
Chapter No.74 H-He Was Here~

[Aditya's POV]

I finished the story as I saw the courtiers' expressions shift from disbelief to awe, some visibly moved by the boy's unwavering dedication and sacrifice. The room was filled with a heavy silence as they absorbed the gravity of the tale. Mahamantri Siddharth, his usual stoic demeanour softened, stood motionless for a moment, contemplating.

But after disbelief to awe and respect for the boy's determination, came anger, disgust and resentment for the Guru for his heartless demand. The courtiers shifted uncomfortably, some shaking their heads in disbelief at the cruelty of the Guru's request. The tale, which had started with admiration for the boy's dedication, now turned into a bitter reflection on the lengths the boy had to go to prove his worth. It was a story that spoke of unimaginable sacrifice and an unsettling display of power dynamics.
