
Rewards And New Friends

Authors Note:

Bonus chapter today as I forgot to release 2 for New Years. Happy New Year.



I woke up on my bed and saw that Tsunade was in the room.

Tsunade: "You know you worried some people. You just dropped in and fainted. I must admit your healing capabilities are impressive but try not to injure yourself so badly. As your doctor, I must encourage you to take care of your body. Oh and don't worry Chrysalis and Lucario didn't see anything. They just knew you were tired and needed rest."

Rio: "How long was I out?"

Tsunade: "9 hours. You were fully healed 3 hours ago but it seemed you were mentally exhausted so I let you sleep. I am curious what caused you to become so injured."

Rio: "An army of millions of droids trying to kill me combined with no rest and capable duelists. All the while I couldn't use my magic."

Tsunade: "Sigh. Yeah, I could see how that would bring you down. Now you should be perfectly fine to return to your duties but I suggest taking the day off. Or at least take it easy today."

Rio: "Thank you and I will follow your advice."

Tsunade left and I decided to check my rewards.


[The Host Has Completed The Trial Defense Of Ryloth. Calculating Score.

Rank: EX

Score: 201015


1/4 Schematics For The Starforge

1 Summon Outer Rim Garrison Ryloth

IG-100 MagnaGuard Schematics

T-65 X-Wing Starfighter Schematics

1 Unlimited Kyber Crystal Cave

Admiral Trench With Invincible Flagship]

I checked what most of them did as I already knew what the Starforge Schematics were.

{Name: 1 Summon Outer Rim Garrison Ryloth

Summons Admiral Dao, Ima-Gun Di, and Captain Keeli. It comes with 3 fully crewed Venator-Class Star Destroyers, 2400 Clone Troopers, 120 V-19 Starfighters, 12 LAAT Gunships, 12 AT-TE Walkers, and 36 Y-Wing Bombers. All Summons will be loyal to the summoner. Clones will age at a normal Mandolorian rate. }

(AN: This is the entire garrison as I imagine them being sent with less supplies due to Ryloths relative unimportance to the Senate. Also, the numbers are the total, not each ship. So there are 40 V-19s on each Venator.)

{Name: IG-100 MagnaGuard Schematics

Summons 12 IG-100 MagnaGuard and gives the schematics for them. The Summoned IG-100 MagnaGuards will be masters in all 7 Lightsaber Combat forms as well as almost every conceivable weapon and they are programmed in numerous protect and destroy protocols. They are capable of superhuman acrobatics, speed, and combat. They constantly learn and adapt to their foes. They can continue to operate even when decapitated or bisected. They come with a Phrik Electrostaff, built-in tow cables, a personal cloaking device, and magnetized limbs. When disabled they will self-destruct attempting to take the enemy with them.}

{Name: T-65 X-Wing Starfighter Schematics

Gives the Schematics for the T-65 X-Wing. The T-65 X-Wing is a 12.5-meter-long all-purpose Starfighter. It's capable of a Maximum acceleration of 3700 G. It is equipped with Thermal shields and a deflector shield. It is armed with 4 heavy laser cannons, one on each wing, and 2 Proton Torpedo tubes with 3 Torpedos in each. Needs an Astromech to have a navigation computer. }

{Name: 1 Unlimited Kyber Crystal Cave

Summons a cave that is used by force wielders to find their Kyber Crystals. The insides of the cave are unnavigable for anyone who isn't a Force wielder and has Summoner permission. Can be placed anywhere and removed at the summoner's will. If someone is in the cave when it is unsummoned the being/s will be removed and placed where the cave used to be. }

{Name: Admiral Trench With Invincible Flagship

Summons Admiral Trench with his special Flagdhip the Invincible. The Invincible is a 2,177.35-meter-long Providence Class Destroyer. It comes equipped with Thermal Shields, 28 Quad Turbolasers, 68 Point Defense Twin Laser Cannons, 24 Point Defense Ion Cannons, 30 Flak Cannons, 200 Proton Torpedo Tubes, and 4 Heavy Ion Cannons. It carries a total of 6000 Proton Torpedos. Comes with a full crew including a T Series Tactical Droid, 60 Hyena Bombers, and 300 Droid Tri-Fighters. The Invincible comes with special tracking Torpedos and advanced tracking computers. }

'Wow, those are some fantastic rewards. 2 new admirals and 1 new General. I worked with Trench before and I know he is very capable. I am not as certain about Dao but I am pretty sure he was an old spacer. Ima-Gun Di has experience leading troops in an arguably desperate situation and still showed his resolve. 4 fully crewed capital ships. More starfighters and bombers. I can send the schematics to Tex to deal with. The X-Wings will likely be the main ships for our organic pilots. The MagnaGuards can be used to protect valuable beings. The Kyber Crystal Cave will be excellent for future Je'daii.'

I check my status next.


Level: 89



HP: 2700 (Endurance x 10 )

SP: 16500 (Endurance x Agility/2 )

MP: 15000 (Intelligence x 50)


Strength: 64 (+50%) = 96

Perception: 131

Endurance: 135 (+100%) = 270

Charisma: 105 (+100%) = 210

Intelligence: 300

Agility: 120 (+50%) = 180

Luck: 200 (+150%) = 500

Stat Points: 45


Force Mastery lvl: Max

Damage Resistance lvl: 60/100

450/6000 xp

Stealth lvl: 60/100

100/6000 xp

Weapons Proficiency lvl: 92/100

2000/9200 xp

Observe lvl: 95/100

9000/9500 xp

Aura Mastery lvl: 51/100

2500/5100 xp

Instrument Playing lvl: 63

0/6300 xp

Crafting lvl: 56

2600/5600 xp

Cooking lvl: 28



'Hmm not bad. Overall, there were great improvements. I will save the Stat Points for now in case I need them later.'

I summon Trench first.

Trench: "It seems we meet again Captain Rio."

Rio: "So without me, you ended up kicking the bucket?"

Trench: "Bah, my death was due to an honestly ridiculous effort by the Republic. I was outnumbered 10 to 1 and I still managed to take out 6 Venators before they took me."

Rio: "It's good to see you again. I think the last time we saw each other was at the Battle of Bandomeer. Terrible one that was."

Trench: "Yes, you saved my life but a shame we lost so badly. When I was offered the chance to serve under you I took the chance to repay my debt. Now what is it you need me to do."

Rio: "For now I need you to go through the qualification process to transfer your rank to my Empire. I know your skills but I can't give favoritism. That and I need to make sure you haven't gotten rusty since we last served together."

Trench: "Fair enough. It is a minor inconvenience but I don't mind."

I teleport Trench to Tex to begin the process. Then I summon Keeli, Dao, and Ima-Gun Di.

Di: "Ah it's a pleasure to see you again."

Rio: "I have one question why did you come back for me? You already died once you didn't need to die again. If I died you wouldn't have to suffer death again."

Keeli: "Haha, I told you he would ask that."

Di: "We died for you because it was the right thing to do. We wanted to fight alongside you. You could have forced the Twileks to fight you could have ordered the clones to fight alongside you instead of from the rear on a ridge. But you didn't. You knew we were already dead and as such there was no risk to us but you still put us in a safe position where we could easily retreat if you were overrun."

Keeli: "The boys and I appreciate you thinking about us as living beings and not just weapons to point at the enemy. So of course we wouldn't leave to die. We try our best to never leave a brother in arms behind."

Rio: "Sigh. Idiots all of you but I appreciate it nonetheless. Now I believe we haven't met."

Dao: "I am Admiral Dao of the Outer Rim Garrison. I saw your battle in the simulation. I have also been told many things by General Skywalker and Count Dooku. I would be honored to serve you."

Rio: "Nice to meet you. Now for all of you, I will have you go through qualification training to ensure you meet the requirements to transfer over your ranks. Also, your Venators will not be used in active service until they can be retrofitted to our standards. Don't worry it will be nothing but massive upgrades. Also, the 501st Legion and some Force wielders are here so you may want to chat with them."

They all agree and I teleport them to Tex. I make sure to send over the schematics as well. Once that was done I checked what I missed while I was gone.

'It seems General Ross is doing everything he can to convince the government to fund Liberty Prime. It also seems Hydra is quite interested in my robots. Oh, now this is interesting.

I read a report that T'Challa and his parents have been murdered.

'If what I am reading is right Killmonger slew them and stole the Herb and Panther suit. That seems awfully suspicious. How exactly would he have found T'Chaka and his family and further managed to kill all of them? Wait, Shuri is missing and no one knows where she is. I can guess where Killmonger will go from here. There is only one place where he can obtain the powers of the Black Panther.'

I use the Palantir to find Shuri and what I find confuses me.

'That is odd. She is dead but there is no report of her body being found. I should go collect the body so I can gain her knowledge later. Now what happened to the remaining Wakandans? 30 are left and they all follow Killmonger. I think I will snatch the suit from Killmonger so he becomes less problematic.'

I look for the suit and smile when I see it is in a secure case in a container on a private jet. I just snatch the suit since no one is around and add it to my Vibranium stockpile.

'This was unexpected since I had plans for the Wakandans but what can you do? Hydra seems to be involved in this situation we just don't know how. Regardless, without the suit, Black Panther is a much lower threat. I mean a single bullet to the head still kills them they are just more difficult to hit. I wonder why they are interested in Killmonger. If he becomes the Black Panther they can't replicate it since it is magical in nature.'

I just shake my head at Hydra doing Hydra things and move on. Most other pieces of news were fairly uninteresting.


Authors Note:

Just so you know there is a rank above S-Rank it just requires 200k points. Rio also got a lot of rewards due to the very high score he got. The trial was held in the Force Realm so the spirits of the dead were summoned to fight. I had been planning the Killmonger thing for a while and decided now was the right time. The Wakandans were basically refugees as they had no home. Even though the Radiation from Godzilla disappeared. Until next time Ciao.
