
Setting Mo Yan ‘Straight’

"Senior Mo," a calm voice regards her as a stuffy, bloody scent assaults Mo Yan's senses. She stiffens not because of the scent but the impassive expression on the youth's face, who addresses her with a distant tone. The evening sun shades the sky amber, reflecting a warm glow on her face. However, standing by the door, the boy looks quiet and pale as the dim interior of his cabin contrasts with the evening sky.

She would usually refuse his insistence on calling her with such a distant title. However, she tightly nods and steps inside. Mo Yan cannot help but momentarily compare her first arrival to the current one. Back then, he refused to let her enter his humble abode, clearly embarrassed. However, this time, she can see splashes of dry blood on his floor. Her gaze sweeps over the empty cabin and a blood-splattered chair with loose hemp ropes around it. On the chair is a pile of bloody clothes.

"I'm sorry," Lo Jik offers. "I would offer you a seat. But I don't have a clean chair." He closes the door behind her as the interiors turn moderately dark.

"I'm sorry," Mo Yan whispers, unable to turn and face him despite the darkness. "My brother's actions were extreme."

"It's alright, Senior Mo," Lo Jik leans against the nearby wall. "I'm sure you are here to discuss terms."

Mo Yan nods, retrieving a dagger and placing it on the shelf. "I brought your blade. Did you leave it because…"

"I forgot it was on that girl," Lo Jik hums. "Thank you for bringing it back."

Mo Yan clenches her fists as she exhales deeply to calm her emotions.

"The terms… let's discuss it," Mo Yan whispers.

"Right," he responds, surprising her. "I spent the entire day thinking about it. Before I tell you what I want, I should tell you what's the right thing we need to do. I don't think we should meet each other, Senior Mo."

Mo Yan's eyes widen as she turns in his direction, gasping, "What? Why?!"

"That Servant Girl wanted to be a mere concubine and tried killing me for it. Had she been on Mo Bei's level, she would never have had to resort to such acts. I realized that there are some things feelings alone cannot traverse. I'm below your status, Senior Mo—"

"It is YAN for you!"

Lo Jik grows silent as Mo Yan's ragged breathing echoes within the cabin.

"We're not powerful, Yan. I'm a C-grade Aptitude Student with a low chance of reaching Peak Stage Rank 1 cultivation by the end of the year. Meanwhile, you are an Elder's Granddaughter and will eventually advance to Rank 3. But how long will that take? Fate and Love are fickle. If we stop now, you will have a chance to find someone better. Someone as talented and socially inclined as you."

Mo Yan doesn't speak a thing. Several emotions color her gaze in this dim space. Tears build in her eyes. She's exhausted, frustrated, and completed a mission recently. She feels like crying and venting it all out at once. Why did her Brother have to make an attempt at Lo Jik's life?!

"Eventually," Lo Jik continues with a light-hearted tone that 'SURELY' hides the depths of his emotions for her. "Maybe I will work under your employ?"

Her gaze turns hazy, with tears slowly sliding down her cheeks.

Lo Jik sighs softly.

"Thank you for understanding—mmph!"

A pair of hands press his cheeks while a pair of lips overlaps his'! He acts surprised, not understanding where he should put his hands as Mo Yan slides her tongue past his lips, meeting his shocked member before grunting into his mouth. "Never say that again. Mo Yan's love is not fickle. It is merely unreasonable."

She feels his lips open as if wanting to say something when Mo Yan begs softly, whimpering, "Please. Don't do it to me."

"It's for your good," Lo Jik whispers.

"You're barely a graduate! What would you know?!" She snaps, pressing her forehead into his.

"I know you'll marry someone else when your Grandfather deems so," he chuckles bitterly. "What then? I can't stand that thought! Isn't it better if we stop now? The pain would be tolerable. Your brother already tried killing me. Your Grandfather won't need schemes to kill me once he realizes the truth."

Mo Yan's heart clenches at the thought. She feels bitter because she knows it's the truth. Unless…

"That won't happen," she whispers with determination. "You're kind and caring. You want me, respect me! You make me feel good when I haven't done a thing for you. I don't want that anymore!" One of her hands snakes down. "You never expect my help financially. I can help you in other ways—"

"No!" Lo Jik rejects. Fuck no! All the Penetration rewards from oral to anal for the first time have a high chance to be Silver Achievements! There's no way Lo Jik is doing them now and earning more Green Copper Relic Gu!

"Y-You don't want me?" Mo Yan whispers with hurt and pain in her voice.

"I want to be worthy," Lo Jik replies. "I don't want you to be with a worthless Rank 1 Academy Student! I want you to be with the Class Champion!" He seizes her lips. Her eyes widen as he hugs her waist. Oh, he wants her. She can feel his desires hitting her crotch. However, her heart melts with the respect and kindness he shows her, going as far as wanting to improve even more before doing anything else.

"You're such a fool," Mo Yan whispers lovingly. "Don't scare me like that again." She strokes his cheek. She may not be able to see him clearly, but she knows the veil of darkness hides his bright, relentless love for her. Knowing this and still bitter over her Brother's stunt, Mo Yan whispers, "Let's discuss your demands."

"Can it wait?" Lo Jik chuckles wryly. "I intend to destroy this cabin and rebuild it again. It will take a long time."

"Good!" Mo Yan presses him against the wall, peppering his neck with kisses while gently toying and teasing his firm Club Gu with her knee. She coos, "Let's start with your first demand. Ah, how greedy of you! Do you want to rent one of our properties for free for the next three years? Hmph! Just you wait!" She lets her hands wander his chest while he firmly squeezes her pert ass before delivering a soft spank.

"Ah!" she yelps. "And now you want two," she whispers, "full bags of Primeval Stones, or you will reveal Mo Bei's dirtiest secret about not lasting more than 3 minutes?"

"Wait, what?" Lo Jik blinks, snapping out of the roleplay as Mo Yan snickers viciously.

"Heh! That cunt whore of his was someone I gifted to him! I made her spill many beans to me should Mo Bei ever think he has a right on me because he's the next heir."

"Back up!" Lo Jik's brain buzzes. "WHAT?!"

"Hmm," Mo Yan shrugs. "I've caught Mo Bei looking at me like that. That's why I gifted him a maid to control his urges. Who knew she would concoct such a vile scheme?!"

Lo Jik mutters flatly, "So you were telling the truth that night about setting me up with another woman to have sex with her?"

"Of course. Why would I lie? Why? Do you have someone in mind?"


"Liar!" Mo Yan pecks his earlobe. "But it's fine. Just tell me, and I'll bring her to you."

Shen Cui's image briefly flickers in Lo Jik's mind before he sighs. "Sure, I will let you know when I'm done busting my ass cultivating to have the best night with you."

"I offered, Jik." She giggles. "Don't blame me."

"Does the offer still stand?"

"Nope~!" She gently pats his erection. "Now Mo Yan only has eyes for the Class Champion. You better focus, or someone else will whisk me away."

"Hah! Never!"

For someone who died not two days ago, Lo Jik was a picture of confidence.


Only Gu Yue Clansmen can own property in Gu Yue Village. They can employ servants and guards from the mortal villages. Some of them can marry into the Gu Yue name, leaving their status of servitude. That's what Cao wanted.

So, Lo Jik's cabin isn't just built without consent. That small plot is his property!

Similarly, the Mo Family holds several properties. Their acquisitions are only matched by the Chi Family. One of the properties is a well-built wooden cabin beside a small spring, creating a pleasant ambiance within the private grove. The cottage endured the test of time and weather as thin moss grew around its base. The tilted blue tiles ensure no water will seep through the roof, and the chimney signals the fireplace to keep the occupants warm.

It's not crazy, but it's a massive improvement from Lo Jik's previous cabin.

Lo Jik calmly places his clothes into his cupboard, flipping one of his robes to reveal the fist-sized Azure Moonshard.

He then places two pouches filled to the brim with 400 Primeval Stones each!

Attempted murder without cause is punishable in Gu Yue Clan. Of course, such rights only exist for Gu Masters. Indeed, Late Cao's confession cannot be taken for a word. But the Mo family will have to spend considerable resources to remove the blemish from their Heir's records. It's just better to pay Lo Jik off since he showed a sincere will to keep the matter low-key. Of course, there's the person of interest—Mo Yan. Her addition made the situation smooth.

Aside from his newfound wealth of 800 Primeval stones, Lo Jik skips over the parchment with the recipes for Beast Lures, namely—Bear and Boar.

Lo Jik is interested in these. He won't summon anything crazy like Beast Kings, but he wanted to battle and practice against their regular variants.

The recipes are slightly rare.

'Not only that—this is Mo Family's property. Others will think twice before trying to steal anything. Of course, I must be wary of the Mo family, too. What if this place is bugged out?" He narrows his eyes and decides to sweep the property extensively before sighing.

'I didn't find anything. But I should only use my Trait after covering myself with a blanket.'

He smiles at the thought of his Trait.

'That stupid Bastard actually had someone capable. Cao learned my pattern, noticed my flaws, and acted viciously.' He slumps on his mattress. 'You can't underestimate anyone in this world. I thought my acting was correct. I'm usually carefree. So, I believed being slightly compassionate to mortals would be a nice tie-in to my past. The actual issue was I didn't question things immediately and had too little experience. If I had a scouting Gu Worm…'

Thinking of this, Lo Jik turns in for the night and covers himself with the blanket.

The next thing he does is retrieve his Bronze-Ranked gift.

His Bronze-Ranked rewards till now have been the Black Boar Gu, a scout's journal, and an Azure Moonshard. So, he's surprised when he watches the white disc the size of a palm settle on his chest.

A Rank 1 Gu Worm.

'Well,' Lo Jik rolls his eyes. 'Finally a scout-type Gu… but with a twist.'


"Gu Yue Fang Zheng!" The Academy Elder calls Fang Zheng up under everyone's view before depositing a pouch of 30 Primeval Stones in the boy's hand. The Elder beams, "Congratulations on reaching Upper Stage Rank 1 cultivation. Keep up the good work."

Fang Zheng puffs his chest with pride before nodding and sweeping the classroom with his eyes. He watches the indignant Mo Bei, frustrated Chi Cheng, a sleeping Fang Yuan, and yawning Lo Jik.

'Hmph!' Fang Zheng scoffs internally. 'I won! And I will continue winning from now on!'

As Fang Zheng returns to his seat, the Elder Announces, "Listen Everyone! You spent solidifying your basics the past half year and have two Gu worms. However, a Gu Master forges themselves with battles and combat experience. We will conduct your half-yearly exam in three days. Your test will be to hunt wild boars and extract their tusks. The Academy will purchase each tusk for 10 Primeval Stones!"

Lo Jik blinks in surprise.

It should be known that 1 Primeval Stone can purchase 20 Tusks! Such a reward is basically encouraging students to go all out!

As expected, the classroom burst into commotion at once as the Elder called other students forward before handing them their stipend.

Fang Yuan is in deep thought as he blocks the gate.

'Last time, he wasn't next to me. A Bear King wandered near the village and killed Gu Yue Lo Jik. The nearby Gu Master stationed was attracted by its roar and called other Gu Masters for backup. But it's not simple. Mo Bei actually accused Lo Jik of being a murderer once the classes began, challenging Lo Jik before getting beaten… brutally. Lo Jik did not hold his punches this time for some reason. It's too coincidental to not be connected. However, things are already different than my past life.' Fang Yuan glances at the ration-munching Lo Jik.

'Now he has a residence in the Mo Family's rental property?' Years of experience allowed Fang Yuan to realize that the matter of Bear King was related to Mo Bei, and Lo Jik's sudden elevation in living conditions was probably a hush fee.

'Hehe, last time, I stopped taking Fang Zheng's, Mo Bei's, and Chi Cheng's stipend to fool others into believing I was ready to be part of the system. However, thanks to my dear Uncle, I don't have such concerns now. He will set that team up once more to interrupt my growth. Instead, I will capitalize on these kids now. I wonder how the exams will turn out.'

Fang Yuan accepts the first offering from a timid girl, letting her pass. 'Gu Yue Lo Jik's combat skills are second only to me. But he was dead before the final exams. I defeated Fang Zheng and won. I wonder how things will change this time.'


Mo Bei trains as usual. His Grandfather never hit him before, but Mo Chen slapped him once Mo Bei slipped and revealed Lo Jik killed his maid. What did they pay him so much for? However, the physical discipline worked, calming his mind as Mo Bei returned to training.

He stops to wipe his sweat when he catches sight of a familiar figure walking by without sparing him a glance.

Gritting his teeth and working his courage, Mo Bei forces his usual smile and walks up to her. "Elder Sister, I wanted—"

She coolly walks past him, indifferent to his existence as pangs of guilt and pain mess with his heart. He looks at her with desperate need. Mo Bei just wants someone to talk to. He has nightmares about Cao. Lo Jik's crude remarks of what the youth 'may' have done to Cao before killing her further leave Mo Bei's mind with unnecessary images. He feels helpless, and his Sister always makes him smile.

One only realizes another's value after losing them.

Unable to see Mo Yan's expression, Mo Bei fails to notice her sad look.

'Sigh. I'm sorry. I vowed to myself to be better. If you can't think of me as your sister, I cannot look at you either. I must cultivate and advance for him. I've been stranded in Middle-Stage Rank 2 Cultivation while Chi Shan is already at the Upper Stage. Meanwhile, Qing Shu is at the Peak Stage. I let my Grandfather dictate my schedule and didn't pay enough attention to my cultivation. Not anymore.'

She recalls his solemn promise of trying to be the Champion. Like him, she wants to be her best when sharing their first night.


Rainbow Parrots chatter on a branch, enjoying the warm sun and the entertainment afoot as a wild boar chases after a student. The boy pants and huffs, passing a tree before shouting, "It's here! Quick! Raise the ropes!"

A group of boys and girls raise thick ropes, catching the charging Boar's limbs as it squeals and tumbles on the ground, smashing and injuring itself! The group of students instantly crowds and attacks the Boar with a barrage of Gu Worms!

The Half-Yearly Examination is here!

Since a few students don't have an offensive Gu, it's allowed for them to group together and hunt Boars in teams. Out of the 57 students, perhaps only 5 intend to tackle this challenge solo!

'Hmm?' Lo Jik notes another boar. 'Wow. The Elders must have tweaked the distribution of Boars. There's no way so many boars exist near the Village. And as I move forward, their number rises.' He knocks his bow fearlessly even when the Boar's ears perk up.

Lo Jik quietly controls a thin stream of Black-Green essence and sends it inside his head. Within his brain is a small white disc that consumes 2.5% of his Primeval Essence before releasing a warm, milky glow.

Lo Jik feels his five senses sharpen, and an intuitive mood overtakes him as he lets the Boar charge in his direction without interruptions. His muscles slowly tense, and his gaze locks on the Boar's eyes alone, instantly predicting several spots where it would be the next second before—


A sharp, keen arrow pierces the Boar's eye! The second Boar's charges falter, causing its limbs to destabilize and drag its body in Lo Jik's direction—he tears out of the bush like a predator, dagger in his hand, and the Moonblade glowing around his other palm!

A loud squeals echo in the forest. But Lo Jik's mark isn't alone.

Meanwhile, in a different section of the forest, Mo Bei exhales loudly, staring at the disfigured corpse of a Boar. It took him a lot of time to deal with the beast.

Fang Zheng confidently retreats while shooting out multiple Moonblades at the charging boar.

On the other hand, Chi Cheng evades and kites the boar until it's tired before killing it!

Not far from the hunting grounds is a large tent built atop a small hill to hide the occupants from the sun and provide shade. Academy Elder, Elder Mo, Chi, and a few other Elders can be seen within the tent. They all softly converse until something stirs before them, leading a Gu Master to appear before them and bow.

"Reporting to Elders!"

"How are the students doing? What is the score looking like?"

"Gu Yue Lo Jik hunted 12 Boars. Gu Yue Fang Zheng Hunted 9. Gu Yue Mo Bei and Gu Yue Chi Cheng both have a score of 6. Gu Yue Fang Yuan Hunted 3."

The Academy Elder frowns, feeling something amiss. "Explain their hunting techniques."

"Yes! Gu Yue Lo Jik uses a mortal longbow and arrows to accurately penetrate the Boar's eyes before taking it out using a combination of Moonlight Gu to cut open its hide around its neck and his dagger to stab into it, mortally wounding the beast."

"Amazing!" One of the elders praises. "To think someone would have such an aim in this batch."

"Doesn't he only have a C-grade Aptitude? Sigh. However, this batch is the best that comes to mind regarding martial results. Academy Elder spared nothing to raise them!" Another Elder nods, smiling.

The Academy Elder accepts the praise before urging the scout to continue.

"Gu Yue Fang Zheng uses his superior dark-green essence to injure the Boars using multiple Moonblades."

"Hmm. Simple and effective. Nothing beats a talent's convenience," another Elder chuckles as the scout reveals how Mo Bei takes a Boar on in close combat, using his superior martial arts to eventually exhaust and kill his prey. Meanwhile, Chi Cheng kites the beast using the Dragonpill Cricket Gu, achieving similar results. The scout adopts a weird expression when he talks about Fang Yuan.

"What?" The Academy Elder groaned. "Fang Yuan isn't even entering the forest deep enough and is loitering near the starting point?"

The scout nods.

"Hmph! Bullying the weak and fearing the strong? This Fang Yuan's character is the opposite of his Twin, who stands up for the weak."

"Even ordinary students display better nature. Fang Yuan is wasting the Liquor Worm's Gu full potential."

The Academy Elder frowns.

'Heh!' Fang Yuan takes it easy. 'Why would I willingly risk such danger? Look at Lo Jik. While he survived in this life, he couldn't avoid death when meeting the Bear King. Wang Da is an experienced Rank 2 Gu Master no more dangerous than a Bear King. My only end will be death. Going out in the forest without my Autumn Spring Cicada fully healed is deadly. Isn't my Little Brother out there bearing risks for me? An Academy's Exam will never make me want to risk death.'

Since things are already different, Fang Yuan feels that Wang Da's situation might be different, too.

'I killed a hunter family, not knowing their first son became a Demonic Gu Master. I can't change that. During the exam, the Demonic Gu Master Wang Da misunderstood me as Fang Zheng, attacking him instead. He killed two Rank 2 Gu Masters and put Fang Zheng in an unconscious state for 7 days. My plans will depend on how this situation turns out. If Wang Da dies, good. If he attacks but fails and retreats successfully, the Clan will grow alert and scour for him. If he doesn't attack…'

Fang Yuan's gaze darkens. 'I will stop my trips to Flower Wine Monk's Inheritance. He recalls everything he gained from that Inheritance with a hint of anticipation in his heart.


Another shot, another strike!

Lo Jik licks his lips.

That Gu Worm is too good!

Rank 1 Instinct Gu!

What are instincts? Are they not a martial artist's method of scouting an opponent mid-battle? The Rank 1 gu raises his instincts and awareness by a few folds for 5 minutes by consuming 20% Initial Stage Jade-Green Essence, or 2.5% Black-Green one. But that's not the only reason why Lo Jik is happy.

He can afford its food without issues.

Finding clumps of emotion grass and raw 'emotions' will be hard for others. This Gu worm is rare for a reason. If a Gu Master cannot feed it and continue to use it—the Rank 1 Gu will feed on a Gu Master's emotions instead, leaving them an emotionless puppet after some time!

However, Lo Jik's Aperture discharges an Aura of Rejection filled with negative emotions whenever he absorbs a Primeval Stone!

The same aura can be fed to the Instinct Gu, too!

He wasn't even thrilled about earning 280 stones at the end of the day.

Winning the competition was a small matter since the news about an attempt on Fang Zheng's life spread quickly!

Someone tried assassinating the only A-grade talent of Gu Yue village! The Galls.

Lo Jik is naturally angry!

He didn't fuck around with Fang Zheng for so long to see no results. No! He wants Fang Zheng to live a happy life with his lover and reach an Elder's position!


Alternate Title: Mo Yan's Frustration; Desperate Mo Yan; Addicted; Lo Jik is Doing It For Everyone's Good; Pressed and Almost Fucked; Respectful; Preparing For Future Silver Rewards!; Mo Yan Really Spilling The Beans!; God Bless Stupid Children; Mo Bei Getting a Slap; The Talented Fang Zheng; Squeezing The Classroom's Benefits Completely!; Already Changed Timeline; Lo Jik Lives; Lo Jik Wins; Mo Yan Sweetens The Pot; Mo Yan Turns on Family; The New House; Rich; Recipes To Study; Rare Gu; White Disc; Instincts; The Half-Yearly Competition; One Arrow, One Kill; Competition; Wang Da; Fang Yuan Letting Fang Zheng Take the Blame; Somethings Never Change; Mo Bei's Cuck Fantasies; Lost Sisterhood
