

The next few days passed in a blur of activity—training, eating, then more training, followed by more eating. Haruto's days were a relentless cycle of pushing his body and mind to their limits, always looking for ways to improve his new techniques and perfect his combat skills. The routine, though demanding, had its rewards, and today was one of those days. It was mission day, and the buzz of excitement hummed through him as he and Daichi made their way to the mission hall together.

Shisui arrived shortly after them, his usual calm demeanor masking any excitement he might have felt. Haruto and Daichi greeted him with casual nods, but there was an electric tension in the air, an unspoken anticipation of what today's mission might bring.

Sakumo Hatake arrived a little later, striding in with the confidence and authority that came naturally to him. His expression was as composed as ever, but there was a glint in his eyes that suggested this was no ordinary assignment.

"Well, boys," Sakumo began, his voice steady, "you've all done exceptionally well in your missions so far. Today will be your first B-rank mission."

The words landed like a spark. Inside his head, Haruto couldn't help but break into a mental party dance, excitement flooding through him. A B-rank mission? This was what he had been waiting for—a real challenge. Something to test his limits, something to prove himself beyond the routine tasks they'd been doing. Haruto was fired up.

Sakumo continued, his tone serious. "Your mission is to track down and eliminate a group of bandits that have been targeting caravans traveling from the Land of Fire to the Land of Tea. Intelligence reports that there are missing-nin involved—rogue shinobi, likely pseudo-genin or even actual genin level, making this a more dangerous assignment."

Sakumo paused, letting that sink in before continuing. "I'll be taking an observer's role for the most part, unless the mission becomes critical or dangerous. This is your mission, your chance to lead. Shisui, you'll be the leader for this operation."

Shisui nodded, his expression serious as he accepted the role without hesitation. He quickly looked to Haruto and Daichi, already thinking through their formation and roles.

"Haruto," Shisui began, "you'll be the senior ninja and medical support for this mission. Your knowledge and chakra sensitivity make you the best for frontline support."

Haruto nodded, mentally shifting gears from excitement to focus. Shisui was right—his chakra sensitivity and medical skills would be vital if things got heated. He was ready to take on the responsibility.

"Daichi," Shisui continued, "you'll be our rear guard. Your ability to handle multiple ninjutsu and quick thinking will help keep us safe from any surprises. Watch our backs."

Daichi gave a confident smirk. "You got it, Shisui."

Sakumo nodded approvingly at the quick, decisive way Shisui had delegated responsibilities. "All right, then. You know your roles. Your destination is the last reported site of a raid. From there, you'll have to track the bandits down and deal with them."

With their assignments clear, the team set off toward their destination, the weight of the B-rank mission adding a new layer of intensity to the usually casual journey. They moved swiftly, Haruto's mind already running through different scenarios. He knew that the bandits weren't going to be ordinary thugs—not with missing-nin involved. He needed to be sharp, especially as senior ninja on the team. This wasn't just about tracking down criminals; this was a test of their ability to handle real threats.

As they traveled, Haruto kept his chakra sensitivity heightened, scanning the area for any unusual signatures. The road was quiet, but the silence was thick with the tension of what could lie ahead. Every step brought them closer to the last reported raid site, a small merchant caravan that had been targeted only a few days ago.

Shisui led the team with calm precision, his Sharingan flickering now and then as he kept a watchful eye on their surroundings. Daichi followed behind, constantly checking their rear and scanning for traps or ambushes. Despite his playful personality, Daichi was sharp and focused when it came to his duties.

After hours of travel, they reached the location of the attack. The remnants of the caravan were scattered across the road—broken carts, shattered crates, and the signs of a struggle etched into the dirt. Haruto crouched down, inspecting the scene with a critical eye.

"No survivors from the looks of it," he murmured, his voice low as he traced his fingers along the gouged earth. "But the tracks lead west. Several people. Some heavy-footed, likely carrying stolen goods."

Shisui nodded, his Sharingan scanning the area for any additional clues. "This is where we start tracking them down. Haruto, keep your chakra sensitivity on alert. Daichi, stay sharp at the back. We don't know if they've set up traps or left scouts."

The team moved carefully, following the trail left by the bandits. Haruto's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, constantly running through possibilities. The mention of missing-nin had him on edge—rogue shinobi could be unpredictable, and even a genin-level missing-nin was dangerous.

As they followed the trail deeper into the forest, Haruto couldn't shake the feeling that this mission was about to get a lot more complicated. But he was ready for it. Finally, a real challenge—and with Shisui in charge and Daichi watching their backs, he had confidence they could handle whatever came next. The only question was how dangerous these rogue shinobi would be when they found them.
