

Chapter 21 – Musical Mayhem It was the following morning of the next day that I woke up bright and early. I had a busy schedule planned for us. Firstly, I needed to find a move tutor for Numsy. The little camel needed to learn a more powerful ground type move, second on our schedule was purchasing a ticket for the battle subway and thirdly I was planning to take Rena and Victini to go see a musical show at the local theater.I let out my team to go through our morning routine together. Eating breakfast and making sure we all looked good for our outing. People tended to look down on you if you didn't keep up with your personal hygiene less so in this world compared to my original one since trainers were frequently stuck in the wild without access to showers. However, no matter what world you were in, people didn't like the smell of sweat, especially when one has been camping out in the desert for a couple of days. I wasn't the only one needing to freshen up, a good amount of sand got stuck on the bodies of my beloved rascals so they are all getting the brush treatment. I couldn't make them take baths or showers since fire type Pokémon really didn't appreciate getting wet."Numsy you first."Numsy looked at me holding my grooming brush and waddled over unenthusiastically. The little camel didn't mind having sand stuck in his fur and saw little point of being well groomed. I make sure to keep him clean when we find ourselves in urban locations like this one, so other people didn't have to tidy up after him when we walk into buildings open to the public."Don't think that being part ground type excuses you for having a dirt covered fur coat in public settings.""Num…"Combing out his hair wasn't all that hard. Numel have only a single coat of fur unlike the species of Pokémon you can find in colder climates. Cleaning him up takes only a couple of minutes each time. Next it was Rena's turn; she was the total opposite when it came to grooming, relishing the process of having her coat get all nice and clean. Back in Lavaridge she would regularly pester me or Zinnia into grooming her just because. Getting all of the sand out of her fur would take not a small amount of elbow grease; her having six separate tails didn't help."Vuuuul.""I know I know I have to clean behind your ears as well."Whilst I was busy with my errant Vulpix, Victini was busy establishing the pecking order with Glove. Since she was now no longer the newest member of our group, Victini felt that she had to clue Glove into all the intricacies traveling with us would entail."Vi Tini Tini!" "I am the oldest in the group so you can just call me big sis!""Dar?"At this comment I felt the inexplicable urge to add my two cents to the conversation."Well technically Glove is over 2.500 years old if you count the time period of him being stuck while petrified.""Nitan Dar."Glove started petting Victini on the crown of her head. Amused by her attempt to pull seniority over him. Victini started pouting while leering at me, her new attempt at becoming a big sister failed."Don't worry, I am sure you can become an older sibling figure for the little tike inside the egg."I spent a half hour like that. Me making Rena presentable, while I watched my team have intriguing interactions with each other sometimes chipping in when I felt like it. Rena was mostly content just getting brushed up while Victini tried to advertise the wonders of tabletop gaming to Glove. The Darmanitan gave cards an honest shot, but his hands were just too big to hold the tiny cards comfortably, while Numsy didn't have any hands at all. That didn't discourage Victini the slightest bit; she quickly switched over to playing a game of Timburr's tower with them. Numsy could still somewhat play along using his mouth to remove blocks from the tower. Glove could sometimes get the blocks out on his own but more often than not relied on Victini's confusion to help him play out the game. Watching them like that gave me an epiphany."Glove you don't know any psychic type moves?""Dar Dar…""He says the older guards taught him how to achieve inner focus, but he never got the chance to develop his mental abilities further than that.""This is perfect! Tini you can coach Darmanitan in that area, your confusion is top notch."I wasn't just blurting out meaningless compliments, Victini has the finest control over her mental powers that I've ever seen from any psychic type Pokémon. She was accomplished enough to bend light and turn invisible and levitate around her own body like it's nothing.Glove seemed amenable enough to the idea of being mentored nodding his assent to be tutored by our resident flying rabbit. Victini on the other hand showed signs of self-doubt fidgeting with her claws while staring down at me."Vi…" "I don't know…""Don't worry about it, you'll do great. The key to being a great teacher is confidence."Victini cutely clenched her claws together and slapped her cheeks."Vi!" "I am going to be the best teacher!""That's it, now come over here, the best teacher needs to get her fur groomed."I was saving Darmanitan for last. He spent twenty-five hundred years in that desert, and I was dreading the amount of grooming I had to do to get him completely clean or if I was even able to. It also didn't help that Glove was about a whole foot taller than me. Most fire types could just burn themselves clean but that didn't work for sand. Most fire types aren't able to produce flames hot enough to melt sand and if they could it would just become some sort of sticky amorphous liquid."This is my punishment for only catching furred fire types I guess." After my first attempt at getting Glove clean, I immediately realized that I would need professional help to get him presentable enough to walk into public places with. Thankfully the nurse Joy behind the desk gave me a referral to a Pokémon groomer who lived in the city. According to her this groomer recently retired but still took on jobs with the right referrals. Luckily nurse Joy was a personal friend of this groomer else she wouldn't even have taken the time to talk with us."So, this is the big lug you want me to fix up?"The groomer was a grouchy looking elderly lady."Yes please."She started inspecting Glove's fur, checking his ears and even looking under his nails."This'll be a big job. I'll charge you double what I usually ask my customers. One thousand pokédollars and I'll need to keep him here for most of the day. You can come pick him up at the end of the afternoon. By the end of this you won't even recognize him."'One thousand?! that is all my free spending money. I hope that leaves enough left over for subway tickets.'I grudgingly handed over the money. Usually, I don't keep that much cash with me. But I pulled out four thousand from the center's ATM just in case."Glove, I need you to stay here with the nice lady for a couple of hours. Do everything she wants you to do and afterwards we can go out for dinner.""Dar dar!""He says that his duty to protect the egg comes first.""Hmm okay then. Excuse me, miss can I also leave my Pokémon egg behind? Glove doesn't want to let the egg out of his sight.""What do I care? Just leave it here at the table , your Darmanitan can look at it all he wants while we are busy."'This lady might be rough on the outside but has a soft doughy filling.'I did as she instructed and left the egg on the nearest table confident that Glove would keep it safe. It felt kind of weird leaving my newly caught partner alone on his second day of being with us, but needs must, and it would only be for a few hours. It did also spare me from having to carry around the egg while finishing up my business in the city.Our next stop was the gear station in order to buy a ticket to Mistralton city. I had no idea what the average ticket prices were for passengers who just wanted to board the subway without having to participate in the battling, but I was about to find out. Getting to Gear Station was not difficult by any means, its location being right in the middle of the city. The building looked like one of those old Victorian mansions, the difference being that it held eight railway platforms inside, each railway leading to a different city within the Unova region.In the middle of this massive subway station stood a giant timepiece underneath which a small ticket stand was built manned by two receptionists."Excuse me mister. Can I buy a ticket to Mistralton City?""Yes, you can. Off to visit your family there kiddo?"'Kiddo?! adolescence can't come soon enough.'"No, just visiting a family friend who is crashing at the celestial tower.""That's great seeing as you seem to be under fifteen, I'll have to look at your ID first."I fished out my Hoenn trainer's license and for good measure I also pulled out my lab assigned Pokédex.The guy behind the desk took one look at my foreign issued license before addressing his colleague sitting at the next booth over."Julie, do we accept foreign ID?""Yes, we do Larry, you are just too lazy to pull up the league's visa listings. Just take your thirty-minute break and let me handle this."The nicer looking lady took over for the stereotyping man. Taking his seat behind the booth."Well, what you got here young man is a standard issue trainer's license from Hoenn. That means we have to look at our registry to find out if you are here illegally. Mr. Emmet and Mr. Ingo ran into some legal issues a few years ago and now we have to do this every time a foreign trainer wants to board our battle subway."I was quick to retort."I also gave the previous clerk the Pokédex I received from Professor Juniper. Doesn't that count for something? Since technically I am not a foreigner.""Oh really?! Thank you, that makes my job a lot easier. Really, Larry can't even recognize the difference between a foreign Pokédex and one issued by our own regional professor."The clerk flipped open the pokedex and pressed a couple of buttons to play"This Pokédex is programmed by Professor Juniper for Pokémon trainer Egon from Lavaridge town. My function is to provide Egon with information and advice regarding Pokémon and their training. If lost or stolen I cannot be replaced.""That's all I needed to hear. Now what kind of ticket are you looking to purchase?""One way to Mistralton City please.""Are you looking to enter as a battler or just a regular passenger?""As a passenger. I've only just started my journey and from what I hear taking on the battle subway requires a bit more experience.""We have a departure scheduled for five in the afternoon. Do you want to board at that moment, or would you rather arrange for another day?"'Five in the afternoon is perfect. That gives me just enough time to go pick up Glove at the groomer after watching a musical at the theater with Rena.'"Today please.""That'll be 1500 pokédollars. Are you aware of the regulations for passengers boarding our trains?""Uhmm no not really.""It's really simple if while seated inside one of our cars the light on the monitor goes red you are required to vacate the car you are currently occupying and move over to the next one adjacent to it. Red means the railroad car is going to be used for a battle.""Doesn't battling wreck the railcar?""Don't worry about it. Our railcars are made from the toughest metal known to man. It would take a concerted effort from a fire and fighting type Pokémon to destroy one of our cars. The chairs lining our railcars do get destroyed on the regular though. Now have a nice day and we hope you enjoy your time traveling with us trainer Egon."We left Gear Station and as we did, I released Rena from her ball."Do you want to go see a musical show princess? First time visiting trainers and their Pokémon get in for free.""Pix pix!""Me too!" We made our way to Nimbasa's musical theater hall. Rena insisted on wearing her best duds at the gathering place for Pokémon of culture like her. That also meant she was wearing her gaudy tiara while we made our way through the city. She got more than just a couple of looks from passersby and a few women even walked up to us in order to dote on her. Complimenting me for my good fashion sense. Rena's ego couldn't balloon up bigger than it already is and by the time we arrived at the theater I was positively exasperated."This is it, the Musical theater. Now we are just here to enjoy a show so don't start singing and dancing with the performers on stage alright?""Vuuuuul!"Rena started lightly gnawing on my ankles as a form of protest. Letting me know that she is the more mature being out of the two of us. Unlike at the reception at gear station checking was completely automated all I had to do was select one of the plays I wished to see on the screen and either reserve the number of seats I needed or let the computer scan my Pokedex in order to have two seats of my choosing set aside for free for our first visit,There was only one show we could view and still be on time to pick up Glove and make it for our departure. A show called Gothorita and the Zoroark. The synopsis describing it bears striking similarities with a play I am already familiar with. An arrogant young zoroark prince, who lives in a castle surrounded by his enchanted servants, opens his heart to a peasant gothorita. As their love slowly develops a narcissistic Bisharp starts coveting Gothorita for her beauty and imprisons Gothorita's father. Only willing to release her father if she gives in and marries him. The play lasts for about two hours including the intermission break. I just hoped Rena is into sappy love stories.I picked two available seats that were displayed on screen. This show seemed pretty popular judging by the number of seats still available; the only adjoining seats that were still up for grabs were second row in the left most corner. Thankfully, me and Rena could be seated next to each other. She could've made use of my lap too, but I am pretty sure that would've become uncomfortable after a while. Not to mention that Victini also needs a spot to view the play from.I tried walking past the concession stand but an invisible tug stopped me from moving forwards. Followed by a large box of popcorn floating upwards and landing itself between my arms. Just like at the cinema this theater food was also ridiculously overpriced and I had no intention at all in feeding the beast."You know if you want some caramelized popcorn, we can just go get some at any grocery store right? Theater popcorn doesn't magically taste better.""Please… this is the last thing I want after that I'll be good; I promise!"'You are overestimating yourself and those big blue eyes of yours are ineffective while still invisible. There's no way, no how that I am paying five times the market rate for a box of popcorn.' Ten minutes later* "You must have used some form of hypnosis on me! This time I'll let it slide since you have obviously been working on your moves."Victini was invisibly munching on popcorn while seated on my lap. The smugness basically radiating off her so much that even an untalented hack like me could feel the telepathic waves of satisfaction. Rena took the seat nearest to the isle. I let her have that seat in case the patron who is going to be seated next to me was some kind of weirdo.My neighbor did eventually show up to claim her seat. Surprisingly she looked like a girl about my age, maybe one year older, blonde and sporting a pair of custom-made earphones.'Keep the chewing to a minimum, okay? Our new neighbor might hear you.'"Got it!"Musicals starring Pokémon have one single problem. The audience can't understand any of the dialogue between the actors. That's why every seat came with an earphone that played a live recording of the script as the play commenced. The human partners of the actors usually being the ones that voiced over their Pokémon."Look there she goes a Pokémon who's strange but special.A most peculiar mademoiselleIt's a pity and a sin.She doesn't quite fit in!" I pulled out one of my earphones having already lost interest in the story. Trying to just focus on the Pokémon actors. Rena and Victini were almost jumping from their seats, clearly enjoying the show. I kept as quiet as possible in order to not detract from their merriment."Excuse me, are you going to eat the rest of that popcorn?"Startling blue eyes faced me. My neighbor, now no longer hidden in the natural shadows of the theater, gave me a questioning look."Yeah sure, go ahead. Just leave some of it left over after the ending. my Pokémon might still be hungry after the show."The girl seemed familiar to me however since this was a musical theater I decided to leave my questions for after the show."Tsk, tsk, tsk. Poor Gothorita. It's a shame about your father.You know he's not crazy, Bisharp.I might be able to clear up this little misunderstanding, if...If what?If you marry me.What?One little word, Gothorita. That's all it takes.Never!" 'Ughhhhhh… this is going to take a while.' "That was my popcorn!""It's fine you were on a diet anyways. And she left you one fourth of the amount afterwards. You know what they say, sharing is caring. I am sure our neighbor was very grateful for our generosity."It was intermission time leaving me a good ten minutes to stretch my legs while the lights were on. Our mysterious neighbor quickly used this opportunity to go backstage behind the drapes. I figured she must know one of the actors personally. My Pokémon were completely engrossed in the story. Rena kept gushing about how pretty the actors looked. She seemed especially fond of the lead Zoroark. I wasn't the most adept in the matters of love but even I could see that my Vulpix was developing a celebrity crush.'Maybe since they're both vulpine Pokémon?'The Zoroark was skilled at using his illusionary powers to provide a number of the special effects in the play. Using shadows to make himself seem more menacing during his introduction scene. This show was very enlightening in terms of learning more about their species' unique abilities. Since I haven't come across any of them until now. They are widely known for being difficult to capture. Being able to disappear into the surroundings at will. So, any trainer that does manage to capture one of their line has somehow convinced the Pokémon that he or she would be fun to stick around with."Pix pix pix!""Calm down Rena this is just the intermission the show will start up again after everyone has had a chance to stretch their legs a little."Rena jumped off her seat and rushed towards the closed drapes obviously planning to meet a certain dark type.'Tini, can you look after our seats?'After getting the psychic equivalent of an affirmation I followed after my starstruck Pokémon. Obviously being faster than me Rena has already disappeared behind the drapes. Now all I had to do was find her before we were both forcefully removed from the premises. The backstage area was filled with set props and Pokémon actors and their human partners. They used this cessation of their activities to lounge around and practice lines. I waded through the crowd hoping that they were not paying enough attention to realize I was not supposed to be there.'If I was an infatuated six tailed fox, where would I be?'"Hey, you there! You are not supposed to be here!"I was stopped by the blonde girl who just like me entered the backstage area during the intermission. This time she had a Pokémon with her, lounging on her shoulders stood a tired looking emolga.Emolga, the Sky Squirrel Pokémon. Emolga lives in trees and uses its cape-like membrane to glide through the air. As it flies, it scatters electricity around, so bird Pokémon keep their distance. That's why Emolga can keep all its food to itself. This Pokémon absolutely loves sweet berries. Sometimes it stuffs its cheeks full of so much food that it can't fly properly. "You better have a good reason for sneaking in here! Only the actor Pokémon and their trainers are allowed backstage." "I didn't see your Emolga on stage neither. Are you sure that you aren't supposed to be here as well?" "You… My precious Emolga is responsible for the theater lamps. She glides around the rafters turning them off and on." "Uhmm… Sorry my Vulpix ran off. I am just trying to get her back. What's your name miss…?""Elesa."'Egon it's a pleasure to meet you. Say you wouldn't happen to know where I could find the male lead actor? My Vulpix has really taken a shine to him. I am sure that I can find her with that Zoroark.""The owner's Pokémon? He can usually be found in his personal quarters. No one goes in there except for him and his Zoroark.""Could you please take me there? "Elesa fidgeted somewhat, eventually deciding to show me where to find that Zoroark. Leading me up to a secret backdoor room where the leading actor resides. The door was closed and waiting just outside was my wayward fox Pokémon seemingly patiently waiting for the actor to come outside."Rena come back quick! We are not supposed to be here.""Vuuuul.""No, you can't have his paw graph! And I am pretty sure what you are doing is considered stalking."Elesa and her Emolga watched me and my Pokémon bicker. Obviously, our argument was going nowhere. Until she finally decided to step up and help solve the issue. Addressing my Pokémon with a hint of amusement in her voice."I know the director personally. If you want, I can get you a paw graph little Vulpix.""Pix pix?!"Elesa was confused for a moment not following Rena's line of questioning."She wants to know if you are really such a big deal.""Yes, my mother designs the stage costumes and props for all the actors in this show."Rena was mollified somewhat at the prospect of getting that Zoroark's signature. I picked her up and walked us back in the direction of our seats. Elesa, also noticing the intermission was almost over followed behind me."Does this happen often? Rabid fans sneaking backstage to meet the actors?""Pix pix!""I wouldn't know, or maybe you want me to ask nurse Joy to have you checked?"Elesa amused just watching me and Rena go at it backtracked to answer my earlier question."I don't know, me and Emolga are still novices and haven't been here that long. That won't always be the case though. She and I will make it all the way to become big A-list celebrities, that's our dream!"I gave her a look up and down."Sure, maybe if you grow up a bit, you have a symmetrical face that people would find pleasing to look at, high bone cheeks, vivid eyes and hair color."She puffed up a little more after each of my astute observations."Becoming famous isn't all about looks! Me and Emolga still have a lot to learn before we can make it out there. But… thank you for the compliments"We made it back to our seats in time for the commencement of the second and final act of the show. Elesa, probably having already seen this same show multiple times zoned out and focused only on the rafters where her Emolga must be taking care of the show's lighting needs.Just like that we spent another hour watching all the different Pokémon actors singing and dancing out the story. The show ended with prince Zoroark and his servants getting uncursed and winning the heart of Gothorita. I myself was too mature to enjoy a sappy feel-good ending like that, but my Pokémon seemed to like it. The audience gave a standing ovation to the actors who were all lined up at the show's ending. Elesa gave me a nudge to let me know I should follow her if I still wanted to get that paw graph for Rena. Seeing no other way but to indulge in my Pokémon's unhealthy fanaticism me and my team followed the blonde back behind the drapes. Elesa looked around for a bit after we found ourselves wading through a crowd of actors and their trainers until she presumably found who she was looking for. An older gentleman accompanied by a bipedal fox Pokémon."Excuse me director!""Oh, Elesa dear. How was the show?"Before these two had the chance of finishing their exchange of pleasantries my fox jumped out of my arms and started yipping at the sight of the gentleman's Zoroark."Pix pix pix!""My what an excitable young lass wouldn't you say so Zoroark?""Ark.""This Vulpix is my seat-neighbor's Pokémon. She expressed her desire to meet and get a paw graph from Zoroark sir.""Vuuul Pix!"The constant barrage of compliments seemed to be getting through to Zoroark a slight tint of red adorning his cheeks."Well now what do you say Zoroark old friend? Do you want to make this lassie's day extra special?""Ark."The director fished out a special type of ink that was used to stain Pokémon paws. When he asked where we wanted the paw graph inscribed on, I wasn't sure what to use. None of the items I carried on me seemed suitable enough for this type of endeavor. Eventually I decided to let Zoroark paw graph my backpack. At least this way Rena gets to look at it whenever she wants.We walked out of that theater with an extra memento given to us by that wizened Zoroark. He, just like me, saw the futility in trying to curb Rena's enthusiasm and quickly gave in after a barrage of flattering remarks. We got two free tickets to come watch their show the next time we were in the city. I felt a small sense of accomplishment having indulged Rena and to a lesser extent Victini, The play didn't match my tastes for sure but as long as my team was happy with the experience I couldn't care less what I was watching. It was just me and Victini now I recalled Rena into her ball to cool off from all her excitement.We walked back to the groomers. Where Glove's transformation was complete."He smells incredible. What kind of scent is that?""Extract of Lilligant.""Thank you for the amazing work. I had no idea if he'd ever get all that plastered on sand out of his coat.""He should be good to go. Darmanitan's fur does need a weekly brushing if you want him to stay like this.""Of course, I'll make sure to do that. Have a nice day!We parted ways with the groomer. I'd be sure to visit her the next time I was in town. With the egg in my arms I left together with my Pokémon."Now are you guys ready for a train ride?""Dar!" "Vi!"

Chapter 22 – Mysterious Hermit I hurried back to Gear Station in order to make it in time for our train's departure. All of my Pokémon were resting in their balls, since I didn't want to lose them in the crowd of passengers that were getting ready to board the train. The automated station announcement echoed throughout Gear Station."The train heading for Mistralton City is leaving within ten minutes. All passengers please make your way to platform three."'Perfect timing, I wonder if they offer refreshments on long train rides like this one?'According to the ticket the train ride would take around seven hours, which meant I would arrive in Mistralton City very early during the next morning. Fortunately, Pokémon centers provided 24-hour service even though the nurse Joy behind the counter probably wouldn't appreciate you for waking her up during the wee hours of the morning if it wasn't an emergency.As luck would have it platform three was the least populated transit in gear station. By my estimation of the people present, at the platform during departing time, only around two dozen people in total needed to take this train to Mistralton City. Leaving me enough room to have my Pokémon out and about if I didn't have to share my car with too many other people.Eventually the sliding doors opened and me and the rest of the passengers could enter the train. Most of the passengers aboard this train seemed to be foreign tourists at least judging by the Pokémon they had with them. That's when I saw a girl walking around with a black salamander like Pokémon on her shoulders. Intrigued and a bit excited to meet such a rare Pokémon, in this region, I followed the two into their car and took a seat nearest to them."Excuse me, the name's Egon. Is that a Salandit? Are you from the Alola region perhaps?""My name is Halia and yes, this little boy is a salandit. Not many people in this region can recognize foreign Pokémon on sight. Are you from Alola as well? You certainly have the correct skin tone for a tropical islander.""No, I come from the Hoenn region. I asked because I am really into fire types like your salandit he's certainly one of the coolest Pokémon around.""He is, isn't he? Salandit is the best at keeping me warm especially during the winter times.""Saaaal."Salandit, having been praised incessantly during our verbal exchange puffs up obviously pleased by the direction this conversation is going."Is it true that the poison his species produces is strong enough to envenom steel and even other poison types?""Well yes but me and this little guy aren't much interested in battling, so we haven't tried that out yet. He was given to me as an egg you see, his mother was a prolific battler, and she was able to do that during competitions. I noticed you have an egg as well. What sort of cutie is inside that egg? I am much more interested in Pokémon breeding.""I can't tell you, but I know it's a fire type Pokémon. I am somewhat of a specialist, you see. I've been working as an intern at the Lavaridge gym."Just like that I struck up a pleasant conversation with a previously unknown stranger. Halia was a seventeen-year-old ambassador's daughter from Melemele island, and her family moved to Unova after her father was appointed as an ambassador. She decided to go back to Alola to visit her relatives and get away from the cold weather, only planning on returning when the winter season is over. Halia is determined to become a prominent breeder specializing in Alolan native Pokémon. Once she is done with college, she is hoping to land an internship position at the Aether foundation."You really think it's doable? Catching a salazzle and setting up a breeding colony? If that works out I'll become your first customer.""Maybe… not for now though. With all the strict laws surrounding importing foreign exotic species. Unova also has a seasonal climate as opposed to Alola's wet and dry seasons.""Alola… I'd like to go visit that region and find myself an awesome fire type like yours.""Well, then you will probably have to wait for a long time. Alola has the strictest bylaws regarding foreigners. It's so bad that employees of multinational trading companies are not even allowed to set foot on the islands proper, instead being restricted to the Melemele shipyard.""Really!? I didn't know it was that bad and the population agreed to this?""Ah no, the people didn't come up with those policies. We do actually have an elected government that runs the islands, but they are not the highest authorities in the Alola region. Our guardian deities ultimately step in to make decrees when they deem it necessary. With our Kahunas acting as their middlemen, they have decreed that Alola is not yet ready to open up its borders.""With guardian deities you mean legendary Pokémon? Aren't those types of beings usually too reclusive to care about human affairs?""That is the biggest difference between Alola and the other regions. Our people still have a strong spiritual connection to the land and by extension the Pokémon that govern it.""What's your dad's job like? It must be a big responsibility managing diplomatic relations between Unova and Alola.""He mostly attends meetings and events. Unova being one of the closer regions we have ties with, it is important that the trade keeps flowing unabated since Alola doesn't produce enough goods to sustain our growing community. In return we provide this region with minerals, hardwood timber and patented alcoholic beverages. Every time there is some type of tariff dispute my father steps in to protect our region's interests."It was about an hour into the journey when I decided to let my Pokémon out to let them stretch their limbs for a bit and give each of them their evening meals. Unlike my other Pokémon, Glove didn't seem to have a preferred flavor so I just fed him the recommended amount of Pokémon food for a Darmanitan his size combined with whatever berry slices I had on hand for flavoring. This evening he got to enjoy a not insubstantial amount of Leppa berries in his dinner time meal.I shared a train car with Halia, so she got a good look at most of my Pokémon."By the Tapu's that Vulpix is so adorable!""Vuuul?""Halia bent over to pick up Rena while she was enjoying her meal. Leading to some irritation on my Pokémon's part. One gaze of hers told me she was this close to giving Halia a mouthful of embers.""I got you that paw graph, didn't I? Please bear with it for now."Rena was somewhat mottled by my mentioning of previous events so although somewhat reluctant she let Halia have her way with her body for now."What was that Egon?""Uh nothing, just something between me and my Pokémon. So, you have never seen a vulpix before?""I've seen and met plenty of vulpix before, just none of this variety. In Alola we would call this one a Kantonian vulpix."Halia refocused her efforts on giving my Rena a good look over. Checking inside her ear and even opening Rena's maw to check if her gums are healthy. At one point even trying to have a gander at her tails it was at this point I was forced to stop her. Rena was very peculiar about who was allowed to touch her tails. Random strangers we met on a train not being on that list."Halia, My Vulpix doesn't let just anyone touch her tails. Could you please let go of her for now?""Oh… I am sorry! I was so invested in figuring out all the differences that I forgot myself for a moment. Can you forgive me, Vulpix?""Pix."Rena landed on the floor with her paws after giving a dismissive yip towards Halia. Quietly returning to her bowl of food, but not before letting me know that the favor has already been repaid."I have always been fascinated by regional variation within Pokémon species. You might not know this, but around a century ago a foreigner washed up on the shores of Ula'ula Island with his Kantonian Vulpix. He made the island his home and after his passing the old Vulpix now a Ninetales exiled herself to the top of Mount Lanakila in order to grieve over her old Master. The locals say the loss and sadness turned her heart icy cold and somehow under the influence of the mountain spirits her appearance shifted to reflect her change of heart. After her transformation the change in typing and demeanor bred true, populating our Lanakila Mountain with a bunch of white colored vulpix."Rena was still sitting at her food bowl, but I knew Halia's story gripped the attention of my dainty fox companion. Signified by the slight turning of her right ear."Do you believe it? That she was changed by spirits? or did some other environmental factor turn her into an ice type?"Halia gave me a pondering look. Seemingly mulling the question over in her mind."Hmm I don't know, but researchers could probably run a double-blind test by bringing groups of Kantonian vulpix and ninetales up the mountain and see if anything happens."Letting the matter rest she instead looked at the rest of my team."I say you have quite a fine gathering of Pokémon here, Egon. Are you participating in this years' Ventress conference?""No, I don't meet the age requirements. Having dual citizenship is pretty useful for catching Pokémon not found in my home region though. I'll be sure to take the Ever Grande Conference by storm with all my new pals once I get back to Hoenn."We spent our time like that until we both decided that it was getting too dark outside the train, and that we should get some rest. The passenger seats inside the train could be pushed downwards to make a pseudo bed of some sort. Combined with the sleeping bag I put in my backpack for camping situations I could pass my time away resting up. My Pokémon each selecting a seat of their own and growing comfortable enough to sleep. Glove insisted on staying out to watch over the egg and I wasn't playing favorites, so they all got to stay out. Victini took this chance to stay in the sleeping bag with me so she could spend some time socializing. Having to stay invisible for so long must have made her anxious. We were pretty sure that all these train cars had cameras inside them for the purpose of recording any subway battles. That being the case she didn't get the chance to hang out openly with us.'Just a little bit more when we are back in Lavaridge you can float around all you want. Those old fogies can't tell the difference between a tailow and a salamence.'"All the time?"'Well at least during school hours. Their grandkids are a tad more perceptive.'  The sound of the intercom turning on woke us up. I noticed that Halia and her salandit had already gotten up early and were quietly enjoying what seemed to be a granola bar of sorts. I was grateful that they were careful not to wake us up even though the announcement machine turned their efforts fruitless. The bulge in my sleeping bag was starting to move, evidently Victini waking up from the noise as well."Dear passengers, we will be arriving shortly at the Mistraltion City Station. Please make sure to leave none of your belongings behind. We know you have choice a in modes of transportation, and we are pleased you decided to make use of our battle subway for your transit needs."Halia decided to make use of my now lucid state of mind to make sure I got off the train on time."Are you ready to go, Egon? We'll be arriving within ten minutes.""Just a second!"'Tini, can you tap the ball latched onto my belt?'I was lucky that I am not the type of person who gets comfortable enough with strangers to change into my pajamas in full view. As such the only thing I needed to do to get ready was to wiggle out of my sleeping bag and stuff it into my backpack. The rest of my team was now fully awake as well."It's going to get crowded on the platform guys go ahead and rest some more inside your poké balls."I started recalling my team members until it was Numsy's turn. The little camel expertly dodged the red beam and gave me a defiant look."Num!"Words were unnecessary. I could instantly tell what Numsy's intentions were."I am sorry you didn't get to do anything in Nimbasa. how about we hang around for the rest of the day?"My poké pal begrudgingly accepted my offer. So, after I finished packing and donning my attire for the day it was just him, me and the egg between my arms when we walked onto the station's platform. Halia following closely behind us with Salandit draped over her shoulder as usual.Navigating the platform wasn't easy by any means especially since I had to keep watch over my knee height camel with my hands full. Numsy took this opportunity to punish me for my hubris and kept walking up to strangers wanting to get petted. His tactics rarely failed to get the head scratches he desired, sometimes even walking away with some variety of unhealthy snacks. The children especially kept helping him violate his dietary restrictions. I figured that this was his way of showing me he had other options."I am sorry Numsy! Ok we'll do it like this. I owe you a solid and whenever you want to call in that favor you can do so. I won't object whatsoever.""Num…""I won't forget."Halia took this moment to jump into the conversation."Egon's sorry and he won't do it again. If you are worried about him forgetting, you'll just need to remind him every time you feel left out.""Num num."I knew Numsy was really only half upset, but it paid to give him the full attention he was due. Numsy relenting to Halia's pleading was only for showmanship."Numsy will you allow me to take us to the Pokémon center? Once there we can all partake in a hearty breakfast.""Num!"The mention of food always works on him. Maybe because he used to be a solitary Pokémon roughing it out in the wild, but Numsy is the lone Pokémon on my team that considers regular food pellets a reward. Not that I didn't mix a copious amount of sliced berries in it to elevate the flavor but even before I had the luxury of doing so Numsy was always happy with just the regular stuff. As we were walking out of the station and into Mistralton City proper I struck up a casual conversation with Halia."So, when is your flight back home to Alola?""In a couple of hours, we can walk with you until we hit the Pokémon center. As the more experienced travelers it's our job to look after you right Salandit? It wouldn't do to have a ten year old like yourself get lost in the big city.""Saaaa.""You do realize this ten-year-old has won a multiple of badges and traversed all the way from Hoenn to Unova on his lonesome.""So, you don't want me coming with you?""…Never mind."I felt a sense of amusement coming from inside my mind. Being stuck inside her ball while awake usually gave Victini a good incentive to mess around inside my dome. When having nothing better to do she would experience our surroundings vicariously through me given the opportunity.'This is not a capitulation! I just enjoy having her around for company.'"Tsun…"'Don't you finish that sentence! This is what I get for letting you have free unfettered access to my mind. Some parts of my old world's cultural experience are not meant to see the light of day.'The trek towards the nearest Pokémon center was mostly uneventful. Mistralton City was the hub of all air travel coming to and from Unova. Even while not yet at the airport the sound of jet engines can be heard from miles away. The locals, having mostly grown desensitized towards the sound, didn't even flinch; it was a great way to differentiate denizens from the tourists. As we neared the Pokemon center we saw a crowd forming at the entrance. Halia took this chance to say goodbye."Egon, it's time for us to part ways but know we will be watching your training career with great interest. If you do end up making it to this year's Ever Grande Conference. I'll be rooting for you!""The same goes for me, Halia. If you ever get the chance to breed fire type Pokémon professionally, I will make sure to become your first customer."We parted ways amicably she made a beeline towards the airport while I was stuck waiting in line for access to the Pokémon center.'That's strange a city like Mistralton shouldn't have any congested Pokémon centers.'Congested Pokémon centers were a rare sight. It usually meant some kind of natural disaster had occurred or some sort of tournament was being hosted in the city. I was hoping that it was the latter of those two. I shoulder tapped the person closest to me."Hey man, what's going on at the Pokémon center? Are the lines usually this long?""You must not be from around here little dude. The trainers standing in line here are waiting for the old hermit to give his weekly Pokémon evaluations.""Old hermit? Pokémon evaluations?""There's this wizened old guy living by himself up in the mountains. Once a week he comes down into the city to get some fresh supplies and help trainers figure out the typing of their Pokémon's hidden power. It's all for free, but he only stays here until the end of the afternoon. His services are in very high demand since training up a Pokémon in the use of its hidden power is so much easier once you know what type it should be. If you just want to gain entrance to the Pokémon center, you can just skip all the way to the end of this line, the center doors should be open."This hermit being here on the same day while I was inside the city could be an unexpected boon. I had no idea what kind of hidden power each of my Pokémon holds. Looking back to the size of the line it would seem I had a decent shot at seeing the hermit if I decided to join the queue. However I didn't think my team would appreciate having to stand in line especially since it was still early in the morning and we haven't had our breakfast yet.'I guess I'll wait and see if he's still around by the time we are finished with our morning routine.'After thanking the kindly stranger for his information, I went ahead and skipped all the way to the front of the line. There near the center's entrance stood a makeshift tent propped up next to the main building. Figuring that the tent was probably the place people were standing in line for to get their Pokémon evaluated I walked into the main building. In contrast to the hustle and bustle outside, the center's interior was quiet and devoid of people aside from a sleepy nurse Joy sitting behind the counter."Excuse me.""…""Excuse me!""Wha…? Oh, sorry young man, it's just so early in the morning. What can I help you with?""I would like a room please. Here's my trainer's license and ID."  A couple of hours later* Safely situated in one of the center's rooms I had my entire team out and about. As I was busy cooking up their meals, they decided to catch some more zzz's by huddling up together and getting an extra hour of sleep in. Since Glove was so much bigger than the rest of the team it was unilaterally decided he would be their body pillow. Which the big gorilla didn't mind, most of my team members were too small to hinder his sleep overly much. He did take issue with Numsy trying to take a spot on his midriff. Numsy might be small, but he weighed as much as a big sack of potatoes. His molten core made up of mineral rich magma being the main contributor to his added weight."breakfast's done!"I started distributing out everyone's bowls of food. Glove's bowl being a size bigger than the rest of them. Because of his body size having higher nutritional needs was a given and because he was still malnourished from having spent thousands of years as a statue. The rest of the team, knowing his need for a greater caloric intake, didn't complain about the difference in portion sizes.I left my Pokémon in the dorm room to enjoy breakfast while I went downstairs to observe the procession. Now that there are proper waking hours the line got even bigger. Curious about this mysterious hermit I decided to ask Nurse Joy for the details on this mysterious person."Nurse Joy, do you know the hermit who is giving out those Pokémon evaluations?""Hmm… Well, he just showed up one day out of the blue. In exchange for lending a helping hand, I let him set up his little tent outside. I am glad he did so because business has never been better. Ah! Not that that is a good thing of course for someone in my profession. A lot of people who aren't even on their circuit run book rooms here now, which they have to pay full price for. Alleviating this center's reliance on league subsidies.""Does he ever take a break or something? I'd really like to meet this figure.""Sharing information like that would be unfair to all the other trainers that have come here to meet him, young trainer. If you want him to evaluate your Pokémon, you'll have to wait in line just like everybody else."'Darn! She saw through my ruse.'As I was busy trying to trick the kindly nurse Joy into giving up her confidential knowledge, I felt a slight bump impacting the top of my head. Having grown familiar with the suddenness and fur to skin feel of the intruder I know Victini was sitting invisibly on the top of my head.'Are you already finished with your meal?'"Most of us are. I just wanted to see what was taking you so long."'This hermit character intrigues me. A human being able to perceive a Pokémon's hidden power closely resembles an ability that I have heard about from before my arrival in this world.'As I was sharing my speculations with Victini I excused myself in front of Nurse Joy and headed back up into our room but before I could get near the entrance of the attached dormitory we were stopped by a scroungy looking old man."Excuse me there young trainer. I couldn't help but notice a peculiar presence around you. Would you mind this old man here taking up some of your time? I am a deft hand at palm readings and the like."'Is this the start of my hero's journey? If I give this old man some change and kindness, will he reveal himself to be an old sage who trains me in an ancient form of Pokémon battling?'"Focus Egon! I think he is looking at me."That revelation snapped me back into reality. And just like Victini has noted, this old man wasn't looking at my face, his eyes slightly slanting upward right in the position where Victini must be lounging on the top of my head at this moment. Immediately my fight or flight instincts got invoked. If this geezer was able to perceive Victini he cannot be any regular old man."I don't know who you are or how you identified this "presence", but we won't be coerced into doing anything she doesn't want to do.""So, it's a she? No worries boy I am not threatening you or her in any way. It is just my first time seeing a Pokémon I have never met before. I was just curious, that's all. If you don't want to associate with me, you two are free to go on your merry way."'What do you think?'"I want to know how.""Fine, but at the first moment you pull any sort of shenanigans on us we are leaving.""That's perfect. I have a secure spot where we can talk just outside this center. It's a tent you couldn't have missed it while walking in here. When you feel like you are ready to talk, come see me and don't mind the other people waiting in line, I'll get to them eventually."'So, this is the old hermit? I better get the rest of the team with me for this encounter.'We went back to our room to pick up the rest of my partner Pokémon. I recalled each of them inside their balls except for Numsy and we made our way back to the entrance of the Pokémon center. As the old man had said the line was being held up for some reason, a please wait sign had been put in front of the tent's opening. With some level of shame I ignored the waiting crowd and slipped inside the tent much to the chagrin of people waiting in line.The inside of the tent couldn't be any humbler. It was just two little plastic stools and a rickety old table big enough to rest a cup of coffee and a bowl of nuts on. Which it did incidentally. I wasn't really big on nuts since I used to be allergic to them and I never bothered testing if that is still the case. The hermit was sitting in the other chair obviously pleased to see us taking him up on his offer,'I am hoping we can convince this guy to keep quiet. This old mountain dweller doesn't seem like the type to show and tell but I can't risk Victini's safety on just his word.'Chapter 23 – Auric Discovery There I was sitting awkwardly on a makeshift barstool waiting for my host to finish brewing something I can only describe as leaf juice since he didn't have any appliances at hand to boil his water."Do you want us to lend a hand? Numsy here is an expert in boiling water at just the right temperature.""Num num!"No, thank you. I have gotten so used to steeping my leaves in cold water that I have grown to prefer it this way."With that the elderly gentleman just sat down opposite to me clearly intending to let those leaves soak for however long it would take to extract the flavor from them."Now young trainer you must be curious on how I was able to perceive your floating friend here while other humans cannot.""It's something to do with Aura, right? I have heard that a small group of humans are able to perceive the life energy of living beings. Tini is able to bend light in such a way that you can see beyond her and into the background making her invisible to the naked eye. The only way you would be able to spot her is if you didn't rely on your eyes to "see"."The hermit reacted like I took out all the wind out of his sails. While I sat there content and maybe a tad bit smug at being able to prick a hole into his mystery man façade."Humans have been blessed with more than just auric abilities, but yes you are correct. I belong to that small group of people who are able to do so. Where did you come across this knowledge? People with abilities like mine don't exactly out themselves to the public.""Just a dusty old tome. It made mention of a group of people who called themselves aura guardians they usually travel around accompanied by a Lucario.""Hmm a half truth. Not that I am expecting a youngster to tell me all his secrets.""Hey!""Save it. Just know that I am able to discern truth from lies. If you are not willing to share details than just say so. Now normally I make it a point not to approach Pokémon like yours, but this is the first time I have seen one casually interact with humans like that and I grew curious. Will you allow me to meet her in person?"'What do you think?'"I think… we can trust him."I pulled out her poké ball and activated the release mechanism. In a flash of light Victini appeared on top of the rickety table."Vi…?"The old man's expression morphed into one of wonder. Like he couldn't get enough of staring at Victini. Victini always turns timid when standing at the center of attention especially so from a stranger our first few days with Aurea could attest to that. So, I wasn't surprised when she eventually floated behind me to stop herself from being scrutinized.The old man quickly bowed his head in apology after he realized what he was doing."My apologies. This is the first time I've ever been so close to a Pokémon of your stature. Please forgive my lack of manners."'Geez… is this guy alright? He's talking as if there's some unwritten Pokémon hierarchy with you at the upper echelons.'"Isn't that a given? I am the best!""Uhm excuse me why are you so convinced that Victini is of the same stature as those other Pokémon?""That would be the difference in the amount of Aura or life energy as you have named it. Regular humans like you are akin to small candles. Pokémon even when just hatched are like a torch. These classifications are not set, and all living beings have the potential to grow up until a certain limit. Since I have not received official instruction from those more learned in this subject you can take what this old man has to say with a grain of salt."So what? Tini is like a bonfire or something?""A more apt descriptor would be a raging forest fire. In my long life I have only twice seen Pokémon from afar who have a comparable amount of aura. Once in Mistralton Cave and another time when I was crossing the Tubeline Bridge it passed just between the clouds, the winds felt strong on that day. Those encounters could have ended up badly for me judging by both Pokémon's emotive states at the time."'Mistralton Cave that should be Cobalion, A Pokémon that travels accompanied by harsh wind currents, if I had to take a guess, that would be Tornadus.'"Old man, can you keep quiet about Victini? If unsavory characters learned about her existence, we'd have to watch out for poké nappers for the rest of our natural born lives.""The name's Anton and yes of course I'll keep the secret to myself. However, I do have to warn you that she would stand out to those who have trained themselves to perceive the world as I do. So... what's it like traveling with a Pokémon as unique and majestic as Victini?""Well, you have to watch out during mealtimes since she tends to choke on her food if not carefully watched.""Vi Vi!" "Hey!""She also likes to snuggle during bedtime.""Tini Tini!" "That's secret!""And she cheats while playing cards.""Vi…!" "No I don't…!""Victini is one of my precious companions just like all my other Pokémon.""Num!""Yes, just like you Numsy."With Victini's image of being this all powerful and wise Pokémon shattered she hastily dove inside my backpack too embarrassed to come out. Anton started muttering something incomprehensibly to himself."Interesting… I see. You have satisfied this old man's curiosity. You are well on your way to forming an unbreakable bond with all of your partner Pokémon.""Is this all leading up to you taking me in as your number one disciple? Showing me unorthodox ways of training aura by making me do seemingly mundane chores like washing old cars or painting fences?""Kid, you have watched way too many Pokéstar Studio Movies! Aura doesn't work like that at all. Regular run of the mill humans like us only develop these abilities after a good decade of working together with our partner Pokémon. As your mutual understanding grows so does your ability to use aura. You might grow into it quicker than myself if you find a more experienced teacher willing to guide you.""Wait! Are you saying most ace trainers can use aura!?""At a subconscious level, yes. Their flames are a little bit larger, their reactions quicker. However, only those who make a particular effort into learning these abilities ever get anywhere. You might not know it, but I was quite the trainer in my younger years. Me and the reigning champion used to be rivals. We both represented Flocessy Town at the Vertress Conference."In a way I was reassured. I didn't have the free time to be necking it into the wilds following this old man on a spiritual journey."Hey now that I am here anyway could you take a look at each of my Pokémon's hidden power typing? I am a trainer you see and that would be invaluable information to have.""The egg too?""You can do that!?""The ability to see a Pokémon's hidden typing is how I put bread on my table. Usually, the trainers coming to visit me leave small tokens of their appreciation and that is enough for me to survive and maintain my lifestyle.""Alright! I'll introduce you to my entire team. Come on out everybody!"I released all of my partner Pokémon out of their balls."Pix!""Dar!"Glove took this opportunity to stand protectively close near the egg. While Rena hopped on to the table expecting Anton to lavish her with praises about her appearance. Anton being sharp on the uptake did just that."Why that is the most beautiful Vulpix I have seen so far. Such a rare Pokémon as well she must be one of a kind.""Pix pix!"Rena enthusiastically agreed with his factual observations. Having received the attention that she was due she leapt off the table and used my lap to lie down."Now then let's start with your Numel. For me to accurately determine a Pokémon's hidden power I'll need to observe each of them for some time.""What about the other trainers outside…?""They will all get their turn. I usually don't finish my work until late evening." 15 minutes later* We left the hermit's tent and everyone except for Numsy was already recalled inside their poké balls. Anton gave me sticky note written on it were all my partners potential hidden powers. He also gave me instructions to destroy the piece of paper once I finished memorizing all the information. It was his policy to be as secretive as possible since a hidden power was considered a Pokémon's secret trump card in battle. I looked down at the piece of paper committed to burning its contents into my memory.Numel – FightingVulpix – WaterVictini – IceDarmanitan – RockEgg – Dragon 'It would have been nice if one of my Pokémon had electric or grass. However, this still gives me some decent options going up against rock or ground types. For now, though I won't go out of my way to obtain a technical machine or find a move tutor.'"Ice is the best!"'This isn't like the games in my old life Tini. I am sure each hidden power can be used to catch an opponent off guard at an opportune moment.'I didn't feel the need to hassle the old guy into teaching me about how to use aura. This body still being ten years old was also a limiting factor. So, I've decided to temporarily halt my inquiries in that particular field of study until I have some form of financial stability. Not to mention the fact that Zinnia is still underage and as her big brother I can't let her stay home alone for that long, even if her dad and my ditzy mom suddenly started paying attention to her."What's next?""Now we have to trek through route seven to reach the Celestial Tower. It is built near the halfway point; the structure is large enough that we won't be able to miss it. Numsy, you'll look out for any dangerous Pokémon while we are on the route, won't you?""Num num!""Route seven isn't like the beginner routes, the local rangers do allow some of the more dangerous Pokémon to inhabit the area. It would probably be best if we pay a quick visit to the ranger outpost to procure some knowledge on the best methods to keep ourselves safe while traveling there."And on we went. Since the Pokémon center was already located near the town's exit, we made good time reaching the ranger outpost which was built on the City's edge crossing into the route. This outpost and the one on Twist Mountain served as the place where all rangers gathered to take breaks and catch up with one another. Trainers visited outposts like these to inform the rangers of any unusual sightings on the route. Technically speaking it was part of my duties as well to give forewarnings to the corps if for example I encountered a raging hydreigon while traveling. Trainers in the past have gotten prosecuted for not informing the local authorities on substantial threats.The building itself was bare basics since most rangers are survival nuts. they didn't feel the need to stay inside civilization for long periods of time. Their Pokémon related facilities were fully kitted out though. Stables, pastures and even something that I would describe as a caged paddock. The latter structure is probably meant to be used for holding feral Pokémon. The door to the main building was open so I just casually walked in. Standing behind a makeshift desk was a lady wearing a cameo poncho and the largest backpack I've ever seen."Excuse me, miss?""Hmm what ya want?""I came here looking for some more information on the next route. Do the rangers distribute any safety brochures or flyers on what to watch out for while traversing route seven?""You kid seem awfully young to be on your circuit journey. Are you sure need to be traveling on one of the more dangerous routes?"I was about to give the woman a scathing reply when Numsy stepped out to defend my dignity. Smoke billowing out of his hump and embers falling out of his nostrils he took on an aggressive stance in front of me."Nuuum!"I quickly tried to calm Numsy down even though I was planning to give him extra berries for lunch later."It's okay Numsy. I know this routine gets old, but if I were any other ten-year-old I'd say this lady was just being responsible. It's because of you guys that I can freely travel around like this."Numsy calmed down somewhat, he stopped expelling smoke but you could still hear his insides sizzle for a bit."Do you want to stay inside your ball for a little bit? We can walk together once we are back outside.""Num."Hearing his assent, I recalled my little camel inside his poké ball before addressing the ranger whose hand was clutching a great ball our entire conversation."I am sorry. We get questioned like that all the time and he gets like that when people underestimate us.""It's fine, I guess… I also shouldn't have been jumping to any conclusions just because of your age. However, I would like to see your ID and trainer's license before allowing you entry into the route. It's just standard practice for trainers that look as young as yourself."I silently complied, giving the ranger my credentials. After a moment of checking them over she handed my paperwork back."Okay, so there's three things really that you need to remember when traveling route seven. One is to not walk into the tall grass. There are a lot of foongus colonies living inside that grass and they release poisonous spores whenever they feel threatened or let's say a trainer steps on them. That's why the ranger corps built the wooden walkways so you can avoid their colonies. If you fall into the grass by accident, it's almost a guarantee that you will end up poisoned so please make sure to bring antidotes along with you for the journey. Two, do not pick any berries that are growing high up on the trees. The local emolga population considers any hanging fruit theirs, so you are in for a shocking surprise when you make that mistake. And finally, whatever you do, do not feed any wild cubchoo you meet on the way.""Wait… are cubchoo dangerous?""In a way. The cubchoo that make their way on the route this time of year are recently emancipated. Having left their parents' territories up the mountain they will latch onto anyone that feeds them. If you give them treats, they will follow you forever. Many younger trainers making that mistake are eventually forced to capture and train a Pokémon they didn't plan to add to their team. Young female trainers are particularly susceptible to this.""…"'Well, I guess most trainers wouldn't be able to say no to a clingy cubchoo. I might even have given it some snacks, if not for having been warned."Right… thanks for the information. We'll be off now, have a pleasant day ma'am." I was kind of excited. It has been a while since me and the gang had the luxury of exploring a new route. Just like the ranger lady said the route was covered with tall grass. In fact, the canopy was high enough to be over twice my height. I could see why it would be dangerous to try and make it through this route without using the wooden walkways.I started walking on the wooden pathways. It wasn't until I was a few feet in that I turned around to see Numsy still struggling to make that first step."Numsy are you okay?""Num…""Tell me, are you afraid of heights? It's nothing to be ashamed of, we all have that one irrational fear.""Num num!""You know how I was scared of snail and slug Pokémon right? One day I grew tired of my irrational fears, and I walked up to the closest slugma I could find in the gym's volcano reservoir. Nothing bad happened. She even ate one of grandma's lava cookies straight out of my hand. All you have to do to overcome your acrophobia is to not focus on looking down, and just stare straight ahead.""Num."It was slow going for a while, but Numsy made an earnest effort to improve and that is all I could ask for as his trainer. After around twenty steps Numsy got too dizzy from the adrenaline to properly coordinate so I recalled him inside his ball.'This was good he fought through his instinctive fear of heights being a ground type and all.'It was well known that most ground types had an innate fear of elevated heights this could be used against them in battle. Numsy taking his first steps with only a little encouragement meant he was a true fighter.'Does hidden power mean more than just being able to use a certain type of energy?'The trek towards the celestial tower would take me around a day if I sped along these walkways. Route seven should have some wild Pokémon looking to prove themselves, but I was sure my team was up for the challenge.  Several hours later*"Geez, how long is this walkway? At this point I am kind of impressed that this thing hasn't been destroyed by any old Pokémon that's having a bad day."I have encountered numerous wild Pokémon up until this point. Most Pokémon were content at leaving me be, maybe the rangers made some kind of deal with all the different groups of Pokémon that live on this route not to damage the wooden walkways and to leave humans that stayed on the walkways alone. Of course, that didn't mean I was completely safe from wild encounters."Quill!"A tranquil was flying overhead obviously looking for a fight judging by the tone of that screech.Tranquill, the Wild Pigeon Pokémon, and the evolved form of Pidove. Tranquill is always able to return to its Trainer, no matter how far the distance between them. Many people believe that, deep in the forest where Tranquill live, there is a peaceful place where there is no war. These bright Pokémon have acute memories. Apparently, delivery workers often choose them as their partners. 'That's pretty awesome that they have an inborn sense of direction.' "Heya sorry I can't battle you right now this walkway is kind of narrow and I don't have any flying types of my own. Could you let me pass this one time?"That was not the response this Tranquill was looking for judging by the barrage of broken twigs being dropped on my person. Once she flew off to restock on ammo, I sprinted further along the hallway to find some form of cover. It seemed the Tranquill was experienced with this, because the bird was back in a moment's time ready to unleash her second volley."Hey look, it's obvious that you are looking for a partner.""Quill!?"At this moment Victini released herself from the poké ball latched on my belt. Ready to act out the role of peacemaker between myself and the angry bird Pokémon. Tranquill was surprised for only a quick second before squawking loudly at my rabbit friend."Quill Tranq?""She wants to know what makes you think that you are worthy of being her trainer.""I would like to, but I can't. I've decided to specialize in fire types. I am sure you'd make a fine partner for any trainer lucky enough to have gained your approval. There are a group of flying type trainers that work in this big building near the airport inside the city behind us. I am sure you can find a human looking for a new Pokémon friend over there.""Tranquilll…?""She says so far not a single trainer was interested enough to capture her after a good battle session and asks what makes these humans different than the rest."'Members of her line are not exactly rare to find here in Unova. All the cities and towns are filled with pidove subsisting off of leftover food that humans throw away. It must have been hard for her putting herself on the friend market and not gaining any interest.'"Let's help her find that special human friend!"'Hold up! You want us to go all the way back and find her a trainer?'"We can't?"Victini was looking at me with her big sad blue eyes. She must have gotten some type of crash course on emotional manipulation from my mindscape. Knowing it was hard for me to refuse her tearful expressions, Victini used the most compelling form of psychological warfare on me."We're still on a timetable... How about she accompanies us to the celestial tower and afterwards we'll take her to the Mistralton gym. Naturally we'll look after her well-being while she travels with us.""Tranq Tranq!""Vi Vi!"Tranquil, delighted that we wanted to help her with her plight, soared down to give Victini and me some wing pats to show her appreciation. This more than anything else confirmed to me that she was fit to be a trainer's Pokémon."Tranquil it might be easier to find you a trainer if I pre-capture you inside a poké ball. It would save your future trainer the cost of buying one from the Pokémart. He or she would still have to prove themselves worthy to be your trainer. I am not giving you up to the first person who shows interest."If I was going to do this, I planned to go all the way. It was just like putting up animals for adoption in my previous world. You didn't give a Pokémon who trusted you to find her the right human partner to just anyone."Quill!"The bird bopped her head onto the capturing device getting sucked inside. The poké ball immediately confirmed the capture without any signs of resistance from our feathered friend inside."Come on out Tranquill!"The bird Pokémon immediately materialized giving no signs of discomfort for having just been caught inside the poké ball."Okay! Tranquill, can you show us the quickest way to the big tower filled with ghost types? If you do a good job I'll scoop some extra treats for you during dinner time.""Tranq!""Tini?" "Can I get some extra berries too?""Tranquill is a guest of course she gets the benefits of having our full hospitality. Extra berries are only allowed during holidays and special events to prevent you from getting too pudgy. Even though you are not a battler, I don't play favorites with Pokémon that are on my team Tini."Tranquill flew off into the direction of the tower. The flying type slowed down a bit so I could keep up with her. Tini stayed out to fool around with her new bird friend racing against tranquill and using the trees as an obstacle course.'I should really try to get another levitating or flying Pokémon on the team. That way Victini isn't landlocked whenever she wants to socialize.'My rabbit Pokémon actually very rarely touched the ground mostly only when she was tucking in for bed. Judging by the size of her limbs that part of her biology has slowly been phased out over a long time period in her species' evolution.The rest of the trip was uneventful, by Arceus' grace, I managed to avoid falling into the tall grass by accident. The other Pokémon we encountered gave us a wide enough berth except for a flock of Emolga who seemed to be old friends with Tranquill. They were excited for her since she finally seemed to manage to find a trainer willing to take her on. When Tranquill informed them of our deal they were slightly disappointed but still optimistic on her chances to find an actual trainer. I let Victini and Tranquill keep playing with them and kept walking into the direction of the tower knowing they would catch up with me eventually. This was a rare event for Victini, being able to play around with wild Pokémon. While she was still stuck on the island, Victini never mustered up the courage to start playing with any of the flying types that passed by Liberty Garden. This was a good chance for her to come out of her comfort zone. As I kept walking, I eventually saw the Celestial Tower in the background. The sun was setting, and I figured it would be completely down by the time I managed to reach the small settlement surrounding the famed tower. I was hoping to find Phoebe before midnight to be safe from the copious number of ghost types that lingered in this area. Knowing that even if I managed to find her, I'd still be victimized by ghost types.'Better the devi ahem… Giratina you know than the one that you don't.'"We're back!"In the backdrop of the setting sun two small figures zipped towards me from the air."Did you two have a good time?""Quill!""Vi Vi Tini!" "The emolga are very wise. They showed me which berries to leave on the tree to ripen and which were ready to be plucked."I was pretty sure Victini broke her diet plan again, but I didn't have the heart to scold her after her very first playdate with friends."Are you ready to get pranked? Now that Phoebe's ghosts know you are part of my team, you'll be fair game to them.""I am not afraid! Yamask was very nice. I am sure that the ghost Pokémon just want to make more friends."'After we are done visiting Phoebe at the celestial tower, we'll go straight back to Hoenn and pay a visit to the Draconid village underneath meteor falls. Even if I am not a member of the tribe, they won't stop me from making sure Zinnia is okay.'