with me as I was already a devil, so all it did was empower me.

I had also wondered if the God Slayer Magic would make someone a God but August had denied it.

According to him, Gods were above even Dragons and becoming a God was not that easy.

The last two weeks have been an amazing experience for us and if I was honest, this was the kind of magic I was expecting when I started learning Jujutsu, especially learning it with other friends like this.

We talked about a few more things before August came and began our lessons.


I was awakened in the middle of the night when I felt someone by my side. I was pretty sure I was sleeping alone.

I froze when I felt a breath on my back and soon after, there was movement and an arm fell on my chest and a leg wrapped around my waist.

I turned back almost mechanically and saw the view became clearer.

Blonde hair came to view first and finally I saw the one sleeping by my side, Lavinia.

….why was she here?

When exactly did she get here?

I tried to move but the movement only made her snuggle closer to me.

Suddenly I felt warm on my side and looking below, I saw white.

My mind blanked for a moment and I stopped moving.

What the hell was she wearing….or not wearing? A closer look gave me the answer. Was that my shirt? Why was she wearing my shirt? But most of all, what was she doing in my bed?

As far as I knew, she wasn't someone of bad character and neither had she given me any indication that she was into me or something, so why did she suddenly jump in my bed?

I took some deep breaths and finally decided to do something about the situation.

I shook her lightly to wake her.

"Lavinia, Lavinia…."

"Hmm? Silas-kun?" She asked with a sleepy voice and half open eyes. "What are you doing in my bed?" She asked, confused.


"Your bed? This is my bed!" I replied, trying to not make a scene and wake others up. It really didn't look good for any of the two of us.

"Eh? Why is your bed in my room?"


"It isn't. This is my room….and before you ask me, that is my shirt." I said pointing towards the unbuttoned shirt she was wearing.

"Huh?" She was really not into it.

"How did you get here?" I asked, trying to make some sense of everything.

"I…." She put a finger on her cheek and made a thinking pose. "Think I got up to go to the restroom….then I was feeling cold so I wore the shirt hanging there and came and slept. It was warm here."


"Just that?"

"Hmm." She nodded resolutely and her grip on my body increased. "You feel warm and cool at the same time. It feels nice."

I looked blankly at the girl. "That's it?

"Yes. Why, you don't like snuggling?"

It really couldn't be just that, right?

Was she interested in me….she hadn't shown any intentions like that.

Was she pulling a prank on me?

Are people watching?

Several thoughts came to my mind and I'll be honest, the last one was looking the most reasonable.

Well, let's see how far you can go for the prank then.

So I put up my best smile and faced her.

"Oh, I like snuggles alright. Normally when I get snuggles at night, I get a good night kiss before that."

"Oh. I didn't know that." She answered and then before I could say anything, she leaned in and kissed my cheek. "There you go." She smiled sincerely.





I tried to find a reply but couldn't and she snuggled into my side and closed her eyes.

After fifteen minutes or so, her breathing became even and she had fallen asleep once more.

Was this really a prank?

What the hell was going on?

- Jiraiya -

"What do you mean you cannot find him?" He shouted as he banged the table, looking at the man he called sensei.

In the shadows the Anbu shifted but a light shake from Sabutobi-sensei made them stop.

"I have searched every corner of the village, sent out search teams all over the Land of Fire but there are no indications of him even leaving the village. Even his scent just disappeared from one place in the middle of the village."

"Do you have anyone you doubt? Give me the names. I will make them talk."

"Do you think I cannot do that, Jiraiya?" The man raised his voice and he sensed that the old man was already very unhappy with his own lack of results. The man finally sighed. "Things are not that simple. The village is in a very dangerous position right now."

"Is this about the Uchiha?" He asked and the old man just massaged his eyes.

"The Uchiha are indeed agitated but they are not behind this. Things have calmed down a bit since I have put Danzo under arrest."

"Could it be Danzo?" He asked.

The old man didn't answer and just stared at the wall behind him.

"Old man, if this is really Danzo then he has crossed the line. You have to do something about him."

"We don't know if it's Danzo."

"But you doubt him, right?"

The man kept quiet and spoke after a few seconds. "Don't worry. If it's Danzo, I will personally rip his other arm off if I have to. He is not getting out of Anbu watch till Naruto is back. If that means he dies of old age in that room….so be it."

For the first time Jiraiya felt a chill from his words.

The old man was really mad at the old bastard.

They talked about several things before the old man finally broached the subject. "I have a mission for you, Jiraiya."


"Find Tsunade and bring her back to the village."

He looked at the old man blankly.

"She won't come back, sensei."

"Then drag her back. This is an order from the Hokage. She will either return or be declared rogue."

Jiraiya's eyes widened and he found his mouth open slightly.

"We have all lost people close to us and yet we are here….dealing with everything. I have allowed her a very long break. I think it's time that she dealt with her issues. If I have to force her to do so, then so be it. Consider it the last lesson from me."

He shut his mouth and nodded seeing the resolute look on the old man's face.

"I will also keep an eye and ear open for any news of Naruto."

The old man nodded.

As Jiraiya left, he couldn't help but notice that the old man….seemed to have aged a lot since the last time he saw him.


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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author's Note:

I am back with another chapter of 'Isekai Restaurant'.

So many things happened in this chapter.

Kanna Kamui has arrived at the Restaurant. Is this the start for another group of dragons walking in the Restaurant?

Who knows?

Rimuru's training plan was cancelled but hey, at least the guy got to reunite with Shizuka again.

Serafall and Azazel are shitting bricks.

And finally, everyone is now in the Fairy Tail World to learn magic.

Oh and Hiruzen is getting his act together.

Next time, I will probably write some Sakura pov.

We haven't seen things from her perspective.

Enjoy the new chapter.

Good Day, Peace Out.
