
Chapter 18

Messing with things I shouldn't was what got me killed the first time. Obviously, I haven't learnt my lesson, which was why I accepted Bonnie's invite to hangout at the mystic grill. 

She wasn't on speaking terms with Elena but her and Caroline were as good as ever, if not a bit better. 

I offered to pick her up for two main reasons, the first being to get on Sheila's nerves. The second reason was much simpler, to show off my new ride. With my new minio- friends, I was able to finally buy a car without going to the dealership myself. 

Pearl is a hard and diligent worker. Maybe that was partly due to the fact that I could torture her daughter from any distance but still, it's hard work. 

The voodoo doll wasn't even hard to set up. While they were packing up, I simply snuck into the house to get a strand of hair from the girl to use and bind her to the doll. I have one of Pearl herself, which she probably suspected, but there's not really much she can do about it. 

She and Anna can pretty much do as they like as long as it doesn't draw too much attention or go against what I want. 

Back on topic, what better way to show off a new car than the drive around with a hot girl in the passenger seat. 

Smirking to myself, I parked my black Chevrolet Corvette right outside the Bennett house. One thing I failed to realize earlier is that a lot of the cars I'm familiar with haven't been produced yet. That was probably somewhere on my todo list but I'll get to that later. 

I don't exactly need the money but we all need hobbies, don't we?

Knocking on the door, I only had to wait a minute before it was pulled open, revealing Sheila who held a frown. 

"Hey Sheila. New hairdo? It looks good on you." I greet, the smirk not leaving my lips. 

If she was as young as she looked, she would have rolled her eyes in exasperation as she stepped back, letting me in. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked, skipping the pleasantries.

"Don't be so stiff. I'm here to pick Bonnie up for lunch." I said, hearing the footsteps coming down the stairs. 

"I'm here!" The little witch in question called out, her arrival stopping whatever retort Sheila was about to give. 

She can't directly stop me from being friends with her granddaughter due to our 'alliance' but it's quite fun to watch her frown. 

"I'll be back later grams." Bonnie said, giving the woman a hug before turning to me. "Alright, I'm ready to go."

"Bye grandma." I joked with a small wave as we left the house. 

"What were you two talking about?" Bonnie asked as left. 

"Nothing important. How are you guys dealing with the whole 'back from the dead' thing?" I asked, genuinely curious about how they handled it. 

"If anyone asks, she's a distant relative from my gram's side of the family." That was…simple. Simple works. "So where's your car?"

It was my turn to smile as I led her to the black sports car, unlocking it and reveling in the way her eyes widened. "Like it?"

"Y-yeah. This is just…wow. It must have cost a lot." She said as I held the door open for her to get in. "Oh what a gentleman." She joked, getting in. 

This is going to be fun. 


The drive to the grill is quite short, I should have bought a car ages ago. Caroline and Matt were already there, waiting for us to arrive. 

"Hey Nathan, Bonnie." The blonde greeted me and hugged Bonnie while I focused on my fellow male. 

"Matt, how's it going?" I greeted the jock with a shake of hands. I can tell that Vicki's return really did wonders for his mental health. 

I brought her back in a new body, one that wasn't wrecked from all of her previous drug use. That didn't stop her from relapsing but Matt is just happy to have his sister back. 

"It's all good. You got dragged into this too huh?" He returned, good naturedly. 

"I kinda let myself be dragged here to be honest. She's hot." I whispered the last not so quietly, loud enough for the girls to hear as well all sat at the table. 

"So Nathan, how're you liking Mystic Falls so far?" Caroline asked, giving Bonnie a teasing smirk. 

"It's nice. Not a lot of noise compared to New Orleans but that's the beauty of it." I answered, half true. There was a lot of noise, supernatural noise. 

"Do you have any family here?" The question came from Matt. 

"Nah I'm here alone. Dear old mom is probably somewhere in Vegas at the end of a bottle by now. Never met dad so that's up in the air." The casual way I answered caught them off guard for a moment, Matt being the first to snap out of it. 

"Trust me, I kind of get how you feel." Matt emphasized with me though I doubt he really understood the full scope. 

One of my earliest memories of the damn woman was when she got pulled over for drunk driving. I was three and in the front seat! She got her license taken away but even after that I have never seen her sober. 

"I think I just made it awkward. Sorry about that, let's talk about something else. Like how Caroline is about to put salt in her coffee." I pointed out to the blonde who immediately froze, looking at the container in her hand. 

Indeed it was salt and not sugar. I can't fault her, the shakers looked alike. Though it did lift the mood a bit and got everyone laughing. 

"That's like the third time you're adding sugar." Matt laughed as the girl in question got the correct container. 

"I have a sweet tooth." Caroline whined with a pout. 

"What about you? Any eating quirks I need to know about?" I asked, turning to Bonnie.

"No I don't thin-" her response was cut off by Caroline. "She's a terrible cook."

"Caroline!" Bonnie ground out, glaring lightly at the girl. 

"Then it's a good thing I'm great at it." I said, causing her attention to return to me. "How about it? If you want, you can try some later tonight when we're done here."

That gave her pause, a smile threatening to burst on her face. "Are you asking me out to dinner?"

"Is that a no?" I ask, teasingly, causing Caroline to mirror Bonnie's expression. 

"Yes, I mean no, I mean…" she took a moment to calm down before speaking again, unable to keep the blush off her face. "I would love to have dinner with you."

My foot is in the door. Giving her a smile, I turned to Caroline who looked excited for Bonnie and Matt who was looking at me in awe. 

There was only one way to respond to that; I raised my hand for a fist bump which he immediately reciprocated. 
