

Int. Village- Eatery- Night

Captain and Craig are having a meal

Craig: I have never met any woman like that girl

Captain: What?! She is your type

Craig: Of course not. I am already married to my job I don't have time for women. I just think she is different from all the women I have met. In a bad way

Captain: Stella might be disobedient but she will be very useful in battle despite her small appearance. She is smart and brave. If only she could get her act together

From afar the friends are also at the eatery

Wayne: You seem a bit down today. It can't be because of the upcoming exams. I mean you come from a family of scholars and you always rank first

Leo: It's not about academics. I have a secret to share with you. Don't tell anyone

Wayne: Try me. You will be surprised at how much I can handle secrets

Leo: No you can't, in fact everybody knows you can't help blabbering except for you

Wayne: Really! Am I that kind of person? Forget it, keeping things inside is not good for your health. It's best to just let it out

Leo: I am getting married!

Wayne: Really? Congratulations, I just never saw it coming. I always thought I'd be the first to get married between us three

Leo: Somehow I can't help but worry about who I am marrying

Wayne: Don't worry, I am pretty sure your father will not throw you to the wolves

Leo: Right! As long as it is Ella, I will be fine

Wayne: I can't wait to see the shock on Dawn's face when he hears this. I don't know why he insists on working when he can just take money from his mom. No free meal today

Leo: I will pay the bill

Wayne: Being friends with the rich kids is always wonderful. I will order more dishes
