
Chapter 26: Nica's Perspective

After months away, I'm finally back in town. The first stop? My sister Vivi's place. I haven't told her I'm coming yet; surprises are kind of my thing. From our phone calls and texts, I know Vivi's been over the moon about some guy named Marcus Chen. She talks about him constantly, and if the sheer amount of gushing is anything to go by, she's smitten.

Honestly, I couldn't be happier for her. After Ethan, she swore off men and stuck to that promise for years. It wasn't just a phase—she genuinely shut herself off. I worried that she'd never open up again, even though I knew how much having a family of her own meant to her. So, hearing her sound excited about someone feels like a breath of fresh air. If this Marcus guy is the real deal, I'm rooting for him.
