
The Battle Of Gaia's Aftermath

POV Snake

I received a call from Tex and answered it.

Snake: "This is Snake."

Tex: "What is the status of FOB 4?"

Snake: "We lost a lot of droids and vehicles but we managed to defeat the enemy."

Tex: "Specifics?"

Snake: "We have 32k B2s, 1318 AATs, 9 Spartans including Noble Team, and 1 B1. Everything else has been destroyed or lost. Almost everyone is injured and will need a few days in the med bay to get back into fighting shape. Even I got scuffed up quite a bit."

Tex: "Understood, I will send reinforcements to help you with the cleanup and to ensure the base is secure."

Snake: "Thanks."

The call ends and I sigh. It was a close battle but we won in the end.

'I hope we don't have to do something like this anytime soon. War is ugly as always.'

I see Carter approach me.

Carter: "How are you holding up?"

Snake: "Pretty good all things considered. And you?"

Carter: "This is all things considered a pretty good victory. I am relieved to have ended the Covenant War before it began in this universe. Our actual causalities are really low. We mostly only lost Droids and Undead and those can be replaced."

Snake: "How many bodies made it back to Gaia?"

Carter looks saddened at my question.

Carter: "13 out of 15."

Snake: "Sigh. Damn. So some aren't making it home."

Carter: "Probably not. I am going to request a vacation after this. What about you?"

Snake: "Same. I want to explore some parts of the world that I didn't in my past life."


I exit my battle meditation and as I do I begin to collapse.

'No wonder I was told to be careful when using this technique. I feel like my body is paralyzed. I guess I will just lay here until someone comes to fetch me or I can move again.'

It takes a few minutes but I can move again. Once I can move I start making my way to the bridge. Once I arrive I find Tex and ask for a status report.

Tex: "We lost 89% of our fleet. 5 of the 23 surviving ships need extensive repairs to become operational. We lost all of our undead forces and have just under 1 Million Battle Droids left. We have 838k B1s, 50k Droidekas, 50k BXs, and 42k B2s. We have lost all but 3 Vulture Droids. We lost 121 Trifighters. We also have reports that 2 Spartans are gone forever."

Rio: "Everything but the last one can be replaced. But I see what you mean, it will take a while to recover from this battle."

Tex: "Which is why I would like to request we begin mining more of the unclaimed planets in the Western half of the Milky Way."

Rio: "I can understand the reasoning behind it but won't that spread our forces too thinly?"

Tex: "A calculated risk. The Covenant was the only major threat Earth is expected to face shortly. The Chitauri invasion is half a decade away. And said invasion will not last long with our interference."

Rio: "Does Sakaar not provide enough resources?"

Tex: "Sakaar provides many resources but will run out next year. Thus creating new mining facilities is optimal. Defending these mining bases should be easy enough if we only make a few. The only parties that would attack would be Pirates. However, I find it unlikely they will attack if a few starships are orbiting the mining facility."

Rio: "What would you suggest for this system and the mining systems?"

Tex: "I suggest we leave the Venators in this system and send the Lucrehulks out with 2 Providences each. The remaining Providences can be the prospecting and anti-piracy fleet. The only surviving ship of the Katana Fleet can be sent with the Munificents to continue our salvaging of Sakaar. Before we implement that we must begin salvaging this system."

Rio: "Agreed. How many URMs do we have?"

(AN: I decided to stick with the original name. URM stands for Ultra Recycler Machine. More were made by reproducing the effects of the Philosopher Stone.)

Tex: "14. Based on how efficient they are we should finish salvaging operations in 2 weeks or less."

Rio: "Excellent. But first, we need to check for the bodies of those 2 lost Spartans. If they aren't found then we need to hold a funeral."

Tex: "Understood sir."

Rio: "Lastly what will be done with the Halberd and Forward Unto Dawn?"

Tex: "I believe using them on Earth should be the best choice. All they will need is the installation of Stealth Tech. The research we stole from Shield is suitable for this endeavor. Combining it with the data we have from our own devices we should make improving the tech quite easy, especially now that the research team will be more free to do research."

Rio: "That makes sense. They are the smallest naval vessels we have. So the strain of the cloaks should be diminished."

Tex: "Anything else sir?"

Rio: "That was all."

We go back to coordinating the salvage and recovery process. I make sure that all our ships are accounted for and that everyone who needs medical attention is treated. I then go to Gaia to resurrect the dead so that if a funeral is held they are not incapable of attending.

2 Weeks Later...

In 2 weeks we could also salvage most of the wrecks in the system. Most of the Covenant ground forces equipment has also been salvaged. Most of the equipment we have salvaged will be turned into base materials instead of given to any soldiers. We were able to confirm that Spartan 001 and 009 were MIA and unable to be resurrected. We couldn't find any remains other than a damaged helmet of Spartan 001. We are holding a funeral on Gaia as per their request. 

Rio: "We are gathered here today to honor the fallen Spartans 001 Gage and 009 Catherine. 2 individuals I was honored to have under my command. They leave behind family, friends, fellow Spartans, and a grateful nation. It was thanks to their sacrifice that Billions of Humans were spared from a war they were not prepared for."

I look around at all the people present at this funeral. Everyone came to pay their respects even if they didn't know the deceased.

Rio: "Gage was an orphan who lost his parents in a police raid gone wrong when he was 2. He lived in an orphanage for the next 14 years. When he turned 16 he was kidnapped by a cartel and was to be used as a drug mule. We saved his life and he decided to join us and devote himself to a greater cause. He was the first volunteer for the Spartan Program. He never let his past hinder him and instead, he used it as inspiration to reach for greater heights. I had the honor of meeting him during his training. He was a great man, greater than most. He didn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for the greater good. While he has passed his memory will never be forgotten. I will remember him for eternity. This I swear."

I see Spartan 002 tear up at my eulogy.

Rio: "Catherine was the eldest child from her family. When she was 9 her family was murdered by Hydra. She was then taken and used as an experiment for the next 5 years until we rescued her. After we rescued her she didn't even wait an hour before asking to join us. She was a brilliant leader and excelled in all her tests. She never let her past hold her back from treating others with kindness. When she became a Spartan she requested the number 9 to be a reminder of where she came from. Even while FOB 3 was falling she refused to evacuate until the very last living personnel was evacuated safely. When Spartan 011 was pinned down by enemy attack she rushed to their position and covered them while they fell back. She was ultimately killed when FOB 3 self-destructed. She was an incredible Spartan and Human. While nothing remains of her she will live on in our hearts. I will remember her for eternity. This I swear."

Spartan 011 Destiny doesn't cry but she lowers her head in thanks for her sacrifice.

'She touched all the Spartans lives one way or another.'

A few more people come up to speak about the deceased. After they finish I stand to the side and prepare the next part. Carter stands up as well and moves to the side.

Rio: "Please stand while the bodies are lowered into the ground."

Carter: "Present Arms!"

Music begins playing.

(AN: Play Taps (Bugle Call: Extinguish all Unauthorized Light / Completion of a Military Funeral) on YouTube.)

Carter: "Order Arms!"

Everyone stops saluting, and we pay our final respects to the dead. Once that is done, we slowly leave.


Authors Note:

A bit of a somber note to end on but I felt it was necessary to show that war always has causlities and even Rio can't save everyone. I also wanted to show future plans for Rio's Empire. Lastly, I wanted to show the human element of the characters who fought. Gacha is the next chapter. Until next time Ciao.
