
The Most Dangerous in the Universe, Majin Buu

On an isolated island.

"It worked. I was able to get Buu out of that guy's hands before he got killed." Babidi said joyfully as he looked at Buu.

"Did you save me?" Buu asked as he looked at Babidi.

"Yes. As your master, I have saved you." Babidi said. He wanted to use Buu for his selfish interests so he could not let him die yet.

"Master?" Buu asked.

"Don't worry about that long-haired guy. I have cast a spell to conceal our location to the point even he would not be able to track us down." Babidi continued.

"Hey. Are you strong?" Buu asked Babidi.

"What kind of question are you asking your master? Of course, I am strong." Babidi replied.

"Excellent," Buu said as he threw the pink blob at Babidi.


At the lookout.

"Goku san. Are you alright?" Chichi said as she applied medicine to Goku's body.

Since Dende is in the world of Kais no one can heal Goku using magic.

"How do you even get hurt? Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Piccolo asked Goku.

"I know. It's kind of strange." Goku replied with a smile on his face.

"Goku. If you have a transformation like that you should have used it earlier. You almost made it seem like the kids are the only hope." Krillin said to Goku.

"It's unstable," Goku answered.

"I can't maintain that transformation for long. And the more I use it the shorter the time I can stay on earth becomes." Goku explained.

"No way," Chichi said.

"Can you beat Buu before your time is up?" Krillin asked Goku.

"I don't think Super Saiyan 3 alone would be enough. The best chance to kill Buu was when 18 and Piccolo joined the last fight. But Buu escaped." Goku explained.

"If someone like Vegeta was still here I could use Fusion to defeat Buu. But Vegeta sacrificed himself before I could tell him about Fusion." Goku continued.

"I could fight for about a few more minutes if I use Super Saiyan 3 before having to go back to the other world," Goku said to Krillin.

"How many minutes?" 18 Asked Goku.

"Less than 8, might be even shorter if Buu didn't show up," Goku replied.


In the Hyperbolic Timechamber.

They have already spent a few months inside the Chamber. But they just can't seem to perfect the Fusion as Goten and Trunks could not match their power levels to the exact amount.

"Goten. I want you to lower your energy even more." Yamcha said to Goten.

These kids are kids of Terrifying. I am not expecting them to be this strong. Yamcha thought in his mind.

Goten's base power was too high compared to Trunk's after his two Zenkai boosts so Goten had to reduce more than half of his total power just to be around Trunks.

Their full powers are closer since Trunks can use Super Saiyan 2 unlike Goten but they can't just fuse when they are in two different forms.

"Yamcha. Can we take a short break?" Trunks asked.

He was exhausted after having to perform fusion dance hundreds of times.

"Fine. You can rest for thirty minutes. But we will be continuing our training after that." Yamcha said to Trunks.

Why can't I become a Super Saiyan 2 yet? Goten thought.

I think I have enough power to just become one. Or am I still missing something? Goten was confused.

The plan for the boys right now was to learn fusion dance and then increase their power level as much as they could in the time chamber before they got out.

But Goten knew that they could not wait that long. They had to exit the chamber to face Buu immediately as soon as they were able to achieve Fusion.


In the sacred world of the Kai.

Someone is performing a ritual on Bra near a broken Z-sword as Shin, Kibito, Marron and Dede watch nearby.

"Are you sure you want me to go first? After all, you are the one who can't become a Super Saiyan." Bra asked Marron.

"Unleashing my potential would be worthless since my power level is not that high. Since the process takes so long you should be the one to receive the power." Marron replied.

"I don't know what are you are talking about. Although I don't see you being stronger than her I can easily tell your potential surpasses even her." A man who looked like the aged-up version of the supreme Kai said to Marron.

"Lord Supreme Kai. Can you teach me how to perform the ritual?" Dende asked the Old Kai.

Dende knew he was not strong so he wanted to learn the old kai's ritual so that he could help Goku and others in the future.

"I can teach you. But you have to follow one of my demands. And this time a swimsuit magazine is not going to be enough." Old Kai said to Dende.

"Fine. If you teach him the ritual I will give you Mom's magazine. You like looking at people without clothes, don't you?" Bra said.

"Really." Old Kai was excited when he heard Bra's words.

Bra was still a child so she is not that knowledgeable about that kind of stuff.

The Magazine that Bra was talking about was a magazine not full of naked female models but the one which is full of naked male models instead.

Old Kai was happy as he still didn't know the truth about the book that Bra was planning to give him.


At that time.

"What are you?" A handsome black hair man who was wearing a park ranger uniform said.

As he looked at a tall pink man who resembled Son Gohan.

It was Majin Buu who had gotten a more powerful transformation after absorbing Babidi.

His body now looked exactly like Son Gohan except for his skin colour and a Black M on his forehead and his pants.

"Gohan? Is that you?" He asked.

His name was Android 17 and the brother of 18.

"There is something strange about you." He said as he stayed on guard against Buu.

He would know that he would not be a match against Buu if he could sense Buu's energy but not only did Buu used magic to conceal his ki but also as an Android, 17 could not sense other people's ki.

17 was stronger than 18 but he was unable to defeat Buu.

The reason why Buu targeted 17 was because 17 was isolated away from Goku and the others.

He would not be able to go after Piccolo and 18 since Goku was around them.

He knew that Goku could kill him if he made a single mistake so he decided to locate 17 using Gohan's knowledge and absorb him before fighting against Goku.

The final battle against Buu was approaching as each fighter prepared for the showdown.
