

Upon their return to Dragonstone, they convened in the council room where Queen Rhaenyra and King Consort, Daemon awaited alongside Princess Rhaenys, Lord Corlys and Ser Erryk. Luke and Rhaena stood beside Princess Rhaenys. Lord Harwin, who had arrived shortly before them stood by Daemon.

The silence that settled in the room was deafening, Queen Rhaenyra stood staring at the fireplace, her shoulders tense and her fingers clenched into fists.

Daemon subtly shot Princess Rhaenerys a proud smirk, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Rhaenerys responded with a slight, knowing smile, her eyebrows rising briefly.

At least one of them is proud of what we did. Rhaenerys thought. She responded with a slight smile. However, they both schooled their expressions once the Queen turned to face them, her gaze hardened.

Rhaenyra's eyes narrowed as she regarded Jace, Baela, and Rhaenerys.

"My father's reign brought peace and prosperity to our realm," she began.

As she spoke, Jace shifted his weight, his eyes darting to his mother's face before dropping to the floor. Baela's hands were clasped tightly together, her knuckles white. "He ruled with wisdom and justice, and our people flourished under his guidance. I strive to follow his path, to bring unity and stability to our realm. But Aemond and Aegon's desperation knows no bounds. It's clear that Aemond and Aegon will not be swayed by reason or honor. They seek only to maintain their grip on power, no matter the cost."

"Thank the Seven you've returned unscathed," Rhaenyra said, her voice laced with relief and worry.

As she spoke, her eyes lingered on each of them, her gaze softening. Jace's shoulders relaxed, his expression easing.

"When word of your mission reached me, I feared the worst. Losing any of you would be a cruel blow. Jace, my son, Lucerys's brush with death still haunts me. Baela, dear as a daughter to me, and Rhaenerys, now kin by bond, your safety is my utmost concern."

Her expression turned stern.

"I'm torn between gratitude and fury. Your bravery has saved us from a devastating blow, yet your recklessness infuriates me. What if you'd fallen? What if our dragons were lost? 'Tis unthinkable. You know the value of our dragons better than most. They are the lifeblood of our dynasty. They're our strength, our legacy. To risk them so recklessly... it's unthinkable. Our dragons are not mere beasts; they're the symbols of our power, our protection, and our future. I'll not have our greatest assets squandered on impulsive decisions."

Her gaze bore into them as her voice took on a measured tone.

"Yet, I acknowledge your bravery and foresight. You acted swiftly, preventing Aemond from striking a crippling blow to our claim. Your boldness has bought us time and momentum. Well done."

Her expression softened slightly.

"But let this be a lesson: boldness must be tempered with caution. Our dragons and people are precious. We cannot afford to lose them. I implore you, be cautious. Your lives are precious to me, to our people, and to the future of Westeros."

Her voice remained concerned but firm.

"I want to know every detail of your mission. What did you face? What did you learn? We must use this knowledge to our advantage."

Within Dragonstone's halls, Rhaenerys, Jace, Baela, and Lord Harwin shared the story of Harrenhal's conquest, their voices joining in harmony. As one, they wove a rich tapestry of words, detailing every trial and triumph.

Rhaenyra's eyes locked onto each of them.

"Now, tell me, what did you learn from this mission? What can we do to counter Aemond's next move?"

Rhaenerys, Jace, Baela, and Lord Harwin recounted the tale of Harrenhal's siege, their words weaving together like threads in a tapestry.

Each took turns sharing their tale, filling in the gaps of the others' accounts.

"Rook's Rest." Rhaenerys said.

"Rook's Rest?" Queen Rhaenyra inquired, her expression beset by concern.

"Aye, Your Grace," Lord Corlys replied. "Princess Rhaenerys' timely warnings allowed us to forge an alliance with the Darklyns, muster the levies of Rosby and Stokeworth, and thwart Ser Cole's designs on Duskendale. His failure to claim Harrenhal has doubtless diminished his forces."

Princess Rhaenys spoke forth, "Ser Cole's army now marches upon Rook's Rest, seeking a victory, no matter how small."

Lord Corlys added gravely, "Lord Staunton's ravens bore the tidings. Cole's host draws nigh, mere hours away."

"Why Rook's Rest, after Harrenhal's walls proved impregnable?" Queen Rhaenyra asked.

"Lord Staunton, a member of this council, holds a vulnerable castle," Ser Alfred Broome replied. "Cole issues a challenge, daring us to respond."

"We must dispatch a dragon," Jace urged. "Send me, I shall confront Ser Cole."

"Your youth and valor notwithstanding, Jacaerys, the risk is too great," Queen Rhaenyra countered firmly. "One triumph does not suffice. Experience is crucial in this endeavor."

Rhaenerys's gaze dropped, her heart heavy with the burden of foresight. The words cut deep, reminding her of the calamity she'd seen unfold in a realm beyond Westeros.

"Send me, Your Grace," Princess Rhaenys offered, her voice laced with determination.

Queen Rhaenyra's gaze locked onto Rhaenys, her eyes flashing with trepidation.

"No," Princess Rhaenerys cut in, her voice low and urgent. "Absolutely not."

The room fell silent.

"Leave us," Rhaenerys commanded, her tone brooking no dissent.

As the doors closed, Queen Rhaenyra's voice dropped to a whisper. "What do you know, Rhaenerys?"

Rhaenerys's words spilled forth like a dark confession. "If Princess Rhaenys and Meleys go alone, they will die. Ser Cole and Prince Aemond lay in wait, an ambush primed."

Lord Corlys's face paled. "By the Seven... How can you be certain?"

Rhaenerys's eyes seemed to bore into the shadows. "My visions have shown me. Aemond's hatred for us burns hotter than ever."

Jace's face twisted in anguish. "We can't let her go alone."

Daemon's voice cut through the tension. "I'll accompany Rhaenys. Together, we'll crush that insolent whelp."

Rhaenerys's gaze snapped to Daemon. "No, your grace. Your presence is required elsewhere." Rhaenerys's words halted Daemon's resolve. "You and Lord Harwin must ride to Harrenhal, to treat with House Tully. An army awaits, but it requires your persuasion."

Daemon's eyes narrowed. "Convincing the old bat will be child's play."

Rhaenerys's expression turned grave. "You'll meet with Lord Oscar, his grandson and heir. Don't underestimate him, your grace. He's cunning beyond his years."

Daemon's brow arched. "I'm to dance with a pup, then?"

Rhaenerys's voice remained stern. "Lord Oscar holds the key to the Tully army. Your demeanor is crucial. Lord Harwin's presence will aid in tempering your... enthusiasm."

Daemon's expression relaxed slightly. "I suppose Lord Harwin's presence serves a greater purpose."

Rhaenerys smiled gravely. "Indeed, your grace. I shall elaborate later."

Her gaze shifted to Queen Rhaenyra. "If only one dragon is to be sent, then send me, your grace. I am the most expendable person in this room. My journal chronicles every vision should it be needed after my demise. I'll confront Aemond, and if fate demands, I'll take him down with me."

The room plummeted into stunned silence, then erupted into chaos.

"What do you mean, dispensable?" Jace demanded.

"How could you say that, Rhae?" Baela asked, anguish in her voice.

Luke's words trailed off, lost amidst the tumult.

"ENOUGH!" Queen Rhaenyra's command silenced the room.

Rhaenerys rubbed the back of her neck, her eyes downcast.

Princess Rhaenys stepped forward, determination etched on her face. "I'll accompany Prince Jacaerys and Princess Rhaenerys to Rook's Rest. Together, we'll defeat Aemond."

Baela's face fell, understanding her recovery took precedence.

Queen Rhaenyra nodded reluctantly. "Very well... Proceed with caution."

Rhaenerys spoke up once more, her voice laced with urgency. "One more thing."

Queen Rhaenyra's gaze narrowed, confusion etched on her face. "What is it, Rhaenerys?"

"Ser Alfred Broome," Rhaenerys said, her eyes locking onto Daemon. "He'll bring ruin upon us. His loyalty is a facade."

Queen Rhaenyra's expression turned skeptical. "No, Rhaenerys. Ser Alfred's passion for the realm drives his words, though harsh at times."

Rhaenerys's voice took on a desperate tone. "Nay, your grace. He serves only himself, biding time until the perfect moment to strike. He'll betray you, my queen. It's not if, but when."

Queen Rhaenyra's gaze wavered, uncertainty creeping in.

King Daemon intervened, his voice low and menacing. "Ser Erryk and I shall see to it. We'll uncover his true intentions." He declared, forestalling Queen Rhaenyra's reply. Ser Erryk nodded gravely, his face set. Princess Rhaenerys breathed a sigh of relief.

Rhaenerys's pleading gaze met Queen Rhaenyra's, her voice barely above a whisper. "Please, your grace. Heed my warning."

Queen Rhaenyra's resolve crumbled beneath Rhaenerys's words. She nodded, her voice barely audible. "That will be all."

As Rhaenerys's shoulders sagged in relief, a new weight settled upon her – the crushing burden of the impending battle and the fate that awaited her.

As they emerged from the council chamber, Rhaenerys encountered Ryker, her face flushing with warmth. Baela and Jace exchanged knowing glances, their teasing gazes her way making her cheeks burn. She strove to ignore the weighted looks from the adults, her throat clearing softly in embarrassment. "Ryker, well met. How do you fare?" she asked, her tone sheepish, aware of the listening ears.

Ryker's response came with a nod: "Well met, Rhae... Huh, Princess Rhaenerys." His gaze darted toward Baela, Jace, Rhaena, and Luke, their smirks igniting.

Rhaenerys followed his gaze, her eyes rolling heavenward. Taking his hand, she intertwined their fingers. "Come, not here." The courtyard beckoned, her cousins' whistles trailing behind.

Once outside, she whispered, "Forgive me for that."

Ryker's shrug eased her tension. "The insinuations do not trouble me."

Her gaze snapped to his, alarm sparking.

Rhaenerys stood tall, her gaze locked onto Ryker's. "I ride for Rook's Rest, come dawn. Aemond's madness will not be tolerated."

Ryker's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched. "You'd face dragonfire alone? I'll not have it, Rhaenerys. You know I vowed to stand by your side, through every trial and strife."

"Jace and Princess Rhaenys ride with me," Rhaenerys countered, her voice firm. "Your presence is unnecessary, Ryker. This is a matter for dragonriders."

Ryker's brow darkened, his voice taking on a stubborn tone. "Unnecessary? You think me useless in battle? I've fought beside you before, Rhaenerys. I know your strength and your weakness."

Rhaenerys's cheeks flushed, her patience wearing thin. "This isn't about strength or weakness, Ryker. It's about focus. I must confront Aemond, and I cannot do that with you by my side."

Ryker's voice rose, passion burning within. "Am I to sit idle while you risk your life? No, Rhaenerys. I'll ride with you, stand by you, as I swore. You're not alone in this."

Rhaenerys shook her head, her voice laced with frustration. "You'd distract me, Ryker. I must focus on stopping Aemond, not worry about your safety."

Ryker's eyes flashed, his grip on her hand tightening. "My safety is mine to safeguard, not yours to fret over. And I'll not be a distraction. I'll stand by you, shield you—"

"You can't shield me from dragonfire," Rhaenerys interrupted, her voice rising.

Ryker's jaw clenched. "Then let me stand by you, nonetheless. Let me face the flames with you."

Their words hung in the air, tension crackling between them. Ryker's arm encircled her waist, drawing her closer.

Rhaenerys's heart pounded. "Ryker, we can't—"

His lips almost touched hers, the world around them fading. Just as their lips were about to meet, Baela's discreet cough shattered the moment.

Rhaenerys and Ryker sprang apart, faces aflame.

Jace, Baela, Rhaena, and Luke stood nearby, knowing smiles etched on their faces.

"Princess Rhaenys bids us feed the dragons before we depart," Jace announced.

Rhaenerys's cheeks burned as she started to bow, catching herself mid-movement. She straightened, her voice hasty. "I shall see you upon our return."

Ryker's bow was stiff. "Looking forward to it, your grace."

Rhaenerys spun away, her friends falling into step beside her.

"Don't. Say. A. Word," Rhaenerys warned.

Luke began, "Rhae and Ryker beneath the tree, K-I-S—"

Rhaenerys's swift shove silenced him, prompting a burst of laughter from the group.

A brief silence followed, filled only by the sound of their footsteps.

Rhaena's voice broke the stillness, her curiosity sparkling. "You never told us how you met Ryker."

Rhaenerys's gaze drifted downward, a telltale flush rising to her cheeks. Luke nudged her playfully.

"Tell us," Luke prodded.

Rhaenerys's hesitation was brief. "Very well." Memories of that fateful night flooded back.