
Late Protagonist

Although this world had its own food and ordinary animals, it was unavoidable that some Pokemon types would eat one another. Bird types, for example, enjoyed eating bug types. Trainers could change their habits by taming them, so trainers didn't have to worry about bug types going missing from their teams.

Among other examples, bug types also loved eating grass types, it was this ineluctable and naturally occurring kind of logic.

The favorite food of dragon types, other than fruits and greens, generally consisted of things like livestock, the bigger, the better, like pigs and cows and flocks of sheep.

There were no wild Pokemon that were known to love feeding on humans, but that did not mean it could never happen. Pokemon were like humans—some were strange, with their own personalities and mind-bending, perturbing habits.

Even outside the eating habits, a lot of violent Pokemon had a compulsion to kill humans in addition to fellow Pokemon. Each year there were some casualties, especially in the wild.

It wasn't something that humans and rangers could always manage.

The journey to becoming a strong trainer was not without a bit of darkness and uncertainty and its fair or unfair share of perils.

If being a trainer was so easy, the day that people would get their first Pokemon would not be such a big thing. This world was one where parents worried about their children.

Some accidents involving trainers of all ages dying on a live recorded feed were documented on the internet.

This world was dark, yes, but it had its bright spots. Especially in the fields of technology and medicine, scientific and pharmaceutical research.

As long as they lived, a lot of people could live a lot longer. Progresses were constant.

Adult people didn't have to look too old, it was more of a choice.

However, between the ages of zero and thirty, the aging process could not be stopped. Not everyone shared Ash Ketchum's traits.

Back to a more interesting topic, in this world, evolution did not require any items, skills, or stones.

Daisy was explaining some pokemon that were classified as dragon types or close to it, as well as their mega evolutions, and even showed a video of one trainer with such a pokemon.

It was interesting to note that after their last evolution, regardless of which line—if they had more than one—all Pokemon in this world had the potential to mega evolve.

But meeting a Pokemon who had mega evolved one of his Pokemon was not an everyday occurrence. It was very difficult.

In Kanto and Johto, even the current Blue and Red didn't have any Mega.

They were both from Kanto, but those two regions were where they liked to hang around the most.

There were only thirty minutes until it was time to visit their grandfather's laboratory. Sidney thought of something and asked, "Blue's coming back to town this afternoon, right? What about Red? Is he going to come and cheer on Ash?"

Red was a bit mysterious and solitary compared to Blue, his fanbase was a bit edgy like he was. The men at least tried to be. Only a few managed this effort, which was a bit funny.

Red was solitary but not aloof, just a bit awkward around people.

The person he was most afraid of was his mother, Delia.

Daisy smiled and said, "I heard his mom called him, but you know how they are with each other. He knows that if he comes home, she won't let him leave for a while."

Delia was a single mother who cared deeply for her two sons. She was very insistent on Red because he differed from Ash. Ash wasn't a little adult with big worries on his mind.

He didn't understand anything about making or saving money at all.

Red was already rich, though, so most of his worries related to his mother and family had vanished.

Gary suddenly asked, disinterestedly, "Is that so? What about you two, is there any progress on the horizon?"

He was referring to the fact that Daisy had a crush on Red. They grew up around each other and their relationship was not fully defined.

Unlike Blue, Red wasn't skilled with women, and the last time he came back home, he had made Daisy bite her nails. He had come back with a female friend called Yellow.

She looked identical, but this world, as well as her backstory and height, were slightly different. She was not a short person.

"Do you want to be hit?" Daisy suddenly spoke calmly to her younger brother, who smirked knowingly. Sidney watched and listened with a shrug of boredom.

It wasn't anytime soon that there would be any progress with that guy wearing a cap.

He was denser than concentrated milk and showed little interest in such matters.

He would most likely understand Pokemon breeding perfectly before he understood that.

Before Sidney and Gary knew it, it was time for them to visit the lab. They said a temporary goodbye to their family members, mother, father, and big sister, as Sidney laced his sneakers and walked out the door.

They would return home this day, so it was only a short-term situation.

Next door, in front of the lab, were all the kids Gary and Sidney knew, plus a few more. They would enter in three-person groups to pick up their starters.

There were approximately twenty people outside right now. Graduation from this world's Pokemon schools was handled intelligently, despite the fact that they all took place the same year. There was more than one Pokemon school in Pallet Town.

There was also more than just one lab and branch of it that distributed Pokemon in town, even if Professor Oak was the big honcho here.

Not everyone picked their starter the same day, either.

Skipping past the people who mattered little to him, Sidney arrived in front of Green, who was with her sister Leaf. There was no queue because the group of kids was too small; they would be called inside three by three regardless of the order of arrival.

"You look like someone who doesn't care about this whole deal at all." Green suddenly said when she saw him, with a helpless smile and a nervous expression.

Green was a young girl with brown eyes and slightly tousled dark brown hair that hung down to her lower back. Her hair was disheveled, with unruly bangs, and she wore a sleeveless black dress with a hint of cyan, paired with cyan shorts. In addition, she carried a yellow bag. She wore black shoes with cyan soles, a yellow purse, and white wristbands.

Her sister Leaf's appearance was similar to hers, but their clothes were different.

Leaf was a lovely young girl with a bit of pixy and furry, messy but cute dark and milky-brown hair that flowed down her lower back. She wore a sleeveless teal shirt with black stripes. Her outfit consisted of a short pinkish-red skirt, cyan slouch socks, and white shoes with a pinkish-red stripe down the middle. She was carrying a bright yellow messenger bag.

There were some noticeable differences between Leaf and Green, particularly in their eye and hair colors, but the family resemblance was clear and obvious. Both sisters had overlapping personalities, with Leaf being slightly more competitive than her twin sister.

It was another case of false twins: non-identical twins born on the same day and in the same womb, kindred to Sidney and Gary.

"Someone finally noticed; this guy has been acting like this is just another day in the life of a young trainer since last night." Said Gary as he complained.

He came along to say hello because he didn't want to speak with some people. He had fangirls around here, whereas Sidney had some but was known for having a difficult personality to approach. He was very talkative, but only in small groups.

Well, those little fangirls liked their handsome faces, but the fact that they were from the richest family in town obviously played no influence…


Leaf donned a little smirk as she spoke to Gary, "And since when do you care about your brother's mood swings? If I had to guess, I'd say that monsieur Gary is just as nervous as the rest of us. Is Sidney your outlet today?"

As the two of them verbally sparred and went tit-for-tat, Green became noticeably less nervous. She asked Sidney, who was standing next to her, as relaxed as ever, "When are we leaving?"

She was Sidney's best friend, aside from his own brother.

"I would say a day or two after we select our starters, but with Blue returning to town, you never know." Sidney responded. "The last thing I want is for him to try to follow us secretly for a few days, even though he'll probably fail miserably with all his noisy groupies."

He suddenly realized how fortunate Green and Leaf were not to have older siblings; it was pleasant and comforting, but it could also be annoying and stressful at times.

As he laughed and joked with Green for a while, the little time remaining flew by—the time had finally arrived, and the lab's doors opened for the practical business.

The kids would not only get their starters, but also their Pokedex. It made it easier to see Pokemon's skills and other characteristics.

Pokemon had no qualifications in this world, and it was similar to the games despite the lack of observable levels or level progression.

It was only a world where Pokemon became stronger based on how great or wealthy their trainer was. Naturally, some Pokemon outperformed others, even in the early stages.

With only a few minutes left, someone arrived almost late, which Gary noticed and complained about, "You're finally here, Ash; I thought you'd run away so you wouldn't have to compete with me. Are you sure you can be a trainer if you can't even get up on time for your big day?"

He was speaking in a self-absorbed and pompous bully and domineering manner, but those who knew him well, such as Sidney, knew that these two were more than just rivals; they could even be described as lovers.

Not in any explicit sense of the term, but something very close.

Sidney was transmigrated to this world, which was vastly different, but some things and personal motivations remained unchanged.

To illustrate this, Red and Blue were still fierce rivals.

Each time they saw each other after a long time apart, there were embers of desire for battle in their eyes.

If it wasn't a lover-like relationship, what was it?

"I'm going to be the best trainer ever, of course! Just wait!" The place became very noisy as Ash was panting; he had obviously run to get here. After responding to Gary, not wanting to show weakness, he said to the rest of Sidney, Green, and Leaf, "Hello guys, I thought I'd be late, but it looks like I arrived on time!"

Except for Gary, he spoke very differently to everyone else. Gary and him had a rivalry since the beginning. It was difficult to understand why these two were always like this and plotting how to outperform each other in all areas.

Gary sneered, arms crossed over his chest, "You call barely arriving the moment the lab doors open arriving on time?" He was acting tough, but he got a little nervous when he saw a man from inside the lab open the doors.

The moment of truth had finally arrived sooner than he even realized it.

He stayed close to Ash to see which starter he would choose. Sidney had expected this based on the collection of memories and Daisy's reminder, but it was clear that they would be called inside based on who they were standing with rather than their names.

Before Sidney knew it, he was going in first, alongside Green and Leaf.

He was curious about which starter those two would choose—the options weren't ideal for some, but they had a wide range of options; there were even Steel and Dragon Pokemon available in multiple sets.

Sidney had his sights set on Deino, but that didn't mean other new trainers couldn't get one. If they had the courage to try to tame a dragon, they could also choose it.

As he and the two girls were warmly welcomed inside by his grandfather's coworkers, the list his sister mentioned became a prospective reality.

Sidney had it clear in his mind.

Water: Squirtle, Poliwag, Krabby

Fire: Charmander, Numel, Ponyta

Grass: Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Seedot

Electric: Shinx, Pikachu, Voltorb

Fighting: Machop, Mankey, Makuhita

Steel: Shieldon, Beldum, Aron

Dragon: Dratini, Deino, Vibrava.

There were 21 Pokeballs to choose from on the main table inside a large room.

Professor Oak emerged from another room, hands behind his back like a wise man, and smiled, ready to begin giving a short speech to the three children about Pokemon.

He had a lot of hard work to do this morning.



I know that he is overused, but I like Incineroar, should I let the MC catch a Litten later?

When it comes to fire types, I love Magcargo and Torkoal and even weirder ones, but we don't have to rush to make his team too weird in the early story.

The MC is not Ash, so he can have several backup teams and can train all his Pokemon together.

(The idea of making Incineroar even more broken sounds too amusing to me.)
