
Hogwarts, Please Graduate Soon, Ch 19

As they traveled north, the sky gradually darkened. Aside from the time when Hermione left and came back again, no one had disturbed their compartment since. The snacks that Wayne had bought were nearly all gone, with just a few Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans left. Fred guaranteed that these beans either tasted like booger or cockroach and were absolutely inedible. However, as night fully descended, they rubbed their stomachs and felt a bit hungry.

"Shouldn't we be arriving soon?" Cedric speculated, looking out at the completely dark sky. Sure enough, after another half hour, the train's announcement chimed in.

"In five minutes, the train will be arriving at Hogwarts. Please leave your luggage on the train, and we will take it to the school."

"Finally, we've arrived! I feel like I could eat a whole cow," Fred complained as the others stood up, taking off their coats and putting on their robes. It was now six-thirty in the evening, and the train had been traveling for nearly eight hours. They had covered over a thousand kilometers, reaching the northwestern edge of Great Britain, that is, the Scottish Highlands.

Wayne thought about the future when Scotland's independence movement was quite fierce, adamantly wanting to leave the Commonwealth. He wondered if they succeeded, would this school still count as part of the British wizarding world? With such musings, Wayne exited the compartment and stepped off the train.

It was a small and dark station. Although it was still September, the weather here was quite cold, carrying a chill that made many young wizards tighten their robes.

"Wayne, over here!" Hermione spotted Wayne first and called out. As he approached her, he noticed that Neville was already missing from her side. At that moment, a lantern lit up.

"First-year students! First-year students, come this way and follow me!"

Seeing Hagrid's enormous figure, many first-years trembled like quail, obediently trailing behind him, just like little chicks following a mother hen. They made their way along the steep, narrow path, which was shrouded in darkness on either side. Suddenly, Wayne felt a tug on his sleeve. It was Hermione, gripping it a little tightly and not saying a word.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" Wayne smirked, turning to look at her.

"Of course not!" Hermione insisted stubbornly. "I'm just a bit nervous being in an entirely unfamiliar environment. I'm eleven; who's afraid of the dark?"

"Hey!" A cry of pain came from ahead. A girl had fallen; the damp air made the path particularly muddy. Hermione hurried forward to help her up.

"Thank you," the girl said gratefully, but when she saw the dirt on her robe, she nearly burst into tears.

At that moment, Wayne pulled out his wand and whispered, "Scourgify!" Instantly, the girl's dirt vanished, and her robe regained its neatness.

"Thank you!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You've already mastered a spell; that's amazing!"

"Not bad, huh, Wayne?" Hermione raised an eyebrow. Earlier on the train, she had seen a red-haired boy struggling to cast a spell, and Wayne's proficiency was a stark contrast.

"After buying so many books, they better have been worth it," Wayne replied with a smile. "Let's hurry and keep up with the front." The two girls nodded and followed closely behind Wayne.

They walked for another ten minutes, around a curve, and suddenly everyone gasped in amazement—at the end of the narrow path was a dark lake, and on the opposite shore stood a towering castle, its peaks illuminated, lights twinkling through the windows like stars.

Wayne admired the beautiful Hogwarts Castle, captivated by its air of mystery and the unknown. In another world, countless children looked forward every day to an owl delivering a letter to their homes. Now, Wayne felt as though he was helping to fulfill their wishes.


"No more than four people per boat!" Hagrid pointed to the small boats docked by the shore, climbing into one alone. The wooden boat visibly sank lower in the water, making everyone worry about whether it could hold the weight of the half-giant.

Wayne and the others were last to board, so there were only three of them in the small boat as it headed toward the castle. The girl introduced herself.

"As Susan Bones," Wayne recalled that she was also a character from the original story, with relatives holding high positions in the Ministry of Magic.

"Duck down!" As the boat neared the cliff, Hagrid's shout echoed over. Hermione and Susan immediately complied, but Wayne remained motionless.

It wasn't until they passed through some vines that Hermione sat up angrily and asked, "Why didn't you listen? What if we encountered danger?"

Wayne looked at her with a patronizing expression. "That giant would still be taller than me sitting down in the boat. If he could make it through, why would I need to duck?"

Hermione opened her mouth, momentarily at a loss for words before fuming, "Then why didn't you warn us?"

Susan nodded vigorously in agreement, "Seriously! That's just not fair!"

Wayne waved his hand dismissively. "If I warned you, it would just make you look even more foolish, right?"

Finally, Hermione had no more retorts. Luckily, the boat soon reached the shore, breaking the tension. The group followed Hagrid up a flight of stone steps and gathered in front of a massive oak door.

After a quick headcount confirmed no one was missing, Hagrid raised his massive fist and knocked three times on the castle doors.

The doors slowly opened to reveal Professor McGonagall, still in her emerald-green robes, standing at the doorway. Many new students felt the weight of her stern presence and didn't dare to breathe.

"All first-year students are here, Professor McGonagall."

"Thank you, Hagrid. I'll take it from here."

McGonagall waved for the door to fully open, and the young wizards filed inside. The entrance hall was brilliantly lit and warm, with torches flickering every half meter.

They could already hear a buzzing noise coming from the right, but McGonagall led them into a small room on the other side of the hall.

After giving a brief introduction, she explained that they would be sorted into houses soon and would leave, returning in five minutes. This time was left for the young wizards to adjust their attire and prepare themselves mentally.

Although the professor left the room, the atmosphere grew even more tense. No one spoke; everyone was extremely nervous.

Wayne glanced around, muttering an incantation under his breath, his expression becoming more anxious. His remarkable appearance drew attention, and finally, a little witch couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

Hooked. Wayne's eyes narrowed, resembling a clever fox.


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