
SCS championship

Ryan looked at the crowd around him, all indistinguishable figures hidden in the shadows. Then at the well-shaped butt right in front of him. The stunning actress Ana de Armas glanced over her shoulder at him with her gorgeous eyes. A smirk played across her lips.

"Let's give them a show," she said. She winked and let her eyes drop to his crotch, adding, "Let's see what you can do with that big cock."

Ryan stared back into her lovely eyes, dumbfounded. He looked at the amazing body of the perky Cuban. There was only one thought racing through his mind.

How had this come to happen?




Ryan stared at the letter in his hands. He turned it over but the backside was blank. The contents of the letter were strange; he didn't understand what it was about. Maybe the letter was not meant for him. He looked at the envelope; it had his name on it: 'Ryan Hosling'. He read it again.

"Dear Ryan,

Please accept this invitation to the yearly SCS Championship.

The bracelet accompanying this letter will grant you access.

See you on the first of April, 10 p.m.

Yours truly,

Scarlett Johansson,

President of the SCS"

He kept looking at that last part. Was this the world-famous actress Scarlett Johansson that had sent him a letter? Or someone completely different with coincidentally the same name? What was the SCS? It sounded like an organisation; maybe involved in sports since the letter talked about a championship. He'd have to look it up on the internet.

Inside the envelope, Ryan also found the mentioned wrist band. He inspected it closely. Engravings that looked like coordinates were present on the inside of the bracelet. A quick search and he found that they corresponded with a warehouse downtown. Delving a little deeper, he didn't find any company attached to the warehouse. Also, searching for SCS in combination with Championship or Scarlett Johansson didn't result in anything.

No matter, Ryan thought. Even if the letter wasn't actually meant for him, his interest was piqued. He wanted to check out this Championship event. He suspected the bracelet might actually give him some kind of VIP access.

He made a note in his calendar.




Ryan had circled the warehouse twice before he noticed the well-hidden security standing guard at a side entrance. Their black suits made them blend in with the dark surroundings. He walked up and flashed his wrist band, hoping it would be enough to grant him access without having to explain his way through. Lying wasn't his strength. A burly man gestured to the scanner beside the door. Ryan brought his bracelet closer and the scanner beeped. A green light appeared above the door. The guards blocking his way stepped aside. Ryan entered the warehouse without as much as a single word, something he considered a victory. With the door slammed shut behind him, he chuckled at his triumph.

"Too easy," he muttered under his breath.

Ryan's laughter died as he noticed the eerie silence he was surrounded by. The long corridor stretching before him was empty and illuminated by dim lights, some of them blinking on and off erratically. "Hello?" he called, surprised at the tremor in his voice. No answer came. Ryan hesitantly advanced. This had all the cliches of a horror movie. He kept going forward, following the twists and turns of the corridor. He went by several side-doors, but all were locked. Maybe he shouldn't have come, he thought as a streak of fear passed through his spine. It made his skin crawl. His steps echoed as he proceeded.

Eventually, after one last turn, he saw the end of the corridor. In front of two large doors, there was a woman waiting, partially hidden in the shadow cast by the dimmed light. Seeing someone put Ryan at ease. She saw him approach and exclaimed, "Finally. You're late. I was worried I had to go solo."

The woman walked into the light. Ryan blinked and processed her face. It was Ana de Armas! The gorgeous actress of Cuban descent took a nonchalant stance and gazed Ryan up and down. "Wait," she knitted her eyebrows and pouted her lips in a disappointed look. "I was told my partner was Ryan Gosling. You're not him. What is this, a last minute change? Who are you?"

"Uh-uh-uh," Ryan stammered, uncertain what to say at the bombardement of questions. "My name's Ryan Hosling. You-uh-you are Ana de Armas." Ryan shook his head in disbelief. Of course she knew her own name, idiot! He needed to say something else and blurted out, "I'm a fan." He went to hold out his hand.

"Incredible. Scarlett paired me with a fan? Just what I fucking needed. Where did she even find you?"

Ryan took his hand back, recognising the cringy gesture and convinced the agitated woman wouldn't shake it. He cleared his throat. "I've received this letter about some SCS Championship."

Ryan took his hand back, recognising the cringy gesture and convinced the agitated woman wouldn't shake it. He cleared his throat. "I've received this letter about some SCS Championship."

"And what did you say your name was?"

"Ryan Hosling, miss de Armas," Ryan said, resisting the urge to offer his hand again.

"Splendid," she rolled her eyes and shook her head in stupefaction. "Scarlett will be delighted an outsider has walked into her private event due to a typo. You know what you walked into?"

"Actually, miss de Armas, I haven't the slightest idea," he admitted. "I had no clue what the letter meant, but it was addressed to me. And it was signed by Scarlett Johansson, which piqued my interest."

"It seems she piques the interest of every man on Earth," Ana mumbled. "Let me inform you what we're doing once we walk through that door behind me--"

"Bloody hell!" The large swinging doors behind Ana opened and someone new approached. Commotion could be heard coming from the room beyond. Walking into the light, Ryan recognised the woman as the British actress Emilia Clarke. He blinked. Was it really her? Surely there was no way he would mistake some common girl for the alluring beauty that was Emilia. She was cursing and throwing hand gestures at the man to her side. Her accent was lovely to listen to. "For god's sakes, you weren't even properly inside yet."

"I'm sorry, Emilia," the man apologised. Ryan vaguely recognised him too, but couldn't quite put a name on him just yet. "I'm... You're just... It's..." He kept stammering, seemingly searching for an excuse. Ryan watched Emilia and the man as they walked by and disappeared down the corridor. Only then did he realise that he had seen Emilia Clarke in barely concealing lingerie. The man too had only had boxers on, but that didn't stay as prominent in Ryan's mind as Emilia. If only he hadn't been as hypnotised by seeing the actress, then he could've seen more of her figure.

"Eyes here, you're paired up with me," Ana said. "We're to fuck in less than a couple of minutes. Better have all your attention aimed at me."

Ryan stood frozen, unable to produce any words or even the simplest of sounds. What had she just said? Had he heard correctly? His mind must be playing tricks with him. Elated by the sight of Ana de Armas with her charming eyes and cute cheeks, and Emilia Clarke strutting by in lingerie, that was most certainly a possibility. Even more plausible was that he was having an extraordinary dream, bordering on reality. But that would mean he had also dreamt waking up, eating breakfast, going to the gym, answering some mails from work. No, it couldn't be a dream, right? He blinked a couple of times and breathed in deep through his nose, calming his emotions. "What is this event?" Ryan inquired.

"You really don't know anything about this, do you? Well, this is the Secret Celebrity Society Championship. It's an exclusive event for celebrities. We're paired up and perform for everyone else. Judges score the contestants and the winners receive a grand prize." Ana shook her head and placed the back of her hand against her forehead. "I don't know if I even should be telling you this or call the guards to escort you out." She ran her hands through her hair -- a divine image -- and turned around, muttering to herself, "But I can't lose in the first round again..."

"Uhm, what exactly do you mean by perform?"

Ana twisted and regarded Ryan with a cocked eyebrow. She laughed out loud once, then said plainly, "Why Ryan, we fuck. And now that I've told you, there's no way back. This is the SECRET Celebrity Society. Can't let you out because of the shitstorm it could cause when you talk. The media and the world will shatter the careers of any involved."

"I won't tell anyone," Ryan said, holding up his hands, palms out. He felt slightly threatened at the mention of not being allowed to leave. He also didn't want Ana to call the guards, not knowing what those muscled men outside were capable of. "I've not seen anyone, not heard anything. I'll leave now and never talk about it."

Ana looked around impatiently. She sighed heavily and clicked her tongue. "No."


"Look," Ana said, "I don't care who you are or that you're here by mistake. It doesn't matter you were mistaken for the actual Ryan Gosling. You're near as pretty and if you're as skilled with your cock as him, then there'll be nothing to worry about." She took Ryan by the shoulders and looked into his eyes. Hers were so incredibly beautiful he almost got lost in them. "Count yourself lucky, you're about to fuck me. You will not be allowed to speak about it outside this event, but I assure you not many men have had the pleasure." Her eyes narrowed, seemingly digging into his soul. "Focus. Stop being star-struck. Get your head in the game and show everyone you can fuck, which I hope you can. No more, no less."

Her speech partly put any hesitation on his part to rest. Gaining confidence from the encouragement, he took a few deep breaths and shook his head to clear his mind. He savoured Ana's pretty face with her full lips, rounded cheek bones, and dazzling eyes. Deep down, he knew this was the chance of a lifetime. Even if this whole experience turned out to be a dream, he couldn't let the chance slip. Ryan nodded, and said, "I'm ready."

Ana gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Good boy. Now, one important thing because we want to avoid what clearly happened between Emilia and her partner. If you're about to cum, pull out and act normal. We'll change position, and hopefully that restores some of your stamina. How long we fuck before you cum is an important criterium on which we'll be judged."

"Are there other criteria?" Ryan asked.

"Let's see. There's the positions, both how many we go through and the originality. There's the chemistry between the partners. No, don't worry. We've just met, but I'm sure if you fuck me like a bull, I'll provide enough chemistry for the both of us, trust me. At the end, there's the cumshot. There's more, but no time to explain."

Men in black suits, much like the guards outside, appeared from the room beyond the large doors and beckoned them to enter. They were lead out into a central area surrounded by benches in a stadium-style seating arrangement. He felt like a gladiator in ancient Rome, walking out into an arena to fight. There was cheering from the audience, hidden in shadows as only the central area was illuminated by floodlights. Ana waved at the obscured onlookers in every direction, smiling wildly.

The speakers screeched into life and a woman's voice announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Ana de Armas and Ryan Gosling."

The entire floor was covered with mattresses. Ana removed her shoes and quickly wriggled out of her clothes. There were approving whistles from every corner of the arena. She clearly enjoyed the attention, wiggling her butt, shaking her chest, and grabbing at her modest but spectacular tits. Ryan was mesmerised. Ana went to the central point and settled down on her hands and knees. Ryan had unconsciously removed his clothes too, his mind on auto-pilot, but the intent of his subconscious was clear. Naked, he hesitantly walked towards where Ana was positioned.

Ryan looked at the crowd around him, all indistinguishable figures hidden in the shadows. Then at the well-shaped butt right in front of him. The stunning actress Ana de Armas glanced over her shoulder at him with her gorgeous eyes. A smirk played across her lips.

"Let's give them a show," she said. She winked and let her eyes drop to his crotch, adding, "Let's see what you can do with that big cock."

Ryan stared back into her lovely eyes, dumbfounded. He looked at the amazing body of the perky Cuban. There was only one thought racing through his mind.

How had this come to happen?

He shook his head. Focus, Ana had said. Resolutely, he grabbed Ana's hips. They felt soft underneath his hands. He looked down and noticed that, despite being anxious, his cock was coming awake, growing with every heartbeat. It came to attention and lightly brushed the inside of Ana's thigh and touched her outer lips. It felt astonishingly smooth, her pussy neatly shaven, a glistening wetness already visible between her velvety lips. Then a concern popped into his head.

"Should, uh... shouldn't I use a condom?"

Ana raised an eyebrow at him. "Everyone here has taken measures and has been tested. No condoms needed."

"Okay," he replied, feeling his cheeks flush in embarrassment. The crowd around them had fallen silent, probably in anticipation to them starting. It didn't do well in reducing his discomfort.

"C'mon," Ana urged him, keeping to a whisper. "Get to fucking me already."

Ryan felt all their eyes boring into him, then, weirdly, he thought of a way to get his head in the game. "Just one thing first."

Before Ana could realize what he was doing, his tongue was all over her pussy, licking her lips and clit. Her only response was an unexpectedly loud moan. "Mmmhh!" There were also whoops from the onlookers, thrilled the action had begun. He put his hands on her ass cheeks and squeezed for leverage. It didn't take much more effort on his part before she started whimpering. The movement and touch of his tongue generated all types of noise from Ana, who couldn't get enough. He dove with the tip of his tongue between her lips and circled her clitoris. Ana whimpered and Ryan tasted her juices as her pussy became more wet every second. Finally, he rose from between her legs and was greeted by cheers and shouts for more.

Ryan couldn't help but smile. A mixture of euphoria and incredulity raced through his being. What the fuck was he doing? He surely was dreaming this, right? It was all too beautiful to be true, even for a dream. Whatever, Ryan thought. He didn't care anymore and cast his full attention on the stunning Ana. She had literally asked him to fuck her like a bull. That request was unbelievable, unimaginable, and unfathomable. He knew that, but then again, here he was, Ana de Armas' behind presented to him. There was no reality or dream in which he would decline this opportunity.

Ryan lined up his cock along her pussy and pushed slowly inside her. "Fuck, you're tight," he muttered, fingers digging into her love handles.

"Ugh! Mmmh-more!" she begged, head raised and eyes closed, loving the feeling of his cock leisurely penetrating her.

He smiled and spanked her firm, sexy ass. When he was entirely embedded within her enticing pussy, he leaned forward to kiss her shoulder and neck. He breathed hard, mind reeling at the sensation of entering Ana's pussy. Her juices coated his cock, seemingly twice his normal size when experiencing the way her walls contracted around his shaft and adjusted to his size. It felt glorious. Reaching around her torso, his hands searched hungrily. He took hold of her perky tits, firm but creamy to the touch. Finding her nipples, he played with them between his fingertips until they were hard. Ana moaned louder than before.

"Mmm-yes! Fuck me harder!"

Ryan continued roaming the Cuban actress' body as he began moving his hips back and forth, thrusting his cock in and out of her pussy. She muttered something in Spanish under her breath. Ana was enjoying every inch of him, of that he was sure. He was far from fluent, but he could still tell he was doing a good job, her words sounding grateful and encouraging. She also moved her body to meet his thrusts, a clear indication Ryan's was doing superb work with his cock.

He grinned widely. He was fucking Ana de Armas! Her stunning figure took all his attention and his surroundings disappeared. He had forgotten there was an audience. He had forgotten this was some kind of competition. He was living in the moment, and enjoying every second of it.

Ana whipped her hair sideways and looked at him from the corner of her eye. She was implausibly beautiful. Even more so now, with her full lips slightly apart, breath coming in gasps, eyebrows furrowed in an expression of delight. Her lovely neck and spectacular body started to shine from the sweat. In response, Ryan felt the tingling sensation of an orgasm rising. Surprised, he panicked and actually drove a couple of thrusts extra deep into Ana's wet pussy. She cried out in pleasure.

"Aaah! So deep!"

Ryan succeeded in slowing down just in time. He was teetering on the edge. Cautiously, as to not accidentally stimulate himself more, he slid out of Ana and tried his hardest to act normal. He casually took a step back and answered Ana's questioning look by gesturing her to flip onto her back. She followed his instruction and opened her legs, beckoning with her finger towards her glistening pussy. The image alone of Ana de Armas sprawled like that made his cock twitch and he ground his teeth and bit his tongue to prevent himself from shooting his load.

Deliberately slow, he settled on top of her, his throbbing cock resting against her stomach. He leaned down and whispered into Ana's ear, "I'm so close. I can't hold much longer."

Ana nibbled on his earlobe and whispered back, "Listen to my voice, I'll guide you." She reached between them and angled his cock so it pushed without resistance into her pussy. "Close your eyes." Ana locked her legs around his waist. "Feel my touch." With her nails, she traced lines across his back. "Focus, Ryan. Focus on my nails digging into your back."

Ryan did as he was told. With Ana's soft words, he succeeded in finding a calm space in his mind and concentrated all the capacity of his sensory input on the sting across his back. Without realising, he had begun to gently fuck Ana. And the tenderness in his cock had nearly vanished. Her whispers had brought forth a miracle! It was like he was rejuvenated, the edge again miles and miles away. He now had that safe space in his mind and he knew how to go back to it once the need arose.

Ryan then increased the pace of fucking the Cuban beauty while she continued to claw at his back in ecstasy. She pulled her slender legs tightly wrapped around his waist in rhythm with each of his thrusts. Ana moaned in total bliss as he continued to pleasure her with each thrust. His head was pulled down to her breasts, encouraging him to kiss her tits and suck on her nipples. He put his mouth to work without hesitation. He loved the reaction his tongue and lips drew from her, in addition to his thrusts. Gently, he gripped one of her hard nipples in his teeth. He pinched the other nipple with his fingers, and proceeded to stimulate both while simultaneously squeezing her graceful tits.

"Oh yes! Harder," she exclaimed. "Harder!" He eagerly obliged, picking up the intensity of his thrusts, resulting in Ana announcing, "I'm cumming!"

As she climaxed, Ana's pussy squeezed his cock tightly along his entire shaft. It felt impossible to pull out, so Ryan tried to return to his place of peace and quiet in his mind. But Ana's squirming body and the squeals escaping her lips as juices erupted from her pussy, was too much. Ryan was about to shoot his load into her pussy. But at the last second, he remembered that the cumshot was one of the judged criteria.

With all his might, he pulled himself out of Ana's tight pussy and stood up straight. He grabbed his cock and stroked himself over the finish line. Ana was still enjoying the waves of her orgasm, eyelids fluttering, when the first strings of cum landed on her body. Ryan shot his load across her whole beautiful figure. The sight of the naked Ana de Armas made his orgasm that much stronger. From her smirking lips down to her glistening pussy between her elegant legs, she had strings of cum sticking to her lovely skin.

Ana nodded at Ryan, pleased at his performance. She wiped some cum from her chin and licked it from her finger, savouring the taste. Her hands roamed her divine body and smeared out his cum, making everything shine. She finished by circling her nipples with her sticky fingers and squeezing her tits while winking at Ryan. It was a marvellous sight, one imprinted on his retina for eternity.

The crowd erupted in wild cheers and applause.

Ana got up and smiled at him. "That should suffice for the first round. See you later, maybe." With that, she walked off the mattresses and out of the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen," came from the speakers, more hesitantly than before. "Let's hear it for Ana de Armas and Ryan... Gosling."

Ryan left the arena and found Chris Hemsworth in the corridor. He was bare-chested, his muscled torso on display. At his side waited Taylor Swift. She was not known for her large bosom, but the tiny bikini she had donned made everything big in proportion. The string she wore accentuated her long, elegant legs, and barely concealed her trimmed pussy. Ryan had to try his hardest not to stare between the songstress' legs. The Thor actor slapped Ryan on the shoulder, and said in his Australian accent, "Well done, chap. But you should stay to see how a real man fucks." He flexed his muscles and grinned widely.

At his side, Taylor rolled her eyes, mouthing 'oh my god' without Chris noticing. She said, "It's round one, Chris, no need to prove yourself just yet. And stay with your fingers out of my ass, that's something I'd like to keep for later in the championship."

"Sure thing, gorgeous," Chris said nonchalantly and winked at Ryan.

Then it was their turn. As Chris and Taylor entered the arena, a dozen broad men in suits surrounded Ryan. They wore sunglasses and ear pieces. One of them stepped forward, and said, "Get dressed and follow us. Miss Johansson would like a word."

Ryan listened, not wanting any trouble, and followed them.


The actress best known for her role as Black Widow paced the room. She wore a tight-fitting suit. Her arms were crossed and she pouted her lips. She regarded Ryan with an emotionless gaze. "What to do with you?"

"Miss Johansson, I--"

"Uh-uh," she tutted him. "I'm still thinking."

Ryan remained silent, following Scarlett from one side of the room to the other and back. The actress swung her hips with every step. Her crossed arms supported her sizable bosom, stretching her blouse tight underneath her blazer. Eventually, she approached him and brought her face close to his, only a few inches in between. Scarlett smelt like roses and close-up her lips looked as inviting as ever.

"I should dispose of you, as protocol requires," she said, staring into his eyes. She smiled as Ryan blinked faster, figuring out what those words could mean. "But making someone disappear is a messy job. Perhaps there's a more simple solution. Care to make a guess, Ryan?"

"Uhm," he gulped audibly. "I'd take anything over being disposed."

"Ha! He can still joke." Scarlett turned and walked behind her desk, taking a seat in her large leather armchair. "You're lucky Ana has spoken in your favour. What was the word she used? I think it was 'promising'. After what I saw, she may be right. Therefore, you can stay, but you'll be closely watched. And you're not allowed to take one step outside this complex."

"Thank y--"

"Remember!" Scarlett interrupted him. "It's never too late to dispose of you. Now, leave." Scarlett waved her hand. "I'll send someone to go over the rules of this place with you in the morning." Firm grips took hold of his shoulders and he was guided out of the room. "You two, stay here," Ryan heard Scarlett call before the door closed.


In need to release the stress that this complication brought, Scarlett slipped down to her knees and motioned for the two bodyguards to approach. They knew what she wanted and wasted no time in undressing. The actress' eyes widened at the long, thick and delicious looking cocks. Exactly what she needed. Her hands grabbed both semi-hard shafts and started to pump. She gave one cock a smooch on the tip with her full, red lips before she slid her tongue along its length. Then she turned and gave the other the same treatment. Her hands stroked the shafts, easily getting them rock hard to their massive sizes. It had been one of the criteria on which she had selected her guards.

Her head moved and she parted her full lips, taking a cock inside and starting to bob up and down. The Avengers actress sucked on the cock at a smooth, steady pace. She stared up at the guard she was blowing as she slid her mouth up and down the upper portion of his cock. Her hands still working both shafts, soft palms moving up and down from base to tip in a slow and stimulating fashion. She switched and after she coated both shafts with her saliva, Scarlett was lifted away. The men literally tore her clothes off until she stood naked before them. They helped themselves to a squeeze of her rounded breasts and thick ass.

"So boys..." Scarlett said, hungrily looking at the two large cocks. "Which of you hung bastards is going to fuck me first?"

The answer soon came when the men bent her over the desk and one took position behind her. The other lifted one of her legs up to also rest on the desk, giving better access to her pussy. Her butt cheeks were spread apart and she felt the tip of a cock against her lower lips. "No," she breathed hard, adding, "No playing around. Put it straight in my ass."

"Mmmmh fuck!" Scarlett groaned loudly as the thick cock was slowly pushed inside her asshole. The feeling of her tight ass being stretched made her gasp for air. Scarlett looked back over her shoulder, already shifting her hips back against that cock, showing her talents in knowing how to work such a massive cock up her ass. "Oh yeah... Fuck my ass!" she purred lustfully and the man grunted his approval as he pumped his cock into her ass.

A hand grabbed her hair and pulled her head to look forward. The other man had walked to the other side of the desk and held the base of his cock, guiding it to Scarlett's mouth. Giving a naughty wink, she parted her lips wide and took the second cock. She didn't get the time to start sucking as he took the lead, thrusting in and out of her slutty mouth. He quickly made her groan and gag as the saliva started dripping down her chin. Scarlett was being spit-roasted. One thick cock in her juicy ass and another pushing down her throat, stuffed from both ends.

Scarlett's gorgeous white body shifted back and forth on the desk, her tits pushed flat underneath her. Her moans were muffled by the cock in her mouth. "Mmmmphhh! Ghlugg! Aarhmm!" The famous Black Widow rocked her stunning body between the two thrusting dicks she was taking. She pulled the cock out of her mouth and, her eyes filled with lust, glanced over her shoulder at the hunk stuffing her ass.

"Fuck mmm..." Scarlett moaned when the thick cock pulled out of her backside. She felt her gaping asshole slowly contract again. "Fuck! That was..." She needed a moment to compose herself, "That was an amazing start." Scarlett grinning broadly up at both men. "Now, I want both of your cocks filling my holes."

The men smiled at each other. One went to the couch on the other side of the room while the other picked up Scarlett in his strong arms and carried her over. The first man sat down, stroking his cock in one hand and using the other to gesture that Scarlett had to stradle his lap. Scarlett obliged, guiding his tip to her lower lips and penetrating herself on his cock. It was an easy feat compared to taking that massive cock in her ass. Her wet pussy easily accomodated his large size. The man grabbed Scarlett's tits and squeezed the soft flesh while he suckled on her stiff nipples.

The second man came up behind Scarlett and parted her ass cheeks. He put his cock against her puckered hole and slowly pushed into her already nicely fucked ass. "OH FUCK!" she exclaimed, her moans and groans loud and instant when the two men started pumping away, her eager pussy also getting a long overdue treatment. At the same time her thick and sexy ass was taking a serious pounding. The thrusts made her ass jiggle and clap against the guard's muscular body as he fucked her deep. Her tits also bounced in rhythm and she revelled in the feeling of her nipples being played with. "Fuck! Oh fuck... shit! Mmmm..." Scarlett moaned, eyes closed as the pleasure of having both her holes fucked at the same time threatened to overwhelm her. The burning slaps on her ass cheeks brought her back to reality, grounding her. Scarlett rocked her curvy body between the two thrusting cocks she was taking hard and balls-deep into her pussy and ass.

"Aaah! Fuck! I'm cumming! I'm gonna fucking cum!" Scarlett cried out a warning, but hearing that just made the two men hammer their cocks harder into her. She was just being impaled by two thick and long cocks pumping away into her juicy ass and dripping pussy. "Oooooooh fuuuuck!" Her head tilted back and her whole stunning body shuddered. She clamped down on both cocks as her orgasm washed over her. They kept ploughing her holes through an intense sexual peak. It left her gasping for breath but still whimpering in delight. She let out more sexy moans when the guard pulled out of her nicely fucked ass and lifted her off the cock embedded in her convulsing pussy.

Scarlett sat unsteadily on her knees, feeling weirdly empty without a thick cock in her pussy and ass. She watched as the two men stroked themselves to a climax, then closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue. The first load left Scarlett giggling as the blasts of sticky cum landed across her pretty face. Cum was all over her nose, lips, cheeks, and onto her forehead.

The second load was blasted straight into her mouth, glazing her tongue. It was so much cum that it overflowed. Cum dripped off her facial features and out her mouth onto her heaving tits. Scarlett Johansson was covered in cum. Just the way she liked it.

Like many occasions before, she was convinced she would win the championship if she participated. But she wanted to give the other celebrities a chance to fight it out between them. Or rather, fuck it out between them. A double penetration like she'd just casually had would blow the competition away.

Scarlett Johansson smiled. That's why she was president of the SCS..
