
'The ugly truth' Chapter 10

Coming out of the elevator, Jungkook bumped into Kai, holding a cup of coffee." Hey...Sorry the cafeteria was packed..." He studied him, narrowing his eyebrows." Are you leaving? Did anything happen?" Judging by his expression things were most likely bad. Kai bet that old witch had messed up again. She had a habit of screwing up their lives.

Jungkook remained silent as he passed him by, lowering his head, avoiding Kai's persistent gaze." I am going home." he responded as casually as he could, hiding his hands inside his front pockets, walking to the exit. Kai followed him, throwing away the coffee in a bin.

" I'll drive you home " he offered, noticing the younger 's teary eyes and slight trembling.

Jungkook nodded. He didn't care much how he would get back ,as long as he got far away from all of them.

The ride was sunk in silence. The younger lounging out of the window,was too depleted emotionally and physically to utter a single word. He wanted to go home to his parents. His safe place. Bury himself in his studies. Tears had dried out, along with his will to react in any way. He shouldn't be surprised at Taehyung 's harsh behaviour. He obviously hated him, never missing a chance to show his resentment. Jungkook wasn't sure if he should cry from despair or laugh at the irony of this entire situation. This time his lover, his fated mate didn't want to have anything to do with him. His heart belonged to a woman. A two-timing , conniving sleazy witch with a bad attitude.

" Kook ,do you want to talk about it?" Kai asked.

" Not really..." he answered, leaning against the window, observing the bustling outside,as if he was detached from reality.

Kai avoided asking any more questions until they reached the mansion." Should I wait for you?"

" Thanks...I won't be long." He got out of the car, went straight to his room, packed his bags as quickly as possible and headed to Tata's bedroom .He left his favourite pink, bunny plushie on the bed and walked out without looking back. A chapter of his life was over and needed to move on. He had tried and failed.

Certain love stories aren't meant to be fulfilled. Perhaps that's the beauty in them. He chuckled bitterly ,closing the door behind him.

Kai drove him home, helped him unload his bags and jumbling the younger 's hair he smiled." Don't be a stranger ok?"

" How could I? Someone should teach you how to play games, hyung." he joked , sounding less casual than he wanted.

" I am not that bad!" he protested , wiggling his shoulders.

" Yes ...you are! You really suck at it!"

" Well...I guess I do!" He scratched his

head and his expression turned serious." I'm gonna miss you Kook!"

" Me too, hyung...you can visit me. We don't leave that far."

" Every chance I get... promise.Bye Kook."

" See you around!" They hugged, Kai left as Jungkook was entering his house.

Jin rushed and engolfed him in an armful of warmth." Jimin called...How are you holding up?"

" Would you mind if we didn't talk? I am not ready... I need to rest for a while , papa."

" Go upstairs and take your time...We are here for you." He kissed his forehead trying not to burst out , cursing at the bastard who caused his son's grief and break his fucken bones , one by one!

Jungkook hummed, thankful his papa avoided his usual interrogation because he was unprepared and unwilling to answer. Going upstairs to his room, he threw his clothes on a chair, hopped in the shower enjoying the warm water hugging his stiff body, dried himself, put on a pair of comfortable , grey pyjamas and curled up in bed under the covers. He fell asleep the moment he closed his eyes. When an hour later, Jin came, he saw him sleeping and left without waking him up.


Back to the hospital, Yoongi arrived right after Jimin. EunJin explained them all the events leading to the ICU. Jimin was fuming in rage for his brother 's attitude and dumbness, barely holding back from attacking him. He often wondered how Taehyung inherited such a conceited personality. Duri was hiding behind her husband 's unfailing courtesy and forbearance ,under great provocation.

After the first three days of the boy's admission ,he showed signs of improvement. Jungkook had daily contact with EunJin about Tata 's condition and when he improved Jungkook collapsed. Coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain,aching body. Tiredness kept him lying in bed all day, refusing to eat , having lost his appetite and a high temperature that wouldn't subside even with antibiotics. One night Jungkook fainted in Namjoon 's arms,rushed to hospital and diagnosed with acute pneumonia. He spent a week in ICU before being transferred to a room.

His parents were restless, the hyungs were comforting them, dividing their time between the two patients. Six days later he was discharged returning home with clear instructions on what to do. Thankfully Bogum and Hobi had finally arrived in Seoul and a doctor's presence in the house seemed pretty convenient for Jin, who was constantly worried, especially since Jungkook 's panic attacks made a spectacular comeback.

On the other side, EunJin disturbed by Jungkook 's silence contacted Jin. Learning about his condition ,she was pissed by this unexpected turn of events. Jungkook and JungTae at the hospital and that bloody woman putting up a show as the worrying mother.

Tata, home at last, was repeatedly asking for Jungkook, pleading his father to bring him back, crying, refusing to eat or leave his room. Eventually he returned to his previous state. Silent, obscure, isolated. Tae was dead worried about him, yet wouldn't retreat on his decision for his family 's shake. The only one pleased with the current situation was Duri. She had gotten rid of Jungkook once and for all. However despite her efforts to maintain her caring personality,failed miserably , showing her true colours.Well your real self always finds a way to appear.

" Baby? Won't you talk to me? Taehyung pulled out a chair, dragging it on the floor,taking a seat next to his son, hunched forward , elbows bent on his legs.

Tata was lying in bed ,hugging his cooky plushie, with his back turned." Please Tata...say something to dada, please! You haven't left your room in days. Haven't eaten. I am worried about you." No answer." How about going to the park? Have some ice cream. You, me and mommy?" The man huffed in distress, shutting his eyes." Baby please talk to dada!"

" I want my Kookie."

" He is gone baby. He left. We don't need him. You have us. "

" I want my Kookie!." he repeated, covering his body with the duvet." Bring him back."

Taehyung sadly realised it was too premature to try to convince him he had no need of that damn boy.So with a heavy heart he left. Returning to his bedroom, he found Duri applying lotion on her long, slender legs.

" No change..still refuses to eat or speak." Wrinkling his hair with his fingers, drowned in frustration, he moved towards her.

" Pay no attention to JungTae ,darling! It's his way of blackmailing us to bring that awful boy back. He'll come around." Getting no response, she swirled, facing him." You aren't seriously considering bringing him back! He hurt our son.Put him in hospital."

" Rest assure that's not my intention." he retorted " I am trying to find a solution... perhaps a change of scenery would be pleasant. A trip to Jeju island...just the three of us." Taehyung suggested, taking off his white ,polo shirt, throwing it on the bed. Duri licked her lips at the sight of his brawny, broad chest. Dawdling closer , slowly pulling down her silky, black robe, revealing her sexy ,lacy underwear, her fingers trailed the soft skin from his neck, to his chest, circling his nipples,ending to his cock, stroking it gently.

" Forget all our problems for tonight...I want to give you a taste of heaven." Her seductive voice reached his ears more squeaky, battling to get a arousal,that seemed impossible. Taehyung eventually, closed his eyes, relaxed his tensed muscles, enjoying the new ,more aggressive movements on his clothed cock, feeling the warm lips licking his nipples in turns.

Tossing his head back, letting out moans, while his foggy mind was filled with steamy images of a certain bunny boy, devouring his body. Warm hands roaming his flesh ,stroking his cock, scorching breathes burning his skin ,soft lips conquering his, giving him pleasure. Another set of moans escaped his hanging mouth ,allowing his most secret, twisted fantasies dominate his senses.

" You are so hard, darling...it excites me to see how much you want me...I can't wait to have you inside me..." she whispered seductively, taking his hand ,guiding it on her wet cunt.

Taehyung widen his eyes at the sound of her voice. The fog was gone. Reality struck him hard.He pulled back his hand, gently pushing her away, breathing sharply." I am sorry...I can't do this ..too distracted..." he excused his behaviour." Let's leave it for now..."

The woman gathered her strength, put on a fake smile, pretending to be understanding. Since Taehyung had allowed her even this much ,after years of neglection she had to be cautious." You are absolutely right love! What was I thinking? It will take time for both of us to adjust and resolve our son's issues." She gave him a peck on the lips." Have a shower and come to bed. I want cuddles."

Taehyung was relieved by her attitude and wasting no time , locked himself in the bathroom. Resting his hands on the white sink, he took a good look at his reflection on the mirror. A muffled growl escaped him. " Stupid bastard.Fucken asshole! What the fuck is wrong with you? How can you think of HIM when she is touching you? He is a man...you are straight... straight and married..." he whispered yelled, clenching his fists.

The room seemed too stiffing. The walls were suffocating him. He thrashed his hands on the counter, cursing as usual." You fucken hate him! You don't fucken like him! STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM! STOP! FUCKEN STOP! GET HIM OUT OF YOUR HEAD! " he hissed through his gnashed teeth.

Hitting his head a couple of times, he took deep breaths to relax, got rid of his clothes,getting under the shower. Hot streams of water trailed his body and instead of providing calmness they intensified his arousal, so he switched it to cold. It didn't do him much good, though! His hardness insisted,thus he quit every effort , got out of the shower, dried his aching body,with a towel and returned to the bedroom.Duri , situated in bed, was waiting for him, offering him a beaming smile.

' This is your wife , idiot! You should be thinking about her...not that boy! Concentrate!' he scolded himself.Putting on a black boxer, light green Adidas shorts he lied next to her. She welcomed him, placing her head on his chest, one leg between his, as she wrapped her left hand around his waist. Taehyung just stood still, feeling oddly uncomfortable.

" I've missed us cuddling... sleeping together!" she blathered, forming circles on his chest." It gives me a sense of comfort."

" Me...too..." he lied, still puzzled about his previous thoughts and actions. He couldn't get Jungkook 's image out of his head no matter how hard he tried. His face was stuck in his mind, refusing to leave. It was so frustrating!

" The trip to Jeju sounds a wonderful idea! Let's leave soon!"

" As soon as possible. I have to finish my current project and then I am free." he promised. Maybe a change of scenery, away from that house, would help him cast off any crazy ideas glued in his head.

Jungkook heard the clock chime seven. He stretched his arms and legs, yawning and got up. Tired of lying in bed all day ,doing nothing, he decided to make breakfast for everyone and finish his project for college. Lessons would start soon and had to be prepared.

After a long , warm bath, he wore a street style, black t-shirt, cotton, wide leg , oversized black pants, flouncing to the kitchen. The menu ,he prepared, was consisted of korean pancakes, kimchi, spicy Korean rice cakes, street toast, kimbap, fresh orange juice,Dalgona coffee and banana milk.( Certain habits die hard)!

Ok he overdid it but needed a distraction. The family noticed his attempt to act natural and not get affected by his hyung's rejection and move on. It broke their hearts to see how powerless and vulnerable he seemed. Jimin's pregnancy news brought light and enthusiasm , especially to Jungkook,who divided his free time between studying and taking care of Jimin , in Yoongi 's absence on a business trip to the U.S.A.

He continued learning news about Tata from EunJin and teaching Kai how to play games. Time went by and after a failing blind date with a rather boring man, he dismissed the concept, feeling unprepared for that step. Adding further suffering to his life and on another human being, just because he couldn't forget Taehyung was unfair. He was young, still had time to adjust to the new reality and make the right decisions.

Back at the Kim mansion, the situation remained the same. JungTae ,still refusing to leave his room, plus his relationship with Duri had deteriorated. Every time she tried to approach him or enter his room, resulted in crying and shouting. Their trip to Jeju was postponed until further notice. Not to mention, Duri 's abrasive, malicious behaviour towards the staff, had literally driven them to madness! Dissatisfied with their work performance, presence, stubbing at them with the slightest cause, had them on the verge of quitting! Or murdering, for that matter!

" I've had it with her royal butt!" Hei-Ran exclaimed, leaving the tray on the kitchen counter." Whining...scolding... complaining!"

" What was wrong this time?" EunJin asked , knowing she would hate the answer.

" The tea ,she ordered, tastes bitter. First the croissant was stale. The apple juice too sweet. Then the pancakes had the wrong size. The fruit were sour. The tea cup had a crack... I was this close to throwing the tray on her royal head!" the girl growled.

Micha took a bite of the red apple , she was holding." She forced me to sweep and mop the floor three times because it was blurry. Then I had to scrub it with my hands, kneeling down. Made the bed twice because the bedsheets were wrinkled. I am seriously considering ways to murder her. Any suggestions?" she barked , huffing in annoyance.

" I don't intend to spend the best years of my life behind bars for that witch! I'll quit and leave!" Hei-Ran responded, fixing another tray for the royal highness.

Kai was observing in silence. He was very sceptical the last few days. Quite odd for him! They were accustomed to his blabbering and his silence was earsplitting!

" Why so quiet Kai? " the girl asked." She is making your life hell as well!"

" Time to return the favour." Kai mummbled through gnashed teeth and stormed out in fury. He was sick and tired of this whole bloody mess and wouldn't wait another moment to rub the trurh to his boss's arrogant face.

" What's gotten into him?" Micha questioned, munching her apple.

EunJin shook her head. She had a pretty good idea of where he was going." Quit stalling and get back to work." the woman instructed the two girls." before she starts yelling again."

Kai knocked the door of Taehyung 's office, heard a stern' Come in' and entered. Taehyung was swamped in work and avoided even raising his head to face the man." Speak quickly. I have a meeting in ten."

The sombre tone clogged Kai's cords as he kept staring , totally mute.

" You are wasting my time, Kai. Talk or leave."

The younger tousling his feet , drew closer. It was now or never." Mrs Kim wasn't the one who save JungTae...it was Jungkook." he disclosed in one breath before his courage faded away.

Taehyung 's attention was immediately gained. He cropped up his head, narrowing his eyebrows." What are you blabbering? Duri saved him. Lying will get you fired." he warned him sternly, tapping his pen on the glass surface.

Kai was determined not to be a coward." If you want to fire me, I'll accept your decision but first hear me out."

Taehyung nodded so Kai began explaining, in every detail,the events of that day.

By the time he had finished, Taehyung was stunned yet doubtful." No. You are lying. She saved him. Why lie about it?"

" I can't answer that. I told you what I witnessed. Firing Jungkook was unfair, considering you owe him your son 's life.My guilt for keeping quiet was unbearable. A young boy is suffering."

" Who else knows about it?"

" The entire staff. They were threatened to shut their mouths."

Taehyung could imagine the rest. A person 's character is unlikely to change. Stay hidden yes but altered, unfortunately no! Remaining resilient and disruptive seemed futile as well as preposterous. He blocked any facial expression ,betraying his wrath and disappointment, got up and stormed out of the office.

" Cancel all my meetings." he instructed his secretary heading home. He needed answers and intended on getting them.
