
126. Abyss

"No, I understand." I could hear that he was contemplating over something and was still insecure. I wouldn't want my grandma to be perceived wrongly.

"By the time the ban was lifted, I was very excited and played with the other kids. When I later started school, one boy, I think he had a crush on me. Well… we kissed behind the school, and my grandma saw it. She dragged me to a coffee shop and printed out pictures of sexual diseases– of what they do to a body and such...ahaha." I broke into laughter and heard him chuckle along.

"We went home, and these pictures hung for a good time on the walls in my room… I was scared to death..." I again giggled when thinking about that time.

"It had been an extreme solution, but the pregnancy rates of teenagers in our village were very high—becoming a mother so young was just normal there. She didn't want that for me, so she chose the most direct approach."

