
OC Characters

Captain Rag Tie of the Raggy Pirates:

Bearded captain Pirate, who is an ally of the Xebec crew. He's also an individual who has eaten the Lizard-Lizard no mi, Model: Salamander. 


Saint Homer, World Noble. (Family name will be revealed later)

Beard, 15 feet tall, White hair, wields a long sword, wears White cloak with pirate clothing's mostly blue though, blind with scars all over his face. Haki Aura is light white, blue. 


The Twins, Keke and Kiki:

Has twin ponytails, with opposite color clothings. Keke is the one in red while Kiki is the one in blue. I don't know about pictures for these two yet...



A man clouded in shrouds of mist, 8 feet tall and wields a long sword, has red eyes. 

He's also an individual who has eaten the Mist-Mist no mi, special attributes is that it takes away someone ability to perceive them well with observation. 



Wears a long light blue robe, has blue hair with green eyes, Wields a giant axe

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elbaf Giant, Popo:

Fought against Bullet, Giant, 75'2 feet tall, wears intricate markings of an ancient Elbaf warrior, the giant's massive frame covered in furs and armor.

He's also an individual who has eaten the Water-Water no mi. 



Superior Doctor, Sword Tattoo, 7 ft Tall, Black Hair, Smokes a Cigar, Sakazuki/Akainu's Sister



Intrinsic Tatoo, White Hair, Dark skinned, 32 ft Tall, Half Giant Half Lunarian Race. Wields a Great Sword



8 ft Tall, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Smokes a cigar most times, Marine Captain Rank

Devil Fruit: ???



10 ft Tall, Jet Black Hair, Black eyes, Long Hair, Black Suit, 

He's also an individual who has eaten the Paper-Paper no mi.



18 ft Tall, Red Hair, Flowing Hair, Pirate wears, 

He's also an individual who has eaten the Stardust-Stardust no mi. 


Vice Admiral Void

9'4 ft Tall, Dark Hair, Combed, Marine Attire, expressionless almost robot like

He's also an individual who has eaten the Void-Void no mi. 

Was 1 of the 6 admiral candidates. 


Father Masterson

6'8 ft Tall, Wears a White and Blue Ghillie, face covered. 

He's also an individual who has eaten the Blitz-Blitz no mi

1 of the 6 admiral candidates. 

[Revolutionary Army 10 Commanders]

Leader: Homer

1: Popo

2: Yui

3: Zexer

4: Kiki

5: Keke

6: Gordon - 14'7 Height, short white hair, old age, White suit, gold crown, User of Castle-Castle no mi (Awakened), Ex-King

7: Mei - 5'1 Height, petite woman who appeared childlike, in her 30s, User of Hobi-Hobi no mi, all-white dress and a bucket hat. 

8: Aiko - 7'0 Height, Fierce woman with sharp features, dressed in a tailored white suit and miniskirt, Tall, in her 20s

9: Ent - 6'6 Height, in his 30s, Wears Mining Overalls, User of the Mole-Mole no mi. 
