
Shirone's Kingdom Part 2

After After resolving the incident with Roxy in a peaceful manner, I now found myself looking at the clear sky alongside my two wives and my fiancée.

-I never thought I'd be able to see this- Roxy murmured as she snuggled up next to me.

Sylphie and Nananoshi noticed this and gave him empathetic smiles.

-I would do anything for you 3- I said while looking Roxy in the eyes

She didn't answer but blushed as she buried her face in my chest.

Sylphie blushed as well and Nananoshi just smiled as he looked at the open sky.

I realized that both Sylphie and Roxy are too susceptible to these kinds of words that in my old world would be considered "cheesy"



After 4 and a half hours of being old I could notice how the Chaos Breaker slowly descended in speed and height

Peragius plans to make another dramatic entrance?...

Seeing this the 3 girls went to Nananoshi's old room to change into more formal dresses.

Come to think of it, I've never seen Nananoshi or Roxy in dresses...

My expectations paid off as all 3 of my girls were wearing beautiful dresses, Sylphie is wearing a very modest white dress and her hair is tied in a ponytail.

Roxy She also has a blue dress, excuse the redundancy, Her beautiful blue hair is now tied up in a bun and she is wearing a bit of makeup that accentuates her beauty.

Nananoshi on the other hand wears a grayish dress with lace but on top of this she wears her magic cape....

Honestly, it ruins the dress, but she excused herself by saying that it's cold, although Shirone is somewhat in the south where it doesn't snow too much, even so the temperatures are somewhat mild.

I would estimate about 15° to 18° degrees Celsius

Although this is nothing compared to the almost extreme cold of the north, both Roxy and Sylphie still opted to wear light coats in the same way.



Same as in Asura the Chaos Breaker stopped right above the king's castle

Although this time there was much more commotion

Several guards stood on guard ready to attack And noticing this, Peragius sent Almanfi to inform of our arrival.

He comes back 2 minutes later

-Lord Peragius King Pax Shirone is ready to receive us- said Almanfi

-Very well, hand over the sticks- ordered Peragius

Almanfi began to return the golden rods to us

It seems that Peragius teleported us to the outskirts of the castle

Looking out from the balcony I could see a group of soldiers gathering in the castle courtyard.



Peragius effectively teleported us to the outskirts of the castle, Sylphie and Roxy stood by my side while Nanahoshi stood by Orsted and Alek.

I looked at her confused, and she explained to me

-You're going to meet your son, right? I don't think it's a good time to talk to him about us- she said.

Sylphie tried to protest but Nanahoshi said it would only be temporary and she reluctantly agreed.

The Shirone castle looks p good from the outside, not as good as Asura's and not quite up to Chaos Breaker's standards but it looks decent.

According to Orsted, the Pax he knew staged a coup, killing his brothers and father in the process.

This caused tremendous political instability and the Dragon King's kingdom and other small kingdoms tried to invade it.

In view of this, Pax recruited Zanoba to fight for his country, My version of the future accompanied him and they emerged victorious from the battle.

But the people of Shirone staged a second Coup d'état organized by a general loyal to the murdered king, turned all of Shirone against Pax, and put a baby as the new king with the excuse that he was the 11th unrecognized child

Years later Pax's son, Pax JR returned to Shirone and with the help of Siegh they regained power in Shirone defeating Randolf Marianne in the process.

Since then Siegh spent his life in Shirone and the way Orsted and Sylphie said it, it was a relief that he finally got married.



A group of at least 30 guards stood in front of the entrance, I could immediately notice a young man with green hair and elf ears, To tell the truth....he looks a lot like me...I mean too much...if I had brown hair He would be my exact clone

Despite his appearance He must be in his mid-50s, I guess his elf genes gave him an advantage.

I could see how he looked at us completely tense, he was wearing brown armor, on his waist he had...Paul's sword...

Both Sylphie and Roxy gave him a smile and he tensed up even more, apparently he didn't dare to look at me.



Shortly after a man in his mid 50's appeared, that must be Pax JR without a doubt

His hair is a light blue but his image reminds me of that fat prince who gropes Roxy and tried to use me as a hostage many years ago...

Man, just remembering this is putting me in a bad mood....

As the king advanced to the entrance the guards stood in two rows of 15 and 15 on each side except for Siegh who walked next to Pax Jr. to the entrance.

-Greetings Armored Dragon King Peragius, you honor me with your presence in my castle, tell me what I can do for you?- said Pax JR while bowing

Peragius bowed in response in the same way.

-I imagine you already know that, right? - he said, looking at me while giving me a hard slap on the back.

The king simply smiled.

-I see, so the rumors are true...- Paz Jr. murmured.

-Honestly, the god of death here next to me was very upset when he found out about this- said Pax JR looking at Siegh

He just hung his head in shame.

-I imagine that's how it was, that your father was revived without warning must be a great shock or not Saladin?- said Peragius looking at Siegh

-I apologize for that, and I apologize for not answering you mothers...- said Siegh while bowing 90 degrees towards Peragius and towards Sylphie and Roxy

-There's no need to apologize dear, we understand that it's a difficult situation- said Sylphie with a smile

-Mother....- Siegh murmured as tears formed in his eyes

-Very well, with all this resolved please come in- Pax Jr. invited us.

Siegh followed us while talking to Sylphie, Roxy and occasionally Alek.

But he kept ignoring me...or it seemed like he was avoiding me..

We arrived at the king's throne room, there we agreed that the king would spread the news of my resurrection in the same way and as in Asura he requested a photo with me and Siegh to spread it along with the news

I stood in the middle and Pax Jr. stood to my right, Siegh hesitated for a few moments but eventually stood to my left.

After finishing this and seeing that in the photo my smile was still creepy...(Sigh)

We handed over the signed document that King Timothi gave us announcing my resurrection, Pax JR signed it as well and we reaffirmed our connections with the Orsted Corp as well as notifying the king to remain alert since the Kingdod of Shirone is the most feasible place where Laplace can be born.

The king said he would warn of any danger and so our meeting with him ended. It lasted about an hour and was actually quicker than I anticipated.

But there was only one thing left to solve...Siegh...



Sylphie and Roxy decided to go with me to talk to Siegh

We found him in the castle courtyard and he tensed up when he saw us.

-Mothers...father...- he said at the end with a murmur

-Siegh, is something wrong, dear?- Sylphie asked worriedly.

-You know that we came with your father to resolve any doubts you have, right?- added Roxy

-Yes...it's just that...it was all so sudden, you know?...I was in shock for a whole day...- Siegh muttered as he hesitated and at the end he looked me in the eyes

-There is no need to have doubts, son...it's me...your father...- I said, looking him in the eyes...

Shit....that sounded really cheesy...

Alek was shocked by my words so I decided to give the final blow.

-You will always be my boy Siegh, and now I am here again to fight Laplace together - I said with a smile

Alek's eyes widened at this and tears fell from his eyes.

-F-father...I missed you so much! - she said while hugging me tightly and bursting into tears

Shit...this kid is strong...and look, I'm riding the MK2...

I could feel Sylphie and Roxy hugging Siegh in the same way comforting him.

And so...I met another of my sons

Siegh introduced me to his wife Samantha Shirone, Pax Jr.'s adopted sister, although the truth is that he took her in with Alek when they were young and when Pax Jr. won the throne Siegh married her.

Samantha is a dark brown haired elf woman in her 50s.

Although obviously due to his elven blood he is in his early 20s

We spent a nice afternoon catching up and Siegh was talking more excitedly to Alek than to me.

But something that caught Siegh's attention was the mention of my training.

Siegh looked at me excitedly and I could read in his eyes what he wanted...he wants to fight me, right?...(sigh)...

I sought help from Sylphie and Roxy, but Siegh promised not to overdo it so they couldn't refuse.

Agggg!....my own wives have betrayed me....

-But don't do it here, find another clear place- said Roxy seriously

Following his example, I, Siegh, Alek and Orsted walked into the forest for about half an hour to a place where the ravages of the fight would not reach the castle.

Am I really going to do this?.....


Brian17Greyrathcreators' thoughts