
The Battle of Gaia Part 1


I was sitting on the bridge of the Aura's Revenge when an alert went off indicating a Slip Space rupture had been detected. The Aura's Revenge was in a position to completely jam all signals in the system so we could easily capture the scouting vessels. I was going to use the Ion Cannons to disable their ships and then use a technique that would kill most living beings on the disabled vessels. It took only 20 minutes but we captured the 5 SDVs. After they were captured we quickly crewed them and sent them to join the Suicide Fleet.

'Now comes the trickier part.'

The next wave they sent would likely contain more powerful vessels. It also meant we needed to destroy some and capture any others we could. The biggest challenge is letting them send a slightly edited message to their main fleet. We can't let the main fleet know we have Ground-To-Space Weapons.

2 Hours Later...

We completed the capture of 5 more SDVs. We also destroyed 3 CPV Heavy Destroyers. I had to begin my battle meditation as I could sense a great force coming.

(AN: You can play Star Wars RPG Space Combat Music on YouTube for music.)


Tex: "Sensors are detecting over 200 different Slip-Space Disturbances. All ships get into position."

I moved the Aura's Revenge into positions. I watched as nearly 220 massive vessels entered the system's outskirts.

Tex: "Launch all fighters!"

The enemy had organized their forces so that the CCS Battlecruisers were their front line. The vessels were nearly 1800 Meters long and were powerful vessels. I counted 100 of such vessels. Their midline consisted of 14 ORS Heavy Cruisers. The vessels were 3000 Meters in length and could take a lot of fire before being destroyed. The rest of the midline and the rear line were made up of SDVs and the ship I had predicted they would send as part of their second wave. The CAS Assault Carrier. A 5300-meter-long vessel with very thick armor and numerous weapons.

Tex: "All FOBs focus fire on the Assault Carrier! Once it is destroyed focus on the ORS Heavy Cruisers."

FOBs: "Roger Roger."

POV Rio's Wood Clone (Blue Leader)

I was piloting the Arwing heading straight towards the enemy fighters. I was put in charge of 24 Trifighters and our goal was to eliminate the enemy fighters as quickly as possible and prevent any fighters from striking the Dreadnoughts.

Rio: "Green leader I will go for the enemy's left flank can you handle the right flank."

Green Leader: "Copy that Blue Leader I should be able to handle the right flank."

Rio: "Understood, Yellow Leader you will need to handle the center."

Yellow Leader: "Roger Roger."

Rio: "All fighters accelerate to attack speed."

Flight: "Roger Roger."

Rio: "This is where the fun begins."

My Arwing sped up massively and according to the computers, I would intercept the enemy in 10 seconds. I calmed myself and let the Battle Meditation take over. By doing this I was one with the main body and Green Leader. I was the first to open fire and I shredded through a Seraphs shielding before they even realized what happened. The nice thing about an Arwing is that it can fire rapidly for long periods. The enemy must have realised this as some tried to break off but it was too late I had ripped through several Banshees as they have no shielding and pitiful armor. I see a massive line of spheres go into the enemy's fleet and see a massive explosion.

'That must be the first Hypervelocity strike. Hopefully, we hit the right target.'

I do a barrel roll to deflect the attack of a Seraph that manages to get a clear shot at me.

Rio: "T1 I am going to lead some of the enemy fighters to point 39 take the T2 through T20 with you and stay here. All other fighters swing around and catch my followers in a pincer."

T1: "Roger Roger."

I take my craft and move away from the rest of the flight and just as I predicted I had nearly 40 followers trying to run me down.

'Almost there.'

I sense it's time and I make cut power to my engines while T21 through T24 start firing on the enemy's flank. While the enemy panics at being caught in a pincer I am right behind them and I open fire decimating them in seconds.

Rio: "Good job! Now let's head back to the main flight and see if we can't surprise them."

POV Rio's Wood Clone (Green Leader)

I was flying in the customized Eta-2 for this mission and I was trying to contain the enemy as well as I could but 4 Seraphs suddenly broke out and went straight for a nearby Dreadnought.

Rio: "Don't worry I got them. T25 and T26 cover me. All other craft continue to contain the enemy here."

I move my ship to an interception route and as soon as I feel it is right to shoot I open fire. My first shots blow a hole in the rear of one of the Seraphs and it explodes into a massive plasma ball.

Rio: "Crap, those Seraphs are full of bombs. T25 take the left one and T26 take the right one, I will get the leader."

I accelerate to top speed and feel the ship become harder to control.

Rio: "R4 help me keep the ship steady we will only have one shot at this."

R4: "Beep Beep."

(AN: R4 is the Astromech on the ship.)

I feel the ship become just a bit more stable. I see the left and right Seraphs explode and I take my shot. It strikes true and the last Seraphs explodes.

Rio: "Whew. That was close. Alright, let's head back."

We moved our starfighters when suddenly I sensed something wrong.

Rio: "Evasive maneuvers!"

I barely manage to dodge in time. I look over and see 2 CCSs are focusing on us and shooting everything they have at us. The ship alerts me to numerous missiles inbound.

Rio: "Looks like they realize I am a leader and don't want me to survive. Alright, change of plans all craft make for that CCS. It looks like we are going to have to try and take those ships out before we can get back to the rest of the flight. Stay in loose formation."

Droids: "Roger Roger."

We bob and weave through the fire and as we start getting near the ship I can see them start to try and maneuver.

Rio: "Alright, now try and fly between the vessels. Let's see how desperate they are to kill me."

We fly right between the 2 ships and as I predicted they are reduced enough that they don't stop trying to hit me. In other words, they broadside each other. I look and see they stopped firing at me as they have disabled each other.

Rio: "Okay, let's head back to the others before these ships can get back online."

We head back to the main fight where I see we have lost quite a few Vulture Droids but overall we are still winning.

Rio: "Blue Leader this is Green Leader, is it time to start phase 2?"

Blue Leader: "Negative the Assault Carrier is still operational. We have to wait until that is taken care of."

Rio: "Copy that."

I move my ship back into the thick of it. While I am fighting I am suddenly swarmed by 12 Seraphs.

Rio: "This is Green Leader. I have 12 Seraphs on my tail I need assistance."

Blue Leader: "I see you. Move to point 210 I will cover you."

Rio: "Copy that."

I maneuver my starfighter as best as I can while dodging plasma and laser fire. Unfortunately, I couldn't get out unscathed.


Rio: "I'm hit but not too bad. R4 see what you can do about it."

My ship alerts me that I have been locked on to.

Rio: "Crap."

I activate my missile countermeasures and hope that Blue Leader gets here soon. Luckily just as I think that I see numerous green laser bolts shoot at my pursuers and I am able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Rio: "Thanks Blue Leader."

Blue Leader: "No problem. Do you need to switch out starfighters?"

Rio: "Negative I can go for a bit longer."

Blue Leader: "Understood. Good luck."

I watch as his fighter breaks off and I rejoin my flight.

'This is going to be a long day.'


I check on the status of the Assault Carrier and I see that in a few more minutes it will be destroyed. I also see the enemy has begun the land invasion after failing to destroy the shielded bases from space. I send the alert to all ground forces to expect the company soon. I then get a report of 2 disabled CCS ships and I have some vessels finish them off before they can get back online.

Tex: "The shields on the Assault Carrier are down. Ion Cannons switch targets to the ORS ships."

FOBs 3 and 4: "Roger Roger."

I control the Dreadnoughts to fill in the hole created by the destroyed Dreadnoughts. Once they move I check on the starfighters.

'Hmm, we are winning so far but the enemy hasn't sent the third wave yet.'

I see another Dreadnought blow up and take note of it. I then recalculate our odds of success and it returns as an 88% chance.

'That will have to do for now.'


Authors Note:

The first chapter of the battle. I hope I wrote the starfighter parts well. The next chapter will focus on the ground battle. Until next time Ciao.
