
Echoes of my wolf...


I must have drifted into sleep when Xander took me to the guest bedroom upstairs.

Something tickled me on my chin and I opened my eyes.

I was in the Northern forests this time around – the same forest where I had been attacked by those Feral wolves. Cold air brushed against my skin as I stood among the towering trees, their branches blocking off the light from the sun or was it the moon – I couldn't tell what time of the day it was.

How did I get here? I wondered looking around. I was so sure I was in the human world or did something happen to me while I was sleeping? My heart raced as I strained my eyes in the darkness hoping those wolves would not attack again. I try to bring out my phone to call someone, maybe Nathan, since I was back here, perhaps, he would take my calls or respond to my messages.
