

After an hour since leaving the relative safety of the frontline HQ, Rex and his squad moved steadily toward their objective. His team was composed of two hundred infantry soldiers and four hover tanks, but they'd opted out of air support since any aircraft in the sky would be a beacon for the enemy.

"Hey, Ys," Rex called over his shoulder, glancing at his second-in-command as they walked through the rocky terrain. "What are the chances we make it there without getting noticed?"

Ys frowned, casting a quick look around the rugged canyon walls. "Honestly? Close to zero, darling. If even one Khryssari scout spots us, the whole swarm will be on us in minutes."

"So we're pretty much screwed already, huh?" Rex muttered, coming to a halt as he surveyed the jagged cliffs towering over them, blood-red under the harsh sunlight.
