
Robbing a Homestead

Chapter - 10

"We're going to split up into two teams," Koen said, surveying the darkened property as the night air carried the scent of pine and damp earth. "Nathan and Jonah, you take the left and check out that barn. Make sure there aren't any surprises that could make problems for us. Jacob, you're with me. We're going to go in quietly from the window on the right side of the house. We'll first check if anyone's awake before going inside."

The homestead belonged to a wealthy family involved in the regional weapons trade near Bluebell, a fact that had drawn Koen's attention for weeks. The main house was a sizable, two-story structure with a wraparound porch and large windows. Outbuildings included a stable and a barn, and the whole property was enclosed by a sturdy wooden fence. Lanterns flickered faintly in some of the windows, casting dim pools of light onto the lawn.

Koen glanced around one last time. "Remember, gentlemen, we don't want any bloodshed," he continued. "We do this quietly and safely. Before the people in that house know what's up, we'll be out of here with everything they've saved and stored."

Nathan and Jonah nodded, exchanging a quick glance before heading off towards the barn. Koen signaled Jacob to follow him as they moved towards the house. They crept along the edge of the property, sticking to the shadows, keeping low and out of sight. Koen led the way, his movements precise and practiced. They reached the right side of the house, where Koen motioned for Jacob to wait as he peered through a window.

Seeing no movement inside, he pulled out a thin tool and gently pried the window open. They were careful not to make a sound as they slipped inside, their steps soft on the wooden floor. The two then moved through the house, checking each room carefully. It was a grand house, with fine furnishings and elaborate decorations. They navigated through a hallway and up a staircase, avoiding creaky steps.

They reached the main bedroom, where Koen carefully opened the door. Inside, a small locker sat against the far wall. Koen knelt down, working quickly to pick the lock. There was a couple sleeping on the bed in the middle of the room, blissfully unaware that they were about to be robbed of their valuable possessions. Within moments, the locker clicked open, revealing stacks of money. Koen handed some of the bundles to Jacob, who stuffed them into his bag. They then left the room, going to the lounge.

As Jacob looked around the lounge, something caught his eye: a unique rifle mounted on the wall. It was a beautiful piece, with intricate engravings on the barrel and a polished wooden stock. He couldn't resist; he took it down and examined it. The rifle was a rare Spencer repeating rifle, prized for its accuracy and reliability. Jacob slung it over his shoulder, feeling its weight.

Just as they were about to leave, the faint noise of a dog barking reached their ears. The sound came from the barn. Jacob muttered an expletive under his breath, cursing Nathan and Jonah who were supposed to handle the situation. The barking grew louder, waking the tenants of the house.

"Let's move!" Koen hissed, and they bolted out of the room.

They dashed through the house and vaulted out the same window they had come in through, sprinting towards the spot where their horses were tied. As they reached the barn, they saw Nathan and Jonah running towards them, panic on their faces.

"Get on your horses!" Koen shouted.

They mounted their horses just as men started pouring out of the house, guns drawn. Bullets whizzed past them, but they spurred their horses into a full gallop. Dakota, Jacob's horse, responded instantly, tearing across the lawn and leaping over the fence.

Jacob heard Koen yelling instructions over the din. "Split up and ride in different directions! Meet back at camp in the morning, but only if you're sure no one's following you!"

Jacob veered off to the right, following a narrow trail that wound its way through the forest. He could hear the shouts of the men behind them, and gunshots continued to ring out. One of the men from the house had mounted a horse and was in hot pursuit, galloping behind Jacob. The man kept shooting, but the difficulty of aiming while on horseback made his shots go wide.

Jacob urged Dakota to go faster, the horse's powerful muscles bunching and releasing beneath him. He turned in his saddle, taking deep breaths to steady himself. Even amidst the galloping, he managed to line up his revolver. He squeezed the trigger, and the shot rang out. The bullet hit the man in the side, sending him tumbling from his horse. Jacob didn't know if the man was dead, but he was sure he wouldn't be following him any further.

He continued riding, weaving through the trees to avoid any potential followers. After a while, he found a secluded spot to rest. He dismounted, patting Dakota's neck appreciatively and giving the horse some water. They both needed the break after the night's excitement. Jacob found a comfortable spot to sit, keeping his new rifle close by. He let himself relax for a few moments, the adrenaline slowly ebbing away.

As dawn broke, he remounted Dakota and made his way back to camp. He was careful, checking his surroundings to ensure he wasn't being followed. When he finally reached the camp, the sun was just beginning to rise. He found Koen already there, waiting by the fire.

"Looks like you made it," Koen said, a hint of relief in his voice.

Jacob nodded, exhaustion evident on his face. "Yeah, I made it. And look what I found," he said, showing Koen the rifle.

Koen raised an eyebrow, impressed. "That's a fine piece you've got there, Jacob."

Jacob smiled tiredly. "Yeah, it is. But right now, all I want is some rest."

Koen nodded. "You earned it. Get some sleep. We'll talk more when the others get back."

Jacob was grateful for the reprieve. He found a spot to lie down, closed his eyes and fell asleep within minutes.

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