
//22// That is not a normal gazelle

"The ants go marching one by one hooray, hooray." Arsenal hummed the catchy tune to the children's rhyme as he made his way through some thick bushes. This reserve had a few trees and lots of open fields, and as he ventured deeper, Arsenal came across a few lakes, even one with black water that shimmered under the morning sun.

For the first twenty minutes, Arsenal did not spot a single animal, not even a rat running amongst the bushes. Yet, he remained alert.

"System, what is the idea behind this hunting?"

[ Everything, including food, is controlled by those in a higher power, and of course, they get orders from the all-powerful Eldritch. Every region had a sight reserve that spread out for many kilometres, and it is the only place to hunt animals. Anywhere outside the reserve is prohibited and once caught, you will be subject to death by hanging on a public pole]
