
Chapter 25: The Situation in Westeros

After reading what Drogon wrote, Varys returned to the room to write a reply. It took him three pages to finish. He put the papers back on the stone table and returned to the room. This was also Drogon's intention, to facilitate communication.

After closing the door, Varys put his ear to the door and listened carefully. He even had the urge to suddenly open the door to see what was going on.

But the mysterious man made it very clear in the letter, asking him not to try to find out his identity, either now or in the future.

After receiving Varys's reply, Drogon hid in a tree and watched carefully to understand the current situation in Westeros.

After Tywin removed him from the position of Prime Minister, Tyrone got a new position, Chancellor of the Exchequer, responsible for preparing the expenses for Joffrey's wedding.

Drogon had long forgotten that Tyrion had been the Chancellor of Finance, and he found this news somewhat amusing. It was really difficult for Tyrion, who only knew how to spend money, to raise money. Drogon could imagine how worried he was now.

In revenge for his son's death, Rickard Karstark killed two fourteen or fifteen-year-old captives, who were the grandsons of Tywin's brother Kevan.

In a rage, Robb chopped off Rickard's head, offended the Karstark family, and lost the morale of the army.

The Karstark family is a branch of House Stark Wolf. They separated a thousand years ago and had their own territory. They have always been loyal supporters of House Stark Wolf.

Now that Robb has killed the head of the Karstark family for the two Lannister boys, they naturally will not follow Robb anymore.

The Karstarks returned to the North and several other families followed them, causing Robb to lose half his army and was trying to win over the Freys of the Twins.

Drogon is helpless about the Wolf family's excessive integrity. Robb's alliance with the Frey family is not far from being wiped out at the Red Wedding. Drogon is considering whether to save them.

Catelyn's father, the Duke of Riverrun, died, and her brother Edmure succeeded to the title of Duke. She wanted to laugh when she saw Edmure Drogon.

What I remember most is that Edmure shot at the straw boat carrying his father's body three times but failed to hit it. Finally, his uncle Blackfish snatched the bow and arrow and set the straw boat on fire with one arrow. In Drogon's impression, he was just a funny guy.

After reading the news about Riverrun, the next one is related to Winterfell.

Winterfell is occupied by Ramsay the Flayer, the illegitimate son of Roose Bolton. Ramsay can be said to be the most perverted character in Game of Thrones, no doubt about it. Even Euron Crow's Eye, the captain of the Silence who pulled out the tongues of all the crew members, is worse than him.

Not to mention the way he tortured Theon, just in order to prove in front of his father that Theon was completely submissive to him, he made Theon, who thought he was a stinky thug after being tortured and castrated, shave him with a sharp razor.

While shaving his beard, he did not forget to stimulate Theon and told him that Robb, whom he regarded as a brother, was killed by his father Roose at the Red Wedding. Theon helped him shave his beard with tears in his eyes, trembling lips, and shaking hands.

This made Luce admire the means of his illegitimate son, so he entrusted him with an important task and promised to give him his surname after he completed the task, helping him to escape from the status of an illegitimate child.

And his love of live sex shows how perverted he is.

Varys also found out that Littlefinger Petyr planned to take Sansa away secretly, and after Joffrey broke off his engagement with Sansa, there were other people who were eyeing Sansa.

Eddard's two sons, Bran and Rickon, were burned to death by Theon. If something happened to Robb, Sansa would become the new King of the North. Whoever married Sansa would get the entire North.

Of course, at this time, only Theon, the person involved, knew that Bran and Rickon were still alive and had not been burned to death by him.

After seeing Varys' analysis, Drogon had to admire the political acumen of those great nobles for starting to make plans so early. And the facts were just as they expected, Sansa eventually became the King in the North.

Drogon already knew the other news from Barristan, and he now had a general idea of ​​the progress of this world.

After agreeing with Varys on the location for future message delivery, Drogon flew to Tyrion's house with Varys's letter of surrender.

As a little Devil fan, of course I have to go see him when I come to King's Landing.

Tyrion lived in the south of the city, not far from the Red Castle, but Varys told him that Tyrion was probably not at home, as he was busy visiting various nobles to raise funds for Joffrey's wedding. Tywin really didn't give him any good job.

When he arrived at Tyrion's residence, he waited for a while but saw no one coming in or out, so he stopped waiting and flew directly to Dragonstone.

On Dragonstone, the red-robed woman gradually woke up after spitting out a mouthful of blood. Stannis had been guarding her side all the time. When he saw her wake up, he hurriedly asked her what she saw.

"You said you saw a black dragon in the sky?" Stannis was a little unconvinced.

At that time, he was following the woman in red robe and only saw the shadow of a black bird. How could it be a dragon?

"That's not necessarily a dragon. The black dragon is the omen I saw in the fire, but he must be related to the black dragon."

"Dragons haven't appeared in this world for over a hundred years." Stannis still didn't believe it.

"The King of Light will not give out omens without reason, and I suffered a lot from the backlash for trying to see the omen clearly. This is almost impossible. The omen this time must be extraordinary."

"Isn't there still a girl alive in the Targaryen family? As long as the members of their family are not extinct, the dragon may be reborn."

"If she really has a dragon, it will be a great obstacle for you to unify the Seven Kingdoms. She may even be more difficult to deal with than Tywin."

The red-robed woman was a little out of breath after saying these words. This time, the injury she suffered was not as simple as spitting out blood, but a fundamental injury.

This made her very confused. Although her power was not strong enough now and she often had to absorb Stannis or make sacrifices to gain more power, it should be completely fine to just check the omen from the flames. She did not expect to suffer such a serious backlash.

Lying on the pillow, she smoothed her hair and looked at it. Her originally black long hair actually had several silver strands. She quickly looked at the ruby ​​necklace hanging around her neck.

It was still glowing a faint red light, and fortunately there was nothing wrong with it. The woman in red was relieved.

"Are you still going to leave Dragonstone?" Stannis asked.

"Rest for a few days before going again. This time I will delay His Majesty's great cause of unification."

Stannis had been worried that the Red Woman would abandon him and didn't want to let her go, but he didn't expect that she would want to go again after her injury healed. He could only nod helplessly.


When he arrived at Dragonstone, Drogon went straight to Shireen's room. As soon as he landed on the windowsill, Shireen found him and hurriedly opened the window.

"I thought you would never come back." Shilin was disappointed but also happy.

Drogon opened his backpack, took out the nuts he had picked up on the road and handed them to Shireen. This time Shireen didn't hesitate and happily ate the nuts.

Drogon took out another piece of parchment and handed it to Shireen, "Is this for me?" Shireen took the parchment from Drogon's hand with some confusion.

The handwriting was really ugly. This was Xilin's first impression when she saw the handwriting, but she was completely shocked after reading the content.

"Is there anyone who can cure greyscale completely?" she asked in surprise.

Seeing Drogon nod, Shireen widened her eyes and asked, "Did you write these words?"

Drogon hesitated before nodding.
