
Chapter 204: Blastoise

Although Gyarados is not a common Pokémon, in an area as large as the sea, there can be an uncountable number of them.

This beach is clearly a regular spawning ground for a group of Gyarados. If it weren't for how easily Gyarados becomes enraged, such a scene would be an incredible wonder.

A group of Gyarados began swirling together as the rain under the dark clouds intensified, falling noisily onto the sea.

Several Magikarp started floating at the surface of the water, watching with envy the Gyarados caught in the whirlwind of water in the air. This is a form they have always dreamed of becoming, but of all the Magikarp, very few succeed in evolving into Gyarados.

"This is truly impressive. If it ends like this, we probably won't have anything to do," Cain commented as he watched the ever-growing water vortex in the distance.

"Don't get excited too soon; this is just the beginning. Soon the Gyarados' mating season will come, when they become even more enraged. When that happens, it'll be total chaos. If we don't stop them, residents near the beach will be in trouble," said the person from before, hearing Cain's comment.

"Oh..." Cain narrowed his eyes as he observed the dozens of Gyarados in the distance.

"They're coming!"

With a low warning from the person, the Gyarados began shooting out of the water vortex, their eyes completely red with rage as they charged toward the beach, bringing waves that flooded the shore in an instant.

Many of the recruited trainers were locals from Vermilion City, while the other half were trainers from out of town. Seeing the terrifying horde of Gyarados approaching, panic ensued.

Not all trainers have the courage to face a horde of Gyarados, especially those just beginning their journey, who descended into complete chaos.

Some trainers with less mental fortitude even triggered some panic, running around like headless chickens.

They never imagined that this mission would make them face a group of enraged Gyarados.

Fortunately, Officer Jenny was prepared for such a situation. A group of police joined the trainers, each one leading four or five trainers, forming small teams and calming their terrified hearts.

With clear leadership, the panicked trainers began to settle down.

Guided by the police officers, each team of five or six people faced one Gyarados, ensuring that as long as no major mistakes were made, there would be no problems.

If a Gyarados was stronger, it was assigned a larger team to face it. If it was weaker, a smaller team handled it. The idea was to make sure that each Gyarados was confronted by someone.

Of course, among the Gyarados, there were also some that were extremely powerful. The strongest of all was directly confronted by Officer Jenny.

An enraged Gyarados was fighting against a much smaller Blastoise in size, while an Arcanine helped keep it under control.

Although Arcanine is a Fire-type Pokémon, it showed no disadvantage against Gyarados. Occasionally, it fiercely charged at Gyarados with explosive flames, blackening and scorching its scales.

Meanwhile, Officer Jenny, standing at the sidelines, remained completely focused, directing Blastoise and Arcanine, giving them various commands.

Powerful orange beams and huge water jets shot from Gyarados's mouth, creating giant waves on the shore as it mainly targeted Officer Jenny's small figure.

However, each time Gyarados aimed its attacks at Officer Jenny, Blastoise would leap with all its strength, using gravity on its descent to strike Gyarados's head hard, sinking it into the sand.

But Gyarados, with its size advantage, quickly threw Blastoise away, as its dragon head was one of its greatest prides.

At that moment, Arcanine took advantage of the opening created by Blastoise's hit, quickly lunging and biting Gyarados with electrified fangs, causing it great damage.

Gyarados, being Water and Flying-type, is extremely vulnerable to Electric attacks, taking four times the damage.

Injured and enraged, Gyarados launched frantic attacks on Arcanine and Blastoise.

Thus, Officer Jenny managed to completely hold back the strongest Gyarados, demonstrating incredible power.

Cain was also assigned to a team, led by a police officer, to battle one of the Gyarados.

Passing by the battlefield where Officer Jenny and Gyarados were fighting, Cain's system automatically activated, obtaining data on some of the Pokémon.

Pokémon: Gyarados (Green)

Gender: Male

Level: 39

Type: Water + Flying

Ability: Intimidate

Held Item: None

Egg Moves: None

Basic Moves: Bite, Thrash, Leer, Twister, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Scary Face, Dragon Rage

Learned Moves: Hyper Beam, Water Pulse

TM Moves: None


Pokémon: Blastoise (Dark Green)

Gender: Male

Level: 36

Type: Water

Ability: Torrent

Held Item: None

Egg Moves: Yawn, Aqua Jet, Brine

Basic Moves: Flash Cannon, Tackle, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Withdraw, Bubble, Bite, Rapid Spin, Protect, Water Pulse, Aqua Tail

Learned Moves: Iron Tail, Ice Punch, Hydro Cannon, Dragon Pulse

TM Moves: Ice Beam, Hyper Beam, Rain Dance, Brick Break, Rock Slide, Surf

This Level 39 Gyarados with green attributes, and the Level 36 Blastoise with dark green attributes, are extremely powerful Pokémon.

This Gyarados is likely one of the smaller dominants in this ocean area, and Officer Jenny's Blastoise is probably one of her starter Pokémon.

Among the Water-type starter Pokémon from the Kanto region, this Blastoise, with dark green attributes and Level 36, could outmatch all of Cain's Pokémon with just itself.

As for Arcanine, since it was evading Gyarados's attacks, Cain couldn't obtain its data, but it was surely also extremely strong. Otherwise, it couldn't have handled Gyarados so easily despite the type disadvantage.

In reality, Blastoise would have no problem facing Gyarados alone. However, with Gyarados in an enraged state, its attack power is much higher, and Officer Jenny cannot allow the shockwaves from its attacks to interfere with other teams, which is why Arcanine is also in the fight.

The goal is to stop the strongest Gyarados without causing massive destruction.

(End of chapter)


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Currently in Chapter 350 in PATREON


Tag: PKCL-En

Golden_DragonKingcreators' thoughts