

"Alright, that should do it..." determined Vahn, extracting his fingers from Misla's mouth after her Demonic Power had stabilized, her vitals showing what he believed to be favorable signs. It would be awkward and difficult to explain if she opened her eyes to find a stranger's fingers in her mouth, so the rest would be up to her Doctors or Grayfia.

"Shall I take care of that...?" asked Grayfia, causing Vahn to look back at her, finding her silver eyes focused on his bloody, saliva-covered fingers.

"I'll allow it..." responded Vahn, raising his hand so that it was level with Grayfia's face, prompting her to step forward, supporting his forearm and elbow as she took his fingers into her mouth, suckling them and using her tongue to clean away the blood. His wounds had almost fully closed even before he extracted his fingers from Misla's mouth, so by the time Grayfia was finished, there were no traces that he had ever been injured.

Licking her lips, Grayfia resisted the impulse to comment on how sweet Vahn's blood was and instead playfully inquired, "Was that my reward...?"

Gesturing at Misla with his head, Vahn responded, "Before anything else, take a look at her. I've treated whatever was ailing her, so if you think it's safe to awaken her, go ahead. If not, we can relocate to the Corridor and give all three of us more time..."

"Understood..." responded Grayfia, stepping into Vahn's personal space instead of waiting for him to move or moving around him. Then, bending over, she deliberately presented her ass to him as she held her hand over Misla's face and produced a series of silver Magic Circles, spinning above her and displaying various numbers and graphs.

Believing that Misla wouldn't wake up anytime soon, Vahn didn't resist Grayfia's temptation, immediately hiking up her skirt to caress her bare ass and grind against her pussy. She specifically wasn't wearing panties as he had somewhat shamelessly promised to fuck her the first chance he got, but as tempted as it was to do so at that exact moment, he settled on indulging himself in the sensation and warmth of her bottom.

"As far as I can tell, she's in excellent health, just exhausted..." revealed Grayfia, gazing back at Vahn with a smile as she affirmed, "Goshujin-sama has just done something only a handful of Physicians in history have been able to accomplish; none with regularity..."

"But is it safe for her to be awakened...?" asked Vahn, unconcerned with the precedent he had set as, to him, his blood being able to treat illnesses and even reverse the effects of aging was as natural as breathing.

"Mmm...I don't see any reason she can't be..." answered Grayfia, bumping her pussy against Vahn's bulge as she added, "But it may be best to leave her to her Doctors from here-on..."

"Alright...then, how much time do you think we could squeeze out of this before Zeoticus and Misla's Butler get concerned and try to break through your barrier...?" asked Vahn, making his intentions clear by holding Grayfia flush against him, allowing her fluids to permeate his trousers.

"If you do not wish to keep Zeoticus-sama waiting, fifteen minutes would be a respectable amount of time..." conceded Grayfia, narrowing her eyes seductively as she reasoned, "But medical procedures take time, and you were never apprised of Lady Misla's condition...with that in mind, I believe four to six hours is reasonable considering what you've accomplished. If it only took you fifteen minutes to treat such a rare and serious condition, it would cause a considerable stir among all factions..."

"The Young Devil Gathering is scheduled to begin at 6 PM, and we're supposed to reunite with everyone by 3:30..." remarked Vahn, checking the time to see that it was 8:47 AM. Factoring in the time it took them to return gave them a window of six hours and forty-three minutes to work with, explaining Grayfia's proposed timeframe...

Noticing her surroundings change, Grayfia faced forward, braced her hands above her knees, and closed her eyes with a smile. It had been at least five centuries since she was sought after with such enthusiasm, but there was never a time when Sirzechs was as eager as Vahn. There were definite moments of passion between them, but they could never discard their statuses and noble upbringings. Vahn, on the other hand, didn't care about such things in the slightest...he simply desired her—whenever and wherever he could have her...




With a little more than forty-one hours passing since they had entered the Corridor, Vahn was seated with a naked Grayfia atop his lap, gently rolling her hips as they watched Dragon Ball in preparation for her joining him in the virtual world. Besides when they had changed positions, got in and out of a bath, and a few other instances, they had seldom been apart for the duration of their stay, not because Vahn was trying to make up for the time he had resisted her temptations, but because it simply felt better to be inside her.

Checking the time, Grayfia, her expression composed but her face flushed and her voice husky and warm, calmly remarked, "I estimate we can finish three more episodes before we need to return..."

"Alright..." responded Vahn, causing the chair they were in to recline until he and Grayfia were perpendicular to one another, closing his eyes as he casually expressed, "I'm going to take a short nap...when I awake, I want it to be to your pussy greedily guzzling my semen..."

"But of course~" hummed Grayfia, starting the next episode and waiting until Vahn's breathing became stable before rolling her hips from front to back at a steady pace. Vahn was an amazingly deep sleeper, allowing her to move with much greater vigor if she wanted, but since she intended to honor his request, she brought him near to cumming a dozen times by the time the third episode was concluding, resulting in her briefly whiting out as he filled her far beyond her capacity with his extraordinarily potent life force...




"How is she...?" asked Vahn, this time standing a less tempting distance from Grayfia, his gaze still focused on her bottom as she checked Misla's condition.

Nodding approvingly, Grayfia revealed, "Her condition has improved quite a bit since our departure, but it will be a while longer before she awakens without intervention. What shall we tell Zeoticus-sama?"

"I'll apologize for the treatment taking longer than expected," responded Vahn. "But, other than that, I want the treatment to remain a secret since I don't like people inquiring about my blood or pressuring me into using it at their convenience..."

"Then, if I am pressed about it, I will explain that the procedure is taxing and diminishes the reserves you use to create items. That won't prevent others from requesting you treat their loved ones, but if they believe it's exorbitantly expensive, it will give you leverage when dealing with those in positions of power and authority..." expressed Grayfia, rising to her full height and facing Vahn with a reassuring smile, her hands folded neatly atop her lap.

"Come here..." muttered Vahn, making a come hither gesture with his right hand, prompting Grayfia to move closer and readily present her lips as he leaned in to kiss her. It actually felt wrong not to have his penis inside her, but since his special training began the following morning, he could wait a few hours. Once they were inside, they would have upwards of 1,400 days to settle his rampant urges, so after giving her a deep, protracted kiss, he separated from her and said, "Go ahead and lower the barrier...me looking tired and flushed should help sell our excuse..."

"Understood..." responded Grayfia, cheekily giving Vahn another peck on the lips before separating from him to drop the barrier. The moment it was down, Zeoticus, Misla's portly Butler, and six people dressed like Doctors entered the room, the latter group understandably flustered, contrasting the crimson-haired Duke's calm as he calmly remarked, "That took quite a bit longer than a few minutes..."

"It was my first time dealing with such a condition, so I took my time to ensure there were no issues," responded Vahn, making a show of looking fatigued as he adopted a tired smile, stared in the direction of Misla, and stated, "Fortunately, my efforts paid off. She will need time to make a full recovery, but whatever was ailing her is gone..."

"Oh? That's a relief to hear," responded Zeoticus, directing his gaze to the team of Doctors, presumably awaiting their confirmation. They had blown past Vahn and Grayfia to check Misla's condition, but it wasn't long before their anger was replaced by surprise and excitement, leading to a barrage of queries that Zeoticus summarily dismissed on the grounds they needed to leave as soon as possible...




"So, that's how it is..." muttered Zeoticus, reacting to the explanation Grayfia had come up with regarding Misla's treatment being extremely costly and taxing on his power. To further sell this, Vahn had entrusted things to her and legitimately fallen asleep, borrowing the silver-haired Maid's lap pillow.

"He was pretty nervous during the treatment since he was afraid to fail," appended Grayfia, caressing Vahn's fringe with the tips of her fingers as she maintained, "There is little we can do about the cost, but now that he has experienced success, the time required for future treatments should gradually decrease."

"Mmm...well, either way, my wife and her nephew will be pleased by this development," expressed Zeoticus, adopting a smile and leaning onto the knuckles of his right hand as he questioned, "Speaking of which, you were present for a period as our mysterious young friend here was making love to her, correct? Did he treat her well...?"

"Vahn-sama is a very thorough lover..." affirmed Grayfia, placing heavy emphasis on the word as she reciprocated with a smile of her own and casually revealed, "Undoubtedly as a result of his experience with Lady Venelana, I was allowed to experience his thoroughness for myself just this morning."

"Oh? Well, that's enviable..." remarked Zeoticus, staring down at Vahn's peacefully sleeping face and exhaling faintly from his nose. He had tried his luck with Grayfia well over a thousand times, but she had calmly and politely refused each invitation and gift he presented her.

"It has placed me in a slight predicament..." revealed Grayfia, continuing to caress Vahn's hair as she elucidated, "Sirzechs-sama was the one who tasked me with seducing him, but now Vahn-sama wishes to monopolize me, at least for a time. I agreed since he's my Master, and I hope to grow stronger through our contract, but I have since developed concerns. Lady Venelana can likely confirm this, but intercourse with Vahn is reassuring in a way that's difficult to express in a way others can understand. The best way I can describe it is that, when we are united as one, it feels as though that's the way things are meant to be..."

"Well, if you're going to be bound to him for an extended period, have you considered revitalizing House Lucifuge through him?" asked Zeoticus, not even batting an eye at the revelation Grayfia would be separating from his son, at least for a period. In fact, he was privately pleased with the turn of events, as harboring her was one of the many reasons their House was on the verge of declining, as many pureblooded Devils still harbored a deep-seated grudge against her for massacering their kin during the Devil Civil War. If she were preoccupied with Vahn, it was a good opportunity to set his son up with a less contentious bride...

Seeing through Zeoticus's thoughts, Grayfia closed her eyes and calmly responded, "That will depend on Vahn-sama himself...I do not believe he will develop such sentiments toward me of his own accord, but if he does, I will birth as many children as he expects of me..."

"Mmm...I don't envy the Lucifuge's sense of duty..." remarked Zeoticus, shaking his head. His family was undoubtedly fortunate to be placed in charge of recording history, predicting trends, accumulating wealth, and procuring love and support for Devilkind, but since his family and forces had similarly suffered losses at Grayfia's hand, he felt any inconveniences she endured in her life were the result of her negative karma catching up to her...



