
[29] USJ Incident {2}

A/N: Jesus you guys already hit the bonus chapter mark! Well, here is the bonus chapter as promised.

I filed onto the bus with the rest of my classmates, sliding into an empty seat near the middle. Kaori dropped down next to me, pulling out her phone.

"Still mad about the Recovery Girl thing?" I asked.

"I'm choosing to pretend that conversation never happened."

"Denial. Classic coping mechanism."

She elbowed me, but kept scrolling through her phone. 

As the bus pulled away from U.A., conversations started up around us. I caught fragments about rescue training theories and costume modifications. Behind me, Todo was still talking statistics to anyone who'd listen.

"Hey, Midoriya?" Tsu's voice carried from the front of the bus.

Midoriya jumped like he'd been shocked. "Oh! Yes, Asui?"

"I told you to call me Tsu." She tilted her head. "Anyway, isn't your quirk a lot like All Might's?"

The question hit me like a bucket of ice water. My mind snapped back to that morning at the track...

"Want to... to be worthy of this power," he'd said quietly.

I'd brushed it off then, but now...

"What? No! I mean- that is-" Midoriya's voice cracked. "It's just a strength enhancement quirk!"

"Yeah, but All Might doesn't break himself every time he uses his," Kirishima pointed out. "That's kind of a big difference. Still, having an augmentation quirk is pretty cool! You can do some really flashy stuff with it. My hardening's strong and all, but it doesn't look that impressive."

"Actually," Todo cut in, "according to my analysis, your quirk puts you in the top 10 for pro hero potential in our class."

The bus went quiet for approximately two seconds.

"Wait, you ranked us?" Kaminari twisted around in his seat. "Where am I? Wait, where's everyone?"

"The rankings consider multiple factors," Todo explained. "Quirk versatility, combat potential, public appeal metrics-"

"Just tell us the top 5!" someone shouted.

"Yeah, come on Todo!"

Todo cleared his throat. "Very well. Though the full methodology is quite fascinating-"

"Top 5! Top 5! Top 5!" the bus chanted.

"If you insist." Todo pulled out his phone. "In fifth place... Kaminari Denki."

"Hell yeah!" Kaminari pumped his fist.

"Fourth place goes to myself-"

"Humble," Kaori muttered.

"Third place: Yaoyorozu Momo."

Yaomomo blinked. "Oh! That's... thank you?"

"Second place: Todoroki Hitomi."

Todoroki didn't react beyond a slight nod.

"And in first place..." Todo paused for dramatic effect. "My besto friendo, Nakamura Yoichi!"

The bus erupted.

"Bullshit!" Bakugo stood up, small explosions popping from her palms. "How the fuck am I not in the top 5?"

"The data doesn't lie," Todo said calmly. "Would you like to see the spreadsheets?"

"I'll show you where to put your spreadsheets-"

"Your quirk and physical capabilities would actually put you in the top 3," Tsu cut in. "But your personality probably ranks last in the class."

Bakugo whirled around. "What did you say, frog face?"

"I always say what's on my mind," Tsu shrugged. "And what's on my mind is that you'd be an amazing hero if you weren't so... you."

"I'll kill you!"

"Case in point," Tsu said.

"Todo," Kirishima called out, "what factors went into the rankings?"

"Well, for example, studies show that male citizens aged 18-35 tend to favor attractive female heroes, unless the male hero has overwhelming presence like All Might or Endeavor. However, that's just one metric. We also have to consider-"

"Wait," Uraraka interrupted. "You factored in how attractive we are?"

"Of course. Public appeal is crucial for hero work. Though personal charm can offset-"

"That's why I'm fifth?" Kaminari preened. "My natural charisma?"

"Actually, you ranked relatively low in that category. Your position is mainly due to quirk versatility and potential growth."


"The data suggests you have an... unfortunate tendency to put your foot in your mouth."

"He's got you there," Jiro snickered.

"This is ridiculous," Bakugo snarled. "I'm ten times stronger than half these extras!"

"Raw power isn't everything," Todo said. "For instance, Nakamura's ranking comes from an optimal combination of combat potential, quirk control, and what I call the 'mysterious pretty boy' factor-"

"The what factor?"

"Studies show that heroes with an air of mystery tend to develop dedicated fan followings. For example, Hawks. Combined with conventional attractiveness and a hint of danger-"

"Please stop talking," I groaned.

"The numbers don't lie, brother! Your marketability potential is off the charts!"

"Marketability?" Kaori raised an eyebrow. "He forgot how to get to the gym yesterday."

"That adds to the charm!"

"I hate everything about this conversation," I decided.

"Todo," Yaomomo called out, "what metrics did you use to measure-"

"No!" half the bus shouted.

"Don't get him started on metrics," Kaminari pleaded. "He tried to explain his data collection methods earlier and I think I had an aneurysm."

"The methodology is quite elegant actually," Todo began. "First, we establish baseline appeal factors through public polling data-"

"Look!" Uraraka pointed out the window. "Is that the rescue facility?"

Todo's statistics lecture forgotten, we pressed against the windows. The facility looked like something out of a disaster movie - partially collapsed buildings, simulated natural disasters, and what appeared to be a lake of fire.

"Holy shit," Kaminari whispered. "It's better than a Mitchell Ray movie."

"What did I say about rescue work not being an action movie?" Yaomomo sighed.

"Yeah, but... lake of fire!"

The bus pulled to a stop, and Aizawa stood up. "We're here. Everyone out."

As we filed off the bus, I got my first look at our training ground. It was massive, a dome-like structure that seemed to house multiple environments.

"Welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint!" Thirteen called out. "I built this facility myself. I call it the USJ!"

Aizawa glanced around. "Hey, shouldn't All Might be here?" He sighed. "Let me guess, he booked another interview."

Thirteen held up three fingers, leaning in to whisper something to Aizawa.

"That man is the height of irresponsibility," Aizawa muttered. 

"Inside," Thirteen continued, "you'll find various disaster zones. From fires to floods, landslides to-"

Their words faded out as my stomach twisted. Something was wrong. My eyes darted between the entrance points, the shadows near the trees, searching for... what?

"You feel it too?" Kaori asked quietly.

"Something's wrong," I said.

She gave a slight nod. "The sensors at the gate were offline when we passed through. Maintenance, maybe, but..."

I turned to her, questions forming, but Thirteen was finishing their speech.

"...and remember, your Quirks are not meant for harming others. Here, you'll learn to use them to save lives."

The lights inside the dome flickered once. Most people probably missed it.

A small dark spot appeared in the air below us, like someone had torn a hole in reality. It grew, expanding outward.

"Gather round, everyone," Thirteen said. "We'll start by dividing you into teams-"

"Sensei." My voice came out sharp. Everyone turned to me.

The darkness had become a swirling mass of purple-black mist. Figures stepped out - first a few, then dozens. A hundred, maybe more.

"Gather together and don't move!" Aizawa's capture weapon unfurled. "Thirteen, protect the students!"

The excited chatter died instantly.

More villains emerged, filling the central plaza and spreading toward different zones. In the center stood a hulking figure with exposed brain matter. Next to it, a man covered in severed hands, and another wearing a mask with a sword at his hip.

As Thirteen herded us toward the exit, I made my call.

"Sensei, you can't fight them alone!"

Aizawa turned to me. "No hero is a one-trick pony. I'll be fine. Your job is to stay safe."

He launched himself into the crowd, capture weapon already ensnaring the nearest villains.

"Kaminari," I said, grabbing his arm. "Your quirk - can you contact the school?"

"I- yeah, maybe, but-"

"Do it. Now. Tell them we need evacuation."

He nodded, pressing his hand to his earpiece. Static crackled. "Shit. They're jamming the signal."

Before we reached the exit, another portal materialized. The mist formed a vaguely humanoid shape, yellow eyes gleaming.

"Greetings, UA students. We are the League of Villains."

Ice settled in my chest.

"Apologies for the intrusion, but we've come with a purpose." The mist shifted. "Unfortunately, it seems there's been a schedule change. No matter. My role remains the same."

The dark fog expanded.

"To scatter you all... and torture you to death!"

Thirteen stepped forward, finger caps opening. But Bakugo and Kirishima were already moving.

"Get out of the way!" I shouted.

"Not if we end you first!" Bakugo ignored me, explosions lighting up the mist.

For a second, it looked like they'd hit something. Then the mist reformed.

"That was close," the villain said. "Students though you may be, you are the best of the best."

The darkness surged forward, swallowing us whole. The world went black.

I hit concrete hard, rolling to absorb the impact. Heat pressed against my skin - intense, suffocating. Through the smoke, I made out burning buildings, collapsed infrastructure. The Conflagration Zone.

A boot scuffed against concrete nearby. Then another step.

"Hello?" A familiar voice called out. "Is someone there?"


"Nakamura? Oh thank god." More footsteps. "I can't see anything through all this smoke."

"I can't see you either, but that's normal."

She snorted. "Really? Jokes? Now?"

"Humor is a valid coping mechanism." I squinted through the haze. "Are you wearing your gloves?"

"Yeah, and my boots. The rest of my costume... well..."

"Good. Keep talking so I know where you are." I moved toward her voice. "We need to-"

A crash echoed from nearby, followed by heavy footsteps.

A hulking figure emerged - some kind of mutation quirk user with stone-like skin and glowing red eyes.

"Found some brats!" His gravelly voice echoed off the burning buildings. "Over here!"

I sighed. "Hagakure, stay behind me."

"But I can-"

"Trust me."

The villain charged, surprisingly fast for his size. His fist crashed down where I'd been standing, cratering the concrete. I'd already stepped to the side, almost casual in my movement.

"Stand still, you little-"

My palm struck his chest. The villain flew backward, crashing through a partially collapsed wall. He didn't get up.

"Holy shit," Hagakure whispered. "That was... did you just one-shot him?"

"He'll live." I flexed my hand. "Probably have a headache when he wakes up though."

Something grabbed my hand, making me tense before I realized it was Hagakure's invisible fingers intertwining with mine. Her grip was surprisingly strong. 

"Sorry!" She started to pull away. "I just- with all the smoke, I don't want to lose you."

"It's fine." I squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We need to find a way out of here anyway."

Through the haze of smoke and flames, I scanned our surroundings. Most of the zone was engulfed in artificial fire - impressive simulation technology under normal circumstances, terrifying when trapped here with villains. But there, in the distance, a familiar green sign glowed: EVACUATION POINT.

"I see our exit," I said. "But we've got a problem. There's too much fire between us and there, and I'm betting more villains are watching the obvious escape route."

"So what do we do?"

I hesitated. "I could teleport us, but..."

"But what?"

"You'd need to hold onto me. Like, really hold on. The spatial displacement can be... disorienting."

Even though I couldn't see her, I could practically feel the heat rising from her face. "Oh! Um, you mean like..."

"Yeah." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Sorry, I know it's awkward."

"No! I mean, it's fine. It's not like you can see anything anyway." She let out a nervous laugh. "Not that there's anything to see! I mean, there is, but- oh god, I'm making this worse."

"If it helps, I'd probably be blushing too."

"Shut up," she muttered, but I heard the smile in her voice. "So how do we...?"

"Just... wrap your arms around me? And hold tight."

There was a moment of hesitation, then I felt her press against my back, arms circling my waist.



I reached for the infinite space between us and our destination, creating a circuit marked by geometric patterns of light. 

"This might feel weird," I warned.

We stepped through space.

The world twisted, folded, then snapped back into place. We emerged in the relative safety of the evacuation point - a reinforced concrete structure designed to withstand the zone's artificial disasters.

Hagakure stumbled, arms tightening around me. "Whoa..."

"Yeah, it takes some getting used to." I steadied us both. "You can let go now. If you want."

"Right!" She jumped back like I'd burned her. "Sorry! That was... um..."

"Let's just focus on the situation," I said, trying to save us both from further embarrassment. "We need to figure out what's happening and find a way to help."

"Right. Yes. Situation assessment. Very professional."

I moved to the observation window, looking out over the Conflagration Zone. From here, I could see multiple groups of villains searching the burning streets.

"They were ready for us," I said quietly. "This was planned."

"But how did they get in? U.A.'s security is supposed to be top-tier."

"A problem for later." I turned back to her. Or at least, where I thought she was. "Right now, we need to focus on surviving and helping our classmates."

"Okay." She took a deep breath. "What's the plan?"


[Next time on "My Hero Academia: Limitless"]

"Hey everyone!" I adjusted my tie, sitting behind the news desk. "Yoichi here with a preview of next week's episode. Today I'm joined by the invisible hero-in-training herself, Hagakure!"

"Hi!" A pair of gloves waved enthusiastically from the chair next to me. "Thanks for having me!"

"So our viewers have been dying to know - how did the support department make your hero costume invisible?"

"Oh! Well..." The gloves fidgeted. "They didn't need to. My costume is just these gloves and boots."

I blinked. "What?"

"Yeah! Everything else would be visible on me, so..."

"Wait." I held up a hand. "So earlier, when you were hugging me during the teleport-"

"Moving on!" The gloves flailed. "Let's talk about the villains! They seem pretty scary, right?"

"Don't change the subject! You were completely-"

"And what about that mysterious portal guy? Super creepy!"


"Plus there's that hand-covered villain who seems to be in charge-"


"Oh look, we're out of time!" She jumped up. "Stay tuned everyone! Next time: 'USJ Under Siege - The League of Villains Attacks!'"

"Get back here!" I lunged for her, but only caught air as she sprinted off stage. "We need to discuss proper hero costume protocol!"

"Can't hear you, too far away!" Her boots disappeared through the exit.

"She's still in the studio, isn't she?"

The camera operator nodded.

I sighed, turning back to the audience. "Well folks, looks like we'll have to save this discussion for another time. Remember to drop some power stones and add us to the library, and-" I paused, scanning the seemingly empty studio. "Hagakure, I swear if you're sneaking up behind me..."

A quiet giggle came from somewhere to my left.

"Next time on 'My Hero Academia: Limitless!'" I announced quickly, keeping my guard up. "Will our heroes survive the villain attack? Will anyone address the serious ethical concerns about Hagakure's hero costume? Will I ever feel safe in the recording studio again? Stay tuned to find out!"
