
Chapter 30 - Otherwordly Beauty

Two days had gone by since I had this conversation with Ava, and we hadn't spoken once since then. In fact, I hadn't talked to anyone except my students. I also hadn't been able to find out anything about the hooded person who had entered my class and corrupted the Cyclops.

I had focused on Derek quite a bit, but he never did anything strange. He was clean.

In the meantime, I had managed to give most of my students a curriculum, which they were now following to the dot. Every time they had a question, I helped them as best as possible, and things went quite well. I was quite sure that if things kept going at the same pace, then there would be no problem continuing with this strategy.

Still, I was quite nervous tonight.

Why, you may ask?

Because all the teachers had to attend a banquet.

What kind of banquet?

A banquet where the parents of most of the students would gather and meet us…


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
