
Chapter 23: Information!

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Aries was happy that the Spanish girl did not leave at the site of Greengrass girl as she had been doing before, even though her dislike for the English girl was still plain, but things were starting to go back to normal. He only hoped that it would continue.

It was a cool Saturday that found Aries walking along the Black Lake, exactly a week away from the First Task.

His musing was unfortunately interrupted by Potter himself calling for him.

Two weeks had passed since his conversation with Potter, who from Aries' observation seemed to be doing much better.

He had seen him often with the chubby boy, and two red-headed girls. Aries considered ignoring him, and the call to run among the trees of the forest was almost too much a temptation to pass up. Almost.

"Potter," Aries greeted again, coming to a stop next to a rock jutting out of the ground. "Can I help you?"

"It's Thomas, you know," he said with a kind smile.

Aries suddenly had to fight the urge to hex the boy and when he didn't respond Potter continued.

"I, um, just wanted to say thank you. You kind of gave me a reality check. I hope I can be friends with Ron again, but if not maybe it's for the best."

"Good." Awkward silences were starting to be a trend that Aries did not enjoy.

"Are you prepared for the First Task?" His passive Legilimency kicked in: Moody pulling Potter aside. Summoning a pillow in an abandoned class room. Dreams of evading a dragon on broomstick.

"I think so," Potter answered awkwardly. "I just wish I knew what the task was."

"No need to lie Potter." Aries drawled. He nearly slapped himself, he was starting to sound way too much like Draco. "We both know its dragons. And I have no doubt that Delacour and Diggory know."

"Yeah. I told Diggory actually." Stupid Gryffindors. Now he was thinking like Draco!

"That was foolish, but rather brave too." Potter gave him a curious look. What was with people doing that?

"I just hope I can make it out of this tournament alive." It returned in him in that moment, the desire to help Potter again.

He wasn't sure why, but part of Aries saw a bit of himself in the younger boy. Fate had thrown duties on them at an early age, one to defeat a dark lord and the other to become one. Perhaps that was where the desire came from.

"Tell me Potter, do you know what it means to be a Tri-Wizard Champion?"

"No," Potter answered curiously.

"I researched it after we were chosen, simply out of curiosity. The creator of the cup had this to say: The Goblet of Fire does not choose one based on power or skill, though it does play a large part. Rather it chooses one worthy enough to sacrifice everything in pursuit of victory, to push oneself beyond the limitations and boundaries of themselves to achieve and earn the eternal glory that the tournament brings." Aries waited a moment for that to sink in.

"That statement stuck with me, it mentions glory not fame. To push oneself and to exceed their own limitations."

"Simply put, to be a champion means that you are capable of pushing yourself farther than you thought imaginable, to exceed your own boundaries, and achieve glory in the pursuit of victory."

"It only mentions the pursuit, not actually winning the tournament. Although you were forced to compete, that statement can still be true for you, if you allow it. I think Potter, that that is what you should focus on, rather than just surviving."

Potter did not answer him, too focused on thinking about Aries' words, but he didn't mind. Aries stood there quietly next to him contemplating his mentor's words again.

Perhaps his mentor was right, maybe it was time for his to follow his own advice and push himself beyond his own limitations, as the Goblet believed that he could.

Yes, he at last decided, it was time. It was time that the world was shown the power of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black.


"Professor Snape, sir?" Aries turned back to the door of the dungeon classroom, as did most of the potions class, and smirked as he saw Daphne poking her head in.

"The judges need Mr. Black." Snape simply gave her a raised eyebrow before nodding to Aries.

He gathered his things and followed the Slytherin fourth year out of the dungeons. Her hair was in a pony tail, an unusual occurrence as she tended to leave it down.

Aries could tell that she enjoyed the fact that he was looking at her, though no doubt her pureblooded schooling kept her from commenting on it herself.

"Why did they decide to send you to get me?" Aries asked.

Three weeks was enough time for him to memorize many of the Slytherin's schedules, mostly Draco's and Daphne's, and he was aware that she had a free period right now, but she was not the obvious choice to fetch him.

"I overhead Professor von Reich in the hall saying that you were needed, so I offered to retrieve you." An interesting wording Aries noted, but it made sense.

"Rather cunning of you Greengrass."

"I am a Slytherin." She replied with a smug grin. "So, when are you going to give me my first lesson?"

"Ah, here I was thinking that you enjoyed my company for my good luck and undeniable charm, but you only want me to teach you forbidden magic."

Aries enjoyed the blush that crept up her tan neck and into her cheeks. It was the first time he had been successful in his attempts, and he took it as a sign that their friendship was moving in the right direction.

A gentle touch of her mind found that he was far more than just correct, perhaps the girl was not so innocent after all.

"How does seven sound tomorrow night? In the classroom I used to practice?"


If you want to read ahead by 10+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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