
Day 6 - Desk & Office Sex

Day 6: Desk & Office Sex

The tension in the bullpen had been building for days. They were in the middle of a case, one that was particularly grueling, and every lead they thought they had was falling apart. Everyone on the team was feeling the pressure, but none more so than Emily and JJ. Their usual banter had been replaced with sharp words and frustrated glares. Both women were on edge, and it was clear to everyone that a confrontation was inevitable.

It came to a head one evening, after everyone else had left for the night. Emily had retreated to her office, trying to sift through a mountain of paperwork, but her mind kept wandering back to the case. The mistakes. The dead ends. She was furious—with herself, with the situation, and most of all, with JJ.

JJ had been pushing her buttons all day, questioning her decisions, her tactics. Normally, Emily could handle it—she knew JJ wasn't afraid to speak her mind—but today, it felt different. The tension between them was thicker than usual, charged with something she couldn't quite put her finger on. And it had been building for weeks, a constant undercurrent of something more, something neither of them had been willing to acknowledge.

Emily sat at her desk, her fingers tapping restlessly on the surface as she stared at the files in front of her, trying to focus. But all she could think about was JJ. The way her eyes had flashed earlier when she'd disagreed with Emily in front of the team. The way her lips had tightened in frustration. The way she'd stormed out of the room without looking back.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Emily said, her voice clipped.

The door opened, and JJ stepped inside, her expression unreadable. She closed the door behind her, the click of the latch loud in the silence of the office.

"We need to talk," JJ said, her voice calm, but Emily could hear the tension underneath.

Emily leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest. "About what?" she asked, though she knew exactly what was coming.

JJ's eyes narrowed slightly, her hands resting on her hips. "About whatever the hell is going on with you," she snapped. "You've been off all day, and it's affecting the case."

Emily's jaw clenched. "I'm not the one who's been undermining every decision I make," she shot back, her voice low and dangerous. "You've been questioning me in front of the team, second-guessing everything I do."

JJ took a step forward, her eyes flashing with anger. "That's because you're making mistakes," she said, her voice rising. "You're not thinking clearly, and it's costing us time. Time we don't have."

Emily stood up abruptly, her chair scraping against the floor. "I'm doing my job, JJ," she said, her voice sharp. "If you have a problem with that, take it up with HR. But don't come into my office and act like you know better than I do."

JJ didn't back down. She took another step closer, her eyes locked on Emily's. "This isn't about knowing better, Emily," she snapped. "It's about the fact that you're letting your emotions get in the way. You're too close to this case, and it's clouding your judgment."

Emily's eyes darkened, her body tense as she took a step closer to JJ, the distance between them shrinking. "You think I'm too emotional?" she growled, her voice low and dangerous. "That's rich, coming from you."

JJ's eyes widened slightly, her breath catching as Emily's words hit their mark. But she recovered quickly, her expression hardening as she squared her shoulders, refusing to back down. "I'm not the one who's been snapping at everyone all day," she shot back. "You're the one who's letting this get personal."

"It is personal," Emily hissed, her voice tight, barely controlled. "Every case is personal. That's why we do this job. And if you can't handle that—"

"I can handle it just fine," JJ interrupted, her voice sharp. "But you? You've been walking around with a chip on your shoulder for weeks, and I'm sick of it. If you want to self-destruct, fine. But don't take the rest of us down with you."

Emily's breath came in shallow, heated bursts, her heart pounding in her chest as the tension between them reached a breaking point. She and JJ had fought before—over cases, over decisions—but this felt different. The anger simmering between them was mixed with something darker, something they'd both been trying to ignore for far too long.

JJ was right in front of her now, her body tense, her chest rising and falling with every breath. Emily could see the fire in her eyes, the challenge. And for a split second, she wanted to walk away, to push JJ out of her office and cool down.

But that's not what happened.

In a flash, Emily's hand shot out, grabbing JJ by the arm and pulling her close, their bodies colliding with a force that made JJ gasp. "You're so damn stubborn," Emily growled, her voice low, almost a whisper, as she stared down into JJ's eyes.

JJ didn't pull away. Her breath was coming in ragged bursts now, her chest pressed against Emily's, and for a moment, they just stood there, locked in a battle of wills. The air between them crackled with intensity, with something neither of them had been willing to acknowledge until now.

"Maybe I am," JJ whispered, her voice shaking slightly, but her eyes never wavered from Emily's. "What are you going to do about it?"

That was all it took.

Before either of them could think, Emily's mouth crashed down on JJ's, their lips colliding in a kiss that was raw, full of anger and pent-up desire. JJ gasped into the kiss, her hands flying up to grip Emily's shoulders as Emily's arms wrapped around her, pulling her even closer.

The kiss was anything but gentle. It was fierce, almost bruising, a clash of teeth and tongues as they poured all their frustration, all their anger, into the moment. Emily's hands slid up JJ's back, tangling in her hair, as she deepened the kiss, her tongue demanding, taking control.

The blonde moaned into the other woman's mouth, her fingers digging into Emily's shoulders as she pressed herself against her, giving as good as she got. The kiss was messy, chaotic, but neither of them cared. This wasn't about softness, about tenderness. This was about release, about giving in to the storm that had been building between them for so long.

Emily's hands moved quickly, tugging at JJ's blouse, pulling it out of her pants as she backed her toward the desk. JJ let out a soft gasp as her back hit the edge of the desk, but she didn't break the kiss. Instead, she arched into Emily, her hands fumbling with the buttons of Emily's shirt, desperate to feel her skin.

"God, Emily…" JJ breathed, pulling back just enough to speak, her lips swollen from the kiss, her breath coming in short, desperate bursts. "You drive me crazy."

"You think you're any better?" Emily growled, her voice rough as she pulled JJ's shirt open, the buttons flying as she ripped it off her shoulders.

JJ let out a soft laugh, but it quickly turned into a gasp as Emily's hands slid up her bare skin, her fingers rough, demanding. "You always have to be in control, don't you?" JJ whispered, her voice full of challenge as she looked up at Emily, her eyes dark with desire.

The dark haired agent smirked, her hands gripping the other woman's hips as she pushed her back onto the desk, her body looming over hers. "You're damn right I do," she growled.

JJ gasped as her back hit the cold surface of the desk, papers scattering around them as Emily's weight pressed down, pinning her in place. The chaos of the moment only fueled the fire between them, the sharp contrast between the professional space and the raw, unrestrained need that was tearing through them both.

"Always in control," JJ whispered, her voice breathless but full of heat, challenging Emily even as her body responded. "Let's see if you can keep it."

Emily let out a low growl, her lips crashing down onto JJ's again, the kiss full of hunger and intensity. She didn't hold back—her hands moving quickly, roughly, as she pulled JJ's skirt up around her hips, her fingers slipping between JJ's thighs, brushing against the already soaked fabric of her panties.

JJ moaned into Emily's mouth, her hips bucking up involuntarily, but Emily kept her pinned to the desk, her fingers teasing just enough to drive her wild. The kiss deepened, Emily's tongue claiming JJ's mouth as her fingers slid under the fabric, pressing against her slick heat.

"God, you're so wet for me," Emily whispered, her voice thick with desire as her lips moved down to JJ's neck, biting and sucking as she worked her way lower. She didn't hold back, leaving marks—dark, possessive bruises along JJ's pale skin, branding her with every kiss.

JJ's breath came in sharp, ragged bursts, her hands tangling in Emily's hair, pulling her closer, needing more. "Emily, please…" she gasped, her body trembling under Emily's touch. "Stop teasing me."

Emily smirked against JJ's skin, her lips brushing over the fresh hickeys she'd left. "You don't get to tell me what to do," she growled, her voice full of command as her fingers finally slid inside JJ, the heat between them palpable.

JJ cried out, her back arching off the desk as Emily's fingers plunged deep into her, filling her completely. The pleasure hit her hard, overwhelming, her body clenching around Emily's fingers as she rocked against her hand, desperate for more.

Emily's other hand gripped JJ's hip, holding her steady as she set a brutal pace, her fingers thrusting deep, over and over again, the wet sounds of their bodies filling the office. JJ was gasping, her moans loud and breathless as Emily's thumb found her clit, rubbing slow, deliberate circles that had JJ trembling uncontrollably.

"God, Emily…" JJ moaned, her hands clutching at the edge of the desk, trying to ground herself as the pleasure built inside her, coiling tight with every thrust of Emily's fingers.

Emily leaned down, her teeth grazing JJ's collarbone, leaving another dark mark as her hand worked faster, harder. "Come for me, JJ," she growled, her voice full of authority, her breath hot against JJ's skin. "I want to feel you fall apart."

JJ's body trembled violently, her breath coming in short, desperate gasps as the tension inside her snapped, the orgasm crashing through her with brutal force. She cried out, her nails digging into Emily's shoulders as her hips bucked wildly, her body convulsing around Emily's fingers.

"Emily—God, I'm—" JJ couldn't finish, her body consumed by the overwhelming pleasure that tore through her, leaving her breathless, her mind blank with the intensity of it.

Emily didn't stop, her fingers still moving inside her, drawing out every wave of pleasure, her thumb pressing harder against JJ's clit, making her tremble even more. JJ's moans were loud, broken, as her body shook uncontrollably, her muscles clenching around Emily's fingers with every pulse of the orgasm.

When JJ finally came down, her body spent and trembling, Emily slowly withdrew her fingers, her hand resting gently on JJ's thigh as she leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to JJ's lips.

"You did so well," Emily murmured, her voice full of praise as she kissed JJ again, softer this time. But before JJ could fully recover, she felt a shift in the air between them—a spark of determination.

JJ's eyes flashed with something dangerous, something defiant, and before Emily could react, JJ pushed herself up from the desk, her hands on Emily's shoulders, spinning her around with surprising strength. The roles had suddenly reversed, and the intensity between them was as charged as ever.

Emily raised an eyebrow, caught off guard but intrigued by the sudden shift. "What do you think you're doing?" she asked, her voice still low and controlled, but there was a new edge of excitement in her tone.

JJ didn't answer. Instead, she sank to her knees in front of Emily, her fingers already working at the waistband of Emily's pants, tugging them down with a determined look in her eyes. Emily's breath hitched as JJ's hands pulled her pants and underwear down in one swift motion, exposing her to the cool air of the office.

"You think you're the only one who gets to be in control?" JJ said, her voice breathless but steady, her fingers digging into Emily's thighs as she pushed her back against the desk, her mouth hovering just above Emily's core.

Emily's heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in short bursts as she stared down at JJ, her eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and desire. "JJ…"

"Shut up," JJ growled, her voice dark with intent as she leaned in, her mouth finding Emily's heat, her tongue sliding over her with a slow, deliberate motion.

Emily let out a sharp gasp, her body jerking at the sudden, overwhelming sensation. JJ's mouth was relentless, her tongue flicking and circling in a way that left Emily breathless, her hands clutching at the desk behind her for support.

"God… JJ…" Emily moaned, her head falling back as JJ's mouth worked her over, pushing her closer to the edge with every movement. JJ's hands gripped her thighs tightly, keeping her steady as her tongue slid deep inside her, the wet heat of her mouth sending shockwaves through Emily's body.

JJ didn't let up, her mouth moving faster, more insistent now, her tongue finding Emily's clit and teasing it with quick, precise flicks that had Emily gasping for breath, her legs trembling with the intensity of it all.

Emily's hands flew to JJ's hair, tangling in the blonde strands as she rocked her hips against JJ's mouth, desperate for more. "God, JJ… don't stop…"

JJ smirked against her, her tongue working harder, her mouth pressing firmly against Emily's clit as she pushed her closer and closer to the edge. Emily's breath came in short, ragged bursts, her body shaking as the pleasure built inside her, coiling tight in her core.

"You're going to come for me," JJ growled, her voice muffled against Emily's skin. "Just like I did for you."

Emily could barely think, her mind spinning with the intensity of the pleasure that was tearing through her. "Yes… God, yes…"

And then it hit her. The orgasm crashed through Emily like a tidal wave, her body convulsing as JJ's tongue kept working her, drawing out every last bit of her release. Emily's moans were loud, raw, as her body trembled uncontrollably, her hands clutching JJ's hair, holding her in place as she rode out the waves of pleasure.

When it was finally over, Emily collapsed against the desk, her body weak and trembling, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. JJ slowly pulled back, a satisfied smirk on her face as she looked up at Emily, her lips glistening with evidence of their passion.

Emily could only stare down at her, her mind still reeling from the intensity of what had just happened. "You're… unbelievable," she managed to breathe out, her voice shaky.

JJ grinned, standing up and brushing herself off as she looked around at the chaos they had left in their wake—the desk was a wreck, papers scattered everywhere, the air still thick with the scent of sex. "I guess we'll have to clean up the mess later," she said with a teasing smirk.

Emily shook her head, still trying to catch her breath, but there was a smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah… later."
