
New abilities

Julian could not help ask "But what do you mean by 'gods'?" he pressed, "Who exactly are they? Where are they?"

The system's tone shifted, becoming more serious. "Host, I cannot reveal anything about the gods just yet, not until you grow stronger. However, all you need to understand at this point is the concept of the Trinity."

Julian's brow furrowed with a look of confusion spreading across his face. "The Trinity?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity. "What is that?"

The system's voice remained firm. "I cannot answer your question now, Host. It is something you need not concern yourself with just yet."

Julian nodded as the weight of the system's words sank in. Although there was many things ahead of him, all that mattered to him was power.

Julian walked toward the newly formed castle. The grand structure stood before him. The air around it was still glowing with mana.
