
A Goodnight Fuck

Like most stories involving goddess Hera, this one also starts with Zeus cheating.

This time, it was Io. Zeus cheated on Hera with Io while disguised as a cloud, then turned the girl into a white cow to hide her from Hera.

Unfortunately for him, Hera happened to have Argus, a giant with a hundred eyes, a giant who could sleep while with 30 of those eyes open, for a bodyguard.

So, she sent him to watch over Io. Zeus sent Hermes, the messenger of the Olympian gods, to Egypt where Io had fled, where Argus was guarding her on Hera's order.

Hermes, disguised as a shepherd, first put all of Argus' eyes asleep with spoken charms, then slew him.

To honor her giant, Hera immortalized him by putting his eyes on the tail of a bird to create a peacock.

That story was playing in Byron's mind as he chewed on the leg of a well seasoned peacock that was juicy and...

'I hate to admit it, but it's delicious. If I were able to go back to Earth and tell Ravi about this evening, I know for sure that he would get angry, lecture me on how I shouldn't have disrespected a majestic being like a peacock by feeding on it, but I'm in a different world now. There's no need to feel guilty or ashamed.'

Ravi was Byron's classmate and one of the only 4 best friends he had before he got paralyzed.

Recently moved to the United States from India, Ravi was there physically but still in India spiritually.

The guy was so patriotic and wouldn't miss an opportunity to brag about how his culture was so rich, how their civilization was among the oldest which have survived and of course about peacocks and their goddesses like Lakshmi.

The grace, beauty and pride of their nation.

Byron remembered Ravi as the only one of his best friends who kept coming to visit him until a few days before today; others had stopped after only a few months, even his girlfriend, the girl who was the root cause of it all.

If she hadn't made that phone call, Byron would never have left the mansion that night. He would never have had an accident.

But then again, she didn't mean him any harm when she called. If anything, she was doing him a favor by asking him to come so they could lose their virginities.

'Doesn't matter now!'

Back to Ravi, he would come and pray to his gods beside Byron's bed. He had even left two of them in the room and Byron was sure if he hadn't died, it was only a matter of a few more years before the guy would have eventually turned his room into a shrine.

'Does he already know that I'm dead?' Byron wondered.

If his father knew, all the employees of his companies would have started mourning and it would be on the news.

Ravi was a news guy, so he would have known.

But Byron doubted the maid and her lover had mastered the courage to report the incident.

'By now, they might be on the run, hoping to get as far from the United States as they can before Kyron Byronson discovers that I am dead.'

'And if I were them, that's exactly what I would do too. Even if they didn't kill me, my father would have killed them for having me die on their watch, let alone now that they're the ones responsible for my death. Torture. He will torture them forever before they die if he catches them.'

"Darling, what are you thinking about it?" asked Penthesilea, bringing Byron back from his reverie.

She was sitting beside him, a spot she had secured after Byron refused to go sit on the throne. He didn't want to eat all alone up there while they ate in groups on the tables.

That's the only reason he refused.

After all, he knew the throne would eventually become his whether he liked it or not. But hey, why would he not like it?

He was the only male in an OnlyWomenKingdom. He was technically the king before they even suggested it.

"Oh, I'm thinking about how delicious this is. I'm so surprised!" he finally answered Penthesilea's question, shaking the peacock leg he had robbed off its meat in front of her.

She took it from him and gave him another. "Of course it's delicious! Didn't I say it's a delicacy? Here! Don't fight with the bones. There are plenty of other legs. It's not like we're short on them."

He smiled at her and bit a chunk off the juicy leg.

"Don't eat only legs," said Alcippe, standing up and stretching herself across the table to stuff his mouth with meat. "The wings are delicious too."

"And the chest," another girl tuned in, black haired and with enormous mounds. Byron instantly recognized her as one the twins, one of the lust-sick girls, but now she was all chatty and energetic.

'It seems pounding her had cured her! Haha! Who would have thought my dick was medicine?'

Her comment encouraged other girls to give him theirs, and now the conversation wasn't just between him, Alcippe and the Queen as it had mostly been before.

"I like their hearts!"

"Here, taste their brains! It's so delicious!"

He reclined in his chair and only opened his mouth from time to time as the girls came with samples of what they liked the most about the peacock and fed them to him.

He would have liked this to go on forever because of how his taste buds were getting surprise after surprise, but he only had one stomach.

"I'm full!" he declared.

"Nooo! You have used so much energy, eat some more!"

"Drink this wine please!"

"At least take one bite! You haven't tasted mine yet!"

"Let's dance for you for a while as you wait to get more room in your stomach."

"Fuck a few of us. I'm sure you'll need to feed again after that!"

Byron was silent, allowing each girl to say what was on her mind, but Penthesilea was having none of that.

"Alright, girls!" she said as she rose to her feet and grabbed Byron's hand. "You've had your time with him. He's mine now."

She dragged him away, turning around to shout a goodnight at them.

She led him past the throne and far through the door from which Alcippe had come from back when the girls were bringing the peacock plates.

She climbed a flight of stairs for a while until she finally reached her bedroom where she turned to look into his eyes.

"You're mine now!"

They stared at each for a while. This boosted their sexual tension and she attacked his lips and he grabbed her boobs and a goodnight fuck began just then and there.
