
4- Soairse’s death (death of a child warning)

The rabbit looked at her with its black eyes and then it came closer to her and put something into her fist before turning around to go.

"Wait…" she begged the rabbit. "Please…help me."

The rabbit tilted its head as if considering her plea. "I'm sorry. I can't." It seemed to say into her mind and then it turned around and vanished.

She struggled to move her head to see what it had given her but the pain punished her.

Saoirse closed her outstretched fist around the object. Then she brought it closer to her face, and tried to adjust herself to see what it was. Her head throbbed again and so she momentarily let go of it and reached up with her broken hand to feel the spot. It was wet and soft where it should have been hard. The sensation made her pull her hand away. She looked and her hand which was red now. Whatever injury she had sustained, she didn't want to know.

"Dad…." She tried to call out. "Help me…"

Even with her night vision, the darkness of the chasm began suffocating her as the cold set in. It was so much colder down here and a gentle wind was biting into her skin. 

'I have to get up', she thought exhaustedly. But her body felt so tired now and at this rate if she didn't give into her injuries she would surely freeze. "Dad….." she called out again. "I have to get up!"

Her father still didn't hear her. This was to be expected, she thought as she listened tiredly to her pulse that thundered in her ears. Her heartbeat was growing weaker now and she knew that the slight red shimmer on the snow was the reason. She closed her eyes and let herself give into the cold. The remainder of her frozen tears gathered in her eyelashes as she let out one last tired breath. Dad wasn't going to come now and it was too late.

Suddenly, a boy wandering through the forest happened upon her. He was about her age. She didn't see him approach, but he picked her up gently and examined her. She was frozen solid, teetering on death's door. Blood surrounded her on the snow and he had to do something. He brought her to a cave where the sun wouldn't harm him when it came up and gathered some firewood. He breathed some fire from his mouth and it ignited warmly. Then he began tending to her wounds.

(And that is how it happened. These two didn't know what I'd gotten them into. Frankly, I didn't even know. The Norns didn't have her string anymore so they couldn't tell me. But I had a plan I had hashed out in my mind for centuries. I knew what their fates would have been. I couldn't take it anymore. I, their Fylgia, the one person watching over them their whole lives— had had enough. Leaving them alone to live out another life alone? I'd watched them do it over and over and over again. Each time, they never found each other. Why would this life be any different? Why did I have to love them so much and just watch? Why couldn't I be a part of their story? Bring them together?

That object I had given to her, I stole it from the Norns, the fates, other cultures call them. You can say I work for them, my job is to announce to a person their impending death and cut their string. But this time; I snatched it. That's right. I hoped it wouldn't break, but then she had to go and fall. My magic must be too strong. My power to kill must be too great bahahahahah!!!!! Evil bunny laugh.

I'm getting off topic here.

The Norns? Were they mad? Yes. Do I regret killing my mom? No. She wasn't going to die right then, I'll admit that. I ended up getting fired. That's ok. I didn't like my job anyways. I had another plan for my life.)
