
Shadows of the Guardian

Late summer hung over the wizarding world, filling the air with a quiet lull. Harry, nestled safely with his godfather Sirius, felt more at home than ever before. But that sense of peace shattered one humid night when he awoke from a vivid, haunting dream. The dream had seemed so real—a shadowy house, an old caretaker named Frank Bryce, and Voldemort himself, plotting Harry's death with Wormtail (Peter Pettigrew) escaped Auroras. and another mysterious figure.

The next morning, Harry wasted no time. He found Raja alone in a cozy, book-filled study, surrounded by the soft glow of lamplight. Raja looked up with interest as Harry explained his nightmare, his expression calm as he listened.

"That's disturbing," Raja murmured when Harry had finished. "It's hard to tell whether it's just a dream or something more. But whatever it is, we'll keep an eye on it, alright?"

Harry nodded, feeling a little more at ease. Raja's calm assurance had a way of smoothing over his worries. What he didn't know was that Raja was already formulating a plan, something far more complex than Harry could imagine. While he knew the story that would unfold, Raja was determined to find a way to protect Harry without risking his friend's soul—a solution that required knowledge, precision, and a bit of magic he had yet to master.

A few days later, the Weasleys extended an invitation to Harry and Raja to join them for the Quidditch World Cup. The excitement was palpable as they made the journey with the Weasley family and met up with Amos Diggory and his son Cedric at the campsite. The place was alive with magical energy—tents charmed with extraordinary designs, banners in bright colors, and the chatter of wizards from all over the world.

Harry and Raja marveled at the massive stadium and the infectious energy of the crowd. Inside, the match was electric, with the Irish and Bulgarian teams thrilling spectators with high-speed maneuvers and dazzling spellwork. Raja watched, sharing in the enthusiasm that rippled through the crowd. And when Viktor Krum, Bulgaria's Seeker, made his daring grab for the Snitch, the crowd roared, the stands shaking with applause.

But their excitement turned to terror that night. After the match, screams broke out across the campsite. Hooded figures in dark robes, faces hidden behind skull-like masks, appeared, casting spells and terrorizing the crowd. The Death Eaters were here.

Raja's eyes narrowed as he took in the scene. "Stay close, Harry!" he instructed, drawing his wand and moving into action. His instinct was to protect the others, to ensure they escaped unharmed. But he also knew that he couldn't stand by while innocent people suffered.

Darting through the crowd, Raja cast defensive spells, shielding the fleeing wizards from curses sent haphazardly by the attackers. One Death Eater raised his wand toward a terrified family, but Raja's reflexes were faster.

"Ignis Tempestatis!" he shouted, and a blazing whirlwind of fire erupted around him, forcing the Death Eaters back. The flames twisted and roared, illuminating his face and keeping his identity obscured to everyone but the Weasleys and Harry.

One of the masked figures turned on him, shooting a dark curse that sizzled through the air. Raja deflected it with a flick of his wand. "Fulmen!" he commanded, and a bolt of lightning shot from his wand, striking the Death Eater's wand and sending him sprawling to the ground.

The skirmish escalated as more Death Eaters tried to approach. Raja summoned his Patronus, the powerful Shadow Tempest. The magnificent thunderbird, wreathed in dark lightning, soared above the campsite, dispelling the green glow of the Dark Mark as it spread across the sky. The shadowy symbol of Voldemort faded, its presence overpowered by the brilliant light of Raja's Patronus.

Harry and the Weasleys, huddled together in safety, could hardly believe what they were seeing. Ron stared in awe as the thunderbird cut through the night sky, sending Death Eaters scattering.

"That's Raja's Patronus!" Ron whispered, his face a mixture of awe and gratitude.

Harry smiled with pride, watching as Raja moved skillfully through the chaos, fending off the attackers with a blend of fierce spells and nimble footwork. He was a quiet but formidable guardian, hidden in the shadows, ensuring everyone's safety without seeking any credit.

In the days that followed, tension simmered in the wizarding world. News of the Death Eater attack spread, and the joyful summer gave way to a growing unease. Though Hogwarts would soon be in session, the safety many took for granted was now under threat.

At the Burrow, life carried on with its usual warmth, but Raja sensed a shift. As they prepared to return to Hogwarts, he quietly continued his research on spells and protections, his mind fixated on finding a way to shield Harry from the approaching darkness. He worked tirelessly, modifying and refining his spells, while ensuring that his role remained hidden, a shadow guarding his friends from unseen dangers.

Back at Hogwarts, Raja settled into the familiar rhythm of classes, keeping his eyes on Harry and quietly supporting him as needed. He also continued his own project, modifying the hideout beneath the Whomping Willow to create a private base. The small, secret space became a place for his experiments and enchanted devices, including a newly crafted tool he named the Quadra-Lion Compass. Attuned to the magic of Hogwarts, it could help him locate people, objects, or even passages within the school, making it a useful resource as tensions increased.

In addition, Raja took up another personal project—helping Professor Lupin stabilize his transformations. He partnered with Snape, combining ancient mantras, runes, and Snape's expert potions to create a seal rune and potion that would allow Lupin to transform without the risk of harming others or passing on his curse.

One evening after a successful transformation, Lupin approached Raja, his gratitude evident. "This… this has given me a life I didn't think possible," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "Thank you, Raja."

Raja offered a humble smile. "It's the least I could do, Professor. We're all here to support each other."

The school year progressed, and soon it was time for the Quidditch season. Gryffindor's rivalry with Slytherin reached new heights, and the final match of the season was nothing short of spectacular. With Harry on his Firebolt, the game was fast-paced and intense, Slytherin players employing every trick they could to win. But Harry's skill on his broom left them all in the dust, and with a triumphant burst of speed, he captured the Golden Snitch, securing Gryffindor's victory.

Gryffindor House erupted in cheers, the Great Hall resounding with celebration. Raja watched, a proud smile on his face, knowing that the friendships and victories they'd earned would give them strength in the days ahead.

Throughout the year, Raja quietly continued his studies, his work in the shadows ever-present. His academic achievements once again placed him at the top of his class, securing the House Cup for Gryffindor and earning the admiration of his peers. Dumbledore, with a twinkle in his eye, congratulated him on his success.

"You're a valuable part of this school, Raja," Dumbledore remarked with quiet pride. "Your dedication and wisdom are an inspiration to those around you."

"Thank you, Professor," Raja replied, his voice filled with gratitude.

As the year drew to a close, the students packed up for summer, and Raja found himself reflecting on the journey ahead. He knew that Voldemort's return was inevitable, but as long as he was there, he would do everything in his power to protect Harry and those he cared for.

One afternoon, as the sun cast a warm glow over the Hogwarts lake, Harry approached him. "Thanks for everything this year, Raja," he said, a hint of shyness in his voice. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Raja gave a small, reassuring smile. "We're family, Harry. And as long as I'm here, you won't face any of this alone."

As they parted for the summer, Raja watched the Hogwarts Express disappear into the distance, his resolve firm. He would continue his quiet role as the "Black Hand Behind the Curtain," ensuring that his friends' paths remained clear and their futures bright. The coming years would be filled with challenges, but Raja knew that whatever darkness lay ahead, he would face it with unwavering purpose and a steady hand.
