
Chapter 19: Targets Secured

Date: January 13th, 2011

Since last night, I've been walking through the thick forest, looking for my targets. A couple of hours after the sun rose, I sit down and take out my cooking equipment.

As I sit there making myself some breakfast, an examinee tries to attack me from behind with a club, but having detected his presence beforehand, I easily dodge him to the side and incapacitate him with a punch to the stomach. It is the third phase additional applicant, Jack, number #107.

"Well, every cloud has a silver lining." I say as I take his badge and finish my breakfast.

I made sure to tie Jack to a tree so he wouldn't try anything funny, and once he regains consciousness I proceed to ask him about the other applicants. Although he refuses at first, a little beating is enough to get him to start talking.

Apparently he had already encountered several applicants; Cherry, Ryu, Agon, and Gittarackur. The last name surprised me greatly. It seems that Jack either avoided them because of his weakness, or fled the scene when he encountered them. He must certainly be very good at running away if he could see Illumi Zoldyck and survive.

I asked him a few questions: Had he heard anything about Ponzu, Hisoka, or Kenmi from the other examinees, had he found a hideout on the island, was I his target, etc. According to him, the other examinees didn't tell him anything when they found him, and apparently I wasn't his target.

As for the hiding place, he told me that he had found a hollow tree trunk where he hid at night, so he didn't know about the cave in the hillside either. Seeing that I couldn't get anything out, I hit him in the neck to knock him out, and following the canon example, I left him in a clearing tied to a tree with a sign that says <Do not release until the phase ends>.

'It would have been less of a problem if I had just killed him, but I don't want to take that step if it's not necessary. If Tonpa and Sommy could return for the next exam in canon, then Jack surely can too.' I think as I continue my walk through the vegetation.

After about half an hour, I spot another clearing with a small waterfall that flows into a stream. But before I can emerge from between the trees, I also spot my target, the monk boy named Kenmi. He kneels down to fill a canteen with water, then sits on the ground to rest. Having found my target, I have to think about what strategy to follow.

Charging in recklessly would only alert him, so it's better to use the element of surprise. I quietly approach him, crawling along the ground to take advantage of the unevenness of the area. When I'm close enough, I pick up a small stone and toss it to the opposite side of the clearing, aiming to create a distraction.

As the stone hit the ground, the monk's gaze shifts towards the sound. I take that moment to spring into action, moving swiftly and silently towards him. My goal is to give a chop at his nek to knock him before he can react so I can take his badge.

Just as I am within arm's reach, the monk jumps aside, faster than I anticipated and evading my attempt. "I sensed you the moment you entered the clearing." He says calmly, his voice steady.

I grit my teeth and fix my stance, preparing for the imminent fight. "Impressive," I admit, my heart pounding. "but I'm not giving up that easily."

The monk also prepares to fight, his movements fluid and controlled. "A true Hunter never does." He replies.

We begin to circle each other, each of us waiting for the other to make a move. I can feel the tension in the air, a mix of anticipation and determination. 

I decide to start testing his reflexes, launching a feint to his left before quickly pivoting to his right. He sees through the move, effortlessly blocking and countering with a swift palm strike. I manage to dodge by moving back, but just barely.

We exchange blows for a while, each of us testing our rival capabilities. His style of fight is different to Bodoro; while Bodoro had a more well-rounded fighting style based on experience, Kenmi focuses too much on jabs and open-palm strikes. However, I can see that Kenmi has a particular fluidity and precision in his strikes. Although Bodoro outclasses him, my analysis tells me that Kenmi has more potential.

Despite that, my agility and experience allows me to dodge and counter his attacks, making him feel increasingly frustrated and less competent.

Realizing that his direct approach isn't working, Kenmi takes distance from me. "Why? Why are you holding back?" Kenmi asks me with clear annoyance in his voice.

"It's obvious you're not giving it your all. I'm a diligent martial artist. I dedicate every day to training and praying to find the balance between mind and spirit in order to achieve a higher degree of knowledge. I'm giving it my all to be able to pass the Hunter Exam. So, why don't you try to finish me off while you fight me with that lack of passion?" He asks me, looking pretty indignant.

"Because you are weak." To my blunt and simple answer, the normally closed eyes of Kenmi suddenly open.

"You may say that you have spent years training your body and mind, but if you were compared to even the lowest tier Hunter, you would still be weak in comparison. Not only are you physically inferior, but you also seem impatient, probably due to your age. To be a high-level fighter, you have to be able to maintain a calm spirit and a cool head even when surrounded by death. All of these things are why I consider you a weak opponent." I say with a cold expression and tone as Kenmi grows increasingly frustrated, clenching his fists and teeth.

"That I'm weak? That I'm impatient? Don't give me that! You have no idea how much I've...!" He doesn't have time to finish as activate my Nen, focusing my aura to enhance my speed and strength and launch a punch faster than he can react, stopping my fist before it hits his face and creating a little burst of air.

The monk's eyes widen in surprise, stepping back and falling to the ground, all traces of energy and confidence having abandoned him.

"Do you understand? You didn't have a chance in the first place. If you do understand, give me your badge and try again next year. Otherwise, I'll have to take it away from you by force." I say with my gaze fixed on him as I raise my fist in intimidation.

Kenmi looks at me, breathing heavily and with obvious fear on his face for this near death experience before nodding and searching in his pocket to hand me his badge.

"Just so you know, I consider myself weak too." As I say this while putting the badge away, Kenmi looks up with his mouth open before getting up.

"That you are weak?! That is ridiculous! That speed... that strength... that mentality, they are not typical of someone weak! After seeing you, I can tell that you are stronger than my master! If you become a Hunter, you will surely become one of the best!" Kenmi replies trying to refute my statement.

"Maybe someday in the future, after I train more. As for the current me, I can safely say that I am weaker than the average Hunter. I have no doubt about it." I respond.

"My point is... Even though I'm weak now, I know I can become much stronger. That's what I think of myself and of you." I say walking over and placing my hand on his shoulder as I pass.

"You have proven to have potential. So go back to training, try to become a Hunter another year, and when you have achieved that knowledge you claim to seek, find me for a rematch. Goodbye until then." I finally say as I continue walking away from the clearing.

Kenmi, overwhelmed by my words, turns around to face me as I walk away. "I hope we'll have a rematch in the future! If you do get a chance, come to my temple in Harza! I'll make sure you are welcomed!" Kenmi exclaims, a new determination and respect swirling inside him as his words come out of his mouth.

While I listen to him, a grin spreads across my face for having managed to motivate him. I continue walking across the island along the paths where I know I won't meet anyone relevant, and after a couple of hours I manage to find a cave located on an elevated portion of land.

'That's it—the cave where Gon team managed to get Ponzu badge.' I think as I approach it carefully.

From the moment I arrived on the island, I had been looking for this place, not only because Bourbon could be here, but because it would be a great place to take shelter with the others once the phase was over.

After checking my surroundings I go through the entrance, walking slowly along the wall of the narrow path, paying attention to the ceiling and with my aura activated to rush out if I find someone inside or a trap. After a while I reach the inner chamber, which is completely dark and empty, prompting me to sigh in relief.

Coming out of the cave, I pick up shrubbery and vines, trying to hide the cave area as best I can. After a good while of decorating, I go through the underbrush at the entrance, and prepare a thread on the ground along the way so that a glass bottle falls to the ground and the sound alerts me if someone tries to enter.

After taking the necessary measures, I turn on a lamp from my bag and prepare to train, trying to pass the time until the next day, when Hisoka will have already obtained his six points.

'I don't know if the butterfly effect of my appearance will have changed those events, but it's better not to take any chances. I just hope Killua and Nicholas don't get into something they can't get out of.' I think while doing push-ups with my thumbs.

At another place on the island.

Point of View Switch: Nicholas

After our conversation the other day, I've been leading the way in search of the Amori brothers, and talking a little more with Killua. I was extremely scared to discover that Killua belonged to the prestigious Zoldyck family of assassins, but I quickly calmed down when I saw his apatethic and uninterested attitude towards his family business.

At one point along the way, Killua grabs my shoulder making me stop. "What?" I ask him.

"I can feel it. There's someone up ahead." Killua tells me, putting me on alert and making us advance while hiding among the trees.

'Impressive. You can tell he's been trained for tracking.' I think as we venture deeper with our senses on high alert.

The forest is alive with the sounds of wildlife, but Killua's eyes scan the surroundings for any sign of the brothers. After all, the Amori brothers are known for their teamwork, making them tricky opponents. We continue to move silently through the underbrush for a couple of minutes until we come across the group of three brothers.

As we sneak closer, we can see them crouching down, complaining and getting angry with each other for not getting any points.

"They're here, like you said." Killua whispers to me. "Stay back and keep hidden. I'll take care of them myself."

"What? N-No, wait." I stutter in a whisper as Killua makes his way towards them, leaving me feeling helpless and uneasy. 'Will everything be the same as the last time?' I think, starting to get frustrated.

While the brothers discuss their next move, their attention divert to Killua approaching them, immediately standing up. "Well well. Look who we have here. Imori, wasn't that child your target?" Umori says.

"Yeah, but I hadn't been able to get close because of the tanned-skinned bastard." Imori says.

"Then you're in luck, because it looks like he's separated from him." Amori says.

Killua then stops a few meters away from them. "Listen, I promise not to hurt you if you obediently give me your badges." Killua nonchalantly says keeping his hands in his pockets.

The Amori brothers start to laugh to Killua affirmation, and my target, Imori, approaches him.

"I see you don't understand your position, kid. You're in no position to ask for anything. If you'd just stayed by that asshole's side, you might have had the upper hand. But now you're on your own. So you must give me your badge. Do it, and I promise we won't hurt you." Imori says with a smug expression.

"Idiot." Killua bluntly says, getting kicked in the stomach by an enraged Imori.

I jump in shock, thinking that Killua must have been badly hurt by that blow. However, my shock is replaced by amazement when I learn that not only he gets up unfazed, but that he has also taken the badge without anyone being able to register it.

The Amori brothers stand on guard, surrounding Killua to try and attack him between the three of them. However, Killua moves with lightning speed, placing himself behind Amori and immobilizing him with a kick to the knees and her razor-like nails on the neck.

"Don't move. My nails are razor sharp." Killua threatens looking for Amori badge. "Number #197... Suck. I've always been bad at guessing. Hey, are you #199?" He asks Umori.

"Yeah." He responds.

"Give it to me." Killua asks him, to which Umori throws his badge at him.

"Thanks. With this we are already covered. Well, see you." Killua says, disappearing in a flash to our surprise. "Nicholas, we've got what we came for. Shall we go back?" Hearing this, I quickly turn around to see Killua standing behind me.

'How is this possible? I didn't even notice when he silently approached me.' I think surprised by Killua speed and stealth. "Oh, yeah. Let's go back to the starting point and plan our next steps with the boss."

After I say this, we start running through the forest, making our way back to the rendezvous point where we had agreed to meet the boss. The hunt had been successful, but in my chest weighed a feeling of fear and inferiority for not having been able to face the Amori brothers again after their bulling in the tunnels. Despite that, I keep running cause all that remains is to reunite with Kai and prepare for the next phase of the Hunter Exam.

However, after a few minutes of running, Killua abruptly stops in front of me. "What's happen?" I ask.

Killua doesn't answer me, keeping his gaze in the dense foliage, with a sense of foreboding hung in the air. "You're good at hiding, but I can sense you ever since we left the Amori brothers. Come out now or I'll come after you myself." Killua says with a serious expression that I haven't seen until now.

I don't understand what he's doing until, from among the shadows cast by the setting sun, a figure suddenly appears before us. It's Hanzo, the ninja the boss is so interested in befriending, portraying a cold and calculating expression. Killua immediately recognizes him and tenses, knowing that he isn't an opponent to be taken lightly.

"Well, well." Hanzo says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "It's amazing that you sensed a ninja like me. Seriously, you're something else, kid."

Killua narrows his eyes. "What do you want, Hanzo?"

Hanzo smirks. "I'm after badge number 197. I know you have it, so give it to me and I'll just leave."

I stand behind Killua, feeling the tension in the air. Badge number 197 is of no use to us or the boss so we have no reason to hold on to it, and it's pretty clear that Hanzo is a dangerous opponent, so a confrontation with him can turn deadly very quickly. If he only needs that one badge, the most rational option is to simply give it to him.

"No. I don't want to give it to you." Killua says, making me open my mouth in shock.

Hanzo also looks a little surprised. "But why? I know your target was badge 199. Are you trying to gather points for your little sidekick?" He asks pointing at me.

"No, he already has the necessary six points. It's just that the exam has been pretty boring so far, and you seem to be pretty good."Killua says stepping forward and readying his stance for combat. "So, you're not getting it without a fight."

Hanzo's smirk fades. "I was hoping to avoid this situation, but I see that I will have to be rough with you kids."

The forest is eerily quiet as Killua and Hanzo look at each other, with a heavy sense of pressure and anticipation hung in the atmosphere and their bodies ready for the confrontation.

The two launch forward, engaging in a fierce battle with their movements a blur as they clash. Despite their inmense speed and agility, keeping my eyes fixed on them I can see their formidable fighting abilities.

Hanzo attacks are quick and precise, aiming to disable Killua, and Killua movements are also fast and fluid, making use of his quick thinking to take Hanzo by surprise, for example by using his razor sharp nails to try to cut his face or his chest in his attacks.

However, despite his best efforts, Killua finds himself struggling to keep up with Hanzo's experience and superior physical capacity as he begins to gain the upper hand. In an unexpected move, Hanzo firmly grabs Killua wrists, giving him a good knee to the stomach. Even though it's visibly painful for him to get hit, Killua quickly dislocates his wrists to free himself from Hanzo's grip and get away from him.

"You see? You don't stand a chance against me. Give up now and give me the badge." Hanzo says portraying a confident smile.

Killua is catching his breath, holding his stomach. It's obvious that Hanzo's knee strike is many times stronger than Imori's kick. Even in pain, Killua's gaze doesn't leave Hanzo.

"I see. It looks like I'll have to get serious." Killua says under his breath, with the air around him and his expression taking on a more sinister and dark tone as he rushes out to tackle Hanzo.

Seizing the opportunity, Hanzo makes a feint to a side and launch himself towards me, easily subduing me and holding a kunai to my throat.

"I don't want to make this harder than it has to be. So give me the badge, Killua, or your friend here gets it."

My eyes widen in fear as I try to remain calm. I had been standing on the sidelines, trying not to get in Killua's way and ready to assist if he needed it. However, I am now immobilized as a hostage, being a burden and unable to do anything on my own once again.

Point of View Switch: Reader

Killua's gaze changes from empty to worried as he clenches his fists in frustration. He knows that Hanzo is using Nicholas as leverage, and the thought of the person who has helped him being harmed because of him is unbearable.

Killua's mind races. He knows what is the decision he's to make. Even if they have known each other for a short time, his loyalty to his friends and his desire to protect them will always outweigh his own pride and the desire to win this confrontation.

"Alright, Hanzo." Killua says, his voice steady but laced with annoyance. "You win. Just let him go."

Hanzo's grip on Nicholas tighten for a moment before he smirks and release him. "Wise choice." He says approaching Killua and extending his hand for the badge.

Killua reluctantly hands over badge number 197, knowing that a sneak attack wouldn't end well. Hanzo takes it, a satisfied grin on his face.

"Pleasure doing business with you." Hanzo says before disappearing into the forest, as silently as he had appeared.

Killua then rushes to Nicholas's side. "Are you okay?"

Nicholas nods, his breathing still a bit shaky. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Killua."

Killua sighs in relief. "I'm sorry, Nicholas. Because of my craving for excitement I have put you in danger." He says feeling a bit guilty.

"No, the truth is that it was my fault." Nicholas says with a weak smile, confusing Killua. "When you faced the Amori brothers, not only was I no help, I was paralyzed with fear. And when you faced Hanzo, I was just a burden standing in your way. I'm the one who feels sorry for being useless."

Despite the support he had received from Kai since his collapse in the tunnel, Nicholas still felt insecure and lacking self esteem, and now with his inability to fight at this phase, those feelings had become more pronounced, slowly sinking him into depression and helplessness.

Killua then chops him on the head, regaining his attention. "What's that about?" Nicholas asks rubbing his head.

"That's for acting like a fool. Who told you that you haven't helped me?" Killua says pointing at Nicholas. "Listen, thanks to you, we were able to find our targets quite early, and even though you were scared, you made the right decisions. If you had gotten involved in those fights, I would have had to worry about you or I would have felt bad when you got hurt because of me."

"But this is a hunting test! We're supposed to hunt and fight our targets ourselves! And yet, I'm standing there watching as you do it all for me." Nicholas tries to counterargue.

"Hunting doesn't mean you have to fight or go it alone. When my family had a job, they didn't always go out and kill their targets directly. Sometimes they have to take on more clandestine methods, and work with other people, even those outside the family." Killua retorts.

Killua then presses his index finger against Nicholas nose as he continues. "No one can do everything alone. You've helped me and I appreciate that. Protecting you was more important to me than an unnecessary badge. Do you get it?"

Nicholas is currently processing what Killua just said. In spite of not fighting and losing the badge, Killua hold any resentment towards him. In fact, he even seems grateful to have someone as incapable as Nicholas at his side. These encouraging words from Killua manage to pull Nicholas back together, pulling him out of the dark hole he was sinking into.

Killua gives him a pleased smile before turning around and walking away a few steps before turning back to Nicholas.

"Let's head back." Killua finally says, encouraging Nicholas to continue forward. "We still have a rendezvous with Kai."

Nicholas nods with a smile, steeling himself to make the way back with Killua through the forest, their bond strengthened by the ordeal they have just faced and the feelings they have expressed in this conversation. They may have lost a badge, but they have gained something far more valuable—support and friendship.
