
Chapter 66

"I want to learn Minato-Senapi's taijutsu style! Please teach me sensei!" Kazuo said as his expression clearly depicted the look of an eternal fanboy for the man.

Silence engulfed the surroundings as Minato, Rin, and Kakashi turned to look at him.

A moment later, Minato brought his hand to the back of his head and gave an awkward smile.

"Im not sure if my fighting style is suited for you Kazuo, if it is then I would be more than happy to teach it to you, how about we try a couple and find which one suits you the best?" Minato said as he looked at Kazuo awkwardly.

Immediately after, he saw Kazuo's expression twist and become one that looked like a kicked puppy that had just had its dreams shattered.

"All right, let's do it sensei," Kazuo said as he walked to Minato whose expression calmed down, and instead of the Awkawrd expression, a serious one appeared.

"This is very important, you could say that it will even dictate your life and death in the future if you use a taijutsu style that isn't suited to you and your body then the balance in your combat will be completely ruined and you will create a large weakness in your fighting style," Minato explained as he started going through a set of taijutsu katas.

Looking at the movements, Kazuo immediately noticed the changes between it and the Academy style.

The Academy Taijutsu that he had been using until now had a focus on complete balance, both in defending, attacking, speed, and maneuvering around the battlefield whilst the style in front of him that Minato Namikaze was showing displayed a clear focus on Attack, disregarding defense and maneuverability to increase the attack power and the speed of the strikes to the maximum.

"This is the Strong Fist style, it's a style that completely focuses on attacking the opponent, I've heard practitioners of this style say that the best defense was attacking if your opponent is completely overwhelmed then they wouldn't find any time to attack you and thus your own defense would be good enough," Minato said that before he stopped going through the movements, he had changed into a different set of kata.

This time, the movements were less quick and the force was obviously reduced however the maneuverability that it gave was on a completely different level, it also sacrificed a lot of attacking instead of opting for a stance that ensured a higher level of defense.

"This is called the Soft Fist, it opts for high maneuverability as well as defense whilst lacking in extreme strength and speed," Minato said before changing stopping the katas altogether and turning toward Kazuo.

"I'll show you my taijutsu however it is unlikely to be suitable for you Kazuo, you would need a reaction speed much higher than the usual shinobi as well as having a body structure that is suited toward maximum speed," Minato said before starting the katas.

Kazuo's, Kakashi's, and even Rin's eyes widened as they looked at the man performing his taijutsu style in front of them.

They could barely see the strikes, no, they couldn't see all of them.

They were merely seeing them because Minato had lowered his speed to a level where the three of them would be able to glean some information from the taijutsu style.

'It's either this or the Strong Fist.' Kazuo thought as he looked at Minato before his lips curled upward even further than they had been.

'Why not both?' Kazuo thought as he raised his voice, talking to Minato who had completed the full set of katas, and turned toward them.

Even though the man had shown Three different Taijutsu Katas he didn't have a single drop of sweat on his body, looking completely unfazed as he faced them.

'Just how high are this guy's physical attributes, and he doesn't even look the part.' Kazuo thought before saying.

"I want to learn your style Sensei, i think I have a good reaction speed and even then I can always give up on it if im unsuited towards it right? The other style I thought would suit me was the Strong Fist." Kazuo said as he looked at Minato, his eyes turning shiny as he tried to portray the look of a hopeful Kohai who looked up to his Sensei.


Minato released a soft sigh before nodding his head.

"All right, let's get started right away then, Rin, you and Kakashi have a couple of sparring matches whilst I teach Kazuo here the basics, after we're done then we will do some team exercises to increase the fluidity of our cooperation whilst in combat," Minato said, causing both Nohara Rin and Hatake Kakashi to nod their heads and head off to a more remote part of the training ground.

Minato turned toward Kazuo and nodded before starting the Kata's once more.

This time however his speed was slow as he was simply showing Kazuo how to move instead of how much speed the style could show.

After around a quarter of an hour, Kazuo finally memorized the entire Kata from start to finish and started doing them on his own.

Minato simply stood to the side and corrected his stances when he noticed if anything was wrong.

"All right, you have a basic understanding of the Kata, now it is time to see if you really are suited to the style," Minato announced as he looked at Kazuo who turned toward him and gave him a questioning look.

"Continue doing the Kata," Minato said instead without giving any information on what the test would be.


With a quick punch, Minato slammed his fist into Kazuo's face, causing him to be thrown back more than a couple of meters away.

"You aren't suited toward it," Minato said instantly.

'What?' Kazuo thought before his brain quickly understood the reason.

'However I already knew that my reaction time wasn't the fastest, the thing is Minato Senpai, I can simply cheat in any situation.' Kazuo thought before sending chakra directly into his brain and killing himself immediately.


His body fell onto the floor, Minato who saw this had a confused look on his face, the confusion didn't last long when he sensed Kazuo's chakra start dispersing.

He was Dead.

"What!!" Minato practically screamed as he rushed towards him however it was much too late.


Here's the chapter, another one in a while. So double chapters today.

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As always, Lots of Love, and Stay Safe

