


Kieran words haunted me even after he had left. I was restless, my mind going back to replay his words over and over again.

Juliette had asked me what happened immediately after his edit, but I could not tell her. 

There would be no pride left in me, no dignity, if I admitted that what he wanted appealed to me greatly.

I was afraid that by talking about what happened, my heart, my face, every part of my body would betray me by showing what I was trying so hard to not feel.

So I smiled and waved her off, my entire body rebelling against my decision to not talk about what just happened.

Work was tedious, and I tried to throw myself into it. But his presence lingered even when I had sent him away, and my eyes kept drifting to the one bouquet of flower I had kept after ordering the others to be thrown away. 
